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/lit/ - Literature

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7225952 No.7225952 [Reply] [Original]

I have to teach a class on "Inherent Vice" in a couple weeks. What do, /lit/?

also, I didn't get to pick the novel, my professor did.

>> No.7225954

watch the movie

>> No.7225959

>What do, /lit/?

Read TCoL49 to understand why it had to exist

>> No.7225972

Tell your professor to stop being lazy and teach their fucking class. How much are you paying for tuition?

>> No.7225987

Inherent VICE... you think that's just some random turn of phrase from the lawbooks, motherfucker? nope, papa pynchon is workin on two levels - count em - two levels with his title. at least two. inherent = intrinstic, vice = badness. this guy's talking about some sort of evil behind the scenes, pulling the strings, man... controlling us... we're just puppets, dude... where are They? what are They doing? what do They want? i dont know, but i was there, man, when it was all going down, when we thought this country might actually change for real, it was a revolution man, in country, in consciousness, in cool. now look at us. we're a bunch of corporate slaves. the internet's the new commune, and they're lookin to take that over too. can they even be stopped? i dont think so, once a man goes down the toilet, he cant come out again. the bananas are in the air.

>> No.7226024
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This guy's got the right idea.
You've gotta familiarize yourself with Lot 49 and read the foreword to Slow Learner to get a handle on how Pynchon thinks about Lot 49 and why Inherent Vice covers the same themes in a more authentic way.

Naturally you need to watch the movie and get high as shit then try to run errands or something else out in public a couple of time if you somehow haven't before.

Dammit Thomas get back to work on that novel. If you don't finish it before you kick the bucket I'm suing your family for everything they've got.

>> No.7226042

Start with the Pynchon threads.


>> No.7226047

that guy is not pynchon, and he still posts here, he just posted a thread last night.

>> No.7226049


>> No.7226057

well to link to that thread would ruin the fun of it, but i'll give you this link

ctrl+f "jesus wept" and read from there

>> No.7226098



a glorious return to form

>> No.7226106

Fucking Pynchon always posting on 4chan on fridays and saturdays at midnight.

Isn't this guy a fucking a senior? Damn.

>> No.7226132

already done both. I'm somewhat well versed in Pynchon already. The only thing I haven't read is his short story collection. I just wasn't a huge fan of IV. Not a bad book, but not something to be spoken about on any deep level in academia, IMO.

>> No.7226139

What if he's Joshua Cohen? That dude has the calloused cock of a 4chan goer.

>> No.7226140

Talk about his e-presence on /lit/.

Some Joao fucker in Portugual wrote a dissertation on Totalitarianism in a Tundra.

>> No.7226146

Hmm...I had never heard of this guy before.

> Cohen wrote the novel before the Edward Snowden leaks, but the narrative predicts several of the government initiatives revealed by Snowden.[5] Cohen read numerous books and treatises about the Internet's history and studied the biographies of technologists before and during the writing of the book.

Pynchon probably tipped him off.

>> No.7226153

"okay class let me show you Pynchon doing what he does best: shit-posting on lit. First, let's read the sticky..." lol

>> No.7226177

Link? That book's so pandering it's pathetic.

>> No.7226189

Someone mentioned it on /lit/. I don't have a link.

This is kind of makes sense. I recall he did say that once he wrote a letter to a writer and they ended up meeting so he encouraged us to do the same with Pynchon.

What if Cohen wrote to Pynchon? If Cohen pissed people off in England/The Guardian some years ago, then it's him.

>> No.7226193

> Link? That book's so pandering it's pathetic.

How dare you!

>> No.7226202


>> No.7226211


only the worst parts of /lit/ perform in those spectacles

>> No.7226212

Nah, too recent. Would have to be before 2011-12 I think.

>> No.7226216

Don't knock it until you've read it at least twice.

>> No.7226301

That was before Cohen got any press outside of that talented kid who wrote that book no one will read. It could still be him, but the timing is strange. He got really big when James Wood called Four New Messages one of the best books of the year in 2012.

>> No.7226312

/lit/ needs more people like you

>> No.7226413

I would talk a lot about the book's interest in incipient technology, especially ARPAnet, and how it relates to some of the other technological imagery, like the hippie becoming divorced from the social movement when he puts on headphones, and the isolation from driving in a group but inside individual cars in the last five pages. The zomes work into this interestingly as well - this was a promise, a possibility of technology that would enhance community life, not isolate us, but the vague powers that be hated it so much they had to capture and ransom its funder.

Even Doc gets sucked in, at first ARPAnet seems like the ultimate in spook horrors, but when he uses it to find out the location of that woman (forget her name) and that she's alright, he begins to kind of like it. We let in the aspects of technological capitalism that will destroy us right through the front door. Something like that.

>> No.7226496

It's an actual phrase regarding deterioration and likely a nod to the recognitions

>> No.7227676

Pretty gud!

>> No.7227700

Read slow learner and, if you can get your hands on it, a copy of his biography

>> No.7227739

>his biography

>> No.7227757

Thanks. I could write more if you want (do you know about the extra day?), I think IV and Bleeding Edge are two of Pynchon's most underrated books. Both have a really surprising amount of depth, just under prose that is more easily understandable on the surface level than Gravity's Rainbow or Mason & Dixon have.

>> No.7227793

>I think IV and Bleeding Edge are two of Pynchon's most underrated books.

Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I think Bleeding Edge is really underrated.

What's the extra day?

>> No.7227800


Not that anon, but the extra day explanation is under page 281.

>> No.7228410

The isbn and whatever escapes me, I was lucky enough to attend a college that had it in the library, but unfortunately I graduated. It's pretty much the only book of it's kind however so it gets cited a lot. I probably first found out about it browsing the essays on the Pynchon wiki, if you're interested

>> No.7228740 [DELETED] 

>> 7225987
>the bananas are in the air.
Fuckin' A, man. I'm stealing this.

>> No.7228750

I can't find any record of such a book on the internet. You mean to tell me there's a widely-cited biography printed, bound and floating about?

>> No.7230300

thats bullshit but i believe it