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7250507 No.7250507 [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn bravery?

I'm 0/10 in terms of bravery and want to change this.

What should I read/apply?

>> No.7250515

Apply not being a pussy

>> No.7250530

I'm looking for books of people going 0 to 100 as inspiration

>> No.7250541

Bravery is learnt though deeds. What kind of bravery do you seek? Physical one? Well then, the next time someone physically stronger insults you, you proceed to smash his head in. You have some opinion which you are afraid to say because you fear that you might be shunned for it? Speak your mind. The former is intellectual bravery.

>> No.7250564

thoreau- civil disobedience

>> No.7250603

>How do I learn bravery?

First you have to learn compassion and selflessness, and then believe in something.

>> No.7250608
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Every coward is a born coward.

You will die many deaths.

>> No.7250621

Bravery is action in the presence of fear

>> No.7250632

Become a spy for mother Russia as Hemingway did.

>> No.7250643

If you aren't a whore for your mother, you're not a real man.

>> No.7250650

This guy knows what's up

>> No.7250660

This sounds like something I read about Aristotle's Ethics. Would that be a good starting point in understanding what is bravery?

Thank you, any fiction to recommend?

Fear is paralyzing to the point where I cannot act. I intend to mitigate this reaction through literature.

>> No.7250686

Understand it as you holding fast to your own will in presense of another will that seeks to dominate you. It is asserting your own position. It is not being ok with someone using you as their doormat. It's most easily understood through physical forms, although I do believe that genuine intellectual bravery does exist, as long as it isn't afraid to exert itself physically, if need be.

Really, what I can recommend you is to get some physical training, preferably to learn a martial art. It isn't necessary that you go out and beat up everyone who tries something with you, but it is necessary that you can feel confident of your physical body and be prepared and know how to act if it is needed.

Intellectual bravery well, starts with ability to be sincere, even if your opinion is extremely hostile to the general opinion of the tribe. You believe what you do both publically and privately based on your own opinion that hasn't been filtered through the tyranny of other's opinions. Believe me, it's pretty damn hard.

Well, if all else fails, Colt makes men equal.

>> No.7250690

To add, too many opinions remain private, although they shouldn't be. It often happens that people say what they must, but not what they think.

>> No.7250721
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Starting Strength - Rippetoe
Mindfulness in Plain English - Henepola Gunaratana
Fist of the North Star (1986 Film - Dubbed)
Discourses - Epictetus
Storm of Steel - Junger
Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage - Lansing

>> No.7250747

Napoleon pls

"To live defeated is to die every day"

Gives me shivers evry tim

>> No.7250748

Thank you for this, it's exactly the words I was looking for.

This too, I appreciate the variety of your selection. Thank you.

>> No.7250766
File: 94 KB, 800x880, seven-rays-alexander-nothing-impossible-seven-rays-alexander-nothing-impossible-o6fgkz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tasting defeat

>> No.7250784

Why do you feel like a coward anon?

>> No.7250845


>> No.7250852

pls reply anon

>> No.7250870

My thoughts regarding a situation have become so restrictive and convoluted that I simply cannot act. I may be disrespected but I won't retaliate in any way. I may be offered something to do but I cannot for the life of me spontaneously say yes. The sole presence of certain people make me shiver. I generate tons of outcomes and logically validate them.

I tend to have an all-or-nothing attitude. I feel like if I can't do something available here and now, I will never do it. This idea is good for making myself do but when I miss the opportunity, it only reinforces my fear regarding a given activity.

I have been reading Notes From the Underground and can really see in myself what the Underground Man describes as the conscious man (as opposed to the man of action). The conscious man will do just that, be conscious of something without actually acting on it.

>> No.7250872

1st figure out what you stand for

Absence of fear can be retarded sometimes, ur not brave if u go around picking fights ur just a prick

Instead think of 'bravery' as heroism, like when u stand up for someone weaker than u or put something on the line (status, reputation etc) when u say or do something important

>> No.7250885

Also to add to this, I feel like the whole world is out to get me, like I'm completely powerless against the physical world, the "real" world.

>> No.7250888


Martial arts is a good suggestion, I actually started muay thai in high school to get better at fighting but literally haven't been in a fight since lol.

But it's made me very secure in unfamiliar situations because you always know you can shut shit down if need be so you can adopt a position of physical smugness ("look at this fggt getting mad... guy doesnt even know shit about my jiujitsu lmao he dont want these hands")

>> No.7250909


To the White Sea, James Dickey

Leadership and Training for the Fight, Paul R. Howe

Armor, John Steakly
Bravery is distilled insanity tempered by logic, mirthful fatalism, and perceived individual obligation.

>> No.7251226

Really, honestly:

Fuck martial arts or whatever, that will just make you the same coward, now with the ability to beat people up. That isn't bravery. That is a useful tool that will help you if you ever get in a fight.

Bravery isn't something you learn, because it's not something that you can be without. Bravery is what we call a response when you measure how much you care for something versus the threat to your own self, and that thing comes out on top.

Realize that fear is not something unknowable. Fear is not a spectre, warded off only by your capitulation to it. Fear is your mind being convinced that you cannot overcome. When you retreat to safety, when you tell yourself that your actions are correct in the moment, that is because you have allowed your perception of safety to dwarf doing what you think is best for yourself. As much as you would claim to know the consequences of action, you still refuse to bear them. They hang over you as the great what if, whatever you think you know punctuated by a menacing question mark of unforseen consequences.

The greatest way to illuminate the unknown is to attempt to learn it, risk or no, and you will have to do things that make you uncomfortable. You will have to respond. You will have to break norms, ignore every single fucking shrieking alarm and defence mechanism you have and act in a way that is not recognizably you. But you CAN do it. You are a smart man, to analyze your own actions. You are a determined man, to have made the decision to beat comfort and become a better version of yourself. You have overcome, and you shall do it again. Have faith in your ability to endure. Have confidence in your ability to adapt and survive. I do.

>> No.7251246

>That isn't bravery. That is a useful tool that will help you if you ever get in a fight.

If you were a coward you wouldn't want to get in a fight in first place. As experienced martial arts fighter, you won't need to fear the fight because you spent a lot of time preparing for it.

>> No.7251272

an experienced martial arts fighter isn't inherently brave. He simply possesses tools that make that situation a lot easier to cope with.

You are not being brave in response to an overwhelming threat, because you have negated that threat by being stronger and well prepared.