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File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, michel-foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7245230 No.7245230 [Reply] [Original]

Why society didn't listened to him?
Right now we could be living in a world free of sexual inhibitions, with happier people, and less delinquency rate.

>> No.7245233

Because AIDs

>> No.7245236

>less sexual inhibition than ever
>people seem even more depressed as a result (except for a minority of attractive or rich people, who were never inhibited anyway)
>because we need more sexual liberation!

>> No.7245239

Que? When did he propose a programme for society, and what was it?

>> No.7245244
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>Because AIDs
mfw the hedonists bring their own unhappiness

>> No.7245245

The Houellebecq defence of conservatism is interesting, but I don't think it is actually the case that there is now "less sexual inhibition than ever", it only looks that way because the way that sex is purchased has changed.

A return to pre-medievalism, to madness and hyper-sexuality as spiritual journey. Venereal Diseases are just part of the journey, mang.

>> No.7245274


Also, Foucault knowingly - perhaps intentionally - gave people HIV. Just a top creep. Complete fucking monster.

>> No.7245280

>as a result
prove it

>> No.7245281

>people seem more depressed than ever
let's reverse the direction of societal change because this anon has a sad friend

>> No.7245282

he believes in social and scientific progress

>> No.7245285
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check this

>> No.7245290


>> No.7245291

>Self-destruction, in fact, was another of Foucault’s obsessions, and Miller is right to underscore Foucault’s fascination with death. In this, as in so much else, he followed the lead of the Marquis de Sade, who had long been one of his prime intellectual and moral heroes. (Though, as Miller notes, Foucault felt that Sade “had not gone far enough,” since, unaccountably, he continued to see the body as “strongly organic.”) Foucault came to enjoy imagining “suicide festivals” or “orgies” in which sex and death would mingle in the ultimate anonymous encounter. Those planning suicide, he mused, could look “for partners without names, for occasions to die liberated from every identity.”

>> No.7245310

I'm not so sure. My mother works at a collage in the in one of those student help offices and she has told me that people come in with sexual horror stories of things they have done and are not unable to live with even though nobody knows about it.

You might say they are internalizing the inhibition, but the fact is that people are acting out in uninhibited ways and regretting it later.

This is men and women.

>> No.7245315
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>You might say they are internalizing the inhibition, but the fact is that people are acting out in uninhibited ways and regretting it later.
perhaps, but balance this with the fact that women can call it rape later on.

>> No.7245320

imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored,tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.

>> No.7245326

Either way I think it point towards people being told sex will make them happy and it does not.

Same goes with drugs.

This neo-hedonism bullshit, hedonism "in balance" don't get too attached to anything, don't let anything take over your life or make you care; it's the meme of post-modern life.

I'm not sure what the answer is, and I don't think you can return to a conservative lifestyle because I think that is romanticized as well, but it can't be all there is.

>> No.7245331

>I'm not sure what the answer is

>> No.7245337
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>> No.7245339
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>> No.7245342
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reminder that that it is a right for women to be whores

>> No.7245346


>I don't think you can return to a conservative lifestyle because I think that is romanticized as well, but it can't be all there is.

It isn't. The Unabomber was right about how to achieve satisfaction in life: it's a process of setting yourself clearly attainable goals that you value, attaining them, and then setting more clearly attainable goals, repeat until dead. But participating in the consumer society will never let you do this because in order to survive, it needs to devalue what is past and sell you something new. Nothing that is experienced through the lens of the consumer society can permanently satisfy. Go back to the earth, is what I'm saying. Compared to living inside a miserable ratchet of advertising and waste all your life, shitting in a bucket is literally not that bad.

>> No.7245347
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>> No.7245350
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>> No.7245353
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bad daddy

>> No.7245356
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>> No.7245357

>all these reddit-tier pics

>> No.7245363

>tfw remembering when /pol/ showing up and saying dumb shit about black people and Jews was the worst thing about /lit/
Ah, those truly were the days.

>> No.7245364


I took care of my grandmother while her health was failing, she didn't want to leave her farm but was alone.
I spent almost 6 months with her. I had graduated university and was not certain of my next step.

It was hard to care for her, and not normally something a guy does; but to be honest, away from tv and internet--she told me about her life, she lived through the war in europe, and I found myself becoming more oriented towards my own future knowing where I came from.
I also spent my time on things I was happy to spend my time on. Reading and writing, working out and guitar. Just in my freetime while I was not helping her. And I got so much done.

Consumerism is a shitty meme that has burrowed its way into our lives. Its so easy to waste time and money and life.

I can't express how much I learned about life from listening to someone who didn't grow up with that bullshit. Appreciation was something I lacked entirely before that experience. It was a slap in the face I so sorely needed.

>> No.7245368

until you get punched in the mouth by an insecure faggot like me

>> No.7245378

>who didnt grow up with that bullshit
are you sure?
maybe in the future you can claim to be the more authentic one compared to a young person.
>back in my day we had serious discussions on /lit/
we should stop putting arbitrary arrows of authenticity in the middle of a historic process. there can be a fanatic hunter-gatherer who bombs the unabomber for being too modern.

>> No.7245393

>we could be living in a world free of sexual inhibitions
>less sexual inhibition than ever
I think a better way to rephrase Focault's thinking was: free of sexual prejudices.
Today people are not sexually inhibited on a surface level, but the sexual behavior is structured under rigid implicit social norms that distress people psychologically to a great extent.
What we encountered is an almost Hegelian turn in the history of sexuality: first great repression due to religious codes, second great inhibition not because of a fully-reasoned argument about our sexual behavior but mostly as a response to the former repression, this is, its anti-thesis (notably, some moral codes that are not by itself negative to the human race, gain rejection due to their relation to some religion).

>because we need more sexual liberation!
What is needed is being free of sexual prejudices, instead of living under a moral code insane enough to go as far as to make judgment upon people's private affairs.

>> No.7245396

a moral code insane enough to go as far as to make judgment upon people's private affairs.

One should never interrupt someone beating up someone else. That's their business.

>> No.7245397

>One should never interrupt someone beating up someone else. That's their business.
If it is consensual, it certainly is.

>> No.7245405

That's what I said time ago. But moralfags stopped the fight and looked bad at me.

>> No.7245407

pretty sure my repressed homosexuality was from my father beating my ass constantly and thinking hed choke me to death if I told him that i like the same sex as a kid, not what the church says

>> No.7245414


I remember all the fun times I've had tricking literal retards into giving me money.

>> No.7245440

You are reading far too much into the sentimentality in my post anon.
I'm not claiming that my grandmother comes from a more authentic generation or time, but rather that the circumstances of that generation gave them some sense of what life they wanted to work towards.

I think return to nature is a meme myself, but I still think that consumerism and the manufacturing of trivial things to care about is an issue.

>> No.7245441

>not what the church says
In a non-immediate way it was. It is like the Heideggerian Vorhandenheit and Zuhandenheit in this sense: the predominant sexual moral code was the given by Christianity which differs greatly at some by points of others (for example ancient Greek's moral code did not say anything against homosexuality, even further, it was hold that love was only possible between males). Now this need not to be fixed, this is, such values could have been appropriate in a certain period with its historical characteristics (political and social situation among others) but rather than being taken as a tool that could be used to prevent a greater danger (like avoiding overpopulation in times of war when the resources are scarce) it became a given fact and taken as absolute despite of the historical circumstances that gave birth to it and support it then.

>> No.7245453

>a world free of sexual inhibitions
I've always felt that the taboos of sexually transgressive behaviour actually catalyses the increasing degeneracy of sexual acts. Perhaps it is the social and cultural repressions themselves which incites greater eroticism into sex, operating as a private rebellion against heteronormative convention - the apparent ostracisation of both parties from social norms allows them to connect through a profound experience of shared injustice.

>> No.7245467

if you're into that sorta thing

>> No.7245476

We are living in his world.
Not my fault you are a 3rd worlder. Actually, even there your favored primitive sexuality is promoted.

>> No.7245500


Nice projection bro. I could never project like that. I think I will emulate you ;).

>> No.7245523

bit random but can you tell me what your home life is like?

>> No.7245525
File: 18 KB, 215x260, wilhelm reich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why society didn't listened to him?
Right now we could be shooting down UFOs, with happier people, with our Orgone energy.

>> No.7245536

> Why society didn't listened to him?
Foucalt is the most cited figure in social sciences. Like, ahead of Marx, Freud, Chomsky, Giddens or Weber. While academic interest does not mean public interest, academic views tend to diffuse into the public slowly but surely. For example, the gender and LGBT+ movements have grown from 1980s and 1990s academic fringes to mainstream interest.

>> No.7245575
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how many men have taken her ?
have she talked to you about her hedonism ?

>> No.7245576
File: 40 KB, 301x298, Psychological-Structure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if we listened to Reich, we would have had no feminism (it's literally emotional plague in its purest form), no pornography (substitute for love; sex with zero emotion; safe release for blocked people), no perversions (since perversion is pent up sexual energy that isn't going into the right place; think why BDSM is popular) and possibly no extremist political ideologies, left and right.
And Reich said that extreme puritanism and extreme sexual indulgence (think modernity) show a pathology, a blockage, in the sexual sphere. Puritanism - all energy is blocked. Indulgence - there's some release of energy, but not total, hence the desire to go on an on.
Plus, Reich research into the neurotic individual is valid, especially if you look into 4chan. We got on the surface a repressed person, docile, afraid, obeying his parents and society; but underneath the surface we see a whole maelstrom of frustrated sexual emotion manifesting in depression, aggression, sexual perversion (think bronies, furries, weaboos, whatever the fuck else, how do imagine them and how do Reich's theories of character fut them), and a support of the most outrageous and backward political notions (/pol/ is a minefield for a Reichian, where one could see how the anxieties of the neurotic individual are projected outside and manipulated by others).
So why society didn't listen to him is a poignant question?
>inb4 quack
Try body therapy, find his exercises on the the net and do them (There still must be the book Reichian Exercises for Home or something like that free on the net). Then come back and say that he's a quack.

>> No.7245584

only the weak despise women.

>> No.7245586

I like this. This seems to me as if Foucault is pushing his philosophy to its logical extremes.

>> No.7245594


This. Crazies can be really right about crucially important things, believe it or not.

>> No.7245621
File: 60 KB, 1131x707, inspired_bei_mondrian_by_manshonyagger-d35kfou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've barely read any Reich at all, but from the excerpts of Listen, Little Man! I've seen, the man was right about many things when it comes to resentment and mass thinking.

I've learned to take whatever beliefs people had during the first half of the 20th century with a huge fucking grain of salt, because stuff like theosophy, gestalt, the ether and shit like that not only was prevalent, it truly inspired great works of art and philosophy (pic related, nigga thought his paintings represented a higher platonic realm and had the power to literally set your degenerate mind straight)

>> No.7245629

just wanna drop out lads

>> No.7246002

Actually perversions according to Reich are a result of rigid character armour not pent up orgone. The armour determines the way in which the energy manifests. Masochism is the result of a person desiring another person to 'burst' them open, crack open the armour. But I guess you're right that they're trying to release the energy but that's only secondary to obstruction that the armour causes. I'm drunk

>> No.7246076

Holy hell, you really need to have a friendship with a woman. Not anything romantic/sexual, just a solid friendship.

>> No.7246078

Or stay away from women *completely*.

>> No.7246098


Because, as pretty much every famous french philosopher of the twentieth century, he was of extremely weak moral character, which comprimises his ability to do ethics.

>> No.7246100

The answer is to relinquish attachment to material things - including your body. "Happiness" is illusory because it is predicated upon unhappiness. True contentedness is a permanent state of balance.

>> No.7246103

>as pretty much every famous french philosopher of the twentieth century

You mean like every Frenchman ever. Race of cowards and degenerates.

>> No.7246142

Wow this infographic is fucking stupid

>> No.7246143
File: 95 KB, 334x250, charlemagne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my face fucker and not online and see what comes about

>> No.7246147

Literally German, anon. Sorry man, I was displeased when I found out too.

>> No.7246167

Michael Foucault supported pedophilia.

>> No.7246194

What's wrong with regulating sexual behavior with social norms?

>> No.7246202

>muh body
>muh freedom

>> No.7246206

hope hannah gets raped tbh

>> No.7246213

Focault thought that the hard-line prohibition of pedophilia was actually making it much more harmful because people are forced by that to enter into it in a kind of suspension of all morals, carnival state. He supports it mildly because of the reasons everyone is against it for, harm, chiefly, but also exploitation, etc.

>> No.7246215

Because he realized it's ok. The problem starts when you don't give any credit or respect to kids, and think of them like stuff without feelings or desires.

>> No.7246225

Also because gays are much more likely to be pedos and he's no exception.

>> No.7246256

>Foucault came to enjoy imagining “suicide festivals” or “orgies” in which sex and death would mingle in the ultimate anonymous encounter. Those planning suicide, he mused, could look “for partners without names, for occasions to die liberated from every identity.
so basically gay hookup culture + aids?

>> No.7246270

It's just the opposite, pedos are more like normal-fags than gays. They just like younger girls (liking something else than "boobs" and "asses") instead of expired women.

Let's say that socially accepted relationships use to be accepted by less intelligent/sensible people. They follow their animal instincts in a more primitive way.
On the contrary, pedo/hebephiles and gays carry with the stigma of being sensible, and liking things that "normal" people don't even realize.

>> No.7246277


>> No.7246335


>Degeneracy: an overview

>> No.7246625

Yeah, it sounds like he got his wish.

It's just, he was hateful enough to follow through with the idea. Once he found out he had AIDS, he actually went back to San Francisco and knowingly went around having 'limit experiences' (sadistic S&M sessions) with strangers, spreading the virus around because, if you read about him, he was just a malicious little creep whose motivation was to relativize values because he idolized De Sade and wanted to basically inflict that image of perverse cruelty on the world.

>> No.7246835

>he was of extremely weak moral character, which comprimises his ability to do ethics.
ethics is a part of aesthetics which he genealogically analyzed

>> No.7246853

Why does no one here read the actual text?

Foucault thinks sex is boring from a genealogical point of view. The Greeks were obsessed with food but not sex. Sexuality is a part of aesthetics similar to ethics. That's why there are Foucauldian thinkers out there linking ethical vegetarianism with sexuality.

Sex is boring.

>> No.7246869

because he was a meme writer who died from AIDS as a result of his homosexuality and lack of sexual inhibitions in general

>> No.7246872

Maybe it's that a precursor to the "sexual revolution" was that all the virgin undesirable men thought that uninhibiting women was going to make them lower their standards to match men's and there'd be sex for all, but instead the fact that women are just naturally way more selective than men got exacerbated a thousand fold and now women trend towards sleeping with a small percentage of "upper" men, causing frustration and discord among the remaining men?

>> No.7246873

*hits blunnT*

But what does "normal" even, like, mean, man?

>> No.7246878

Foucault was paid in hash after the chomsky interview

>> No.7246880

>happiness is good
>we should have many secks because it makes me feel good

>> No.7246883

I read it as Hannah, a very busty PhD student

>> No.7246887

gender studies student tbh. probably queer too

>> No.7246928

I'm such a radical queer I'm actually an openly straight white male.

>> No.7247098 [DELETED] 

why are they always named Hannah? it's like the ultimate rich progressive chick name

>> No.7247671

Stop baiting /pol/ and hang yourself you nazi fuck.

I'd read Hannah's text, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7247726

Pretty sure he thought we were never sexually inhibited to begin with.

>> No.7247739

Jesus fucking christ. And this guy's got top billing in every fucking college in the US

>> No.7247866
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just sounds like a poz party tbh

>> No.7247894
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>tfw might have AIDs like my hero Foucault

>> No.7247909

Why might? Did you get a fun letter?

Also Foucault got it right at the very start of all that shit, like Tom Hanks in Philadelphia had access to better info and meds than him. You can p much live your whole life on a cocktail of meds now.

>> No.7247944


>> No.7247945

>sincerely responding to pasta

>> No.7247980

Okay, that number 13 though. Was this guy advocating for pedophilia

>> No.7248005

pedophilia is a creation of the schools system. As is the "child." Prior to the 19th century you just had little adults and babies.

>> No.7248048
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french continentals are bottom-shelf

>> No.7248053

>french continentals are bottom-shelf
No, American continentals are bottom-shelf.
French continentals are behind the bar, prominently on display, for any fool worker to pay an excess rate for without receiving any quality.

German, Australian, Hungarian, Yugoslav, Italian and Slovene continentals are top tier. Probably Hungarian being the tippest toppest tbh.

>> No.7248358

>The armour determines the way in which the energy manifests. Masochism is the result of a person desiring another person to 'burst' them open, crack open the armour.
What's sadism then? Asking this as a sadist.

>> No.7248376

to reduce foreign subjects to objects

>> No.7248383

Most of you people are fucking retarded, stop talking about things I like

Lacan > Foucault

>> No.7248403
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>Maybe it's that a precursor to the "sexual revolution" was that all the virgin undesirable men thought that uninhibiting women was going to make them lower their standards to match men's and there'd be sex for all
I think that the liberation was funded by people who never believed this. it was more a worker strike which turned into a little rebellion by the youth and the government accepted anything by them.

average and below average men do not believed anything, powerless as they were.

>> No.7248418
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>>What's sadism then?
a humanism

>> No.7248420

>people actually save these comics

What's it like being the bottom of society

>> No.7248487

That actually makes a lot of sense.

>> No.7249136
File: 600 KB, 606x601, Screenshot 2015-10-18 at 11.19.03 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is everyone in this picture suicidally depressed? LMAO

>> No.7249173

He is literally the embodiment of Frenchness. Charlemagne means French. If you think of someone else when talking France, you are using the word incorrectly.

>> No.7249186

the only correct answer

>> No.7249207

Not that anon, but I think the point that he's making (and that Houellebecq makes) is essentially a critique against free-market sexual economics, where the individuals in your picture have an abundance of sexual and social fulfillment, and others have none. We are depressed because the majority of us cannot live this kind of lifestyle - sexuality, through marketing, has become the new raison d'être in our society, and when we fall short of the kind of expectations espoused by your picture, we feel inadequate and subsequently depressed.

>> No.7249221

Can you link me to a specific passage of his writing on sadism/masochism? It's pretty interesting.

>> No.7249226

Where to start with Houellebecq if I want to read his defense of conservatism?

>> No.7249230

he killed the world

>> No.7249241

I'd recommend his first book, Whatever, or "Extension du domaine de la lutte". It's short, entertaining, and covers this idea quite explicitly about 3/4 into the book.

If you enjoy that then read Atomised, which is basically an extension of those ideas and far, far more depressing. Probably the most depressing piece of literature I've ever read.

>> No.7249245

Thanks anon.

>> No.7249247

np fam

>> No.7249248 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7249250
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part 1

>> No.7249253
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>> No.7249259
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>> No.7249297

you understand absolutely nothing about Foucault.

>> No.7249362

what are these "continentals"? what do you mean by that

>> No.7249376


Foucault is so edgy, I'm always amazed SWJs think well of him. It's clear that they have not read Foucault.

>> No.7249384

Sounds a bit like Adorno's essay on leisure time. A little bit.

>> No.7249386

Great post.

>> No.7249405

But you don't have to go back to the earth to set goals. Become an engineer, or, hell, an amateur inventor.

In fact, you can participate in the "consumer society" (by buying fashionable clothes, for instance) and also work on inventions or tech projects in your garage. You don't need to escape the current conditions in order to do fulfilling things.

>> No.7249464

>mfw Reich's pdfs are available online

thanks for the recc fellows

Does he touch on the chemical affect on man or is it mostly environment that he bases his arguments on?

>> No.7249777


>> No.7250205

If I remember correctly sadism is a result of 'rage' which is the misdirection of excess orgone as it attempts to permeate the character armour. This manifests as violent acts. Basically substitutions for what should have been a plain healthy orgasm.
This doesn't really explain apathetic sadism though. The objectification of foreign subjects would fit better with that category.

>> No.7250358
File: 559 KB, 1984x1701, 173492 - blonde color dangle drawing giantess inside_mouth micro riviera4 saliva teeth tongue vore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only things worse than Foucault are Foucaultians.

>> No.7250455

Pedophilia is almost always homosexual.

>> No.7250458


>ethics is a part of aesthetics

Please go away

>> No.7250596

Wow, you must be new.

>> No.7250644


>> No.7250648
File: 90 KB, 800x600, brasil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a country free of sexual inhibition
>crime-ridden shithole

>a country with repressed sexuality
>quite a nice first-world country

>> No.7250661

>summarizing a huge country with wildly different cultures and diverse background in two short sentences
- anon

>> No.7250668


Pedophilia is by definition asexual. It's just a preference for one kind or orifice over another.

Children have sex, but it isn't expressed sufficiently for a predator to differentiate before puberty.

>> No.7250685

prove me wrong nigger

>> No.7251394

japan is now decaying.

>> No.7251421

japan died after WWII m8

>> No.7251433

Died long before that. Industry killed Japan in the late 19th century.

>> No.7251438

>free of sexual degeneracy
dude just click on /d/ or something

>> No.7251667

I'd rather risk pissing in the Amazon than living a year in Japan, the place just seems so dreadful outside of its entertainment industry.

>> No.7251689


thought it was kinda on point, but then again I scored 50 on the Foucault exam

>> No.7251741

I must say, I fucking love Peep Show.

>> No.7251770

yeah but sexual inhibitions make it more fun, if you could dress up in latex and get gangbang bukkaked without worrying about the photos ending up on facebook it wouldn't be half as fun, like imagine a world where you could go to a job interview and pics of your last latex clad gangbang bukkake session come up on instagram, and the interviewer is just like "oh that's great, my daughters love to do those, but i'm more of a top myself, and shows you pics of himself buttfucking his wifes boyfriend...kind of takes all the fun out of it

>> No.7251781

No one in Japan likes living in Japan, they're pressured into it by Japanese culture.

>> No.7251797

just because he likes to hop on the dee and ride fast like speed racer doesn't mean he had weak moral character, it wasn't like he was cheating on his wife when he'd go to the local bath house and get a buttfull of sperm

>> No.7251844

god this whole french philosophy fad is just sophists arguing with strawmen

>what are chapbooks

>> No.7253540


Among pedophiles Men who are attracted to adolescent males are the highest, however among pedophiles who have sexual contact with both adults and children, their orientation with adults is mostly heterosexual, though the rate of homosexuals is higher than the overall estimate of the general population
In a small extrapolation of "Pedophiliacs" and people who have committed the actual act of pedophilia typically differ from the basis of that the sick people who actually did it are into exploiting people sexually while the sick weirdos who are attracted to kids but havent committed the act (supposedly) were "normal" or none exploitative/non-violent in nature, another differentiation is that pedos who have committed the act have opportunity and some kind of access to their child victims that they take advantage (work with kids, relative, babysitter etc etc) Exploitative/violent sex offenders are pretty much all male (there might be bias against victims of females not reporting, or female abusers not being convicted as much as women in general receive less conviction and lenient sentencing in the criminal justice system in general)
Male abusers who prefer male children typically have higher rates of both number of victims and incidences of abuse in general
Male abusers who prefer female children have fewer victims and are more selective, but have more incidences on average with the individual child
Male abusers who have no orientation preference of victims typically abuse much younger children (like fucking 3 year olds)

>> No.7253562
File: 610 KB, 1888x1148, 1420152728486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can start by stopping to use heavy vocabulary, such as victims and abusers, weirdos.

be impartial a bit.

>> No.7253567

who is this supposed to be?

>> No.7253568

why should I?
theyre pedos

>> No.7253574

Heavy words for heavy criminals.

>> No.7253615

Also, among pedophiles, those that have heterosexual mature sexual behavior are shown to "regress" into full-time pedophilia, while those who had adult Homosexual sexual contact and abused children were usually violent sex offenders rather than "pedophile"

>> No.7253840

Google Analytic and Continental philosophy.

Don't be analytic, it is thoroughly un-academic and will leave you with very little understanding of the things you learn about.

>> No.7253849

>Don't be continental, it is thoroughly un-academic and will leave you with very little understanding of the things you learn about.

fixed that for you

>> No.7253851

>world free of sexual inhibitions, with happier people
[citation needed]

>> No.7253886


Actually, it depends if you live in Europe or the US , of course.

>> No.7253953

I think Foucault's analysis in The Birth Of The Clinic is useful for understanding more fringe areas of medicine like psychiatry, but as it pertains to actual physical illnesss that line of thought is a somewhat unproductive one to take up. Of course doctors need to break bodies down into constituent parts, do you really want the doctor who's thinking about your 'whole identity' while doing heart surgery?

>> No.7253971

>we could be living in a world free of sexual inhibitions
we don't already?

I mean we don't fuck out on the streets in the open(most of the time) but that's pretty much the extent of it

what is tinder

>> No.7254023

My theory on this:
>Brazilian women
Have big hips/asses/hourglass figures, if not heavy set hourglasses, thus raging libido pulses throughout the land, competition for mates and resources in absence of education causes criminality
>Japanese women
No one very attracted to a lot of them, their figures arent what men lust over, if we go by the evopsych text, tending to be flat in most areas and have smaller eyes. The men are beta males because education is so deeply important, bringing up society & leaving a lack of blue collar criminal behaviour

>> No.7254029

You sound like my pychiatrist

>> No.7254140

That hurts, mate. Try to sound a bit less pedophobic, please.

>> No.7254442

there is absolutely nothing original in your 'theory'. I think you might be more at home in /r9k/ or the /pol/ echo-chamber tbh

>> No.7254472

I haven't read a word of this thread except this post but it's fucking dumb

'you only like latex gangbang bukkake because it's forbidden' has got to be the most closeted-protestant teenage poser thing I've ever read on /lit/

>> No.7254518


>> No.7254627

Violence percentage is directly proportional to the temperature. Higher temperature, more violence.
Also, there the "education" factor. More education means less violence.

>> No.7254818

correlation != causation faggot

>> No.7255079

so what you want to say is all opinions should be considered and used to form an opinion of your own?