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7242328 No.7242328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Fascist philosophy?


>> No.7242333

Trite bollocks employed by men suffering from a crisis of masculinity.


>believing in human nature, nations, ethnicity, race or culture as natural fact.

>> No.7242339

Go market your shitty channel on /pol/, faggot.

>> No.7242342

most of those have been established as natural fact

anyway 'fascist philosophy' sounds dumb, fascism comes out of philosophy not the other way around

>> No.7242361
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I am interested in its catalysts.
When I think of Fascism I think of Futurism, Vorticism, Ezra Pound and of course Benito Mussolini and the Fascist manifesto.

>> No.7242364


>le blank slate XDDDD

You're so late 20th century.

>> No.7242381

These are often more interesting. The issue that I find when people categorize things as being "fascist", they do it too liberally. Stalinism and National Socialism were not forms of fascism.

Fascism is an experiential account of power structures and hierarchy which does not, in essence, intend to alienate people from political processes. Of course, fascism as it has been practiced (the most fascistic practices) is more appropriately found in the fascist intellectual movement in Italy (1920s).

>> No.7242384

>most of those have been established as natural fact

Absolutely none of them have.
In fact the majority have been concretely proven as historically contingent social constructs.

Still better than believing in every single spook that comes your way.

>> No.7242388

what's supposed to be so different about hitler? how is he different from obama or putin? they all bomb the shit out of people. what does it matter if it's 1000 deaths or 1000000

>> No.7242397

I think its silly to stamp a picture of Hitler next to the term fascism. Hitler was not a fascist. He was a totalitarian (not authoritarian) and confused nationalism with the dissolution of the Jews. It would have been more appropriate to post a picture of Evola, Gentile, Marinetti, D'Annunzio, etc.

>> No.7242436

>confused nationalism with dissolution of jews

No he took nationalism to its logical extremes, using quasi-biological terms. He exterminated the Jews specifically because he saw them as biologically incompatible with the Germanic races.

His radical nationalism presupposed his anti-jewness fuccboi

>> No.7242442

Hitler wasn't a fascist.

>> No.7242444

>believing in human nature, nations, ethnicity, race or culture as natural fact.

You seem to be mistaken. The exact fact that nations and culture aren't empirical fact is that they are real.

Read some Herder and Hegel.

>> No.7242453

Hitler was a transwoman

>> No.7242456


>> No.7242458

Their opinions on nationalism are relevant only in their historical context.

Of course Hegel thought nationalism was great, that was when it was a revolutionary ideology designed to free the masses from empire.

Now it is nothing like that, it is the subjugation of the individual to the Nation. It only serves to keep people in line and stop them questioning the way we do things.

Learn to actually think critically about what you are reading.

>> No.7242464

Are you going to argue that ethnicity, race, culture, nations and human nature are not spooks?

Would you rather I used social construct more?

>> No.7242493

Still doesn't make him a fascist.

>> No.7242508

A general guideline: If a post contains 'social construct' it can be dismissed out of hand, but if it contains 'spook' it should remain unread.

So it really doesn't matter which one you use.

>> No.7242513

I don't think about it

>> No.7242544

>le historism


>> No.7242576

I liked it when I was 14.

>> No.7242580

Does Fascism mean I can get to beat women? If so, I'm all for it.

>> No.7243290

fuck off with your historical construct bullshit. it's old hat.

really man try learning to think beyond the popular academic party line. you're just mindlessly regurgitating the most accepted, trendy position that every student who thinks they need to accept this stuff to make it in academia - who doesn't have the strength of mind to challenge it - accepts.

why do students so rarely challenge the popular academic ideas - like ever since Gen X / postmodernism / poststructuralism / historicism?

I see so many holes in that stuff but most people with certain aspirations don't even consider questioning it. it's so weak and dishonest.

>> No.7243319

I think fascism would have worked if Hitler didn't fuck it all up and it didn't have the stigma it had today. I am really interested in Mussolini, Salazar and Franco.

>> No.7243331

le train track dilemma

>> No.7243346

fascist scholarship galore in this thread

>> No.7243476
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>if I don't understand / can't argue against something I just dismiss it