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7246099 No.7246099 [Reply] [Original]

Science is truth. Philosophy is opinion. There is nothing else. Prove me wrong.

>> No.7246104


Scientific theories are still opinion.

>> No.7246108

This is Philosophy.

>> No.7246112

Science is based on philosophical assumptions, therefore science is opinion.

>> No.7246114

Troll thread.
Don't forget to SAGE

>> No.7246118

[citation needed]

checkmate, faggot.

>> No.7246123


>> No.7246131

Sage the thread you idiots.

>> No.7246134

simon ferrari? we /game studies/ now?

>> No.7246137
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This is true, but ultimately meaningless.

>> No.7246144

I want to apologise on behalf of /sci/ if this faggot came from our boards and shitposted here.

/sci/ and /lit/ shouldn't oppose each other :^)

>> No.7246159

>philosophical assumptions
My dick, idiot. Your heart is a muscular organ that has four chambers protected by a layer called as pericarduim. Is that a phiosophical assumption? You disgust me.

>> No.7246160


>> No.7246168

This fucknut.

>> No.7246175
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Wow, i'm speechless, not even gonna try to respond

>> No.7246187

>not even gonna try to respond
>responds with a pathetic meme

>> No.7246199

>argues that philosophy has something to say
>retreats to truisms

>> No.7246210

Haha, science.

>> No.7246211

Claiming that science is based on philosophical assumptions is different from claiming that all scientific discourse is a philosophical assumption. Do you even know how to read, shitlord?

>> No.7246229

Science proves a philosophical assumption, fuckwit.

>> No.7246233


>> No.7246240

>the conclusion proves the premise


>> No.7246257

If it's a philosophical assumtion then it's just an (opinion). When a philosophical assumtion is confirmed, it becomes science (fact). Grow a fucking brain.

>> No.7246283

Hey I recognize that writing style.

You - you're that troll that likes baiting people by making controversial statements entrenched within a believable set of beliefs.
How do you make your shitposts sound so sincere and convincing?

>> No.7246287

You're not talking about the philosophical assumptions that science is based on right? Like mathematics( literally a philosophical discourse), because that would be circular reasoning.

>> No.7246317 [DELETED] 

Math is science and vise versa. 2 and 2 is a (Phylosopgical assumption) sign +,-,*,/,= are (Philosophical assumtions) 2+2 =4 is (science). See >>7246257

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.7246332

Math is science and vise versa. 2 and 2 is a (Philosophical assumption). Sign +,-,*,/,= are (Philosophical assumtions). 2+2=4 is (science). See >>7246257

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.7246342

confirmed by whom? by what means? with 100% certainty? is the science of today set in stone? do "facts" change?

>> No.7246344

You're bad at science and philosophy. Try light novels >>>/jp/ you won't like any of our books.

>> No.7246393
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After that i'm gonna need you to define science. Define it.

>> No.7246399


There is no way to confirm 2 + 2 = 4 as a fact because the logical process stops working at the point where you need to prove that 4 exists and addition operates as we claim it does, we just assume it out of convenience.

>> No.7246419

Do you know any epistemology?

>> No.7246429

How does this make any sense?

Addition is a man made process, we have no need to assume how it works because WE made it.

>> No.7246433

define science
>is truth.
define truth
define philosophy
>is opinion.
define opinion
>There is nothing else.
define nothing else
>Prove me wrong.
Answering those questions is a purely "philosophical" matter. Science depends entirely on how those questions are answered. Prove me wrong.

>> No.7246526

define is

>> No.7246560

The philosophical assumption in your example is that an empirical reality exists and that it could be accurately interpreted by our senses. You would have known that if you weren't a massive idiot.

>> No.7246567


I get that OP is trolling to the max, but that's not really correct. Scientific theories are backed up by as much mathematical precision as possible combined with observational evidence whereever possible.

>> No.7246590



Why have you not escaped the vicious circle of definition refining? All definitions infinitely regress anon.

>> No.7246591

>muh objective truth
>muh empirical realism
>muh philosophy is opinion
Literally all things are opinion, as there are no proper arguments against solipsism. And science is predicted upon the philosophical assumption that an empirical reality exists, that we can interpret it, that we exist, and that the logic system we have devised is objective. Not even /sci/ is this dumb.

>> No.7246642

It's not really a vicious cycle though, you can do a lot even with concepts that are vaguely defined or undefined. Just look at how primitive notions are used to build mathematical axioms.

>> No.7246892

>Answering those questions is a purely "philosophical" matter.

source on this?

>Science depends entirely on how those questions are answered.

source on this?

>> No.7246906
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I f*cking love science too OP!

>> No.7246910

Nobody believes or ever will believe in solipsism, so there is no need to argue against it.

>> No.7246919


>> No.7246938

People here really should study some Philosophy of Science before they criticize this subject. Scientism is the lamest ideol

>> No.7246943

Theoryladenness of observation
Duhem-quine thesis
Kuhn's paradigms

Study these subjects and then tell me that science still isn't an opinion

>> No.7246950

I have read some and I came to the conclusion that all other systems of knowledge were merely word games or were pushing synthetic a priori.

>> No.7246951

What is LAW ?

>> No.7246958

opinions put into words and acted upon

>> No.7246973

>we have no need to assume how it works because WE made it.
>implying you made it
>implying you were present the moment it was "made"

literally kill urself my man

>> No.7246976

Many unobservable entities acceptance are based on 'inference to best explanation'. All scientific theories have theorethical aspects which at this moment can't be observed. Still most scientists choose to accept these based on the coherent evidence, but DONT believe in these entities.

I have done a minor on Philosophy of Science, which turned my view of science upside down. Don't believe the Scientific optimists blindly. Prediction and practical value of a theorethical concept don't necessarily make this concept real, lots of old, now trashed, scientific theories could predict as well and 'proved' their truth by being 'usable'. According to the Duhem-Quine thesis, you can't test a single statement in isolation, but only against a framework of background assumptions, theories, models, methodology. So experiments are actually tested against a framework that has been built to conform each other > circularity.

That's why Kuhn's paradigm is so succesfull. Old scientific paradigms were deemed true, untill a new paradigm took over. We are blinded by the paradigm. The framework behind a statement is based on the paradigm. This means that a lot of science should be accepted, not believed in. We still have no idea whatsoever how an atom looks like. Only models that idealize it and were selected for aesthetic value and simplicity.

Do you know what one of the main reasons is that the scientists and chemists of the Phlogiston theory era stepped over to the oxygen theory of fire? For aesthetic reasons.

>> No.7246997

Nothing about your post is true: it only makes you look even more retarded.

>> No.7247040
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Science is an empirical philosophy used to harvest symbolic approximations of truth, gathered through observation and experiment.

It is a specialized philosophy.

Philosophy, while largely opinionated yes, but not completely, is also useful for putting the discoveries of science to use. We need ethical, economic, and social philosophies to put our scientific discoveries to use in improving human quality of life. Without the philosophical frameworks of society, scientific discoveries would be without context or use: Just raw information.

>> No.7247057

Morals, economics and social philosophies are subjective

>> No.7247096

Why do you bother responding to me when you don't think I exist?

>> No.7247108



>> No.7247115

that does not contradict what the OP said, Searle even states that he is giving his opinion

>> No.7247119
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>> No.7247131
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This is a recent view common in the 21st century, but ultimately weakly grounded.
Even Nietszche didnt believe this.

>> No.7247139

And we are subjects, what's the problem?

>> No.7247148

>math is science
Oh lord