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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 509x385, S H A M B L E S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7232505 No.7232505 [Reply] [Original]

how shambled can one man get?

>> No.7232528

Is it true he's a cuck?

>> No.7232539


>> No.7232546
File: 787 KB, 1000x1504, gty_477473310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with being the good guy? you can't spell "nice" without "ice" --- and he's cool as fuck.

>> No.7232550

His wife rode the cock carousel and "realized" she was in love with him after he made lots of money.

He's too fucking dumb to realize it though, or he's just in denial like the beta cuck he is.

>> No.7232559
File: 115 KB, 452x818, fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that suit
>that confident smile
>that hand firmly at the top of Cara's ass
Pretty alpha if you ask me.

>> No.7232567

lmao if he read your post he'd make a 5 minute youtube video about how misogynist and toxically masculine it is

>> No.7232590
File: 209 KB, 455x594, 481499684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a worldly woman, that's why he's an orbiter. The only time her taking green from him mattered is when she took his last time --- and for that, he'll be forever grateful.

>> No.7232593

Do you think she lets him eat the cream pies?

>> No.7232595

*last name

>> No.7232600

>those shoes

I don't shitting on people for no reason but them things look like they belong on a teenager

>> No.7232628

That's not the "top of her ass", learn your human anatomy.

>> No.7232817

Worst part is that he is using a suit.
Also, that watch. I feel bad for him in a way.

>> No.7232820

im pretty mierdero today.

>> No.7232884
File: 90 KB, 1280x985, 1436853758777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>He's too fucking dumb to realize it though,
he knows it, and he loves it, and he loves to know it, and loves to love to know it

>> No.7233496
File: 98 KB, 279x393, 34234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>categories: gay, big_cock, dp

>> No.7234384

What a cuck

>> No.7234880
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>> No.7234893
File: 172 KB, 969x1280, 1408138767772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she's an ugly tramp who fucks black guys like it's her job

the only reason she has a career at all is because of daddy's money

no surprise that she has jewish ancestry

>> No.7234899

>Muh jews
>Muh black people
>Muh trust funds

Sure is /pol/ in here.

>> No.7234903
File: 2 KB, 329x76, top cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7234935

This kills me. I feel visceral revulsion when I see another man having so little respect for himself.

>> No.7234965
File: 354 KB, 450x622, wpid-Photo-9-Jul-2013-256-AM4-main-feed-451x654.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7234972

top cuck

>> No.7234975

pretty cute tbh

>> No.7234980

I don't even have words for how beta this is. Even when I was a pimply, scrawny sixteen-year-old who got random boners all the time, I asked my crush out with a straight face to her face. She said no, but it's still better than this shit.

>> No.7234983

Well you'll find relief in the fact that it's fake, then.

>> No.7234987

I'm happy that John Green is so likeable that /lit/ has to revert to their baser instincts just to insult him

oh sorry, cuck cuck cuck, big black cocks, uh, what else is popular nowadays? oh yeah, tbh fam

>> No.7234989

Are you still pimply and scrawny anon?

>> No.7234993

>I can't get a date but John Green can

Pretty lol, my friend. Pretty lol.

>> No.7234995


Except he gets laid and is a multimillionaire and published.

>> No.7234998

Who cares, he still preps the bull.

>> No.7235003

No. I filled out a lot and played prop on my state-champ college ruby team. Got rid of the worst of the acne, too. Thanks for asking.

My current gf is hotter than JG's wife. I'm fine with it.

>> No.7235006

Way to go anon. :3c

>> No.7235008

I'm a one-millionaire and am published :')

>> No.7235012

You're the man.


>> No.7235019

>he gets laid
Hahahahahahahahahaha yea ok

>> No.7235028

That's some Zoidberg-tier knowledge of anatomy there, buddy

>> No.7235031

>denying the veracity of an accurate post because it hurts your feels
Sure is tumblr in here

>> No.7235035

>because I'm a feminist
Jesus christ.

>> No.7235040

Okay, directly above her ass, on the small of her back.

As if you've firmly grasped Cara by any part of her body.

>> No.7235047

No, but you can still pose for a photo with a girl without being autistic about it and not be an alpha.

>> No.7235048

>As if you've firmly grasped Cara by any part of her body.

nigga this is literally the
>"how can you judge this movie if you haven't directed one yourself?!!"


>> No.7235051


>> No.7235056

>Famous people are better than non-famous people

When will this meme die

>> No.7235065

>supermodels aren't desirable women

>> No.7235073

>all supermodels are famous

>> No.7235085


its not

>> No.7235087

There's only one supermodel in that pic, m8, and she's famous.

>> No.7235263
File: 168 KB, 788x1182, 1404753861414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


most supermodels couldn't carry a pregnancy to full term m8

this is what a healthy woman looks like

>> No.7235281

Good Lord, she's missing an arm! Someone call an ambulance!

>> No.7235288

actually they arent

supermodels are chosen for their ability to be clothes hangers and are glorified for their proximity to an industry dominated by exclusivity and brand power

they are ugly through and through

>> No.7235298

i hate everything

>> No.7235301
File: 534 KB, 250x144, 1379881147836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hurr joke so fanny

>> No.7235307

that poor woman is trying to stanch the flow of blood from her shoulder socket with hair and curtains but all >>7235263 can think about is her childbearing potential

>> No.7235330

can you fags stop getting into gay little discussions about john green every day? I'm trying to read.

>> No.7235331

Have you ever thought to yourself, "If I let myself laugh, the other guy will have won, and so I won't laugh"?

>> No.7235362

back to reddit amigos

>> No.7235376
File: 246 KB, 787x768, 1262731168224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have you ever thought to yourself, "If I just stop shitposting, maybe the other guy will stop too?"

>> No.7235387

>Michael Sonmore

>> No.7235391

It takes two to tango, my fiend.

Just look at this fagmuffin >>7235362, who thinks whining like a girl doesn't bump the thread just as well as this very post.

>> No.7235404

no, ive only thought to yourself.

why do you post as if /lit/ is scriptural. what is wrong with silly jokes.

>> No.7235420

He's an elitist and an autist.

>> No.7235430

>what is wrong with silly jokes
This entire site is a silly joke. What you did was Reddit.

>> No.7235432

great thread boyos

>> No.7235604


can you suggest something better?

this entire board is cancer

>> No.7235612
File: 70 KB, 635x357, 1422772982038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7235615

An open marriage would mean they're both fucking whoever they want.

>> No.7235621

But that's not what happens, because someone has to take care of the kids. Unfortunately for him, he's a massive beta cucklord, and does the job.

>> No.7235640

Are any of the claims about JG actually substantiated or is it just meming?

>> No.7235653

They're all true

>> No.7235659

You are aware what the word 'substantiated' means, right?

>> No.7235664
File: 1.77 MB, 310x290, cultural enrichment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at least one of his 'children' was fathered by another man

>> No.7235668


>> No.7235678

do you think he wears a fedora

>> No.7235755

100% meme but don't let /pol/ know, these threads help contain them

>> No.7236692


honestly /lit/ should be embarrassed to use /r9k/ tier insults on such an easy target

>> No.7236751

honestly creating a weird fantasy world for an author you dislike is far, far more pathetic than writing a shitty book

>> No.7236757

Talk shit, post fit.