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7250221 No.7250221 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics by Kant.

What should I read before going into Kant, if anything? I've only read the greeks and Nietzsche so far.

>> No.7250240

read hume, then understands that empiricism trumps rationalism since rationality is only one subpart of the imagination, which is the essence of the mind.once you tame the mind, you have access to pure perception, pure existence.

>> No.7250246


Descartes, Hume and Leibniz for an understanding of what he brings to the table and how his thought was revolutionary.

>> No.7250267


what should I read by them?

>> No.7250307


You can probably skip Descartes, but if you want a thorough and comprehensive study of philosophy, don't do that.

Meditations by Descartes
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by Hume
No idea about Leibniz tbh.

>> No.7251096


you can't say its a comprehensive study of hume without reading the treatise

>> No.7251105

>reading Nietzsche before Kant

fucking retard

>> No.7251108

new essays by leibniz
but then you also need to read locke


>> No.7251119


I only Zarathustra tho so that's not too bad I guess.

>> No.7251126

Tbh you'll need to read Descartes before Locke, before Descartes you'll need Bacon and Aristotle tbh

>> No.7251127

no its not but you literally cant understand nietzsche before you read kant and shoppy because his writings are a reaction to their work

>> No.7251137
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what should I read from Bacon? Ive read TheTotle already.


>> No.7251149


maybe I can't fully understand him yet, but tbh it's not like Zarathustra is a very complex philosophical essay.

Maybe I just missed out completly though I have no idea.

>> No.7251150

>before Descartes you'll need Bacon and Aristotle tbh
fuck you bitch ass nigga little punk son of a bitch eat my shit goddamn jewish chupacabra

>> No.7251152

>it's not like Zarathustra is a very complex philosophical essay.

its very complex though fam

check the sep for more info

>> No.7251161

Advancement of Knowledge
Novum Organum
New Atlantis

>> No.7251164

well novum organun ofc
but thats assuming you've STUDIED the organun by toto before
have you
because most ppl dont if they are not students

>> No.7251172


You really shouldn't start with Zarathustra either. I tried that, and now I have AIDS.


>maybe I can't fully understand him yet, but tbh it's not like Zarathustra is a very complex philosophical essay.

Yeah, this means you didn't get it at all. No worries, I haven't either yet, and I doubt that many have. Plenty of time.

>> No.7251182

>I've only read the greeks

Don't bother with anything else.
I don't mean this to be a classicist snob or anything like that, but with the greeks you have all the content you'll ever need to work with in your entire life.
Digest all what was taught, contemplate everything, and begin creating your own system by your own faculties of reason.

Bonus points: contradict yourself on purpose in later works but claim that you are still "right anyways" ("it's not good or bad, but the opposite") and you'll probably be famous for over 2 centuries.

>> No.7251521

Leibniz is a somewhat annoying writer to get into because he doesn't have a specific work that encapsulates his philosophical project in its full.

I'd advice you to read Monadology.

>> No.7251562

> I haven't either yet, and I doubt that many have.

At the fear of being called a pleb, I must admit that every time someone gets up in arms about Nietzsche being the greatest thing ever, I'm slightly confused.

He's enjoyable to read, and his thoughts are unique, radical and fascinating. But his ideas often seem contradictory, unfounded and needlessly polemic.

I don't know. Maybe I just need to read more of and about him.

>> No.7251586

no, dont worry, your view is reasonable
source : phil master student

>> No.7251760


Descartes: Meditations
Leibniz: Primary Truths
On Contingency
Discourse on Metaphysics
(these are all short essays or letters, shouldn't take long)
Hume: Treatise on Human Nature (just Book One)

Do it in that order.

>> No.7252816

Kill yourself. No, seriously, dying is easier and less painful than reading Kant. He seemed to write in order *not* to be understood.

>> No.7254208

With hume how important is it to read both the Treatise and the Enquiery?

Can one get by with just the Enquiery or will it suffer

>> No.7254210

he is difficult precisely because he is clear

>> No.7254215

not that much important
reading the enquiery should be sufficient unless you want super solid understanding

>> No.7254224


>> No.7254267

I'm not OP, but I have a similar question :with what book (by Kant) should I start to study is philosophy ?

>> No.7254295
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>What should I read before going into Kant, if anything?

>> No.7254347

Kant's difficulty mostly comes from the fact that his subjects tend to be incredibly abstract and bordering on the incomprehensible.

Hegel though, fuck that.

>> No.7254379
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