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7226168 No.7226168 [Reply] [Original]

What are some objective articles and essays I can read about Christopher Colombus?

>> No.7226201

The retard thought he was in India, what a fucking shitlord lol

>> No.7226208

op why would you want to read about that bigot he didn't even have an iphone

>> No.7226222

People's History of the US has a lot on him at the very start of the book. I've been told that this book is wrong often but never given good sources and I think the Columbus bit is probably all true although i honestly haven't look into it

>> No.7226230


>> No.7226262

He was a genocidal maniac

>> No.7226275

He was white cisscum who oppressed PoC. Why would you want to read about him?

>> No.7226336
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It is 2015 and we still have a holiday celebrating a genocidal white rapist. I mean, he was able bodied and straight to top it all off! It has been two millenia and fifteen years since the birth of Christ and we are still having a holiday for a baby-eating demon!


>> No.7226342

You can easily find some of the letters and journals he wrote on the internet.
A lot of people give Colombus shit, and while he was an egocentric prick, usually when people are criticizing him they're actually talking about the Europeans that came after him and attributing it to Columbus.
The fact that so many people can't look at Columbus in his historical context baffles me.

>> No.7226362

>Bad things aren't bad if they were socially acceptable or common in the past ;^) you can't blame [historical figure] he's just doing what anyone would have done back then
Relativism doesn't magically become less wrong just because it judges the actions of admirable figures in history.

>> No.7226378

The question is whether or not he is admirable

>> No.7226399

I'm not saying it magically makes everything ok, I'm just saying that you have to take into account the world he was living understand his motivations.

>> No.7226418

Why would I want to understand such an evil man's motivations? I'd rather keep my pure, progressive mind untainted by the demons of the past :')

>> No.7226430

Even if you do take it into account it doesn't stop him deserving very little respect and certainly doesn't deserve celebration

>> No.7226446
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>> No.7226498

What if we were celebrating the event, and not the person?
Even though it was unintentional, he did discover the Atlantic Canary Current, which allowed people to replicate his voyage and settle in the new world. It was an important event the changed history as a whole, even if the guy behind it was a religious nut. Doesn't that event deserve to be remembered in at least some way?

>> No.7227940

Nothing I've seen from it has been wrong, but it is disgustingly biased. Imagine John Green but even more self-hating.

>> No.7227946

Just read the first chapter of A Peoples history of the united states. All you need to know.

>> No.7227992

never understood why people who dislike what people whom they have no direct association with but happen to live in the same country as have done/are doing are called self-hating

>> No.7228000
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Probably because his self-hatred extends far beyond nationality?

>> No.7228039

Becoming aware of the fallibility of humans and getting a fuller story out of history is all that does for me. I' well proud of the good that has come out of my European ancestry.
If you're feeling self-hate, maybe this is just some kind of guilt complex buried inside.
Happy Indigenous People's Day.
Feel better anon.

>> No.7228288

You should write for the show because you're on point with the sort of humor his demographic digs.
It's the same sort of humor black comedians use when they rile up the crowd by ways of finding something the audience can sympathize with and then going crazy over it and just start demonizing anything against their frame of mind.