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/lit/ - Literature

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7246713 No.7246713 [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ hates John Green now

Is /pol/ invading?

>> No.7246718

Nah, /lit/ is

>> No.7246720

>/lit/ hates John Green now

>> No.7246727

I don't think he was ever liked here.

>> No.7246736


>> No.7246745


>> No.7246749

I feel like you could fuck him and easily pretend he was really Franzen in a kind of drunken haze, and so long as you like got out of there before sobering up you would never have to break the illusion.

>> No.7246751

It really says something when /pol/'s adversaries are John Green fans.

>> No.7246762

>john green is popular
>lit hates him
typical of the contrarian memers who refuse to accept Dick Dawkins and GOT as great philosophy/literature.

>> No.7246768


>> No.7246820


wew lad

>> No.7246826

this, but unironically

>> No.7246827

Go to bed John

>> No.7246841

>great philosophy
>calls others contrarians
You're the b8est m80.

>> No.7246855

Honestly, I think its good that there's some author that can 1/2 way get kids into reading more, even if its not very intellectual.

The issue is this arbitrary distinction that gets put on "serious fiction" and "youth fiction". They should BE the same. Any hemingway, jane-austen, orwell, and so many other great authors are not particularly hard reads.

But reading just doesn't have the same social capital in contemporary society as it used to. Its more "in" to know what's going on in the latest shows than to know your classics.

>> No.7246863
File: 88 KB, 548x575, psychocrusher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7246864

is good if kids show interest in reading, the problem are the 20 years old and beyond that refuse to read anything but YA

>> No.7246896

>its good that there's some author that can 1/2 way get kids into reading more, even if its not very intellectual

Harold Bloom is a blowhard, but he's right for disagreeing w/ this type sentiment. nothing says kids can't "get into" reading good literature. just because they shouldn't start at Gravity's Rainbow doesn't mean they should start w/ Meme Green or any of that other vapid YA shit. you can't tell me shit like Crank, or Jennifer Shaw Wolf's YA novel Breaking Beautiful (look it up) can be excused because Lol Well At Least They Have Words. like everything American, YA is too entertaining, too rewarding, and that's why we see more and more people reading YA into their 20's. they get hooked on the feels these books dispense—"Well, you must be deep, smart, and special," says Green, "You're reading my books, aren't you?"—and so they are never compelled to graduate to quality literature. John Green, Harry Potter, etc. are like the opposite of gateway drugs.

>> No.7246908

I don't give a shit what other people read. If people want to read YA into their adult years, let them. What gets my goat are the ones who think that YA should be given literary respect. It indicates that they feel bad for reading junk, but rather than branching out they're trying to make everyone else agree that the junk is actually good.

>> No.7246913

>>/lit/ hates John Green now
>Is /pol/ invading?
yes, but this has absolutely nothing to do with the first statement

>> No.7246921

I think this is true in a lot of ways. Especially because when it comes to classics you don't necessarily need to understand the book to enjoy it. I went through a phase in high school where I read almost every Hemingway novel and I thought I loved him, then later went back and re-read them to realize I had absolutely no clue what the books were about back then. It still made me a better reader though.

>> No.7246930

I think that's just 4chan in a nutshell. It's contrarian as fuck. When conservatives were in office they were liberal, when liberals are in office they're conservative.

4chan has the consciousness of a 14 year old boy and there really isn't a lot you can do about it.

>> No.7247107
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this is literally "fun is a buzzword" - /lit/ edition

>> No.7247110
File: 2.90 MB, 290x189, 1322963415115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this this this this this.

>mfw people say they value 4chan for its truthful opinions and lack of groupthink

>> No.7247112

John Green is an SJW idiot. He plays GTA V without killing anyone, talking about how horrible it and everyone is.

>> No.7247247

you're both morons

>> No.7247285

vapid, meaningless enjoyment is not productive and undermines the medium as a whole. Saying its a good for people to read only tripe as a substitute to literature is like saying society will be fine if everyone masturbated 24/7 (they're just enjoying themselves!)

>> No.7247338


>muh extremely narrow political paradigm

You're a cunt.

>> No.7247435


>> No.7247440

so true

>> No.7247452

quality posts guys

>> No.7247464

Why would you post that? Jerk.