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/lit/ - Literature

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7246659 No.7246659[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why there isn't any great female writers?

>> No.7246663

Because your reality is filled with male crotches, not books. Your welcome, now leave.

>> No.7246781
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Why cant you take your shitposting elsewhere.

You can complain about lack of good women directors, world leaders and developers and they'll eat your shit right up.


>> No.7246957

>Why there isn't
How about you ask again when you can form a sentence correctly.

>> No.7248014
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>> No.7248045

Good god I want to bury my face in that man's crotch.

>> No.7248060 [DELETED] 

Who don't women have legs like that?

>> No.7248070
File: 70 KB, 630x1023, barberinifaun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the masculine so beautiful (no homo)

>> No.7248073

women don't have the same creative drive as men because they don't feel as much pressure to accomplish things, because they are already treated as important and valuable just for existing.

>> No.7248079

r*ported for announcing , newfag

>> No.7248082

Not as creative, and lower IQ. It's that simple.

>> No.7248089

Why don't women have legs like that?

>> No.7248096

If women had legs like that, would more of them be great writers?

>> No.7248227

I think the problem is he won't become a good writer since he has such good legs. Same with women.
source: Orlando

>> No.7248414

Masculine beauty > feminine beauty

>> No.7248438

There are plenty


>> No.7248455

Woman = Meme

>> No.7248475

homosex is patrician/hetero is pleb

>> No.7248482

Because their brains are literally wired to do mundane tasks requiring no creativity.

>> No.7248507

Because its form follows actual function, rather than being a good child recipient.

>> No.7248524

agree but anal sex is gross lol

>> No.7248562

a question more grounded in reality: why is /lit/ such a shithole at the moment?

>> No.7248565

the jug-pissers from /r9k/ took over

>> No.7248592

go to another website

>> No.7248594

Because women have lizard brains and are incapable of true suffering and empathy, which are the prerequisites for creating great art.

>> No.7248595

Aren't you supposed to say: "NORMIES REEEEE" and post a picture of your frog friend 'Pepe'?

>> No.7248601

>unironically using the term lizard brain

>> No.7248602


>Jane Austen
>Virginia Woolf
>Mary Shelley
>Margaret Mitchell
>George Eliot
>Emily Dickinson
>Harper Lee
>Emily Bronte
>Charlotte Bronte
>Toni Morrison
>Joyce Carol Oates
>Zora Neale Hurston

>> No.7248603

what is this post supposed to accomplish?

>> No.7248606

>taking the bait
>having shit taste
smelly boy detected

>> No.7248608

I'd ask the same of OP

>> No.7248610

What are we trying to accomplish in life?

>> No.7248611

you're not on a literature forum, you're on 4chan
you should expect some level of 4chan culture to penetrate the board
there are plenty of places to discuss literature outside of /lit/

>> No.7248622

I'm not on /r9k/, though. For good reasons, I might add.

>> No.7248629

you're also not on tumblr

>> No.7248640
File: 6 KB, 227x191, 1443433820144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw by making women "independent" feminism has actually broken the shackles that have made men enslaved to work, women and family, and driven women to fill the roles men filled instead of them, essentially taking us more and more towards a society of men and men with vaginae
>mfw feminism is actually the destruction of the feminine

>> No.7248648

You're a fucking idiot. How do any of those lizard brains rank beside the minds of Shakespeare, Schopenhauer, or Evola?

Women cannot think as deeply about human existence, morals, ethics, art, aesthetics, love because their brains aren't hardwired to it. They aren't as ontologically 'there' or inscribed into the world as men.

Women cannot know true suffering, true love, true ambition, true longing, true dread, true anxiety, true joy, true exaltation, or true loyalty. They're narcissists and they barely think. They're controlled by muh feels and like children and dogs need a strong paternal authority figure to discipline them and tell them what to do.

We need to reassert traditional gender roles that are concurrent with evolution. The feminist experiement has run amock and the majority of men are now unable to attract a female because women now believe that they have the right to choose whom they shall take up romantic relations with (a sham, naturally, for women, as they're only interested in money and Chad dick). As a result we see rampant degeneracy, interracial relations, and the breeding out of whiteness. All that was holy is now being profaned by the female succubi, and that's why you're witnessing the beta uprising in some places

>> No.7248657

you need to amend this as you have contradicted yourself

>> No.7248662

You are so turned on right now.

>> No.7248665

it's the redpill, idiot

>> No.7248674
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>True Scotsman
>says women are controlled by their emotions, need authority, are narcissitic
>half his post can be summed up as "muh race, muh nature, muh Chad taking the pussy from me"

>> No.7248677

no it isn't

>> No.7248681

>Women cannot know true suffering, true love, true ambition, true longing, true dread, true anxiety, true joy, true exaltation, or true loyalty. They're narcissists and they barely think. They're controlled by muh feels and like children and dogs need a strong paternal authority figure to discipline them and tell them what to do.

That sounds awesome, where do I sign up? Fucking men and their "truth" and "thought". Male "thought" has produced some of the worst abominations of mankind

>> No.7248685

Also gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.7248686

>roasties detected

>> No.7248692

fuck off

>> No.7248693

jesus, was /lit/ always this garbage? Are we being raided by /pol/ or /r9k/ or something?

>> No.7248694

Nietzsche had some great insights on women, but you have to read him super carefully.

But feminism is about making women like men. And why in gods green earth would anyone want to fucking do that? I mean Jesus Christ men are not that fucking great

>> No.7248695

if you were a true believer in aristocracy you would support the idea of the "Chads" being the only ones that breed

>> No.7248703

What's a roastie?

I realized today that I have been here three years at least. And yes it has. The "muh board degeneration" is for faggots

Either build interesting threads or fuck off

>> No.7248711

>What's a roastie?
It's the modern woman ,i.e. a girl who has taken 500 dicks before she's 16. (the roastie is a reference to roastbeef, like a used vagina (which is degenerate)).

Let the greatest mind of this generation speak to you as he does his robot brothers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tuf59ex-U0

Warining: what you'll learn -- and the pill you're about to take -- will change the way you see the world forever. Enter at your own risk

>> No.7248724

>women are hypergamous hedonists
fuck dude you're blowing my mind not like this has been said since the beginning of recorded history

>> No.7248728

this tbh

>> No.7248729

feminism and cultural marxism won't tell you this though.

>> No.7248741

feminism tells you exactly that

>> No.7248754


My God. This explains both my utilitarianism and homosexuality.

>> No.7248767
File: 126 KB, 480x608, 1441704144863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this guy loves to talk about the genetically superior males, but beating them on their own game? Nah, that's out of the question; evolution's alright if it explains my missery, but actually using it to the advantage of the group I'm advocating for and myself? Too much work, I'm just gonna keep bitching. Oh you have a waifu my fellow robots? That's okay, it's not like you only masturbate to cartoons because they are a simile of the same biologically desirable traits I'm condemning woman for wanting.

ps: if women have a hundred dicks a year, and they don't get pregnant, or they abort, then it won't matter shit from a gentical point of view

>> No.7248787
File: 176 KB, 678x5000, 1421087456114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw feminism is actually the destruction of the feminine
no, feminism is the apology of the feminine, that is to say, of the hedonism: always more pleasure with always less consequences.

>> No.7248796

this fuckin guiy

>> No.7248807

>those legs

>> No.7248809

Elizabeth Bishop
Emily Dickinson
Virginia Woolf

You disgusting sub-human abomination of reactionary sexist trash bourgeoisie taste.

>> No.7248816

Bishop is mediocrity defined. She might as well be writing prose.

>> No.7248818

hysterical woman detected

>> No.7248823

what are you asking
they're nice legs

>> No.7248824

But Anon, do you not see? You are the end result of feminism, your own image shows whatever they wanted to do has worked only to make men less interested in women.