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/lit/ - Literature

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7237284 No.7237284 [Reply] [Original]

How come there are no good women writers?

>> No.7237304

you should read more bait

edit södergran as an example

>> No.7237387

Women can write good music

>> No.7237395

well memed

>> No.7237396

Women's IQs cluster much more closely around 100, meaning that there are far fewer female geniuses per capita. Also women have no real reason to write or carry out any sort of accomplishment at all. The wet holes between their legs guarantee them everything they could ever want, from money to a husband to limitless adoration, while men have to actually do stuff like write books to earn any kind of recognition.

>> No.7237397

they gave it up to write bait

>> No.7237402

>he hasn't read George Eliot
>he hasn't read Virginia Woolf
>he hasn't read Willa Cather
>he hasn't read Barbara Pym
>he hasn't read Ursula Le Guin
>he hasn't read Jane Austen
>he hasn't read Elizabeth Gaskell
>he hasn't read Emily Dickinson
>he hasn't read A.S. Byatt
>he hasn't read Jane Smiley

Pleb alert.

>> No.7237403

*Why are there so many more good male writers than there are female?

>> No.7237405
File: 92 KB, 255x350, clarice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clarice Lispector

>> No.7237408

What a pleb.

>> No.7237416

Stupid pleb

>> No.7237420


Back to the frog-containment board, you fucking idiot.

Saged and hidden.

>> No.7237433

It's a man's world, where only few men are in it, and like a dozen women at most.

>> No.7237437

good dubs bby but don't forget the little girls; this is a literautre board

>> No.7237453

bad posts

good posts

>> No.7237458

>tfw in both categories
it's like the opposite feel of
>tfw this nigga bumped a troll thread

>> No.7237462
File: 29 KB, 261x361, 1441557795820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dank thread m8 you killed 'em.

>> No.7237465

bad posts

good posts

>> No.7237467

>How come there are no good women writers?
>How come there are no good women ...
operative question

>> No.7237470

>the writer bit is irrelevant
you lost, sugarplum?

>> No.7237474
File: 64 KB, 260x400, 1433972306730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We could expect from the woman that, by her existence naturally revolving around the tragedy and the drama, she would become an artist, a creator, an inventor, but that would be missing the evidence that the female does not live through such excruciating lives. The woman remains poorly creative, precisely for she has an interest in art, for she believes that she has “something to say”. Her interest for the expression is personal, always directed inwards her. On the contrary, the masculine angst brings some abilities, themselves leading to creativity: mostly as males who seek the feminine approval through the mundane activities as well as the comfort, the men are not interested in the drama nor the tragedy, even less when their lives are filled of events of these natures, but those few at ease with communication becomes the perfect artist, inventor or creator, which attracts, incidentally, the female. The lesser exposition towards the female of the alpha men leads those rare men naturally to a strong intellect, or for the fewest, to wisdom, foresight, in particular once equipped with equanimity.

>> No.7237479

In all honesty I think women are programmed for a lower propensity towards reflective thinking, they seem more in the world than out of it. Too bad art, progress, etc, comes from outside. I do though think social conditioning plays a big role as well, their lack of contributions could be mitigated. A bigger pool would be better.

>> No.7237495

I want to say that women are just less capable. But I think they just have less of a need and/or desire to be creative. Imagine if half the population was slaving away changing the world and all they ask is that you spread your fucking legs. If I were a woman I would be no better. None of us would. We need not only to change the societal expectations of women, but men as well. Too many men think it is their place to please and entertain women which only feeds into the collective selfishness of women.

>> No.7237678

There are lots of great women writers if you just enlighten-progress your mind to transformatively appreciate page after page about romance and rape fantasies. Also OMG I got soooooooooooo wasted last night. Like, really!

>> No.7237708

Tip harder faggot

>> No.7237726

The word "women" is not an adjective, OP. Pretty sure you mean to say "female".

>> No.7237731

It's the current year of our lady Sarkeesian. Take your white supremalcyst patriarchy elsewhere.

>> No.7238662

underrated post tbh

>> No.7238679

is because you haven't read me yet

>> No.7239648

Well we do have to keep in mind that men was always considered superior than women so obviously men would get published way more often than any women. Woman also depended on men and fell into those social norms which they still do today. But I do notice all my favorite books are by men (and i'm a girl). Maybe women get more discouraged easier than men so they don't achieve as much

>> No.7239661

Women are pretty much the oldest meme in existence and I can't believe we all keep falling for it.
No they can't.

>> No.7239675

humans are meme in general. the entirety of our species cultural production is dissapointing and insignificant tbh

>> No.7239679

are you single?

>> No.7239686

Sigh. I understand that this is a meme and it's semi-true. There are fewer important female writers (and artists in general) than male writers, but being hostile about it here with no context is derpy. I've recommended Clarice Lispector, Jenny Erpenbeck, Susan Howe, etc. before. There are a large number of women who aren't widely studied and they're awesome and well worth checking out. We can argue their historical importance some other time, but as far as awesome and often underrated writers go, there are plenty of available women.

>> No.7239692

This is a huge one. Good fiction and poetry are deeply personal and can mean either dropping a lot of the front we put up for others, or concocting a new one that works better for the art but may be less flattering in some aspects. I think women are really averse to taking this kind of risk with their reputations and letting people pick them apart that way. I'm a guy and it freaks me out but I suspect it runs even more against the way most women live.

A little of this too

>> No.7239709
File: 552 KB, 571x511, 1444371804580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being hostile about it here with no context is derpy
>Well we do have to keep in mind that men was always considered superior than women so obviously men would get published way more often than any women. Woman also depended on men and fell into those social norms which they still do today
>excellent point m'lady

The simple fact is that women are all cold utilitarian whores incapable of higher emotion and thoughts beyond survival and reproduction, this is why they need a strong man to elevate them.

>> No.7239717

>Clarice Lispector
is that a real name? honestly? it sounds like silence of the lambs fan fiction fam

>> No.7239718

>call women cowards
>excellent point m'lady
How is saying they're too insecure to show people their work or be sincere "m'lady" tier?

>> No.7239723

she's a meme writer m8
her prose is cringeworthy, I don't know why brazilians praise her so much

>> No.7239724

Because you're excusing it by placing the blame on external factors.

>> No.7239753

Good, good, glad you don't pay attention to anything published in the last 4 years.

Her short stories are dope and she's very similar to Virginia Woolf. I don't think she's as rough around the edges as someone like Gertrude Stein.

/lit/, we have to have a talk about looking the fuck around. We have tons and tons of data available online and no one seems to know jack shit about the most obvious stuff. Take 3 seconds to look around online before posting crappy questions.