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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 76 KB, 1000x563, literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7229250 No.7229250 [Reply] [Original]

This person published a book to "critical acclaim" and it's a bestseller on Amazon; do you think she's batshit /lit? How do you feel about the writing industry currently?


>> No.7229257
File: 233 KB, 960x768, 1418375042931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liberated woman and sex.

>> No.7229265
File: 153 KB, 900x281, 1424473793762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7229267

I've never seen an image so painfully bitter. Just call up your friends and go do something my man

>> No.7229270

>confusing fetishes with day to day interactions

Are these images created by virgins?

>> No.7229278

>complaining about something that was likely your fault

>> No.7229279

Yes, but it's still evidential of hypocrisy to a certain extent

>> No.7229300
File: 23 KB, 800x600, 107-ghostworld04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think this cartoon makes a valid point you are an idiot and probably a virgin
also this artist obviously masturbates to his own drawings

>it's still evidential of hypocrisy to a certain extent
it would be hypocritical if she then shouted "show me your tits cunt" at a woman or called alicia a slut

>> No.7229301

Completely irrelevant

>> No.7229303

I like books. Do you guys like books?

>> No.7229307


Yes, I enjoy them quite a lot.

What are you reading?

>> No.7229312

I just started Marlon Brando's autobiography Songs My Mother Taught Me and I'm also reading The Violent Bear it Away by Flannery O'Connor.

>> No.7229315

Not that guy, but why is virgin a valid ad hominem attack here against MRAs? The only MRA I know in real life has a girlfriend and has sex on the regular. Most of my friends are basically sexless but are more or less socially liberal when it comes to women's rights. The whole virgin thing is a strawman, and only arouses resentment from that group. I'm fundamentally in agreement with you, but I think you might benefit from choosing words more carefully. If not, people might see you as a hypocrite.

>> No.7229316

I have been enjoying Robert Graves' Goodbye To All That.

Very good, very British WW1 autobiography

>> No.7229344

I don't think really anyone considers it so much a valid ad hominem attack, as most if not all of these attacks are just fundamentally pointless put-downs, insults of ignorance, which point to how one must have some failing in the workings with some other humans in order to come to such ridiculous conclusions about the opposite sex -- of course, this is the point of it, but really any opinion on either side of some hypothetical debate of the sort could be held by the sexless or not, hypothetically. I don't see the above (re: virgins) as necessarily holding that true.
Anyhow, the image is a load of crockshit.

>> No.7229370

If you enjoy being degraded, then why would you have anything against someone doing it to you in public?

The example is an extreme, but there's a certain level of bigotry and bile that all human seem to have, and acting like a prude about it in public is just avoiding that.

>> No.7229385

>it would be hypocritical if she then shouted "show me your tits cunt" at a woman or called alicia a slut

It's evidence of the internalisation of misognistic notions of gender relations, nothing wrong with the fetish's per say, but one should not be ignorant of how ones own desires can be rooted in "problematic" understanding

>> No.7229386

The balance of shame imposed on women by men, and the natural joy of being humiliated.

>> No.7229402

Fantasies are intensively private for a reason, perhaps only carried out with someone you trust on the basis you can still keep your wider dignity intact. Cuckold's don't advertise their humiliation publically, it neither directly serves their own desires for personal strife and also has massive consequences in real life relations

>> No.7229413

>If you enjoy being degraded, then why would you have anything against someone doing it to you in public?

In the bedroom: You asked for it, it happens on your terms

Some weirdo cat-calling: You didn't ask for it, it happens on the guy's terms

How hard is that to understand?

>> No.7229418

I'm sick of women attention edge whoring over salacious things that happen to them, and making big time $.

>> No.7229425

>asked her rapist to stay


>> No.7229427

What you're arguing is convenience. The cuckold doesn't want people to know his true feelings, so he'll mask them, and even act contrary to it. That's hypocrisy, just a logical one to make.

I said the example is extreme, but let me translate, if you were cat-called, and you behaved like that in the bedroom, I would bet you would get sexual pleasure out of it, maybe an uncomfortable one, but still pleasure. That's what I'm talking about with inner "bile and biggotry", it's fucked up, but it's a human reaction, and we should learn to be frank with those feelings, rather than just internalize them privately, which leads to the kinds of outbursts you see with cat-calls.

>> No.7229429

Ooops, first reply was meant for:

>> No.7229433

Did you even fully read the article.
>intriguing thing happens to you
>write a memoir
men do it too. you can argue over whether experiencing a rape is something interesting enough to write a memoir about, but apparently she did.

>> No.7229437

The fact that her entire family don't believe it was a rape, and she admits attraction to him, makes me believe the whole story is flimsy.

>> No.7229441

Yes I did, and it's full of shit that makes me want to GMOW.

How can people be this stupid?

>> No.7229445

What the fuck does GMOW mean?

>> No.7229446

'go my own way,' taken from MGTOW, 'men going their own way'

>> No.7229449

>full of shit
make a specific list.

>> No.7229450

>two Barnes & Noble bags loaded with three shelves' worth of books
>$300 worth of books
What? You could fit $300 worth of books into two bags, no problem. But what sort of short-arse shelves would you need three of to fit that many books on?
I just did a quick count of how many books fit onto the shelves I have here; the shelves are on either side of the fireplace and only about as long as the fireplace. Even so, they have about 40 books on, each. A book is going to cost between $10 and $30, the lower price range being for, say, a book of poetry which takes up no space whatsoever. She's buying them brand new from B&N, after all. So let's be generous and assume she's buying normal sized books at $20 apiece, average.
For $300 dollars, that's 15 books. Three shelves, fifteen average size books. Each shelf is only five books wide.
Yes, this person is insane.

>> No.7229457

Which person, the author of the article? Their meeting in a cafe would have removed her from the possibility of seeing any of the books on any shelf, but the inclusion of describing the amount of books in terms of how many shelves they could take up is indeed a bit bizarre. Possibly hyperbole. In any case, it's a very small detail that doesn't really matter.

>> No.7229463

1. Afterwards, she asked her rapist to spend the night.

2. Reacts to the "trauma" by dropping out of college and allowing the dude to continue on campus

3. Carries $300 worth of books at a single time

4. Matis has heard from hundreds of girls who, like her, also asked their rapists to stay; some of these girls wrote their rapists poems and love songs

5. Her own family doesn't buy her "story"

6. Currently, she is more focused on her first novel, Cal Trask, about a girl who is sexually attracted to her brother.

She is another narcissistic self-promoter. Why do women wonder why marriage rates are declining when this shit is boasted about so openly? Literally disgusting.

>> No.7229469

Wait. Hold up. Pull the fun bus to the side of the road.

"He raped her and she asked him to stay the night."

That makes no sense. Let's look at this rationally...
1. She has "slutters remorse" after having rough sex
2.this rape was the most significant thing to happen to her because she's young and vapid and she's trying to make this what her life is about because she had nothing else to go on
3.she did in fact have sex against her will and she's so retarded she didn't know to call the cops.
4. Anything can be a NYT best seller now. You could describe a tranny farting on a ham sandwich on a post it note and it could make that list.

Goddamn it

>> No.7229474

Girl here. What's so hard to understand? Do you guys not comprehend nuance?

>> No.7229478

>That makes no sense. Let's look at this rationally...
Did you though? You didn't seem to go into the question of it that thoroughly.

>> No.7229485

How many books can you fit on your shelves?

>> No.7229491

You guys are huge assholes

>> No.7229494

It's like an argument where there's a beginning of an introduction that jumps to the last fucking closing statement.

>> No.7229497

Maybe so but I can spot a self absorbed psycho when I see one. I pity the lonely badtard that throws his load into that walking pile of crazy.

No sane woman asked her rapist to stay.
Either it wasn't rape or she's crazier than Margo Kidder screaming on my front lawn.

Oh, and fuck you for not knowing the difference

>> No.7229499

Not them but just look at the amount of contrary evidence there is in her story, the whole thing smells like bullshit. Can't really blame a few anons for doubting it.

>> No.7229500


>> No.7229509

marriage? so you want to get married then?

>> No.7229521

>she's trying to make this what her life is about
>currently writing a novel completely unrelated to the event

>> No.7229534

Pics please, I want to see these mini-shelves.

>> No.7229538

I don't care, the subject matter is completely uninteresting to me. But it ticks a lot of boxes for other spoiled college kids.

>> No.7229542

I haven't been on vice in a while. Where's the comments section?

>> No.7229544

Plot twist: what if it was Stockholm Syndrome? It wouldn't surprize me if someone who felt like a piece of trash after being raped acts irrationaly towards her rapist. Is it stupid? Sure. Still, it could just as well be a self-promoting bullshit story, but the premise is plausible.

>> No.7229547

Only open to women and POC.

>> No.7229556

Women just love rape. They truly can't help themselves.

>> No.7229562

What about women who are mad about the stuff in the first three panels but don't like being degraded in the bedroom?
This is a stupid argument.

>> No.7229584

It's weird to think how it's almost good that she got raped. If she had just finished college normally she's probably have a McJob and live in Colorado. Now she is well-off, known author, living in NYC.

>> No.7229734

If you read the article she explains it