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File: 689 KB, 2033x1347, Nietzsche-wikipedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7251660 No.7251660 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck did he eat 7 pounds of fruit every day?

>> No.7251671

to become the Ubermensch, duh

>> No.7251677

because not doing so is slave morality

>> No.7251686

7 pounds of fruit?

No wonder he went bananas.

>> No.7251707


>> No.7251713
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the only correct response in this situation

>> No.7251721
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>> No.7251726

you are what you eat

he was a fruit and lived in bananaland

>> No.7251734

his era's equivalent of alpha brain DUDE BOOOOM LMAO

>> No.7251740


Fruit has a lot of water, 7lbs of fruit is actually not that many calories.

If you replaced a bowl of pasta with a comparable amount of fruit calorie wise it would be much more volume.

High fruit diet is actually really based and amazing for energy. Once you get over the whole every macro nutrient is the same bullshit mentality fruit based diet is the next step.

>> No.7251755

So his jizz could taste amazing.

>> No.7251762

He had nearly constant diarrhoea and common bouts of vomiting because of his diet though, thats not based

>> No.7251888

You need a lot of energy to re-evaulate all values

>> No.7251893


>> No.7251903
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>> No.7251960

Either a) that's not true and he didn't or b) because he was insane, as evidenced by his confinement to a madhouse at the end of his career and most of the things gs he wrote.

>> No.7252016

This is honestly the only reason to eat that yucky stuff.

>> No.7252066

Oh, it's true, my friend.

>With a Spartan rigour which never ceased to amaze his landlord-grocer, Nietzsche would get up every morning when the faintly dawning sky was still grey, and, after washing himself with cold water from the pitcher and china basin in his bedroom and drinking some warm milk, he would, when not felled by headaches and vomiting, work uninterruptedly until eleven in the morning. He then went for a brisk, two-hour walk through the nearby forest or along the edge of Lake Silvaplana (to the north-east) or of Lake Sils (to the south-west), stopping every now and then to jot down his latest thoughts in the notebook he always carried with him. Returning for a late luncheon at the Hôtel Alpenrose, Nietzsche, who detested promiscuity, avoided the midday crush of the table d’hôte in the large dining-room and ate a more or less ‘private’ lunch, usually consisting of a beefsteak and an ‘unbelievable’ quantity of fruit, which was, the hotel manager was persuaded, the chief cause of his frequent stomach upsets.

>when not felled by headaches and vomiting

>> No.7252072
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>> No.7252075


this dude was clearly a moron with some serious hang-ups he probably never even bothered to reflect on

>muh will to power


>> No.7252080


Points to a brain that was inefficient at metabolizing glucose

Headaches and seizures sound like neuroglycopenia.

Vomiting possibly due to diet or ICP problem

>> No.7252083



>> No.7252253

Is the diarrhea mentioned anywhere? Sure, fruit cause it, but does eating so much fruit induce vomiting? Most diagnostics put consider the vomiting to be caused by his disease (brain tumor or whatever).

>> No.7252262

Memes aside, do people really think like this?
>Look mom, I found something which I interpret to be wrong in a thinker's life or work, therefore I am clearly better than he is and can disregard him

Sounds like will to power to me.

>> No.7252272
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>> No.7252287

Which makes sense considering they think he died from brain cancer.

>> No.7252300
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>> No.7252432


Memes aside, i've held that opinion on Nietzsche since long before I was aware of his fruit addiction

>> No.7253159


>> No.7253907

Nietszche never wrote anything of value.
All his ideas are easily refutable with a "so what"?.
The real philosopher was his sister, it was her alone that changed the entirety of western civilization, at best her brother was just a leverage towards this.

>> No.7253916

so what?

>> No.7253919

so what?

>> No.7253926

So ignore that prick Nietzsche because his writing spoils paper that would have been better used to take a shit on or even make basic arithmetics (this is true of most german "philosophy" tbh)

>> No.7253931

You must be truly enlightened and cultured to make statements like that

>> No.7253936


Impressive shitposting, very nice.

>> No.7253948

engineers + physicists = build our weapons and give them to the real thinkers, you are not smart enough to use them.

>> No.7253951
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This is the face of resentment.

I bet P.A. is his moralizer!

>> No.7254170

not bad

>> No.7254250

Does anyone else hate eating fruit, not because of the taste but because of the inconsistency? I enjoy good pieces of fruit - but there's always the chance that when I take a bite, the inside will be completely disgusting and different to usual. I find it unbearable, so I stick to junk food - it tastes bad but at least I know what I'll be tasting every mouthful.

inb4 Wittgenstein

>> No.7254270

Fruits are disgusting

>> No.7254272

Source: Pizza eating, fedora neckbeard basement dweller

>> No.7254276
File: 31 KB, 632x480, Diogenes_looking_for_a_man_-_attributed_to_JHW_Tischbein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever heard of the madman who on a bright morning lighted a lantern and ran to the market-place calling out unceasingly: "I seek God! I seek God!" As there were many people standing about who did not believe in God, he caused a great deal of amusement. Why! Is he lost? said one. Has he strayed away like a child? said another. Or does he keep himself hidden? Is he afraid of us? Has he taken a sea voyage? Has he emigrated? The people cried out laughingly, all in a hubbub. The insane man jumped into their midst and transfixed them with his glances. "Where is God gone?" he called out. "I mean to tell you! We have killed him you and I! We are all his murderers! But how have we done it? How were we able to drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the whole horizon? What did we do when we loosened this earth from its sun? Whither does it now move? Whither do we move? Away from all suns? Do we not dash on unceasingly? Backwards, sideways, forwards, in all directions? Is there still an above and below? Do we not stray, as through infinite nothingness? Does not empty space breathe upon us? Has it not become colder? Does not night come on continually, darker and darker? Shall we not have to light lanterns in the morning? Do we not hear the noise of the grave-diggers who are burying God? Do we not smell the divine putrefaction? For even Gods putrefy! God is dead! God remains dead! And we have killed him! How shall we console our selves, the most murderous of all murderers? The holiest and the mightiest that the world has so far possessed, has bled to death under our knife, who will wipe the blood from us? With what water could we cleanse ourselves? What lustrums, what sacred games shall we have to devise? Is not the magnitude of this deed too great for us? Shall we not ourselves have to become Gods, merely to seem worthy of it? There never was a greater event and on account of it, all who are born after us belong to a higher history than any history so far!"

>> No.7254280 [DELETED] 

Here the madman was silent and looked again at his hearers ; they also were silent and looked at him in surprise. At last he threw his lantern on the ground, so that it broke in pieces and was extinguished. " I come too early," he then said, " I am not yet at the right time. This prodigious event is still on its way, and is travelling, it has not yet reached men's ears. Lightning and thunder need time, the light of the stars needs time, deeds need time, even after they are done, to be seen and heard. This deed is as yet further from them than the furthest star, and yet they have done it!" It is further stated that the madman made his way into different churches on the same day, and there intoned his Requiem aeternam deo. When led out and called to account, he always gave the reply : " What are these churches now, if they are not the tombs and monuments of God?" There never was a greater event, and on account of it, all who are born after us belong to a higher history than any history hitherto!" Here the madman was silent and looked again at his hearers; they also were silent and looked at him in surprise. At last he threw his lantern on the ground, so that it broke in pieces and was extinguished. "I come too early," he then said, "I am not yet at the right time. This prodigious event is still on its way, and is travelling, it has not yet reached men’s ears. Lightning and thunder need time, the light of the stars needs time, deeds need time, even after they are done, to be seen and heard. This deed is as yet further from them than the furthest star, and yet they have done it!" It is further stated that the madman made his way into different churches on the same day, and there intoned his Requiem aeternam deo. When led out and called to account, he always gave the reply: "What are these churches now, if they are not the tombs and monuments of God?"

>> No.7254286
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>> No.7254291

Here the madman was silent and looked again at his hearers ; they also were silent and looked at him in surprise. At last he threw his lantern on the ground, so that it broke in pieces and was extinguished. " I come too early," he then said, " I am not yet at the right time. This prodigious event is still on its way, and is travelling, it has not yet reached men's ears. Lightning and thunder need time, the light of the stars needs time, deeds need time, even after they are done, to be seen and heard. This deed is as yet further from them than the furthest star, and yet they have done it!" It is further stated that the madman made his way into different churches on the same day, and there intoned his Requiem aeternam deo. When led out and called to account, he always gave the reply : " What are these churches now, if they are not the tombs and monuments of God?"

>> No.7254302

> body lacks essential amino acids
> not enough fat/cholesterol for healthy brain and vitamin D metabolism
> go insane AND bald

>> No.7254474


>> No.7254486

Memes aside, are you saying that his philosophy is unassailable and that he wasn't a little nuts?

>> No.7254494

He was trying to get diabetes.

>> No.7254511

>his writing spoils paper

So what?

>> No.7254545

I love juicy plant butts too, but 7 pounds is too much. I could happy eat 1 pound per day of high quality fruit.

>> No.7254793

Maybe the bitch liked fruit, who are you to question his life choices?

>> No.7254794

>le my body my rules
nice meme, creep.

>> No.7254802

orange you glad that OP asked?

>> No.7254826

everyone likes fruit puns

>> No.7254846

didn't his sister start some nazi colony in brazil tho?

>> No.7254861

Memes aside, can you actually point something out that you consider to be wrong/bad?
And don'´t give some "he was mean and I didn't like what he said so it must be wrong"

>> No.7255166

Yeah, I'm pretty grapeful.

>> No.7255210

I like this a lot

>> No.7255371

>because of his diet though
Not necessarily. Part of his numberous ailments was an extremely sensitive digestion.

>> No.7255415

*Tips Stahlhelm*

>> No.7255700


Dieticians have been telling you dipshits about the food wheel since the 70's and you're still coming with these stupid meme diets. Everything in moderation, fruit happens to have a shit ton of sugar in it and its dimishing returns you don't need a billion grams of micronutrients. Protein, Carbs, veg and "good fats" - every meal should be based around these. Fruits and other shit are supplementry.

>> No.7255709

Daily reminder that Nietzsche struggled and went insane trying to figure out life and ethics and Based Molyneux finished ethics in one book with many subscribers in his own lifetime

>> No.7255718


>> No.7255724


his entire philosophy is emotional conjecture

>> No.7255730

damn... Nietzsche fucking btfo.

>> No.7255750


do you find my post problematic?

go ahead and use words to explain why

>> No.7255751

>can you actually point something out that you consider to be wrong/bad?
1. If you haven't gone beyond metaphysics, you shouldn't reject metaphysics. Nietzsche fails to do the former, as evidenced by his obsession with the universality of the will to power, but he talks a lot of shit about metaphysics, all the same.
2. His historical arguments (which everything he wrote that's worth reading boils down to) are based on highly subjective philological claims or equally subjective interpretations of documents or the content of the character of the historical figures they refer to; since philology is now regarded as methodoligically unsound and in many ways inferior to the younger and more explicitly scientific field of historical linguistics, it only makes sense to take his claims in these areas with a grain of salt.
3. Nietzsche departs from the philosophical tradition in such a way and to such a degree that it is worth asking if he is even a 'philosopher' proper, as opposed to another kind of scholar. This argument has been made in a longer form by many others, including Heidegger.
4. The fact that he was confined to a madhouse for the last years of his life leads me to wonder about his sanity, and I'm not alone.
4.1. Saying "But he had brain cancer, he wasn't insane" or "But that doesn't mean you can disregard his legacy" misses my point, which is that brain diseases adversely affect the way people think about things. If you think otherwise, you'll have to cite someone other than Deleuze and Guattari.
Well, it's true. History as a modern academic discipline didn't exist as such when Nietzsche wrote his books and analyzed the documents he cites while making his arguments.

>> No.7255772

The will to power does have massive explanatory power, there's a reason he advocates as the supreme law of the universe. Because it can be applied to virtually every type of discipline of study. His idea that that the universe is nothing but different forces interacting could easily fit in with our modern understanding of physics for instance.

Nietzsche's criticism of metaphysics is when they start involving crap that doesn't actually exist. The whole metaphysics obsession started with Plato and his ridiculous idea that thoughts are physical things that exist in some hidden pocket universe. It starts to form arguments based on imagined worlds and realities rather than the apparent world. This in turn moves all values, thinking, and judgments into the realm of the unreal.

>> No.7255778
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>> No.7255783


>muh universal will to power

literally emotional conjecture

'modern physics' is just more ideology

>> No.7255786

well, yes. I used to regard Nietzsche's work as interesting, complex and worthwhile but no that I've read your critique... just... Woah..!

It's hard to explain. The only way I can come close describing it is that the paradigm shift that just occurred within me is is approaching the powerful change in worldview that Harris's 'The Moral Landscape' had on me...

Thank you, anon. I have some thinking to do.

>> No.7255797


>nietzsche's work is interesting, complex and worthwhile

this personal opinion doesn't detract from what I posted

go ahead and expand on this 'worthwhile' if you find yourself with the capacity

>> No.7255798


>> No.7255815

>The will to power does have massive explanatory power, there's a reason he advocates as the supreme law of the universe.
That isn't a good reason to advocate it as the universe's first principle. I can explain a lot with the idea that everything is derived from or ultimately consists of water, but there aren't that many Thaleans today, AFAIK.
>His idea that that the universe is nothing but different forces interacting could easily fit in with our modern understanding of physics for instance.
Maybe it can help you understand physics as a body of knowledge, but I don't think
>Nietzsche's criticism of metaphysics is when they start involving crap that doesn't actually exist.
Every metaphysician claims to describe what exists. Every philosopher derides metaphysical systems that include beings that don't exist or exclude beings that do exist.
>he whole metaphysics obsession started with Plato and his ridiculous idea that thoughts are physical things that exist in some hidden pocket universe.
Yes, I'm familiar with Platonic idealism. Are you familiar with Parmenidean monism, an earlier form of metaphysics?
>It starts to form arguments based on imagined worlds and realities rather than the apparent world.
Why do you assume the world of ideas doesn't exist? You can't say "Metaphysics is bunk because it's bunk" and then act like that's all there is to it. Well, actually, you can--it just isn't an adequate refutation of the Platonic corpus or the ontotheological tradition.
>This in turn moves all values, thinking, and judgments into the realm of the unreal.
I think you're equating abstraction with falsehood. Bertrand Russell believed in logical ghosts.
No one's saying he isn't interesting, complex, or worthwhile. We're only saying that dogmatic Nietzscheans are scum and that Nietzsche, like any thinker, should be criticized.

>> No.7255820

>Maybe it can help you understand physics as a body of knowledge, but I don't think
but I don't think many physicists would find Beyond Good and Evil's contents very useful for deriving conclusions about the laws of physics.

>> No.7255842

But anon, I haven't the capacity. The strength of your critique brought my views crumbling to the ground. I am adrift, the words 'emotional conjecture' are swirling in my mind and it won't stop.

Images of you laughing and cawing: 'EMOTIONAL CONJECTURE' at Papa Friedrich, knocking him over like a tree as he weeps on the floor, tearing apart all his works that you've literally and figuratively cast to the filth of the floor with him have been etched into my now completely detached and unfamiliar life.

It took me 3 years of therapy to get over the blow of The Moral Landscape. I believe this may take even longer.

>> No.7255849

>Bertrand Russell believed in logical ghosts.

What, do they wake you up at night and start lecturing you about math?

>> No.7255851


this isn't humorous or helpful

are you trying to speak against your advocacy of Nietzsche by playacting as an ironic moron? Because it's working

>> No.7255860

Are you b8ing or do Nietzscheans actually get this upset when someone tells them their intellectual hero was just emoting? You aren't even trying to defend Nietzsche here, this is embarrassing.

>> No.7255873
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>> No.7255892

I'm being deadly serious. In fact I'm surprised your original critique hasn't been published. All the threads of Nietzsche's work. Every single thing he said. His entire philosophy. Emotional conjecture. My eyes have been opened.
If he'd written the words:

'My philosophy is just:
Emotional conjecture'

And published it instead of all his other works, we would've gotten to the point and depth of his philosophy (and crucially beyond his philosophy) more richly, deeply and efficiently.

The only thing that troubles me is that your views didn't come to light before. If you'd only been around to enlighten the world earlier, philosophy may have progressed to Sam Harris levels by the early 1900s

>> No.7255900


I wonder how long it'll take you to get humiliated out of posting here

you need to work on your comedy chops or shut the fuck up

you've made the move well past arguing against yourself

I couldn't have painted a more astonishing proof of the emotional tenor of Nietzsche's work without your winded emotional reaction over several posts

>> No.7255952

peachy cunt

>> No.7255961

i thought it was funny tbh

>> No.7255964

No, please, don't humiliate me again.

I'm simply expressing my attempts to reclaim a footing in reality after having read your stunning, earth-shattering 6 word critique.

Don't make me endure it again, I've decided I'd prefer to live in delusion. The delusion that Nietzsche's work couldn't be elucidated in 6 words was a comfort to me before you came along with your freakish wisdom. But now that's all changed and I can't ever go back.

Sam Harris did it once (albeit without such force) and now you. I'm torn between replying to you and risking another blow of humiliating wisdom being imparted upon me or just running out of the house and sprinting down the street to put the adrenaline spike you've triggered in me to use.

Either way I'm trembling, anon.

Please keep in mind that not all of us can handle the stunning awarenesses you dole out so seemingly effortlessly without intense, scary consequences for our mental wellbeing.

>> No.7255967

this is a great post

>> No.7255978

lol, good one anon

>> No.7255984
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fucking breaking out teedus for this one

>> No.7255986

Thanks, friend. I put a little thought into it.

>> No.7255993

same fam

>> No.7256113

Molyneux is the best moralist because he takes morals to their ultimate conclusion. Dumb kids realize this but get trapped and think that Molyneux's ethics code is objectively the right path for humanity and that there will be a utopia once most people know the NAP.

Nietzsche on the other hand realized that absolute morals were absurd and he probably didn't even know lolbergtardians existed. Over a century later when Stefan, the final boss of the anarchists, emerged, Kierkegaard blows him the fuck out throughout Orgy of the Will.

>> No.7256137
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>Stefan, the final boss of the anarchists

Come on, we all know who's the final boss of anarchism. He's even too edgy for them . (pic related)

>> No.7256140

Morality is dead.
Long live the Overman.

>> No.7256144

Hey reddit, I hope you're enjoying your stay here!

>> No.7256164

Uhh . . . brains metabolize glucose? I thought glucose was metabolized by insulin, which is produced by the pancreas.

>> No.7256199

Morality isn't dead. Lots of people make decisions based on morality, even to the point of irrationality. If icycalm cucked Stefan then called him an idiot and a retard, no way Stefan would even lay a hand on icycalm, even if he wouldn't be punished. I think that Stefan really believes in his ideology that much.

Morality in general isn't stupid at all. It definitely is very useful in some scenarios like teaching kids right from wrong, making society like and trust you, other things. Nietzsche and Kierkegaard just pointed out that as a dogma, an arbiter of all things, morality is stupid.

>> No.7256228

I`m thinking it`s a semen thing.

>> No.7256240

Nietzsche and Kierkegaard recognize there are different types of people that need different types of morality. This can lead two different life forms having the exact opposite morality and given how resentment works it's not only expected but inevitable. This is because morality is simply a tool to increase a life forms power.

Stefan see's morality is some penultimate thing, it just exists by itself on a platform to be worshipped. This type of thinking has to ignore that there are different types of life forms.

>> No.7256458

>This type of thinking has to ignore that there are different types of life forms.
New poster here, its interesting that you would say that, you should take a look at Molyneux's video on r/K selection as counterargument to your point:

tl;dw: he takes a theory from biology regarding two types of animal reproductive strategies, and generalizes and projects it into the realm of human behavior and psychology.
A very interesting and video regardless of your opinion of Molyneux.

>> No.7256485

>7lbs of fruit is actually not that many calories.

Nobody here is shocked because of the assumed calories, moron, but because of the quantity of fruit itself.

>> No.7256512


this is the least subtle kind of argument from tradition and authority

get fucked

>> No.7256517

>getting rused


>> No.7256861
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>> No.7256884

7 pounds of fruit could easily have more than 2000 calories and more than 500 grams of sugar.

>> No.7257010

This thread has turned out rather well so I'll join in. Even that emotional conjecture bit turned out rather funny.

>1. If you haven't gone beyond metaphysics, you shouldn't reject metaphysics. Nietzsche fails to do the former, as evidenced by his obsession with the universality of the will to power, but he talks a lot of shit about metaphysics, all the same.

That's an odd part of Nietzsche since it involves a concept which he himself admitted didn't exist in a stable and systematic form (he attributed it either to life or to the universe at various times). The Nachlass stuff that discusses the will to power (that Heidegger takes as metaphysical) should be taken more as considerations rather than statements of position. I do agree that it did not truly surpass metaphysics, but rather turned it on itself, but maybe that was the point. Nietzsche is weird and unconventional (maybe amateurish even) when it comes to defining the things he's criticizing, which makes him interesting as well as annoying.

>Saying "But he had brain cancer, he wasn't insane" or "But that doesn't mean you can disregard his legacy" misses my point, which is that brain diseases adversely affect the way people think about things. If you think otherwise, you'll have to cite someone other than Deleuze and Guattari.

I don't know much about their work, but at least as far as Deleuze is concerned, Nietzsche's madness wasn't of indifference. This isn't obvious from his books, but in articles and conferences he goes on to say that there's great mastery in Nietzsche's madness so it should not be dismissed outright.

As for the philology stuff, you're probably right, but I don't know much about it so I can't say. Still, it should not be taken at face value. Nietzsche can truly be appreciated only if we're willing to distance ourselves from his imperfect and incomplete work in order to understand it better, like how you cannot read a book if you hold it too close to your eyes.

I'd criticize Nietzsche in a similar fashion to the metaphysical argument though: why the obsession with life as (will to) difference as prescriptive? If life should be self-overcoming, then could the things that hold back from an authentic equality, and make socialism a criticizable project from a Nietzschean standpoint, not be eliminated as well? Not in a brutal and forced fashion obviously (there's nothing worse than a peasant-turned-officer torturing an intellectual, soviet oppression is the result of herd morality in this sense), but rather as the result of culture? Maybe his radical aristocracy is something of a solution, but the argument from difference, which seems dear to Nietzsche since it went against quite a few philosophical traditions, is dubious when taken as more than a consideration/warning and leads to Ayn Rand-like thinking.

Neuroscience tells us that we're emotional even when doing logic, insofar as brain activity which can be monitored is concerned.

>> No.7257316


I have trouble believing that. How could he even afford to purchase that much fruit on his university pension?

>> No.7257334

This is back before the Jewish banksters ruined the economy with fiat currency inflation and the Zionist owned government put price floors on all the fruit.

>> No.7257339

>had serious stomach problems his whole life
>no medicine or diet ever worked

Gee I wonder

>> No.7257346

I wonder what the original author of boys club thinks of Pepe now

>> No.7257361

>leads to Ayn Rand-like thinking.

Not at all if you actually read him. People overestimate the importance of the wrong parts of Nietzsche. Nietzsche says directly that pure self-interest is an absurdity

You also misunderstand him on metaphysics. It doesn't actually matter whether you accept them or not to him. He attacks them to make you question their value

>> No.7257369
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>> No.7257376
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>Why do you assume the world of ideas doesn't exist? You can't say "Metaphysics is bunk because it's bunk" and then act like that's all there is to it. Well, actually, you can--it just isn't an adequate refutation of the Platonic corpus or the ontotheological tradition.

>I must analyse people's deliriums in order to reject them, as something else than deliriums.
Do you also reject Scientology without solely saying ''it is junk ?''

Your post is the saddest one in the existence of the board.

>> No.7257385

Telling a Scientologist his religion is junk probably won't convince him of anything, and the proposition "Scientology is junk" isn't self-evidently true.

>> No.7257410

>Not at all if you actually read him. People overestimate the importance of the wrong parts of Nietzsche. Nietzsche says directly that pure self-interest is an absurdity

exactly. Same with Stirner. If you read either thinker and come out with the conclusion that HURR DURR WHY NOT STEAL THINGS WHY NOT LIE TO PEOPLE then you're completely missing the point. Not to be cliche, but you're missing the forest for the trees. Hell, you can make a purely egoist (in the idiotic Randian sense) argument for altruism if you really want to and any thorough introductory ethics course will mention that, but still - you would be missing the point. You need to go back and read it again and/or read criticism of it

>> No.7258761

>Your post is the saddest one in the existence of the board
no tbh

>> No.7258784

Thread defining post.

>> No.7258790

for far too long we have been talking about reality, objectivity without any result. it is time to move on remain more prudent on our inferences from our empirical knowledge.

>> No.7258799

>without any result
Philosophy isn't about producing results.
>empirical knowledge
I'm not saying empiricism is wrong but you can't just assert this willy-nilly. Back this idea-that empirical knowledge can produce the results you want but can't get from philosophy-a little bit. I don't plan on becoming a STEMfag any time soon so I don't really know what good you think empiricism can do me.

>> No.7258811
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>> No.7258815
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>> No.7258839
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