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File: 249 KB, 1044x588, schopenhauer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7242716 No.7242716 [Reply] [Original]

what does schopenhauer's mouth say about him, especially the area i circled

>> No.7242726



He's about 5 seconds from the REEEEEEE

>> No.7242728

He dipped chewing tobacco?

>> No.7242731

I read in one of Maupassant's short stories that Schopenhauer had dentures.
It might explain the strange protuberance.

>> No.7242766


>> No.7242773

A man's face as a rule says more, and more interesting things, than his mouth, for it is a compendium of everything his mouth will ever say, in that it is the monogram of all this man's thoughts and aspirations.

>> No.7242813
File: 40 KB, 424x512, hayek-color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Schopenhauer's speaking voice sounded just like Hayek

>> No.7242817

i posted this on /r/4chan and they are having a ball. They think it's so funny and quirky. Good going OP

>> No.7242835
File: 8 KB, 400x370, 490811-405411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this woman has it too

>> No.7242839

That he was a poodle fucker. I've seen it before

>> No.7242841
File: 38 KB, 400x300, userimage-582810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7242846
File: 7 KB, 234x244, 296899-5006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7242865

Not only a man’s life, but his intellect too, may be possessed of a clear and definite character, so far as his intellect is applied to matters of theory. It is not every man, however, who has an intellect of this kind; for any such definite individuality as I mean is genius — an original view of the world, which presupposes an absolutely exceptional individuality, which is the essence of genius. A man’s intellectual character is the theme on which all his works are variations. In an essay which I wrote in Weimar I called it the knack by which every genius produces his works, however various. This intellectual character determines the physiognomy of men of genius — what I might call the theoretical physiognomy — and gives it that distinguished expression which is chiefly seen in the eyes and the forehead. In the case of ordinary men the physiognomy presents no more than a weak analogy with the physiognomy of genius. On the other hand, all men possess the practical physiognomy, the stamp of will, of practical character, of moral disposition; and it shows itself chiefly in the mouth.

>> No.7242870
File: 22 KB, 356x367, Napoleon Dynamite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not really. Looks nothing like his pent up secretive "I'm fucking my poodles" under-bite

>> No.7242877

I imagine it would have sounded more like a deeper version of Hitler's voice, complete with weird guttural sounds and hisses.

But then again, Germans somehow always end up sounding like fags no matter what strong shit they say since the language is musical.