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File: 54 KB, 208x242, Castro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7237625 No.7237625 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend some great books on communist heroes, or the Cuban Revolution.

>> No.7237633

Mein Kampf (My Story)

>> No.7237634

Castro is based as fuck. One of my heroes growing up.

Two really great marxist texts to pick up, both by Che Guevara, are Guerilla Warfare and The Motorcycle Diaries.

>> No.7237669

Chang/Halliday's Mao.

Mao was an extremely progressive and unanimously beloved hero of the left who managed to work all the students into a frenzy of revolutionary action against fascist teachers, professors, inventors, and other right-wing parasites.

>> No.7237670

>One of my heroes growing up.
are you racist like your hero?

>> No.7237683

The black book of communism.

>> No.7237687

He was a hero when I was a child. I don't believe in the concept of lionisation or heroes. Good people do bad things and vice versa. I like and even admire people but I never make the fatal mistake of elevating somebody to a status beyond that of a normal human being

>> No.7237695

I don't know much about Che, how was he racist?

>> No.7237702

He said the negro is a lazy and useless beast that should live in mudhuts while everyone else accomplishes the glorious revolution (murder of all non-conformists).

>> No.7237704
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He viewed niggers as inferior to whites.

But then, that's pretty much common sense. Even Gandhi thought the same.

>> No.7237706

"The Negro is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent."

>> No.7237719
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Visits /lit/
Consider commies heroes

>implying this nigger can even read

>> No.7237740

>Implying there is anything wrong with that

>> No.7237743

I never said there was. But then I'm a /pol/fag, not a dirty commie. Usually, dirty commies are anti-racist.

>> No.7237811
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What people are saying is completely ignorant, he said that when he was a young bourgeois kid, not a Marxist revolutionary. After becoming a Marxist he spoke out several times against the KKK, apartheid and American treatment of blacks as well as fought with a black guerrilla force in the Congo

>> No.7237817

That's not how it works. A status of shitlord can not be revoked. You are a Very Bad Man forever.

>> No.7237820

It's like Rorty said, leftists believe in sin without forgiveness.

>> No.7237842

Is Che a hero or villain? I'm a Cuban-American with righ-wing parents who hated the revolution. They, and other Miami-Cubans, call him asesino (killer). Thoughts?

>> No.7237857
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>recommending Chang/Halliday

Jesus fuck. I did my dissertation on a historiographical review of western writing on Mao and Maoism and it's almost all atrocious. Don't touch that book if you want to learn anything factual. Its sourcing is terrible, it often just makes things up when it feels like it, and it pretends to be objective while also saying that Mao was worse than Hitler and Stalin combined.

Mao: The Real Story by Alexander Pantsov is a billion times better (it's not amazing, but seriously Cold War biases have throttled the life out of English language writing on Marxism).

Che was overall a hero, as far as I'm concerned. Most of what's said about him that's negative is just as badly researched or distorted as anything Cold War. That doesn't make him perfect or anything - but as a man prepared to give his whole life for revolutions that weren't even his own, it's hard to describe him as a 'villain' either. He meant well and accomplished a lot of good things.

>> No.7237867

People are going to criticize you when you massacre millions. It's astonishing and probably misogynistic "cyber touch" hate speech, but that's how it is in the real world.

>> No.7237868

By the way, I found over a dozen instances of toxic masculinity and internalized patriarchy in your post.

(this is what gommies actually believe)

>> No.7237874

He literally said black people should be put on la isla de juventud (cuban isle) and nuked because all the monkeys can do is hollar and hoot. Its tru bro look at my quote (wow i got em good trolling so fun{wow trolling so fun these idiots r just going to repsond so much to this lol[holy shit itd be so much of a great troll if these guys wer so angry that they didnt even respond]})

>> No.7237897
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Like, seriously, /pol/ack, even your average "communism killed trillions" liberal historian knows that Chang/Halliday are absolutely abysmal. This isn't about politics. This is about "hey maybe I should verify my sources about Mao fucking little girls NAH THAT SOUNDS EVIL ENOUGH THROW IT IN".

>> No.7237901

>Communist Heroes
I only read non-fiction

>> No.7237907

in the end u still a communist tho so...

>> No.7237909
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They came to new conclusions on some points after decades of research. If they didn't the book would have been pointless and added nothing. The criticism is from butthurt Maoists crying about the book making Mao look bad.

>> No.7237920
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But I'm not a Maoist. The book I was recommending above, the Pantsov one, concludes that Mao was a monster as well. It just doesn't need to make shit up to say that. Come on, /pol/ friend, there's no need to be rude about these things. Maybe you should stop being so upset about communism on the internet.

>> No.7237932
File: 112 KB, 720x960, 1439201532348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current year is 2015. All leftists are required to simultaneously profess feminism, SJWism, Caitlyn Jennerism, sexual reassignment for childrenism, Maoism and communism through the magic of intersectionalism. If you disagree on any point, you're a fascist and a fascist does not get to speak (hate speech).

Check mate and QED

>> No.7237974
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Curses, exposed once again. I'll get you next time, /pol/!

>> No.7237989
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The current year!

The current year!

Hail the current year!

>> No.7238098


That's some special type of retardation right there man.

>> No.7238106
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>> No.7238160

"Communist Heroes", meaning heroes to the communist....

Every social movement has figures that are heroes to that particular group.

>> No.7238169

Tbh my communist hero is Stalin, because he killed so many communists :^)

>> No.7238250

Ya, but calling anything these basterds did ad heroic is moronic.

>> No.7238260

Villan, it was a good day when he was put down.

>> No.7238271
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>muh billions dead


>> No.7238352

It's highly dubious to call communism a success.

>> No.7238497
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>"Bro, communism literally killed TRILLIONS of non-white that I normally don't give a remote fuck about but all of a sudden do in the interest of this conversation! Never seen capitalism do that!"

Also, the slave trade. Check mate, gg was easy

>> No.7238514

are you even from Latin America? you are just being edgy and if you aren't then you are just a stupid kid

>> No.7238530

Mother was from Guyana, moved to Canada when I was a kid. Father was English and met my mother in university.

Now the REAL question is are YOU latin american?

>> No.7238531

Free trade anarchism with corporations as the leaders would literally lead to a utopia you cucks.

>> No.7238545

Nah, would be corporate fascism. A lot of the nicer luxuries you enjoy were fought for by socialists and workers unions. If it wasnt for that then you'd be working like a dog in a dangerous as fuck factory were the serious potential of being maimed or killed, and if you did survive a very serious accident you'd likely be fired because you are unable to perform the job

>> No.7238547

yah, like mad max.

>> No.7238550

the power of propaganda is that none has ever heard about belgian congo during leopold, yet most americans know katyn.
it really stings of hypocrisy.

people in latin america idolise che as far as i'm aware.

>> No.7238565

I have live my 20 years in a shithole third world country where my family needed to moved out from Cuba and here I am in another shithole.
fuck you and investigate more

>> No.7238582

we love Che guevera in LA.


>> No.7238591
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>> No.7238597


Read 'Was Mao Really a Monster: the Academic Responce to Chang and Halliday"

None of the essay's authors are Maoists, and around 5 of them regard Mao with disdain, and two outright concede that he was a monster.

>> No.7238599

Isn't it amazing how the people who write off deaths and wars and genocides under capitalism as "well, shit happens" suddenly become bleeding hearts where communism is concerned?

>> No.7238601

Well ya, you guys are cucks.

>> No.7238602

When he lead black revolutionaries in Africa he wrote in his journal and reports that things were failing because blacks are fundamentally too stupid and lazy to run anything.

>> No.7238604

Yeah, I am a white american but I hate imperialist and colonialist nostalgia. Wad honestly one of the darkest moments in human history. I think lots of Europeans and Americans have like this Rudyard Kipling style interpretation of how colonialism was but in reality it was brutal and dehumanizing as fuck and we know this because of countless historical accounts of cruelty. Not that it should matter to anybody, but almost all of these accounts were written by white men as well so /pol/ can't use the "exaggerating black person" meme.

Even right now, some ass blasted European or American is furiously typing away on his keyboard about how benevolent it was of the european powers to conquer non-white lands with the supposed motivation being to uplift the lesser races and they'll almost certainly say something along the lines of "hurrr well look at africa now without europe durrr"

>> No.7238606

That quote was from 1952, he wasn't even close to being a Communist then. Was just 24 year old Ernesto Guevara from Argentina.
His example on years to follow shows he is not a racist.
There is nothing wrong in believing shit Glenn Beck says.. Or is it?

>> No.7238612
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He bitched about the Congolese specifically because they were doing a shitty job compared to his old Latin American comrades. That doesn't mean he was IRL Kazuhira Miller.

>> No.7238613

OP, one of the most important book read in Communist and Leftist circles is How Steel was Tempered by Nikolai Ostrovsky. You should check it out.

>> No.7238620

The quote was written when he was in Venezuela, decades before he moved to Congo, mixed in a 100 man Afro-Cuban force.

>> No.7238623

yes we are cucks in LA, except Cuba.

>> No.7238628

Why is it hard for you to read the thread before replying?
: >>7237817

There is not a single branch of left-wing cancerology that features redemption from racis, sexis, or trasmuhsoginny.

>> No.7238653

>says racist things
>but niggers are stupid so it's not racist

>> No.7238654

>"Yeah, but look how better off [developing third world country and former European colony with low HDI] is, I'm not justifying it but things are better for them!"

I hear that way too often. One of the largest problems with Africa was that the "industrialization" that Europeans introduced was substantially different from the domestic industrialization that European powers experienced. It was almost universally centered around the extraction, transportation, and exportation of the colonial holdings natural resource be it gold, diamonds, rubber etc etc, not around natural population centers of said nation. So, big surprise, when you leave a colony high and dry whose outdated infrastructure is built soley on exporting raw materials and has no means of acquiring wealth in international trade except through furthering the exportation of natural resources at extremely cheap prices to western corporation you are going to have some big fucking problems

>> No.7238657
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Quotes like that always remind me that Communists are just a flag-waving away from becoming National Socialists.

>> No.7238674


Seconding this, the Chang/Halliday book on Mao is garbage. Full of anecdotal tripe and dubious assertions that Chang doesn't back up whatsoever. That it's become the "standard" book on Mao in the Anglosphere is fucking tragic, because it's a shit piece of historical investigation and synthesis.

Mao: The Real Story is a pretty good counterweight, relies a lot on Edgar Snow in some sections, but Snow was a pretty credible journalist in his own right.

Just wondering to the anon I'm replying to, what books would you recommend on Mao in English? I have Mao's Last Revolution by Farquhar although I've yet to read it; any good?

>> No.7238682

I am a communist synpathizer too but it broke my heart to read private letters from Karl Marx in which he calls his political rival Ferdinand Lassalle a "jewish-nigger" because of the way his hair looked kind of kinky and because of obtuse temperament

Was like super dismaying tbh, marx was privately pretty antisemitic and racist despite being the grandson of a rabbi and a supposed supporter of african suffrage and anticolonialism. Its pretty fucked up when you realize how long black people have been getting trampled on by other people

>> No.7238684
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Half the thread.

>> No.7238698

Funnily enough, the central subject of my dissertation was Mao's Last Revolution. It's not very good, neglecting any explanations for the Cultural Revolution beyond Mao's personal flaws and ambition - and historiographically it cites Chang and Halliday, so that's all you need to know there.

As for good books? Well, providing you can take their extreme-left biases with a pinch of salt, the work of William Hinton and Robert Weil is great when it's talking about the Mao era. Mobo Gao's "The Battle for China's Past" is another good leftist work. Sadly there's very little neutral in this field, but at least the left-leaning writing is usually better in terms of research and analysis.

>> No.7238709

There's a reason we don't make kids read Mein Kampf to learn about national socialism, incidentally another form of leftism that killed millions.

>> No.7238713

Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life
Motorcycle Diaries
Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War
The Congo Diary
The Bolivian Diary
The Che Reader
Guerrilla Warfare
Lenin (Critical Lives)
Lenin Reconstructed
Trotsky's Autobiography
Autobiography of Malcolm X
Born of the People
Mao: The Real Story
Red Star over China
Young Stalin
Tend Days that Shook the World
Homage to Catalonia

>> No.7238717

I think there's a contingent of communists who've just about decided that there will have to be ethnic cleansing before the revolution can succeed. I'm not a marxist but I can only imagine what it must be like to get shouted down by people chanting about "black bodies" and the color of your skin every time you try to speak at a rally or meeting.

>> No.7238720

there's supposed to be two enter spaces between the links and the Lenin biographies. Something's amiss.

Forgot to add:
Marx's General

>> No.7238733

This is a literal strawman but I would like to remind you that Marxist countries have pretty strictly enforced suppression of LGBT movements. Lenin, despite being atheist, loathed homosexuality which he saw as an act of effete and depravity practiced only by hedonist burgeosie and that attitude really characterized soviet approach to LGBT issues in the Soviet Union. It was thought of as a biological ailment or disfunction of the brain or body instead of as a relatively normal phenomena in nature. IIRC homosexuality wasnt officially unrecognized as a mental disorder by Soviet psychologists until like 1970 or late 1960's. Contrast this with the United States who removed it from the DSM in 1959. Even now as much as 50% of Russia according to polls, reject LGBT people, despite comparitvely minimal religoous affiliation.

Vietnam, China, North Korea and Cambodia have all heavily suppressed LGBT issues in the same vein as the USSR but ALSO have generally suppressed feminism as well usually celebrating female participation in the communist process but in practice relegating them to lower positions of authority for the upper class and almost no power what so ever at the proletariat and peasant classes.

>> No.7238742
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This is 2015, not last century. All leftists are now LGBTBBQCTULHU pride marchers shouting about 'black bodies' and drinking white tears. It has been estimated that globally, a little less than a dozen left-wingers know how to change a tire.

>> No.7238769


No. It's an authoritarian system that heavily emphasizes subservience to the state which is comprised of the nation (i.e. the ethnic identity). The state is the people in the conceptual form of a government literally translating to the government being the will of the people. Fascism embraced militarism, ethnic esotericism, xenophobia, imperialism, and overt displays of masculinity while also rejecting feminism, multiculturalism, democracy, liberal capitalism, marxism (communism), labour unions, usually organised religions as well in the case of both italy and germany.

Fascism also tends to highly value ethnic supremacey based on that of the viewholder's nationality (which isn't the same as what country someone is from). Nationalism, often mistakenly interpreted as extreme patriotrism, is actually the desire for a nation (cultural binding of people) to have a free state to govern themselves i.e. a "Nation-State". Fascism which embraced nationalism heavily tool this a step further and said that a nation must be intertwined inextricably with the state and the only way to do this was through ethnic homogeneity. Fascism also believed heavily in the usage of corporations as supporters for their regimes, in fact Mussolini (who invented fascism) initially called it "corporatism" to emphasize the convergence of corporations on the highest echeleons of the state

>> No.7238782
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>it's authoritarian so it can't be leftist
Holy keks

I personally know at least 5 people who have been persecuted career wise by SJW thugs spouting every leftist buzzword in existence. You can read about these witch hunts daily. Doesn't matter if you've won a Nobel price. If you contradict the cancer that is leftism on any topic, they'll run Scientology life ruin tactics on you until the day you die.

Also that little thing with, you know, every leftist government/movement ever to have existed. Mass slaughter, censorship, humanitarian crisis -- every time.

Take your taqiyya and stuff it up your "trans-vagina."

>> No.7238785

One is an economic system separate from the Estate which conducted the genocides. The other is not.

>> No.7238787
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>> No.7238803
File: 37 KB, 604x270, zoequinn2-604x270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, and let's not forget: just a few weeks ago, two officially elected (by the media) representatives of the modern left, Quinn and Sarkeesian, officially asked the UN to seize control of the internet and ban anything that offends leftism, such as calling Sarkeesian "a liar" or telling her "you suck."

They sourced their report with links to PDFs on some C:/ drive.

Leftists are beyond parody. Even South park can't make this shit up.

>> No.7238811

To further illustrate this, leftism in the sense of the marxist kind embraces the concept of collectivism: Despite our differences in culture and language we are all bound by our common humanity, we should reject petty materialistic bourgeoisie desires and instead conform to the will of the collective people.

Fascism, weirdly enough, heavily embraced this strange sort individualism that also paradoxically had elements of collectivism. Both Italy and Germany had a sort of ethnic ideal that the invidual should also strive to become. In the case of Germany it was the germanic-nordic Aryan and for the Italians it was to embody the unparalrlled civic and military excellence of ancient rome. This was what the invidual needed to become, encouraging him to reject the weak, manipulative and mechnical ideology lf the communists and also the decadent and sedated hedonist liberal capitalists in America and Britain.

Another important facet of 20th century fascism was antisemitism. It was believed that jews controlled and instigated the communist revolutions springing up across the globe while also paradoxically believe that the jews control and monopolize the capitalist systems in the UK and USA so as to sedate and subvert traditional art and culture with popular culture such as African American jazz and consumerism

So yeah youd have to be retarded to think fascism was literally leftist in nature

>> No.7238828
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You suffer from /leftypol/ism. They claim to seriously believe that any leftism outside of their 20 transwomyn strong echo chamber is not leftism.

You are a heavily indoctrinated cultist or just plain psychotic break level insane.

>> No.7238830
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>a success

>> No.7238835
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Communism was actually just capitalist bourge scum the last 30 times. Let's try communism harder this time!

>> No.7238837

The United States and Britain, the two biggest and most "successful" practioners of capitalism also practiced censorship in the form of the US banning socialist literature in 1914 and forbiding socialists and communists from immigrating to the US, the genocide of the native americans and the Caribbean natives as well as afro-carribean people by the British, slavery practiced by Americans and by British colonialists and later the apartheid system practiced by fervent anti-communist white South Africa.

Capitalism does the exact same horrendous atrocities but unlike communism it has great PR in the form of television and the numbing desensitization through constant consumerism

>> No.7238849

>apartheid system
They literally gave first world comforts to invading Bantus that weren't native to the region either. When handed over governance to the Bantus, it immediately became a shit hole. The few remaining whites sleep with guns under their pillows and have all experienced murders, attempted murders and rapes in their families. as a bonus, the Bantus hold pygmies in slavery to this very day.

>> No.7238853

>how benevolent it was of the european powers to conquer non-white lands with the supposed motivation being to uplift the lesser races and they'll almost certainly say something along the lines of "hurrr well look at africa now without europe durrr"

It wasn't. It had nothing to do with capitalism, though.

>> No.7238859

Again... I think you are heavily misinformed as to the nature of fascism. It was deeply rooted in national and ethnic identities. Hitlet also hated the term "socialism" in "national socialism" and also wanted to rename it as simply "nationalism". The usage of socialism in national socialism is highly misleading and often causes american neoliberals to assume it was leftist in origin when in reality it simply refers to a form of property seizure by the people of the nation rather than by the people of the world

Also, transphobia, homophobia, sexism and racism are all real and exist. They arent going away because it hurts your white average joe sensibilities. Deal with it you fucking baby

>> No.7238866

It had literally everything to do with capitalism

Jesus, read a fucking book. The slave trade gave birth to the modern commercialism that facilitated capitalism. Fuck off with this bullshit capitalism apologia

>> No.7238868
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>I drink your white tears, white cis scum
Priceless. 99% of leftists per 2015 are freaks like this.

>> No.7238874
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Leftism is a tool for equality in that it makes white run countries as shitty as black run ones. That's why leftism is good for you and me. You believe in equality, don't you?

>> No.7238881
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I will not be dictated to by patriarchal media bullshit. Check your cis scum privilege of not looking like something out of MAD magazine. Kill all crackers.

This message has been brought to you by leftism.

>> No.7238886

what white countries has leftism ruined you absolute dumbass who wandered off your board

>> No.7238889
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Diversity and tolerance according to leftism includes pic related and tweeting about the need to kill all white men. The lefty rags celebrated this clown.

Leftism is literally about celebrating genocide.

>> No.7238894

All commie countries go straight into the ditch and join African countries on quality of living and other indicators.

You are required to celebrate this equality, not eschew or revise it.

>> No.7238895

Oh boy, heres /pol/, welp nice thread but I'm out. I don't feel like dealing with these cretins. Enjoy wading through twitter screen caps and fabricated quotes by a supposed jewish reptilian conspiracy to make white men gay or some shit.

>> No.7238896

well, not white but leftism basically destroyed cambodia

>> No.7238900

I always wonder what these people think themselves ''not good enough'' for, according to this ''patriarchal media''. It just sounds like a really ingrained inferiority complex combined with intense shame and insecurity.

>> No.7238910
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>Anita Sarkeesian et all is just a conspiracy
Imagine what life is like for this poor "transwomyn" poster. Zhe is a real human being. Zhe needs psychiatric help and we as a society have failed zir.

>> No.7238921

so no white countries you can name. wonderful, now fuck off. everyone sage and report this thread thanks

>> No.7238930
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Another "there have been no real communist countries" UFO reptilian freak, kek.

>> No.7238939

Am on a Communist Party where nothing like that exists. It only started voting for Gay Marriage and Adoption a couple of years ago. 60.000 strong, almost 500.000 votes last election

>> No.7238945
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These estrogen hopped failures who haven't been more than 50 meters away from a coffee shop their entire lives are going to make a "revolution." Isn't that cute?

>> No.7238954

Thank Reagan and Tatcher for supporting them, hate on Communist Vietnam for attacking and destroying their regime.

>> No.7238955

are you trying to say Russia? Russia was a shitheap before and after the Russian Revolution.

you have a bad board to be bad on it. don't make this medium-bad board also extremely bad like yours.

>> No.7238959

You're confusing boards again. Go back to /leftypol/ and try again.

>> No.7238960
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Reminder to all those "Leftists" on this thread that if you do not support this man you are nothing but bourgeois scum.

>> No.7238961

>Karl Marx in which he calls his political rival Ferdinand Lassalle a "jewish-nigger"

source? what the fuck

>> No.7238979
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Leftist male.

That's the punchline.

>> No.7238988

>capitalism does the exact same horrendous atrocities

you're an imbecile.

>> No.7238999

>commie circlejerk where they create strawmen and respond to said strawmen in the same post
>nice thread


>> No.7239017

>What is Vietnam
>What is Cambodia
>What is Laos
>What is Iraq
>What is Iraq again
>What is Israel
>What is Saudi-Arabia
>What is supporting a Guatemalan terrorist regime
C'mon, mate. I suppose the difference is that communist regimes tend to slaughter their own citizens, while capitalist powers have been smart enough to slaughter/have others slaughtered to enrich their own populations enough to shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.7239021

>implying cultural marxism is a strawman

>> No.7239024

nobody here gives a shit if you think we're right. just let us be wrong and go back to your board

>> No.7239029

Why are you still answering to someone who says "lel"

>> No.7239047

I live in south florida. All the cubans I knew as a kid complained about castro at one point or another in a very malicious way, so much so that I grew up thinking he was the devil himself. Thinking back on it, that's probably fear of communism was implanted in my head as a kid, because Castro was across the sea. Or was this a universal experience for all american students?

Anyway, I call Cubans' bitterness toward the regime "the castro complex." To add to that cubans are really obnoxious republicans, though that's been changing now over the last few years as the older cubans who fled cuba are dying off

>> No.7239055
File: 220 KB, 456x500, CheinCongo2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you believe everything in this thread..
>Marx and Guevara were racist
>apartheid was good for everyone
>cultural marxism is a thing.

>> No.7239065

If they had to leave Cuba during the Revolution, they had to be guilty of something, it's normal that they feel bad about it. The people that had to flee from Portugal after the Revolution are also very bitter about that period. They were fascists though.

>> No.7239073

So many fascists(tm) tried to leave East Germany the enlighteneds even had to build a wall to keep them in.

>> No.7239111

lol, why do you think they conquered those lands in the first place?

>> No.7239112

Well done, I've laughed.

>> No.7239138


Just because they were importing resources doesn't mean it had anything to do with the principles of free trade
Unless you define all of human greed/profit motive as "capitalism", in which case I suppose the entire history of the world is capitalism


>> No.7239171

The lions have killed over 7 gorillion zebras in the name of capitalism and you sit idly by not embracing communism with all your heart and trans-vagina, you moral failure.

>> No.7239220

you realize you sound almost indistinguishable from the "well the bad parts of it weren't truly communism" people right

>> No.7239223

I hope you don't mean commercial corporations. Corporatism in theory means organizing society into fixed social or economic groups (like a medieval guild system) that represent their constituents interests, such as workers, small business, farmers and the like. Corporatism was something fascists espoused, but in practice never followed through or accomplished in Germany or Italy.

your an idiot. He just told you why national socialism isn't "leftism." Fascism is an ideology explicitly rejects communist/socialist, capitalism and liberalism and replacing it with an authoritarian state embodying the nation, ruled by a dictator and intent on regenerating the nation through moral, physical and spiritual transformation. It has ideological aims above all else whereas rightists and leftists are what they are because they believe certain economic and social policies are better than others. Its a hard concept to pin down tbh, and a good definition actually eluded scholars for a long time and continues to cause problems

>> No.7239249

I do
The difference is, however, that "true" capitalism has "been tried" to a reasonable degree and what we found out is that it really just werks

If there was a socialist paradise somewhere on Earth, I would be willing to accept the argument that the USSR was no true scotsman. But since there isn't...

>> No.7239256

>forbiding socialists and communists from immigrating to the US
Other things I can understand, but what's wrong with this? Entering a country is a privilege; citizens have the right to reject non-citizens for every reason they see fit (arguably save for life-and-death situations)

>> No.7239300

19th century was literally the era of free trade. European Imperialism reached its height under its auspices. Now, you could argue that "free trade has never been achieved," but that like the lefties who always say "communism has never been achieved." Principles of free trade are ideals that will never be reached

>Unless you define all of human greed/profit motive as "capitalism"
it is in a way. capitalism is such a great system because moral culpability is so decentralized that its hard to pin down responsibility. But in the case of imperialism, commericial lobbies pressured their governments to seize territories. In the 1890s, there was a huge scare that capitalist markets were overproducing goods and that there would be economic chaos. So businesses had no problem convincing their govt's to take land. When the governments seized the said territory, the home government might administer it or neglect it depending on how central it was to their interests/ strategic objectives. But at the end of the day, though, the home publics shelled out tax money to run these territories and the government got little profit out of their colonies. So guess who benefited the most?
-->The firms/corporations who invested their capital in the territory or the firms who flooded colonial markets with their manufactured goods. It was these capitalists who did most of the atrocities (this was why Cecil Rhodes was so despised in his time).

>> No.7239322

and also you're not helping your argument by posting a youtube video from a libertarian organization, which is obviously going to explain away anything that doesn't fit their own view of the world.

>> No.7239397

Thanks for the recs, anon! Your dissertation also sounds fascinating; is there a chance that it might be publicly available at a university library or on an academic database like JStor anytime soon?

>> No.7239454

Yes, communists will actually cry about it when people don't want them to come and fundamentally change their countries, despite having plenty of reasons to expect such resistance.

>> No.7239645


You're just wrong. Lenin was the first world leader to decriminalize homosex. His minister of foreign affairs was gay.
Lay off the progressivist koolaid.

>> No.7239674

Lenin legalized divorce, homosex, abortion and suppressed a lot of religious activity but stalin clamped down on a lot of those things when he came to power and he tolerated the orthodox church, especially during wwii

>> No.7240291

I'm too drunk to make a rational argument but...

If you're a bolshie, you're fucking retarded. Bolsheviks, from the get go, were blood thirsty murderers. One just has to read the telegrams by Lenin saying "Choose 1000 bourgeois in every city and execute them to show an example".

The bolsheviks were the most depraved madmen to hold political power (in league with the jacobins during the french revolution...).
To idolize them is to be a complete asshole.