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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 147 KB, 626x710, GustaveDoreParadiseLostSatanProfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7229704 No.7229704 [Reply] [Original]

>He's never read Paradise Lost

>> No.7229714

Reminder Satan was a edgy faggot, with a narcissistic complex.

>> No.7229725

I haven't read it. Do I need to read the bible first?

>> No.7229727

Why is Gustave Doré so great?

>> No.7229728

>do i need to read canon before fanfic

>> No.7229739

proly cos he spent all that time making graven images of satan

>> No.7229866

Well yeah, duh. Doesn't mean he isn't a great tragic character.

>> No.7229882

Not really. Being familiar with biblical history is enough

>> No.7229902

Ideally you'd have read the Bible, a bunch of protestant theology, Homer, Virgil, Shakespeare, Spenser and some English history, but really you don't need to read anything.

>> No.7229910

This. If you get a decent annotated version, you can make it out all right and still get a lot from it.

>> No.7229937

Reminder that Satan did nothing wrong.

>> No.7230090


literally everyone who reads more than genre fiction (and even then) has read paradise lost. You're not special