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File: 37 KB, 948x710, 130925RezaAslan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7252790 No.7252790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>about to have a debate on the merits of religion with this intellectual powerhouse in a couple of hours

I'm fucked aren't I? The guy has like 5 PhD's, an IQ of 180, and is fluent in biblical Latin, Greek, Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, and a bunch of other dead languages.

how do I keep from getting humiliated so badly that I have to commit suicide like Hitchens? Surely he has a weakness?

>> No.7252793

Go for the jugular

>> No.7252802

Is it being televised or recorded in some way?

>> No.7252804

start with the greeks

>> No.7252813

He is dumb though

from the wikipedia page of one of his books:

Dale Martin, the Woolsey Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University, who specializes in New Testament and Christian Origins, writes in The New York Times that although Aslan is not a scholar of ancient Christianity and does not present "innovative or original scholarship", the book is entertaining and "a serious presentation of one plausible portrait of the life of Jesus of Nazareth". He faults Aslan for presenting early Christianity as being simply divided into a Hellenistic, Pauline form on the one hand, and a Jewish, Jamesian form on the other. Martin says that this repeats 19th-century German scholarship which now is mostly rejected. He also says that recent scholarship has dismissed Aslan's view that it would be implausible that any man like Jesus in his time and place would be unmarried, or could be presented as a "divine messiah". Despite his criticism, Martin praises Zealot for maintaining good pacing, simple explanations for complicated issues, and notes for checking sources.[6]

Elizabeth Castelli, the Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Religion at Barnard College and a specialist in biblical studies and early Christianity, writing in The Nation, argued that Aslan largely ignores the findings in textual studies of the New Testament, and relies too heavily on a selection of texts, like Josephus ; taking them more or less at face value (which no scholar of the period would do). Near her dismissive conclusion, she writes: "Zealot is a cultural production of its particular historical moment—a remix of existing scholarship, sampled and reframed to make a culturally relevant intervention in the early twenty-first-century world where religion, violence and politics overlap in complex ways. In this sense, the book is simply one more example in a long line of efforts by theologians, historians and other interested cultural workers."[7]

Craig A. Evans, an evangelical New Testament scholar and professor at Acadia Divinity College, writing in Christianity Today, states that Aslan made many basic errors in geography, history and New Testament interpretation. He said it "relies on an outdated and discredited thesis", consistently fails to engage the relevant historical scholarship and is "rife with questionable assertions".[8]

>> No.7252819

how do I counter this?

>Me: This is why religion is bad
>Azlan: Only a fundamenetalist would think that. No TRUE religious person would...

or this?

>Azlan: Why are you even debating with me? You have a degree in math. I don't argue with you about topics in mathematics. <standing ovation from audience>

>> No.7252827

>Only a fundamenetalist would think that. No TRUE religious person would...
Call him an essentialist cuck
>Azlan: Why are you even debating with me? You have a degree in math. I don't argue with you about topics in mathematics.
Going for the man. Address the argument

You're going to get humiliated, though

>> No.7252831
File: 56 KB, 223x226, wew lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Aslan described Islam as "a man-made institution. It’s a set of symbols and metaphors that provides a language for which to express what is inexpressible, and that is faith. It’s symbols and metaphors that I prefer, but it’s not more right or more wrong than any other symbols and metaphors. It’s a language, that’s all it is."

Sounds pretty weak, tbh. You just have to get into the fact that he advocates handwavey primitive ways of viewing the world, apparently just because he likes them on a personal level.

>advertising your IQ
Sounds like every Serious Christian Scholar (TM) I had to read when I was a kid because my parents were terrified I'd associate smart people with secularism. I suspect he's the Muslim version of that.

>> No.7252833

I thought explicitly calling out fallacies is frowned upon in the debate community?

>> No.7252834

>Azlan: Why are you even debating with me? You have a degree in math. I don't argue with you about topics in mathematics. <standing ovation from audience>

This guy has it right. That's all he does. Just watch some Sam Harris highlights and pretend to be him. It'll trigger Reza so fucking hard.

Also, 10/10 OP. If i actually believed you I would seek out this debate.

>> No.7252840

no true scotsman fallacy

ad homenim

maybe reconsider debating

>> No.7252843


Is there no way to beat this guy? No matter what your bring up he always goes back to the ol' "that's not religion, that's what a particular group of people call their religion, but religion is different for everyone".

>> No.7252848

>>You: This is why religion is bad
>>Azlan: Only a fundamenetalist would think that. No TRUE religious person would...
>You: Explain to me why only a fundamentalist would think like that, and why that discredits my statement?

>>Azlan: Why are you even debating with me? You have a degree in math. I don't argue with you about topics in mathematics. <standing ovation from audience>
>>You: That's irrelevant. Do you have anything to say about my actual statement?

>> No.7252852

You do realize the point of a debate is the win the audience, not your opponent right? It doesn't matter if you call out his fallacies if the audience is convinced he is more credible than you.

You'll just make yourself look more like a pedantic autist by doing so.

>> No.7252854

That approach to religion is very unusual and lends credence to the more popular and damaging approaches while arguably (you'll then probably have to argue this) not making the believer any wiser.

You can also just accuse him of debating in bad faith and making up special snowflake definitions of things and going for the No True Scotsman attacks. He's a sophist and everything I hated about the church (yes, I know he's a Muslim) growing up.

>> No.7252858

Sounds cuck as fuck tbh, your answers are defensive as fuck and give him more space to steer the conversation.

>> No.7252860

>intellectual powerhouse
>converted from Islam to evangelical Christianity, then back to Islam

>> No.7252866

>You do realize the point of a debate is the win the audience, not your opponent right?

For you, maybe.

>> No.7252873

You're a big debater.

>> No.7252874

He also does this annoying thing where he harks back to the "good ol times" of the enlightenment and jack of all trades rennaisance men and natural philosophers who dabble not only in the sciences but also philosophy and religion.

>> No.7252875

>Aslan described Islam as "a man-made institution. It’s a set of symbols and metaphors that provides a language for which to express what is inexpressible, and that is faith. It’s symbols and metaphors that I prefer, but it’s not more right or more wrong than any other symbols and metaphors. It’s a language, that’s all it is."

What the fuck? That sounds like something a wishy-washy Episcopalian would say, is that even orthodox within Islam?

>> No.7252876


>> No.7252885

that wouldn't be orthodox in any real religion.

>> No.7252886


harris mentions 'islamic civilization'

aslan replies with, "it's not the religion itself, it's the context that it exists in..."

so, the... islamic civilization?

is his entire argument that if you place all religions in a vacuum and remove them from current events, they are all generally agreeable, and therefore islam in a modern context is generally agreeable?

that's like saying a rabid dog is harmless when you isolate it, so that harmlessness must carry over when you place it in a room full of other creatures

>> No.7252891

Isn't the crux of his argument basically the religious equivalent of "guns don't kill people, people kill people"?

>> No.7252896

He's not even a theist. He's a romanticist who fetishizes religion. The worst part is that OP is right to be intimidated by him in a debate, because I guarantee the audience will be mostly American Christians feeling super smug about how open-minded they are to come out and watch a Muslim defend their sacred cow for them.

>> No.7252908

> romanticist who fetishizes religion

This. He views religion in a precious little bubble. Probably fantasizes every night about a utopia where all scientists are also religious and Allah smiles down on everyone and approves of this harmony.

>> No.7252910

This douche is a professor at my school. How are you debating him?

>> No.7252916
File: 84 KB, 702x705, Barron_027ART_square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never see based Bishop Barron lay the smackdown on Aslan

>> No.7252917

Tell him to stop being a cuck and accept reality instead of making excuses.

>> No.7252924

>implying they wouldn't suck each other off

>> No.7252956

Wish I lived then, tbh.

>> No.7252964

Reminder that Azlan was at Hitchens' death bed when Hitchens converted.

It's never too late, not even for you /r/atheist teenagers going through your rebellious phase. Gods capacity for forgiveness is limitless.

>> No.7252972

he makes pretty good videos for someone who can only move diagonally

>> No.7252987

Is Aslan seriously comparing a degree in religion to a degree in neuroscience? AHAHAAHAH

>> No.7253014
File: 30 KB, 480x360, Burning Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitchens converted
Don't you have some Jewish holocaust victims to posthumously convert? I mean, at least pretend your passive-aggressive forgiveness doctrine is doing something.

>> No.7253031

The holocaust didn't happen the way you think it did. It shouldn't really be called a holocaust.

>> No.7253039

How did it happen? Jews killed themselves to blackmail the nazis?

>> No.7253042

Fallacy Fallacy?

>> No.7253046

This guy is a fucking joke. This is his favorite defense of the bible/quran/torah that he hides behind

>People back then had a different notion of "historical truth" than what it is now
>"truth" back then was not about actual happened but about writing down allegories and analogies that conveyed the spirit of the message
>therefore atheists are being "more liTTTTeral (accents the 't' so hard he spits in your eye') than the most liTTTTTeral fundamenTTTalist when they attack the historicity of the sacred texts

Does he not realize he's also attacking the way a signifant portion of the religious population reads their bible?

>> No.7253048

>some Jewish holocaust victims

stopped reading there. back to tumblr you go!

>> No.7253053

Eh, a bare minimum of 2 million Jewish noncombatants died in Germany and Eastern Europe in captivity or by violence. That seems like a lot to me.

Basically. Anyone in the audience who didn't roll their eyes at the initial fallacy isn't going to be swayed by your pointing it out, so it's just a waste of a fallacy. You've gotta go for the meat of the argument and not be distracted.

>> No.7253082

how do we innoculate the American general public against these fallacies?

clearly teaching them in school doesn't work because American kids don't care about school

And pointing them out doesn't work either because the emotional payload has already been delivered

>> No.7253124
File: 69 KB, 622x626, UBW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is fluent in [...] Sumerian

>> No.7253134

It sounds Aslan's concept of religion is like Arthur the tv show or The Berenstain bears or some shit. All of them can be seen as a system of symbols and metaphors that teach important moral lessons to kids. And then the "extremists" are basically the bronies who take it too far.

>> No.7253139

Plebs gonna pleb, nothing can be done.

>> No.7253142

you are a smart and witty individual
thank you for the chuckle, friend

>> No.7253662

>an IQ of 180
I'm sure that's what towelheads would like to hear. His IQ is less than 120

>> No.7253665

Math teaches you hard logic. You can't think logically if you aren't good at math

>> No.7253802


>> No.7253813

Point out that if he was REALLY that great the white witch would never have caught him in the first place.

>> No.7253868


>> No.7253874

If he uses "that's not religion, that's what a particular group of people call their religion, but religion is different for everyone"., then just ask him what religion is, then BTFO of him

>> No.7253879


We'll he is religious so you smarter by default

>> No.7255260

>the only people who don't deny the holocaust are radical feminist tumblaristas

My god, this one is too far gone to save.

>> No.7255286

Just remind him that all of these works were made by humans and that humans are fallible by default

>> No.7255289


>> No.7255294

>Mathematician debating that religion is evil
This is top fedora shit right here.

>> No.7255652


>is his entire argument that if you place all religions in a vacuum and remove them from current events, they are all generally agreeable, and therefore islam in a modern context is generally agreeable?

If by agreeable you mean not inherently problematic, then yes. I don't see what's wrong with that train of thought. He made a good case for the root-causes of the heinous acts people attribute solely on religion have a lot more to do with the cultural, socio-political context that those events took place in.

>that's like saying a rabid dog is harmless when you isolate it, so that harmlessness must carry over when you place it in a room full of other creatures

That's a bad analogy because there are a lot of examples in where religion does not result in heinous acts. A better analogy would be saying that a dog is harmless when it is left alone, but rabid when it is tempered with. (It's still a pretty bad analogy, but I tried to adapt your own to make more sense).

>> No.7255733
File: 20 KB, 453x500, onelol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7255736

He explains what religion is at 1:14:00

>> No.7255771

Why won't /pol/ just leave?

>> No.7255856

>The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.

>Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

Turns out New Atheist types were BTFO over a century ago.

>> No.7255871

Same. Taken any classes with the guy? He's an asshole.

>> No.7255938

>romanticist who fetishizes with religion
Agnostic ex-Roman Catholic here, and this is me. I love Christian thought, but I've felt silly praying since the day my parents decided to show me Grave of the Fireflies.

>> No.7255995

>check comments
>23:27 The Quran forbids slavery?!!!
>can't believe this
>check the time
>he actually says it
Surely after this the debate should've just ended. There is no point in going on if someone wants to tell such a blatant lie.

>> No.7256005

>>Me: This is why religion is bad

Bad question. Religion is not bad, but men are corruptible.

>> No.7256011

>hurr durr communism would work but people aren't perfect

pls leave christcuck, the adults are talking

>> No.7256028

Yeah, that's classic Azlan alright.

He's really typical of that camp of religious intellectual apologist. By all means, they aren't mutually exclusive, but almost all of it comes down to no true scots man or special pleading because he refuses to conceive of people taking religion literally.

Its pretty dumb in debates to see so often.

>> No.7256075

>my parents decided to show me grace of the fireflies
Child abuse, tbh. That movie's intense.

>> No.7256084


Only one thing can save you, and that's the power of dank /lit/ memes.

God speed.

>> No.7256111

>>Me: This is why religion is bad
>>Azlan: Only a fundamenetalist would think that. No TRUE religious person would...
He's never once said this. He has in fact said the opposite.

Why do you people get in a tizzy over shit you're not even familiar with?

>> No.7256121




>> No.7256124

>Why do you people get in a tizzy over shit you're not even familiar with?

For the glory of the Fedora, of course

>> No.7256169

It's not a lie, but it is stated too abruptly to convey the nuance. If you were familiar with the history of Islamic jurisprudence and Qur'anic hermeneutics you'd know there are a number of views here. It's a complicated matter but the long and short of it is that slavery was permitted at the time of the Prophet only as a temporary institution with the aim of eliminating it altogether. Keep in mind he's not saying that Muslims didn't practice slavery, that's a different claim altogether.

>> No.7256174

It's an outdated hat tbh