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/lit/ - Literature

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7238795 No.7238795 [Reply] [Original]

There is content on /lit/ which is repeated ad nauseam, for example:
>What's the best e-reader?
>What writing software do you use?
>What's the best computer for a writer?
I'm sure you will find some more questions of this kind.
These kind of rather technical questions and their answers should be added to the /lit/-wiki, so we can concentrate on our literature.
>inb4 it never was great

>> No.7238813

we need more threads about how marxism is for mentally ill leftists
we need more threads about philosophy being dead and science having all the relevant answers
we need more threads about how inferior women are to men
we need more threads about how blacks are inferior to whites
we need more threads on feminism
we need more threads on 'cultural marxism'
we need more threads on subvocalization
we need more threads on how shit post-structuralism is

>> No.7238825

ya same

>> No.7238854


>>What's the best e-reader?
Kindle Paperwhite
>>What writing software do you use?
Ulysses, Scrivener
>>What's the best computer for a writer?
Macbook Pro 2015

Okay, glad we're done here, let's discuss literature.

Who's managing the Wiki anyway?

>> No.7238867

>>What's the best e-reader?
idk lol
>>What writing software do you use?
Q10, Notepad, Latex
>>What's the best computer for a writer?
>Macbook Pro 2015
Old Thinkpads have the best keyboard
Asus X205 is fanless, cheaper, lighter, longer battery life
Chromebooks are even cheaper

>Who's managing the Wiki anyway?
I don't know, but it's a good question.

>> No.7238870

>What writing software do you use?
Everyone who doesn't say vim better say ed.

>> No.7238879

>What's the best e-reader?
>What writing software do you use?
>What's the best computer for a writer?

Huh? I come here every single day and these threads are not common at all.

Are you the guy who sperged out when someone asked what word processing programs /lit/ users like to use?


This is the kind of shit we need to eliminate

>> No.7238911

we need more threads on staring to read the bible
we need more threads on staring to read Ulysses
we need more threads on staring to read Greek philosophy
we need more threads on staring to read Marx
we need more threads on staring to read Gravity's Rainbow
we need more threads on staring to read Infinite Jest
we need more threads on why my taste in books is evidence of my intellectual and moral superiority to those filthy normies who bullied me in junior high

>> No.7238919

we need more threads on leaving the "t" out of "starting"

>> No.7238925

which one?

>> No.7239019

all of hem

>> No.7239060


I was just thinking earlier today how much I would want /lit/ to be a better board. The topics brought up here--literature, language, history, philosophy, religion--are the highest of human thought, and this is (to my knowledge) the best place on the internet to discuss them. I've learned a great deal here, and hopefully I've contributed something once in a while. (For example, I think I just used 'hopefully' properly since it's modifying my own first-person action. But anyway.)

The conclusion I came to is that the problem with this board that will always keep it from reaching its potential is the site it's part of. (Ending a sentence w/ a preposition is OK.) The problem with the board isn't the threads that keep coming up. The answers will always change, and by asking them repeatedly we keep approaching the best answers for them. The problem with the board isn't the threads looking for book recommendations, charts, etc., even basic info. It's great to have threads like this one >>7227376 to strive for the best. The sticky isn't infallible and always needs to be kept up-to-date and not allowed to stagnate.

The real problem with the board is all of the negativity, elitism, and hate that come from being the 'smartest/best/...' board on an overwhelmingly nasty website. I think the only solution is to have our discussion somewhere else.

I understand that there's an IRC channel; also there's a Goodreads group, although I've been reluctant to check them out. Are they any better? The Goodreads group requires membership to check out the comments. Recently someone suggested setting up a private subreddit. I'm sure others have other ideas along these lines too. I really value the good discussion here and wish that once in a while a thread didn't either die of neglect or devolve into the depths. This seems like a bunch of people here that are able to truly elevate online discussion. (Splitting an infinitive is also totally OK.) All we need to do is to replace the here.

>> No.7239097
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I would be open to the idea of a private subreddit where the only way in is submitting photos our Redwall tattoos.

>> No.7239139

op kek

>> No.7239158

I won't visit reddit. I think, "/lit/ the people" needs something less ephemereal in addition to the /lit/ subchannel. A zine, or a blog, or a site, where the most valued threads and posts can be archived and collected in a simple manner.
Redwall is not that good if you put down your nostalgia goggles.

>> No.7239176
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>yfw you realize /fit/ is the most accomplished, smartest, best board on this website
>yfw you realize you only go to /lit/ for esoteric literature recommendations

>> No.7239196

can /pol/shit garbage from /lit/,

This should include braindead propagandizing about 'cultural marxism'.

>> No.7239218

> /fit/
> smatest
> most accomplished
Not the most necessarily, but it's up there
> best
That's subjective

/fit/ is full of scientifically illiterate, morons who flock there to get swole and become alpha. Consequentially, it attracts morons.

/sci/ is overflowed with plebs, and /pol/faggots. From what I've seen from /lit/, there are less plebs, and about the same proportion of /pol/faggots. So I am currently of the opinion that /lit/ is the best board.


I've been toying with the idea of a private subreddit for /sci/ too, it would be useful if there was a way to force usernames to be hidden within the subreddit; but I have almost never been on reddit (for r/4chan) so I don't know how it works well enough

>> No.7239597

>private subreddit
>a way to force usernames to be hidden within the subreddit
I'm sure that I've seen exactly that at some point. In fact, I thought it was on /r/4chan, but a check shows that's not the case. It's also possible that there would be a way to override such a setting (such as deselecting the use of subreddit style). But beyond that, I would be willing to have a separate username just for the subreddit--it's pretty easy to switch between usernames (maybe it's Reddit Enhancement Suite that has the functionality I'm thinking of to facilitate that).

>> No.7239619

I would probably post on both a private lit chan/subreddit and a sci one. (English/math double major taking actuarial exams right now.)

>> No.7239655

reddit has never been good for discussion because of this nonlinear tree-like comment structure. You can't refer to more than 1 person directly and because of up/downvote a lot of comments will never be seen. The idea of reddit was to share content, comments didn't even exist in the beginning. now it feels that most things happen in the comments when the comment structure has never been optimal for anything really.

I really don't see any upside, discussion works fairly well here, if you want to discuss a certain book, start a thread and you'll get some serious answers (unless it's some obscure shit like zettels traum that nobody has read, but that's a problem with the userbase then)

>> No.7239708

I agree about the comments working somewhat better here. One plus I see for a private area would be the invite/vetting aspect that would dissuade trolling etc., along with more proactive deletion and banning of the nastiness.

>> No.7239994

While we are at it, what does lit recommend for a thesaurus?

>> No.7240266


Would it work to go en masse to a board on one of the other existing lit forums such as World Literature Forum? They don't seem to have a problem with negative posts or really very many posts of any kind--maybe they'd like the traffic.

>> No.7241439


I'll probably get hate for this, but isn't there a way to disable upvoting on subreddits?

Futher I am not actually sure I (and likely others on here) would want a site which was filled with' high quality' discussion. I mean of course it would be commendable but ultimately there are other places that cater to that sort of thing (probably University groups, and so on) -- I get the sense that even if lit users are the 'best' on 4chan, there is also a reason they are still on 4chan. People with actual sense/soul find this place unbearable and tiresome I would imagine.

>> No.7241491


I was thinking of having several subreddits, most likely a minimum of three. The first would be one that anyone can join, and isn't private. The second would be for those who have been vetted as not complete trolls and shitposters; and would be private. The third would be for the high quality posters.

An account would only be allowed into a private subreddit if it were only used for those subreddits, to force the 4chan anonymity aspect by limiting post history.

Under these categories I couldn't be I the top /lit/ subreddit because I'm a lit pleb, but I could hold up /sci/

>> No.7241495


Also I think you can disable comment voting from what I've seen on r/4chan

>> No.7241512

The problem with present day /lit/ isn't the prevalence of shit content but the absence of good content. Three years ago, the catalogue had the same amount of bullshit threads, but there were 3 or 4 decent ones, where now you are lucky to find a single thread worth reading and replying to.

>> No.7241525

Just delete the whole fucking board.

>> No.7241570

just delete 4chan tbqh (to be quite honest) fam

>> No.7242115

>I get the sense that even if lit users are the 'best' on 4chan, there is also a reason they are still on 4chan. People with actual sense/soul find this place unbearable and tiresome I would imagine.
I think a lot of us do find this place unbearable and tiresome at times. Speaking for myself (and not claiming to be the 'best'), I have taken time away from here because of just that, and then return because this is the only place I can access this kind of discussion. (I'm long since out of college, so I don't have that kind of access.)

>> No.7242127

same on every single point tbqh. except I have a book club that I read too fast for

>> No.7242189

Could someone who is a member of the /lit/ group on Goodreads or the IRC group please offer a comparison of your experience in that other setting vs. here, like whether the discussion is more civil elsewhere, whether the breadth of discussion is as broad (subject matter, books discussed), etc. Thanks.

>> No.7242208

The IRC channel is pretty dead. Sometimes there is activity. There would be more if people used it, obv.

>> No.7242452


>> No.7242471

I think it's worth trying to create the subreddit. Either it works, or it doesn't, there's not much of a downside.

And if it works, then /lit/ can at least be a template and a proof of concept for the boards filled with more shitposters and, consequentially, skeptics

>> No.7242481

MacBook for writing,

>> No.7242491
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No one uses the Goodreads group anymore.

>> No.7242786


That's too bad. Considering it's the Revival of the Revival, that venue might be doomed always to stagnate

>> No.7243864

I hope something comes from all this discussion of what and where to discuss lit etc.

>> No.7243954

Ya, to be honest this stuff would make this place better, especially about the stuff about the Marxists.

>> No.7243961

>Futher I am not actually sure I (and likely others on here) would want a site which was filled with' high quality' discussion.
Reminds me of the Bibliotik forums, as if everyone had their mouths washed with soap prior to posting. It becomes boring quick.

>> No.7244260

Honestly I liked /lit/ better when people weren't jerking off to how high brow they were on a site that sells sex toys of underage cartoon characters.

I want to be able to talk about genre fiction or ~actually writing~ literature without snobbery or trolling.

/lit/ is basically /v/ for books, and /v/ is shitty.

>> No.7244311
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The revival failed. It's just you and me, anon.

>> No.7244476

go back to reddit if you like genre fiction

daily reminder the GOT general threads killed /tv/ and they will kill /lit/ too

>> No.7244570


>> No.7244581

Honestly you can have a better conversation on most /lit/ topics on Reddit.

Because of the way subreddits work, people who jerk off over having a book shelf that exists solely to impress other people can stay away from people who actually enjoy reading.

And once again I remind you that you are on a site that advertises sex toys of underage cartoon characters. Trying to act like you're somehow highbrow is ridiculous. It is Dada-esque.

>> No.7244592

Lol fuck no.

You're new

>> No.7244607

Actually I was here back when /lit/ was pretty new, but I left because it was just jerking off to Murakami and then became about who had the most high brow collection.

>> No.7245023

It might be a meme, but why don't you go to reddit and stay there?
>you are on a site that advertises sex toys of underage cartoon characters
You just don't get it.

>> No.7245042

Neither do you.

>> No.7245888

>a site that sells sex toys of underage cartoon characters
I forget about that since I block ads. It's like /lit/ is housed in a former gas station in a seedy part of the city next to the adult video stores.

>> No.7245895

Elitism is what drives this place. It's a fantastic and necessary part of the forum. Having an open and embracing attitude towards sub-par literature will have /lit/ looking like /r/books tomorrow.

>> No.7245898

>you can have a better conversation on most /lit/ topics on Reddit
There are some decent subreddits, but the thing with reddit is that the quality of a subreddit and the number of posters there is inversely proportional and the best ones are the slowest. Also they get to the point where they're too specialized and there's minimal cross-pollination with other topics like there is on /lit/.

>> No.7245901

:) I thanks good

>> No.7245908

You can at least change the default sorting from best to newest.

>> No.7245913

>private subreddit.
you can set up some CSS to make it more like 4chan... you might be able to set 'new' as the default sorting and set all usernames to 'Anonymous.' Maybe. I once saw something like that.

>> No.7245925

/lit/ is a board for smarter than average 4chan posters, but its topics—if they are to be discussed intelligently—require much more experience from the posters. As such, the quality of posts is lower, on average, than on most other boards—the average /fa/ poster is not very bright, but he is more qualified to talk about clothing and style than the average /lit/ poster is qualified to talk about literature or philosophy.

>> No.7245930

>IRC group
very odd place.
it's a chit-chat sorta environment.
sometimes nice.

>> No.7245936

>that sells sex toys of underage cartoon characters.

>> No.7245939

>who jerk off over having a book shelf that exists solely to impress other people
>It is Dada-esque.

>> No.7245973

Let's just keep shitposting lmao what a fag lol op

>> No.7246027

While I can forgive you for forgetting about the J-List ads, it's hard to forget that /lit/ is still on 4chan, especially when the 4chan attitude is so evident in most of the posts. /lit/ is /v/ for books.
And /v/ is so bad they had to make a second /v/ for actual discussions.

I'll admit some of them can be slow, but /lit/ is also pretty slow (though I'll concede kicking around for the last few days it's faster than I remember years ago).

Upvoting isn't actually a bad thing. Hiding the upvotes, though, stops the dogpiling "rich get richer" tendency, though. You can't stop people upvoting stupid jokes, though, just like you can't stop people from turning them into memes here.

I'll admit I'm guilty of it, but the 4chan mentality that every other discussion space needs to look and function like 4chan is weird.

All in all, while I think that Reddit actually would be a better place for the discussions some people *want* to have on /lit/... I don't think "hey, let's all--the same people--move over to a different website" is really going to change anything.

>> No.7246264



What do you think? I know the 4chan mentality knee jerk is to say it's retarded, but resist that knee jerk (so to speak)

>> No.7246514

I think >>7246027
>I don't think "hey, let's all--the same people--move over to a different website" is really going to change anything.

Also, as someone in r/top and r/centuryclub, private subreddits are just circlejerks. You think /lit/ memes and trolling stupid bullshit are things now? Try making an e/lit/e subreddit.

>> No.7246582


I think it's worth a try, the memes would probably be strong, but the trolling would die down as you get into the more select subreddits