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/lit/ - Literature

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7251464 No.7251464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ told me that authors need real life experience. I went out to a bar yesterday approached this chubby chick with nice tits a 5 at BEST. She's fucking around on her phone, ask her how her night is going she looks at me from head to toe, rolls her eyes and goes back to her phone.

Don't know why, but something inside of me just went off. Told the girl "No wonder the good looking guys are not wasting their time on a fat cunt like you."

She went fucking ballistic, screaming at the top of her lungs calling me an asshole and a cocksucker. Next thing I know, I'm getting choked the fuck out from behind and dragged out of the bar. The fucker tossed me down the three concrete steps of the bar and my knee is sore as fuck. Thought long and hard about knuckling down with the fucker but just said fuck it and went home.

Moral of the story: Girls don't like it when incels comment negatively about their looks.

>> No.7251505

thanks. keep me updated on your other wacky adventures OP after all it's the reason I come here to your personal fucking blog. For good shit like this!

>> No.7251506

She had no way of knowing you were incel; that had nothing to do with it. Girls simply can't handle the bantz.

>> No.7251510
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>> No.7251516

Nice blog, bruh smh. Your diary tbqh fam.

>> No.7251518

That pic has some Unabomber Manifesto levels of psychoanalysis

>> No.7251530

you're pathetic, no offense.

>> No.7251542
File: 79 KB, 189x333, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you try making this into some sort of narration? While life experience is useful actual writing tends to be the most vital point of writing.

>> No.7251552

This is perfect experience for writing! Good on you for getting out there and trying something new. You've suffered for your art, but experience like that is priceless.

>> No.7251555

I don't understand--what does that have to do with writing? Surely, this experience wasn't supposed to make you a better writer. Surely, you don't think this account of your experience is well-written.

>> No.7251558

I mean were you trying to fuck? Because then you can't pretend the eyeroll wasn't because you were trying to fuck.

>> No.7251559

I walked into the cocktail party
room and found three or four queers
talking together in queertalk.
I tried to be friendly but heard
myself talking to one in hiptalk.
"I'm glad to see you," he said, and
looked away. "Hmn," I mused. The room
was small and had a double-decker
bed in it, and cooking apparatus:
icebox, cabinet, toasters, stove;
the hosts seemed to live with room
enough only for cooking and sleeping.
My remark on this score was under-
stood but not appreciated. I was
offered refreshments, which I accepted.
I ate a sandwich of pure meat; an
enormous sandwich of human flesh,
I noticed, while I was chewing on it,
it also included a dirty asshole.

More company came, including a
fluffy female who looked like
a princess. She glared at me and
said immediately: "I don't like you,"
turned her head away, and refused
to be introduced. I said, "What!"
in outrage. "Why you shit-faced fool!"
This got everybody's attention.
"Why you narcissistic bitch! How
can you decide when you don't even
know me," I continued in a violent
and messianic voice, inspired at
last, dominating the whole room.

>> No.7251561

Sounds about right. As "euphoric" as some would say it sounds, the concept of hypergamy seems fairly legit in modern society.

The average young woman has so many options that their level of entitlement and vanity is off the charts.

Unless you have immense status, looks or charisma then it will never be easy. Hell, even these people will still be expected to pay for their drink!

But either way, keep things /lit/ related...

I think most great authors have pretty great experiences, most are neurotic and sociable. I only hope that experienced prose and stories can make up for having comprehensive life experiences.

>> No.7251565

you are the reason SJWs exist, so thanks a lot, entitled beta faggot.

>> No.7251568


See? Now if you ever need to write a passage where someone gets kicked out of an establishment or gets his ass beaten, you have first-hand experience and can make it that much more realistic.

>> No.7251572

Not your blog

>> No.7251583

don't be like that

>> No.7251587
File: 81 KB, 541x334, oblomov-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ told me that authors need real life experience
every experience is a real life experience

>> No.7251590

holy shit, never go full unabomber

>> No.7251591

real life is a social construct

>> No.7251592

Is he wrong?

>> No.7251596

experience doesn't matter, what matters is being able to break down the elements of the writing of famous authors and imitate them ruthlessly; you can in a dash of your own feeling if you like, but it really doesn't matter

>> No.7251600

>/lit/ told me that authors need real life experience
>/lit/ told me

That's where you got it wrong. I listened to /lit/. Don't do that.
Authors don't need real life experience, but they do need to know something about life. You can read books to get that too.

>> No.7251604

Maybe. But you'll never admit it because you want him to be right so badly.

>> No.7251606

Good thread, had a nice laugh

>> No.7251614

The sad, empty lives of nihilists: the thread.

>> No.7251616

men have so many options too, or at least those of us that arent turbospergs.

>> No.7251619

this. maybe.

the entire situation just seems fucked for OP and her.

>> No.7251631

>were you trying to fuck
Ultimately, no matter how we dress up our various social interactions with women, we're all trying to fuck. So obviously, he was trying to fuck.

>> No.7251637

If you dedicate years to create a complex and interesting world for your stories to work in, would that be fake life experience? How high does it go against real life experience in the modern market?

>> No.7251638

Experience is nothing if you don't have the right mindset. You could be in the middle of the rapture and not be able to tell a good story, you could just be watching the birds outside of your window, but if you know how to observe then you can make a good thing out of it. People who think you just need experience are idiots; if you just needed something shocking in your life then all the veterans laying around would be getting novel prizes.

>> No.7251640


>> No.7251647

>you are the reason SJWs exist
you cannot tell from OP's post if he is a jew

>> No.7251657

He's not wrong. That's about the most affected expression she could have conterted her gnarly face into.

>> No.7251666

What on earth are the mod(s) doing?

Take this shit to /r9k/

>> No.7251673

Just stop being ugly

>> No.7251674

Well if you make an argument that proves him wrong i'd be willing to read it and if what you say makes more sense to me than what he said i'll accept what you said over what he said.

>> No.7251679

What about ugly men who cant afford plastic surgery?

>> No.7251680

settle for ugly women who can't afford plastic surgery.

>> No.7251682


Eh, it changes as you get older. Men have higher value on the sexual marketplace.

And if you're educated and have a decent job, hoo boy does it get better.
College educated women rarely settle down these days, and as they reach the later years they find all the college educated employed men are already taken, and thus become more desperate for a quality man.

Of course, the redpill crowd will say "accepting sluts, used goods etc etc", but shit, I don't care. I'm never getting married, I don't believe in it. Easy pickings in the later years.

>> No.7251690

Empirically wrong. I'd you look at the response rates of various online site and studies you will regularly find statistical backup for the idea of hypergamy.

I'm not saying its impossible to get laid as a guy, anyone can be persuasive for get some confidence/dress/status butbits easier as a woman.

The average woman has more sex than the average man because of the preponderance of higher status men having more partners.

>> No.7251692

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.7251693

do ugly women who can't afford plastic surgery really settle for ugly men who can't afford plastic surgery?

>> No.7251699

Unless you're an /r9k/-tier loser you'll be fine.

>> No.7251702



No, median

>> No.7251704
File: 170 KB, 919x720, 1443735493461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe he is right though. The particular instance discussed is not common and the example given is not really accurate. However, I am sure everyone will recognize the phenomenon in examples such as a girl taking a selfie with an object which is in fact not the main object of the picture. Or how Halloween, a trip to the beach, or a concert is an excuse to dress like a slut. Or female video game live streamers who are really livestreaming their tits.

>> No.7251706

I see plenty of ugly men with ugly women. And ugly men with average women.

Basically this >>7251699

>> No.7251711

i just started using /lit/ a few hours ago and it's both sad and comforting that you guys have to deal with garbage like this like all the other boards.

>> No.7251714

>if what you say makes more sense to me than what he said i'll accept what you said over what he said.
That's the problem. You're deciding what to believe as truth based on what makes sense to you as opposed to what's actually true. Tons of women have one face they make when they take pictures of themselves. A reason for why they do this has been given by a range of people from feminists (who of course say its due to societal conditioning) to people like the anon in OPs picture.

I can't speak for you, but I'm 22, never been laid, and that's probably not going to change in the near future. I'd be lying if I said I didn't hold any bitterness towards women, and that bitterness is going to affect how I perceive them. I view women in this more negative light, so the anon's explanation makes more sense to me, but just because it makes sense doesn't make it right.

>> No.7251715

I don't go much on r9k, is there a way to know if i'm r9k?

>> No.7251716

This place never used to be this frog-filled in all honesty.

>> No.7251720


This post was interesting. Good work drawing on your life experience.

>> No.7251739

Yes, because average and above average men won't go for them so they really don't have much choice.

they settle for the ugly men who can't afford plastic surgery but can offer something else; financial stability, a sense of humor, similar hobbies and interests, etc.

The bitter r9k misanthropes will never get anyone because they are too miserable to be around, but plenty of ugly men continue to mate ugly women and repopulate the world with ugly children.

>> No.7251747


>> No.7251763

This board has a suprisingly high amount of the "failed normies" archetype as presented by /r9k/.

>> No.7251773

Please go back to your containment board. Or shall I put it in your language:

"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" (imagine your frog friend 'Pepe' saying this)

>> No.7251776

Failed normies?
Like someone who used to be socially confident and now isn't?

>> No.7251783

thanks for the blog update faggot

>> No.7251785

It's someone who is not 'Chad', but still not quite a jar-pisser

>> No.7251790

>The average young woman has so many options
this is a meme
I know women that can't get fucked and are miserable because of it
attractive ones too
ugly women have nothing going for them at all

>> No.7251793
File: 1.03 MB, 2400x1800, 1428761216131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the image in question.

>> No.7251796

>I know women that can't get fucked and are miserable because of it
This triggers the frogs

>> No.7251801

>I know women that can't get fucked and are miserable because of it
>attractive ones too
Not that dude but anecdotal evidence doesn't mean anything.

>> No.7251802

>I know women that can't get fucked and are miserable because of it

i dont believe you at all

>> No.7251808

>frogmen triggered

>> No.7251810


>The cerebrotonic

Who the fuck spied on me to know this shit?

>> No.7251812

the polarization of sexual success will only become more extreme so get ready for a lot more of it in the future

>> No.7251817

I fit in four of the above.
I must be seriously fucked up.

>> No.7251818

Only if you have low standards.

I'd ask you to post a pic of the girls you've fucked but you don't have any because they don't exist.

>> No.7251821

>daily reminder that this is your average /r9k/ male


>> No.7251823

>>frogmen triggered
I was triggered by the use of anecdotal evidence. If that makes me a frogman, ok, but it doesn't seem like to have a good rebuttal to that

>> No.7251825

>that picture

didn't read
try harder

>> No.7251826

At least their presence makes me feel good about myself

>> No.7251827

as opposed to /r9k/'s evidence?

>> No.7251828

>Just stop being ugly
how bout
Just gimme ya pussy

>> No.7251829

>*men have so many options too, or at least those of us that arent unattractive

now you're right

>> No.7251833

All of the great writers are misogynists.

There are no great female writers so we can't say whether they would have been misogynist or not.

>> No.7251834

It's called the blackpill idiot. And we get our proofs from the behavior we see on tumblr, twitter, and facebook.
see >>7251821
This is our prophet. A powerhouse intellectual

>> No.7251837

can any of you post a pic of a ugly/average/fine person? I want to know your standards :^)

>> No.7251839

nextlevel satire

>> No.7251840

Why are ugly people allowed to exist and, worse, reproduce?

>> No.7251842

>as opposed to /r9k/'s evidence?
I never said anything about them. I'm only pointing out the fact that anecdotal evidence is unreliable and therefore shouldn't be used. Making the assumption that I'm a part of the other side of the argument just because I pointed that out is just wrong and makes you look immature tbh.

>> No.7251843

>didn't read
lmaoing at your life tbh

>> No.7251845

It isn't right because it's reflection of our utterly degenerate society that a girl is taking a photo of her own grimacing face meanwhile lonely men make critiques of it anonymously

So the photo is a non-issue but its mere existence is a product of the total collapse of Western values. But I don't feel bitter about women.

>> No.7251847

Thankfully the ugly males aren't reproducing, because women have standards.

>> No.7251848

Capitalism and pathological narcissism go hand in hand.

>> No.7251849

Even attractive men still have to work hard to get laid. It's not impressive when any woman gets laid because it involves no work; all she has to do is spread her legs.

>> No.7251850

to be fair, this should have been posted on r9k not lit

>> No.7251857

Not having sex can only make you properly miserable if you want it as desperately as everyone seems to these days. And that's only happening because it's become some kind of status thing. There's a lot more value embedded in who has sex with whom and how often than ever before. It's very possible to be content without sex if you realize this, and consequently, don't want it this badly. We only feel sadness when we don't get what we want.

>> No.7251865

the majority of men are going to want to have sex pretty bad, it's naturally unpleasant not to be able to not to mention the cultural stuff like feelings of inferiority and isolation.

>> No.7251868

and for a woman her worth is much more dependent on her sexual prowess

>> No.7251882


He is right though, woman in their 20-30 pass all their time wondering about chad

Anyone who says otherwise has not know much women in their life (and that's good because they suck up all the joy in your life unless it's your mom)

This sounds like a kissless virgin but I'm not like that, i'm a normal guy

>> No.7251884

There's a component of it that comes from human nature. But this stops being so uncomfotable a predicament at around the age of 25-30. After that, if you're still despondent over being a sexual outcast, that's mostly cultural. People who construct their whole lives around sex, which is very many people today, are everywhere rubbing your nose in it. It's hard to shut them out but not impossible. The surest way to accomplish this is to construct YOUR life around something that you think is worthwhile, and occupy yourself with it. An unoccupied mind will always wander.

>> No.7251886

Honestly, I just feel the strong desire for intimacy on occasion. It's not so much as sex that I'd like, but closeness. It comes and goes, and I'm mostly content without it for the time being.

>> No.7251895

>But this stops being so uncomfotable a predicament at around the age of 25-30.

i'm 26 and it's gotten markedly worse in the last year or so. i don't think it's mostly cultural, or any moreso than it was earlier.

>> No.7251898

Very interesting post.

I kinda feel the same way

>> No.7251899

Even that will go. Trust me.

>> No.7251904
File: 7 KB, 250x253, 1441520255097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw come on to /lit/ after spending the whole day at /fit/
>see this

you fuccbois got played like a flute
this is from /fit/ with some words changed around
jesus christ

>> No.7251906

This board will do, its /r9k+books/.

>> No.7251909

Maybe I'm just being a kissless virgin but I still believe, hard as it seems, that women become moms, and perhaps a wife can still be obligated to a providing husband the same way she is to her children.

The socialist feminist pathology is doing a good job of destroying her, but she must be out there somewhere.

>> No.7251911
File: 676 KB, 1104x562, modsbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7251931


The thing is, that while a man can support a woman that stays in the house, a woman will never accept a man who is unemployed, even if he worked his ass all his life.

She will also not realize the potential that male loses when he goes into marriage or long time relationships with a woman.

So it's a lose lose situation, once you go in a loss in your job, woman will always go for someone else and leave you to rot elsewhere.

There are woman that aren't like that, but they are the exception (I have seen changes in behaviour in woman who had breast cancer, meaning near-death experiences, and woman who had psychedelic experiences).

>> No.7251947

What a load of ol' shite.

>> No.7251954

>a good girl who will be good to me is still out there

They're jokingly referred to as 'unicorns' for a reason anon.

>> No.7251961

>call someone a fatcunt
>be surprised when they get mad
If someone came up to me and called me an ugly fat fuck I'd punch them in the face.

>> No.7251973

Well, that ultimately the whole point, a man who can't provide is useless.

That isn't even the problem today however. That's isn't why everyone is divorced and unmarried now. It's this rather vapid mix of irreligion, sexual promiscuity and, most tragically, the economic liberty of women, something no one can really condemn but which nevertheless disintegrated the evolutionary order of things.

>> No.7251975

The stories you create in your head are limited to what you have experienced yourself, no matter how imaginative you are. If you don't have real life experience you will simply be closing yourself off from outside input and going without new elements you could have incorporated into your writing.

>> No.7251981


But to be fair she did the same thing, just more subtly.

>> No.7251984

>this kinda fits
>but it must be pretty shallow
>surely a lot of people, nothing like me, could relate
>'walks fast, stands funny'
>Fuck. How?

>> No.7251992



legitimately pitying your life

>> No.7251995

i hear you. clearly these traits must be related but how and why?

>> No.7251997


I know a guy who is a lawyer, 29 years old.

He found "the love of his life" in my aunt, who is a landwhale feminist, arrogant and treats him like shit. She constantly insults him very covertly (like every woman in the modern society tbh), despises him, etc.

But since it's so common nowadays, and he is "getting old" and should "settle down for his own good" he stayed.

He now has a son with her, which made him very happy. The bitch of my aunt is already making his son turn against him by saying how of a loser he is and so on (obviously this doesn't work now but she will brainwash him when he is older, and maybe turn him in a fuccboi like everyone else)

Do you think this is not the norm? Do you think that those "manly empowered" feminists are not the norm today? Every woman in the modern society treats like shit other man unless you stand for yourself and have some come backs to their shitty lines.

And you think they will be forever and ever? I'm pretty sure my aunt just had the kid to chain this guy into a soon-to-be separation which he will do once he realizes how much he fucked up because of "love"

Woman know how much power they have over stupid man, they are much more calculative than men because they know about this power much before than other man. While man know about social influence when they hit 25 if they have a lot of money, looks and social approvation, woman have this since they are born, they have skills in manipulating people much before than the common man.

I always cringe when man defines themselves as Protectors, Providers and Procreators. It's just a definition based on how entitled woman were in the pass because of nature and social conditions, but this has changed so much that it would be insane to call a man useless just because he doesn't have a family to support

>> No.7252000

>hypergamy isn't why everyone is divorced and unmarried now
>the economic liberty of women can't be directly linked to the same feminist movement that destroyed the black community and that now seeks to destroy civilization

Okay bud

America is literally repeating the later stages of Rome, and it won't be pretty

>> No.7252002

>The stories you create in your head are limited to what you have experienced yourself, no matter how imaginative you are.

pls b joking

>> No.7252007


comedy gold

>> No.7252015

I'm not joking, same reason dreams are always made up of elements you have seen at some point. The brain cannot work with what it doesn't know.

>> No.7252038

nice memepost

>> No.7252042

>implying lawyers aren't scum of the earth

He deserves everything that's coming to him.

>> No.7252052

The fact women can now support themselves is directly linked to the automation of physical labour that men were once required for. Women can quite easily eke out an existence by being a cog in the corporatist HR machine

Social benefit is a factor but it is another consequence of the fact we're filthy stinking rich.

>> No.7252053



This isnt /r9k/

>> No.7252055


a descriptive phrase is not a meme


>> No.7252062


almost pure retardation

it's like you've never left the internet

>> No.7252065

>lit - Literature

>> No.7252073

depressed incels need to be able to vent on their home board