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7248084 No.7248084 [Reply] [Original]

Introductory books to logic?

>> No.7248120

the god delusion

>> No.7248129
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>> No.7248185

Introduction to Logic by Harry Gensler is great. It manages to be both accessible and comprehensive in a relatively short book. Very cheap (~$20 used on Amazon) and has accompanying software, written by the author of the book, that's free - no code or account necessary. The amount of knowledge crammed into this book for such a low price is the best valued textbook I've ever bought.

>> No.7248192

Thank you!

>> No.7248205
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>> No.7248229

No problem. It's actually like $25-30, I was slightly off, but still incredibly worth it.

The /sci/ wiki also has some stuff on logic. It seems very math and science oriented, but I've never actually read any of it. Genslers book has sections on things like metalogic, history of logic, and philosophy of logic, which those definitely won't cover, on top of your standard informal/formal logic.

>> No.7248614

2nd this

>> No.7248779

Logic Manual - Halbach

>> No.7248952

I got Graeme Forbes book 'Modern logic' for my next course in formal logic

>> No.7249633

A First Course in Logic - Shawn Hedman
Logic and Structure - van Dalen

>> No.7249661

Jaques maritain

>> No.7249671

Logic Manual was what I used when I studied it, was pretty alright.

Only thing is the first few pages are really dull, I was put off for months before I came back and found that the rest of the book was actually reasonably digestible.

>> No.7249706

>a property is positive or ne
Wow, even the first step is wrong.