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7240747 No.7240747 [Reply] [Original]

How do I not sound like a pretentious fag when writing poetry?

>> No.7240755


>> No.7240901

say things that you actually mean

read what youve written with a critical eye

dont say things that you dont mean

>> No.7240907

stop writing poetry, become a pick up artist and enjoy life

>> No.7240912


i've found that taking a moment in reality, and slowing it down to its most basic parts creates pretty great poetry.

also, everything you do, from punctuation to rhyme/no rhyme/syntax, is your personal choice.

that's why really good poetry is op

>> No.7240994

Poetry is half word, half execution.
More harrowing than the screeching wail is the message in a bottle.

>> No.7241195

I have no idea. Even prose is starting to sound affected to me.

>> No.7241213

Poetry dies a death on the page unless it is written to be read aloud. If it sounds too pretentious when spoken, tone down the language.

Take "Four Quartets". It looks pretentious as all hell, but when spoken it takes on a new life. A beautiful life.

>> No.7241226


>> No.7241270

Don't write free verse.
Create a meaningful story with it, use rhythm and rhyme.
In modern poetry, people often forget that you have to be good at writing to write good poetry. So practice makes perfect, friend. I'm sure you'll write good poetry.

>> No.7241291

Stop being a fucking pansy and have confidence in yourself and what you mean to say, if there's no meaning or depth - whether emotional or analytical - why the fuck are you saying it?

If you write for those things and by those things you derive meaning from, and not to appear intelligent then it can't be pretentious.

>> No.7241299


>it can't be pretentious

Anything can seem pretentious to someone who isn't open to understanding it. There is a lot of uncreative cynicism out there.

>> No.7241301

Step 1: Remove dick from mouth

>> No.7241306

sure it might appear so, whether it is is dependent on the author. We can only really address how to fix innate pretentiousness, I doubt there's ever been a well read work not labelled as pretentious by some person or another.

>> No.7241324

Don't write poetry. Write prose. Poetry is a dead form anyway.

>> No.7241327
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>> No.7241371

>shitty metrical poery
>ever relevant