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7248616 No.7248616 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you read? Does anyone have any strange habits?

>> No.7248619

on the bus

in my bed at night

sometimes in my bed in the morning

none of my chairs are comfy enough

>> No.7248628
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There is this hidden beach in the woods at this state park near my hose that is wicked comfy for me and my pup on sunny days

>> No.7248641


>> No.7248643
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On windy days we go behind this rocky outcrop a little way away form the water to the remains of this old farm house
All thats left is the cement septic tank(pictured), afew other strange cement structures, and a hell of a lot of old ceramic dishes and glassware
>tfw every now and then somebody on a hike walks through and thinks your a crazy homeless person and gets all neverous

>> No.7248646

I take the empty bus on Sundays and go nowhere.
I like the buzz of the bus. Helps me read.
Also reading on the grass.

>> No.7248664
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I live in the countryside, so I just drive my car down quiet farm roads sometimes and enjoy the scenic atmospere.

>> No.7248678

>Reading outside
Real fucking edgy guys,
wow your so artsy and "zen" and hip! /s

>> No.7248687
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>mfw someone starts getting loud while reading on public transportation

>> No.7248704

In my bed or at the library

>> No.7248705

can you please stop posting these pictures without her permission, thanks

>> No.7248709

Thanks, buddy! Couldn't have figured out you were being sarcastic without your help! /s

>> No.7248715

almost exclusively in my bed naked

>> No.7248722

I read Bukowski on the toilet. Every month or so I get a new Bukowski book to keep in the toilet. I've read four of his novels so far and half way through a collection of stories.

Other than that I read on the couch or on the tram to uni, sometimes in the sun on the lawn at uni too.

>> No.7248820

that can't be a pup

>> No.7248822

Why isn't my life good?

>> No.7248832

You post on /p/ don't you?
Swear I've seen this dog before.

>> No.7248838

I really like the idea of reading outside but I always get too distracted.
The light won't be right or I'll hear something or see a bug.

So usually I just read in bed or on the couch.
I prefer the bed but feel strange being in bed during the day, though there is no real logical reason for that.

>> No.7248839

i don't have citations for this, but psychologically, we associate the bed with sleep. that's why people who spend a lot of time in their room and on their bed for purposes other than sleeping may have difficulty sleeping at night time. perhaps this explains why you feel strange in the bed during the day.

>> No.7248843

>not spending 18-22 hours a day in bed


>> No.7248846

you are worthless

>> No.7248890

In bed, on the sofa, on the toilet, on the subway/bus, at the lab I'm stuck in this semester if I have a lot of time to kill while waiting for some reaction to take place.

>> No.7248893


>> No.7248901

why the hate for oblomov? did the state confiscate your one cow or something?

>> No.7248944

Sundays I ride to the neighbouring town that connects through the local train, read on the train, take a coffee break with apple pie or cheesecake, ride back and read.
During the week I just read on the train on my normal commute.
For some reason I find it very hard to read at home.

>> No.7248957

>on the couch
>in a cafe
>when I get public transport
I stopped reading while walking outdoors. That was probably the strangest reading habit I had.

>> No.7248998

I have one book I only read when waiting for the bus and one book for home. Typically the bus book is science fiction and the home book is something a little more challenging.

>> No.7249017

Read in bed

Or by bed on a rug with cushion

Tend to drink with tea


>> No.7249024
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>tfw that girl looks like a near identical copy of my mother but I'm strangely attracted to that girl
Anyone else know these sorts of feelings?
To answer the question though I usually read on the uni bus, at my desk, on my bed, at the library or walking around my house.

>> No.7249069

>Anyone else know these sorts of feelings?

>> No.7249072

In my reclining desk chair, my feet on my bed. It is very uncomfortable

By the way this grill is mad cute, they always post her on /fa/. Who is she?

>> No.7249076

On the subway, pretty much. I can try reading at coffee shops but i get easily distracted. I can't read at home because whenever I get too comfy I fall asleep (i suffer from mild narcolepsy coupled with add it's fucking hard for me to do shit that requires massive times of concentration). If I MUST read at home I'll usually walk around in circles, i find it strangely therapeutic

>> No.7249078


>tfw a tranny looks like your mom at the same age.

Obviously she's super passable. Weird feel.

>> No.7249080

If it's who I think it is

>> No.7249153

Holy fuck it's a trap? Do you have a name? God damn it anon I hope you aren't going to disappoint me.

>> No.7249159
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On the rocks at the beach near my house

>> No.7249185

I almost never read when im home but when im the train or sitting in cafe for example i get so much read

>> No.7249359

She's not a trap. She used to post on /fa/ but some autist found her tumblr then it kind of went downhill from there

>> No.7249400

On the train to university. Literally no other time.

It's usually around a 1 and a half hour journey unless I have to get off at a station to change service. I make the journey twice a day, so it's somewhere under 3 hours of reading 4 times a week.

>> No.7250380

I idly fap while reading.
Thinking about reading arouses me now.

>> No.7250402

Who is she

>> No.7250417

I read outside the Starbucks that I work at

>> No.7250979

There's a small foresty area directly behind this playgound at a school. I read in that during school hours

>> No.7250998

On the bus to work every weekday morning. Cafe across from my old college campus weekday evenings and a bakery/cafe a few blocks from my place on the weekends. Out on my lawn if I'm having a smoke. Irregularly in my room on my lounge chair (usually just if I'm drunk and pick out some poetry).

If I'm at a cafe, I have to arrange the books I brought with me, my phone, pencils, my earbud case, and drink neatly on the table. I just like having all my work materials in view.

>> No.7251575

I go to poop and read while I'm waiting for all of it to come out.

>> No.7251814

His crush

>> No.7251832
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public transport, and in bed curled up with the missus

>> No.7251859

She is everyone's crush on /fa/
This autist is not unique for liking her

>> No.7251874

Anyone here ever read at a bar? I like reading in public but I don't think I'm ~hip~ enough to try a bar out.

>> No.7251877


>> No.7251896

At my bathtub.

>> No.7252114

>none of my chairs are comfy enough

>realest feel 2015

>> No.7252203

On the train, on the metro and specially on some nice bar drinking good beer.

>> No.7252209


I was talking about my own feel, unrelated to the girl the the OP.

>> No.7252217

disgusting twigs for legs

>> No.7252322


at work mostly

>> No.7252649

At home. Theres also a theater near my school and I sometimes go there and sit at the back of the building. Kinda comfy.

>> No.7252652

I'm sure your legs are nothing short of magnificent

>> No.7252658

>dresses as an autistic tomboy from the waist down

>> No.7252660

Yes they are ;3

>> No.7252668

its some /fa/ meme

this girl found out they were posting her pics and made a big deal about it, she even started referencing the thread on tmblr and posting on the thread itself asking for people to stop using her pictures without her permission; she got btfo and triggered off back to her tmblr (which she deleted)

>> No.7252677

more pics?

>> No.7252679

>posts images of herself for the whole world to see
>gets mad when people see it
womyn logic
almost as bad as complaining about men checking you out when you walk around half-naked

>> No.7252694

I often regret getting plenty of fibre in my diet because I lose all those meditative hours on the seat

>> No.7252703

Enjoy your anal prolapse.

>> No.7252711

>healthy shitting habits are unhealthy
Okay friend

>> No.7252717

Staying longer than necessary in the toilet is not healthy and leads to anal prolapse.

>> No.7252724

No it doesn't.

>> No.7252727

what's the diff between sitting on a toilet and sitting at a desk? i haven't heard about the rise of anal prolapses among the white collar workers.

>> No.7252733

>Swollen hemorrhoids are usually a result of applying too much pressure to the lower rectum. This may happen if you're straining to have a bowel movement, which can occur during chronic diarrhea and constipation, according to the Mayo Clinic. It may also happen if you sit on the toilet too long because when you sit on the toilet, your anus relaxes, allowing the veins around to fill with blood, which then puts pressure on those veins.

>> No.7252741

Actually the best way to shit is by squatting, sitting toilets are fucking cancer and lead to problems too because it's much harder to shit sitting.
Sitting for too long also causes poopoo problems.

>> No.7252743

holy fuck tbh wew reddit lad fam tbh jeez

>> No.7252748

this certainly explains one mystery in my life

>> No.7253325

can doesn't imply should tbh

>> No.7253809

Try cafes again but listening to low key classical music. Piano dominant stuff tends to be great, as is choral music if you can get into it.

A few days ago I had a 2-3 hour period of basically not even looking up from my book (Roman history, hardly riveting by its own merits) because I was listening to Satie's 3 gymnopedies on repeat.

>> No.7254843

>some nice bar drinking good beer.
hipster faggot

>> No.7254875

at home, in bed or on couch
at work i keep either my kindle or a paperback in my pocket so if i get any downtime i will hide in a room and read. on my breaks i sit outside on a picnic table or the bleachers near the football field
im a high school janitor btw

>> No.7254894

i should add, when i was an undergrad, the library was a good quiet place to study/read and i spent a lot of time there. i also hung out in the art building a lot, reading.

habits while reading? i like to have coffee or tea and water nearby. at home i light candles. i leave a notebook and pen near too in case i want to copy something or feel inspired to write something myself

>> No.7254925


>> No.7255143

Sometimes after scratching my anus I sniff my fingers.

>> No.7255173

What the fuck is a skyler

>> No.7255195

enlighten me please. who is this meme