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/lit/ - Literature

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7236453 No.7236453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that will actually help me getting a fucking girlfriend?

>> No.7236461

No, and that movie that used that premise sucked as well.

>> No.7236462

Just talk to her m8
Never works for me but it might for you :)

>> No.7236465

Step one is stop saving pictures of men in women's clothing

>> No.7236488 [DELETED] 
File: 2.69 MB, 4752x3313, very-hungry-caterpillar-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

changed my life, fam

now my ravenous caterpillar eats pussy every night of the week

teaches you how to spread them wings like the monarch butterfly you know you are

>> No.7236493

Models by Mark Manson

>> No.7236500
File: 2.69 MB, 4752x3313, very-hungry-caterpillar-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

changed my life, fam

now my ravenous caterpillar ass eats pussy every night of the week

teaches you how to spread them wings like the monarch butterfly you know you are

>> No.7236504

but its so hawt

>> No.7236508

Nah man, you just gotta swing the bat. You'll strike out many times, but you'll eventually get a hit.

>> No.7236515
File: 1.65 MB, 1118x633, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Green
Game of Thrones
Harry Potter
Read these in public and eventually an "intellectual" girl will come up to you and talk to you. Remember women are literally children and what you consider pleb fiction is to them the pinnacle of literature.

Also get repilled on the human condition by reading pic related

>> No.7236516

But in the mean time, read the shit out of good literature, at least it will give you something to talk about and it might make you a bit more interesting at least that's my plan

>> No.7236520
File: 72 KB, 703x483, checkbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7236524

Sad, but I think you might be right.

>> No.7236525

Might be time for you to attend church. And if your intent is sincere and not lustful, pray that God guide you and the right woman together to do his will.

“And now, O Lord, I take not this my sister for lust, but uprightly: therefore mercifully ordain, that we may become aged together."
Tobit 8:7 KJV

>> No.7236531

This works much better than any book. https://www.okcupid.com/

>> No.7236538

please tell me what is going on in that picture

>> No.7236548

Where do you live? I'll come kick your ass irl

>> No.7236551

Average R.A.W. reader tbh

>> No.7236553
File: 300 KB, 500x375, xpl10qI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember women are literally children and what you consider pleb fiction is to them the pinnacle of literature.

>> No.7236555

kek'd at this

>> No.7236556
File: 47 KB, 947x172, girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember women are literally children and what you consider pleb fiction is to them the pinnacle of literature.
This is true.

>> No.7236563
File: 184 KB, 468x423, Alpha male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember women are literally children and what you consider pleb fiction is to them the pinnacle of literature.

>> No.7236567

Please tell me that's a trap

>> No.7236568
File: 2.93 MB, 1600x1200, Laughing patricians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
oh dear

>> No.7236569
File: 27 KB, 400x311, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the love flow through you

>> No.7236571

You man name call all you like.
Without using google name five(5) female philosophers who have contributed anything of substance.

>> No.7236572

>sound like a faggot screaming like a girl

Legitness, that's my nigga

>> No.7236573

holy shit how many fedoras do you own

>> No.7236575

white knight detected

>> No.7236576
File: 45 KB, 548x361, le nigger emojis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whether or not women have contributed to philosophy has to do with whether or not they're all "literally children" with shit taste in literature
Nigga the most childlike thing in this thread yo reasonin skills lml

>> No.7236578

1 Corinthians 7:8-9
"To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion."
Lust is a perfectly valid reason to marry. Marriage is the proper outlet for sex.

>> No.7236579

You are the fedora tipper here my friend
>"do not talk ill of m'lady you vile vile serpent, they are all intelligent and great"

>> No.7236582

I wonder how retarded this would look to aliens or even a different culture.
"No, it is you who wears the funny hat! Therefore, your opinions on this matter are entirely void!"

>> No.7236587 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 908x756, 1444879542644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7236588

Lust does not equate to sexual desire anymore than gluttony equates to appetite. Lust in theology is *disordered* sexual desire.

>> No.7236594

>implying any culture, past or future, doesn't have their own version of that

>> No.7236637

Disordered sexual desire meaning outside of the institution of marriage. The solution, of course, being to enter it and thus realign your sexual desire.

>> No.7236641

(Also, I'm not sure if you're Catholic, but you seem like it. The Catholic Church believes all sexual desire is a sin.)

>> No.7236649

No, it does not. It believes disordered sexual desire is. Natural sexual desire is no more a sin than natural desire for food.

>> No.7236655

Indeed. Though there can be lust in marriage, sex in marriage is not inherently lustful. That doesn't mean it has no desire, of course.

>> No.7236658

Are you entirely certain? I suppose the priest I was talking to could be wrong, but I was told that the Catholic Church's official position was that any sexual action, even within marriage, was sinful. That was why he said Mary doctrinally had to be virginal.

>> No.7236673

Aren't our entire lives sinful because hereditary sin?

>> No.7236674

Coming from personal experience; read Homestuck. I know it's not a book and some here will say it's not even literature, sure cool fuck off. The readership at this point is nearly 80-90% female. And sure, more than half of its fans are disgusting fat tumblrinas. But not all of them are like that. That still leaves a lot of really attractive girls. And it's easy picking because the other guys are almost always autistic fucks, so you look great or even godly in comparison.

>> No.7236676

>women are literally children and what you consider pleb fiction is to them the pinnacle of literature.
Good luck finding a girlfriend, Arnolphe, Monsieur de la Souche

>> No.7236681

However make sure you get some proof of adulthood, like a drivers license or something. Also learned this from experience.

>> No.7236682

Women are attracted by contempt.

>> No.7236685

>some here will say it's not even literature
I'd say most people here would say that. Mostly because it isn't literature.

>> No.7236688

That's because of original sin (which, in the Catholic Church's stance, Mary didn't have to being with because her parents conceived her without it--they had sex without sin, and the "immaculate conception" refers to them conceiving her, not her conceiving Christ ). Sex and sexual desire are not themselves considered sin in themselves, and original sin is not something you can really do much about, it means the state of sin passed down from human to human that we are born into.

>> No.7236712

Contempt for what? Society, themselves, others?

>> No.7236719

>talks down to women
>dehumanises them en masse

"wahh why can't I get a gf /lit/? what am I doing wrong hurr?"

>> No.7236734

Gravity's Rainbow. Read girls the really racy parts: I promise they'll love it.

>> No.7236739

why is this board full of retards
