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7225403 No.7225403 [Reply] [Original]

Where should I start with Ernst Jünger if I'm primarily interested in his politics?

>> No.7225565

you start with whatever book of his you can get that under 999$ and isn't storm of steel, because everyone can get that

>> No.7225816

Auf den Marmorklippen (On the Marblecliffs) and Heliopolis are recommended, also Eumeswil and Gläserne Bienen (The Glass Bees).
I'm not too sure how much of his stuff is translated into English, but all of those touch upon his politics and are great books either way.
Also, get Strahlungen. Fair warning, sadly more than enough of his work is, sadly, not even in print in German anymore, so you might have a hard time finding it in English.

>> No.7225875

Probably a biography. Like him or not, he lived a cool life. Two world wars + dropped LSD + skied with Heidegger + lived to a 100 and converted to Roman Catholicism.

Also, Bolano seems to have a thing for him.

>> No.7225984

This. It's so fucking hard to find his books. In my country reprint are boycotted by publishing companies because he's supposedly too right-wing for their taste. Same with Borges's works.

>> No.7226114


>> No.7226154

Anon, I don't think you've ever read Jünger. He immensely disliked the Nazis.

>> No.7226213

what country

>> No.7226277
File: 90 KB, 352x530, junger5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7226291

he was a soldier in ww1 you dipshit

>> No.7226308

That's Jünger in a germantGreat War era uniform, yes.
What's that to do with /pol/? Much less, what do the books he's wrote to do with /pol/?

>> No.7226311

and ww2 ;)

>> No.7226318

>Calling it the Great War in 2015
Glad to see another true Gentleman on here

>> No.7226323

admin position

>> No.7226325

like hitler then?

>> No.7226332

I'm not sure how that's relevant, it's just as proper as "World War I".
If you're just bored and trolling, would you mind going to >>>/v/, they're easier targets.

>> No.7226620

No they just stuck him in occupied france as a "cultural liaison" where he basically chilled in salons. His books are clearly anti-fascist

On the marble cliffs is balla

here: https://filetea.me/t1sEpAdqtHVQsWoupguPMye1w

Eumswil and On the Marble Cliffs is having a paperback reprint if his website is too be believed. I just picked up a copy of OtMC via alibris titled "On The Yarble Cliffs" for $35 so it is possible.

>> No.7226635

Turns out I have eumswil and storm of steel too

>> No.7226641


>> No.7226643


my bad i closed the page. should be open for a while

>> No.7226674

I still think the opening paragraph of In Stahlgewittern is one of the most powerful things ever written in German.

>> No.7226682

>Wrote books that castigate violent masses and totalitarianism
>Appears on fringes of assassination attempt on Hitler
>Many friends in Prussian military circles
>Son arrested and assigned to a Penal unit where he dies for "subversive discussions"
>Never showed sympathy for blood and soil ideology
>Literary god in France

He was not a nazi

>> No.7226694

>He was not a nazi
Never said he was.

>> No.7226782

write it

>> No.7226795

Noch wuchtet der Schatten des Ungeheuren über uns. Der gewaltigste der Kriege ist uns noch zu nahe, als daß wir ihn ganz überblicken, geschweige denn seinen Geist sichtbar auskristallisieren können. Eins hebt sich indes immer klarer aus der Flut der Erscheinungen: Die überragende Bedeutung der Materie. Der Krieg gipfelte in der Materialschlacht; Maschinen, Eisen und Sprengstoff waren seine Faktoren. Selbst der Mensch wurde als Material gewertet. Die Verbände wurden wieder und wieder an den Brennpunkten der Front zur Schlacke zerglüht, zurückgezogen und einem schematischen Gesundungsprozeß unterworfen.
„Die Division ist reif für den Großkampf.“

>> No.7227430

Bump for Jünger

>> No.7227468


epic memer

>> No.7227479

Anybody read his stuff on drugs?

>> No.7227557

Unfortunately I haven't. I only read some summary, that he did acid late in life.

>> No.7228524

I dozed off. Would you mind opening those up again?

>> No.7228561

Junger is from the I hate nazis, but I'd go with them anyway school. Spengler, Hediegger, Schmitt and Evola are the same.
And they didn't like nazis, because nazis weren't hardcore enough.

>> No.7229043

So you're saying everyone who's served in the Wehrmacht during the Second World War is a Nazi?
And what do you mean by "not hardcore enough", how and about what was Jünger "hardcore"? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.7229125

The Forrest Passage is by far Junger's most important political work

>> No.7229130

I was just talking about the thinkers themselfs. The average german soldier was probably apathetic to the nazi regime, neither hate or that much enthusiasum. The said conservative-revolutionaries thinkers really did support it openly but also openly said it was the lesser evil compared to other techno-utopias like Capitalism and Communism.

Junger didn't like the technological-fetishism that the nazis had, especially the further development of weapons that dehumanized war and pain. He wanted true pain to be able to be felt again.

>> No.7229167

>He wanted true pain to be able to be felt again.
But didn't he argue for emotional suicide?

>> No.7229192

jünger was for example close friend of the first gestapo boss
and openly admitted, for example in his diary of 1946, that after nazis took power the decision of their elitist conservative-revolutionaries was to "send in bright minds" into nazi party as a kind of corrective.
but this was also the excuse of full blown nazis like heidegger.

>> No.7229496

>but this was also the excuse of full blown nazis like heidegger.
Heidegger held similar views to the NSDAP, but was certainly no full blown Nazi. Same for Schmitt.

A full blown Nazi academic would be someone like Hans F.K. Günther or Alfred Baeumler.

Telos Press is republishing most of his works. Eumswil, On Pain, Sturm...

National Socialists will be disappointed upon readings his works, however.

>> No.7229508

>Heidegger held similar views to the NSDAP, but was certainly no full blown Nazi.
Why not? He endorsed the NSDAP publicly in his lectures, his recently published notebooks were full of antisemitism, he was in the party (but then, who interested in a career wasn't), he didn't help Husserl when his career was destroyed (even purging the dedications to Husserl in his books),

>> No.7229513

>his recently published notebooks were full of antisemitism
I'm curious, are they found online anywhere in either German or English? I mean, given his relationship with Arendt, I'm very surprised he'd be full-blown Nazi about Jews.

>> No.7229514


Came looking for this. Was not disappointed.

>> No.7229522

>Why not?
Because he simply wasn't. I understand there's some overlap, but he wasn't a party tool like the aforementioned intellectuals. He was constantly running into trouble after his rectorship and never developed a positive relationship with the NSDAP after his self-dismissal. It's common knowledge the Gestapo were observing his courses and despite the ambiguous language he certainly wasn't a party promoter.

His antisemitism was certainly different from the NSDAP's racalist version. I mean, sleeping with a Jewess certainly isn't saying a lot for your belief in purity of the blood.

The other things are chalked up to careerism, something Schmitt is also guilty of.

It's not. Eumswil is the fulfillment of his political thought - the forest goer to the anarch. There's a different and this is illustrated in the new introduction in the Telos edition.

>> No.7229523

They are in German as PDFs here:


No English translations yet as they just came out last year

>> No.7229527

Thank you kindly Anon.

>> No.7229561

This is extremely reductive and narrow view of his time in the party, completely leaving out the veiled criticism in his lectures and writings. Not saying Heidegger doesn't have a stink about him but to legitimate calling him "a full blown nazi" is pure baloney, his work speaks for itself

>> No.7229612

one could make a case in the past for "careerism" or "influence of his antisemitic wife!", but the notebooks so far make it clear, that it was also his own private conviction. after leaks of original material, it appears that whole published lectures and speeches from 30s could have been systematically edited to make him appear less nazi and that he even invented some of the "complications" with nazis (for example instances of undeclared editing and wrong accounts were uncovered by Sidonie Kellerer). on top of that the publishing company Klostermann has not reacted very confidently after the allegations.

the new revelations also lend new credibility to the old indictment by karl löwith
>neither the aforementioned disdain or approval of his National Socialist credentials counts for much in itself. Heidegger’s decision for Hitler went far beyond simple agreement with the ideologyand program of the Party.
>I was of the opinion that his partisanship for National Socialism lay in the essence of his philosophy. Heidegger agreed with me without reservation, and added that his concept of “historicity” was the basis of his political “engagement.” He also left no doubt about his belief in Hitler. (1936)

>> No.7229711

Mm, again, I think you fail to take into account that antisemitism doesn't necessarily equate to being a National Socialist, plenty of He Man Jew Haters were frowned upon by the NSDAP (the Junkers as a whole come to mind). Heidegger's antisemitism wasn't something you could say was the same expressed in the NSDAP programme.

>karl löwith
Yeah, there are plenty of lesser philosophers (sorry, it's true) who try and take personal shots at Heidegger's political involvement. Doesn't make their assessment gospel.

Fact remains that you are reducing National Socialism as well as Heidgger's entire corpus of thought, and then mixing them over personal prejudice.

>> No.7229825

bad syllogism, ignorance of new facts, ad hominem

>> No.7229842

Yeah, exactly what's done to Heidegger in the popular press, especially by recent French intellectuals, like Faye, for example.

>> No.7229845

tu quoque

>> No.7229869

Why not just answer the post? Why do you see the need to just throw around fallacies you think you see?

Do you think Heidegger was a National Socialist? If so, why? In that case, why does this impact his truth?

The Entnazifizierung courts determined that he was a follower, meaning pretty much on the career path and nothing else.

>> No.7229952
File: 146 KB, 640x360, überlege noch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already wrote, new evidence (notebooks, archive leaks, publisher reaction) lends new credibility to löwith and similar witness accounts of former students (you dont seem to understand the new situation and simply wrote that i shouldnt take löwith alone as gospel, well no shit)

>impact his truth
a scumbag can still be a good philosopher. his work can be judged independently. i like adorno's take in "jargon of authenticity". but if more evidence appears that heidegger utilized nazi cant in his lectures during 30s, of course it can also devalue his philosophy as a whole, because it suddenly reveals a very plebby kernel.

>denazification courts
i dont subscribe to naive realism

>> No.7229976

>you dont seem to understand the new situation
I do understand the "new" sitaution, primarily though the Black Notebooks publication. This material is damning to some, but a National Socialist it does not make. Again, the notion of antisemitism isn't proprietary to the Nazi Party.

>it suddenly reveals a very plebby kernel.
Possibly if one wants to take it that way, but it can also be an intellectual dealing with the world around him at a very volatile point in history and his career. Simply engaging with National Socialism isn't something I find abhorrent. Long time opponents of Heidegger will, of course, disagree and use this as further fodder. His engagement and subsequent dismissal provide intellectual grounds for thinking, rather than revulsion. Different strokes, I suppose, especially for leftists and conservatives.

>i dont subscribe to naive realism
Okay, bully for you, but the evidence presented continues to suggest that while Heidegger's relationship was murky, it suggests nothing more than a career interest.

>> No.7230048

Okay, I'm done for the night. Going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Clearly I don't think antisemitism and minor, failed participation with lower NSDAP echelons makes one a true believer, nor do I find engagement with the ideas presented in National Socialism to be grounds for eternal philosophical damnation. I hope this thread returns to Jünger discussion.

>> No.7230161

fallacy fallacy

>> No.7230391

The notebooks aren't a great source for his anti-Semitism; for that, you can see it quite plainly in some of his letters and in the testimonies of people close to him, all stuff that's been known since the late 80s. Pretty common regular stupid anti-Semitism, like belief in "World Jewry", that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a legitimate account. He lacks the interest that the Nazis had in biologism, and seems to have held a view that biological Jews who accept German culture are perfectly German.

The anti-Semitism of the notebooks is a strange metaphysical critique, and his comments (what few there are, which is really the more shocking thing) offer the view that the metaphysics of Judaism is the source of the metaphysical problems that his "history of Being" sees in Christianity, Communism, Capitalism, etc. Basically, if you're looking for an account of his anti-Semitism, the notebooks are only suggestive, and the material is so narrowly focused on his philosophical interests as to just confound any attempt to account for concrete anti-Semitism.

>> No.7230457

Nazis express the marxist and the ethnic anti-semitism, not the one that Heidegger likes.

>> No.7231717


>> No.7231728
File: 42 KB, 562x208, Derriduck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Borges's works.
> too right-wing for their taste.
What ? I hear some things about some of his remarks, but are his works too right-wing ?

>> No.7231870

>and seems to have held a view that biological Jews who accept German culture are perfectly German.
in an unpublished lecture from 30s he literally says that jews would never adapt and are inherently unable to "understand" nature and german homeland like the natives, because they lack soul or something, inherently calculating hence inauthentic. google Sidonie Kellerer, who researched it last year or so. it's in line with the common "rootless cosmopolitan" and richard wagner's theme of hopelessly ungerman jews, nothing sophisticated or cryptic.

>and the material is so narrowly focused on his philosophical interests as to just confound any attempt to account for concrete anti-Semitism.
could be said of previously published material, but facts have changed with in the latest one covering 42-48 (collected volumes #97) and contains some explicit hardcore shit (leading to resignation of Gunter Figal at heidegger association in beginning of this year)

>> No.7231958

Masculine manboy trash tbh
Is this how that Warhammer bs reads in German

>> No.7231976

Lel, not like the editions aren't "sloppily" edited.
"N.soz." apparently is short for "natural sciences"

>> No.7232172

>in an unpublished lecture from 30s he literally says that jews would never adapt and are inherently unable to "understand" nature and german homeland like the natives, because they lack soul or something, inherently calculating hence inauthentic. google Sidonie Kellerer, who researched it last year or so. it's in line with the common "rootless cosmopolitan" and richard wagner's theme of hopelessly ungerman jews, nothing sophisticated or cryptic.

What lecture are you talking about? All I'm finding by Kellerer is the paper on the lecture "The Age of the World-Picture" is based on, and there's not a single comment about Jews mentioned. And I'm not finding anything about what you're referring to in her comments responding to Fried's essay "The King is Dead" either.

How much Heidegger have you studied?

>could be said of previously published material, but facts have changed with in the latest one covering 42-48 (collected volumes #97) and contains some explicit hardcore shit (leading to resignation of Gunter Figal at heidegger association in beginning of this year)

It really doesn't; you're referring to the "self-destruction" nonsense, ja? That's why I made the comments that
>the material is so narrowly focused on his philosophical interests as to just confound any attempt to account for concrete anti-Semitism
because those comments, while certainly more evidently horrifying *if you aren't familiar with his philosophy*, are still framed by his critique of metaphysics, and not the Jews as people or biological beings; they're evidence that his philosophy "takes" an ordinary word like "Jew" and uses it in weird narrow ways that don't quite align with all of our usual uses of it, but the better evidence of his anti-Semitism has always been in the occasional slips he let out about World Jewry of the "Learned Elders of Zion" sort. Mind, in the notebooks he equates Judaism with communism, capitalism, classical rationalism, technology, America, etc. etc., such that the claim that he's being shitty about *people* becomes pretty evidently untrue. He's still talking about metaphysics. And better (and more direct) critiques of those views have been proffered, such as that of Jordan Hoffman (in the same set of responses the above alluded Fried essay).

>> No.7232182

Also, re: Gunter, he himself says the following:

"Heidegger’s anti-Semitism was the main reason for my resignation as president of the Heidegger Society. I was no longer able to represent Heidegger as a person, and I had also realized that an uncompromisingly critical discussion of Heidegger’s ideological position inside the Heidegger Society was not possible.

I would refuse, however, to characterize Heidegger a ‘fascist thinker’. Otherwise, I would have to agree with the idea that Gadamer, Arendt, Löwith as well as Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Levinas, Derrida, Foucault and many others were influenced by fascist philosophy, and this appears simply absurd to me. Not even all of Heidegger’s thoughts from the thirties and forties can be regarded as being dependent on his ideological convictions."

His resignation speaks only to Gunter's sensibilities as a fairly liberal man, and not about whether Heidegger's philosophy is infected with anti-Semitism.

>> No.7233577

oh no somebody had a not 100% positive opinion of Jews, better disregard everything they ever said.

>> No.7234033

A good collections of resources on the Heidegger affair:

Thomas Sheehan's article in the New York Review of Books, "Heidegger and the Nazis", 1988:


Sheehan's article, "Heidegger and the Jews", 1989:


A long back and forth between Sheehan and Derrida in the New York Review of Books:


Sheehan's article "A Normal Nazi", 1993:


A back and forth between Sheehan and Ernst Nolte, one of Heidegger's students during the war years, and a controversial figure himself, on the subject of the article "A Normal Nazi":


Thomas Sheehan's very recent article (published this past summer) tearing apart the bad scholarshipthat makes up Emmanuel Faye's work on Heidegger's Nazism:


ALL OF THE REFERENCES TO JEWS AND JUDAISM IN THE BLACK NOTEBOOKS FROM 1931-1948, collected by Richard Polt (see for yourselves!):


Gregory Fried's essay in the La Review of Books, "The King is Dead", and a set of responses to it (mentioned above):



>> No.7234052

Its pretty hard to look at the news today and have a positive opinion of Jews

>> No.7234059

This thread went from average to absolute garbage

>> No.7234069

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.7234102

Heidegger and Nietzsche are antisemitic in the sense that they are anti-Platonist, whom Nietzsche called "semite by instinct."

They side with the Pagans over Semitic monotheism.

>> No.7234116

leave nietzsche out of this. heidegger is fucking julius streicher compared to nietzsche.

>> No.7234144

Nietzsche was anti-Judaism but not anti-Jew. Heidegger had no Wagner to try to fight against so he didn't ended up hating Jews.

Hegelians will be more pro-Christianity/Judaism than a Nietzschean or a Heideggerian. They don't see it as an aberration.

>> No.7234159

you seriously assume nobody here understands that you're a retard.

>> No.7234201

Another good article by Jean Grondin, discussing the Notebooks and their relation to Being and Time, with comments on the anti-Semitic passages:


>> No.7234507

>Nietzsche was anti-Judaism but not anti-Jew
What gave you that impression? If anything he seems to have been anti-Christianity but pro-Judaism.

>> No.7234535

So? A great many in /pol/ still like the whole WW1 Germany machismo, even if they don't care for fascism.

>> No.7234549

In the Geneaology of Morals, he is pretty harsh on the Jews for reversing moral systems, but somewhere in Beyond Good & Evil, he gives them credit for being a strong people. Thought racism was a hoax and said whatever country welcomed the Jews would be stronger for it. Still disliked their ideology though.

>> No.7234593

Are we actually claiming the ethnic nepotism displayed by Jews worldwide isn't contary to interests of Nation-states apart from Israel?

>> No.7234596

Isn't he only critical of Judaism insofar as it produced Christianity though? He seems to have held a positive view of Judaism-in-itself.

>> No.7234628

Different anon, but he's critical of the morality that developed out of Judaism; Christianity is derivative of it.

Let me see if I can't collect the passages from BGE:

52. In the Jewish "Old Testament," the book of divine justice, there are men, things, and sayings on such an immense scale, that Greek and Indian literature has nothing to compare with it. One stands with fear and reverence before those stupendous remains of what man was formerly, and one has sad thoughts about old Asia and its little out-pushed peninsula Europe, which would like, by all means, to figure before Asia as the "Progress of Mankind." To be sure, he who is himself only a slender, tame house-animal, and knows only the wants of a house-animal (like our cultured people of today, including the Christians of "cultured" Christianity), need neither be amazed nor even sad amid those ruins—the taste for the Old Testament is a touchstone with respect to "great" and "small": perhaps he will find that the New Testament, the book of grace, still appeals more to his heart (there is much of the odour of the genuine, tender, stupid beadsman and petty soul in it). To have bound up this New Testament (a kind of ROCOCO of taste in every respect) along with the Old Testament into one book, as the "Bible," as "The Book in Itself," is perhaps the greatest audacity and "sin against the Spirit" which literary Europe has upon its conscience.

164. Jesus said to his Jews: "The law was for servants;—love God as I love him, as his Son! What have we Sons of God to do with morals!"

195. The Jews—a people "born for slavery," as Tacitus and the whole ancient world say of them; "the chosen people among the nations," as they themselves say and believe—the Jews performed the miracle of the inversion of valuations, by means of which life on earth obtained a new and dangerous charm for a couple of millenniums. Their prophets fused into one the expressions "rich," "godless," "wicked," "violent," "sensual," and for the first time coined the word "world" as a term of reproach. In this inversion of valuations (in which is also included the use of the word "poor" as synonymous with "saint" and "friend") the significance of the Jewish people is to be found; it is with THEM that the SLAVE-INSURRECTION IN MORALS commences.

>> No.7234637

248. There are two kinds of geniuses: one which above all engenders and seeks to engender, and another which willingly lets itself be fructified and brings forth. And similarly, among the gifted nations, there are those on whom the woman's problem of pregnancy has devolved, and the secret task of forming, maturing, and perfecting—the Greeks, for instance, were a nation of this kind, and so are the French; and others which have to fructify and become the cause of new modes of life—like the Jews, the Romans, and, in all modesty be it asked: like the Germans?—nations tortured and enraptured by unknown fevers and irresistibly forced out of themselves, amorous and longing for foreign races (for such as "let themselves be fructified"), and withal imperious, like everything conscious of being full of generative force, and consequently empowered "by the grace of God." These two kinds of geniuses seek each other like man and woman; but they also misunderstand each other—like man and woman.

250. What Europe owes to the Jews?—Many things, good and bad, and above all one thing of the nature both of the best and the worst: the grand style in morality, the fearfulness and majesty of infinite demands, of infinite significations, the whole Romanticism and sublimity of moral questionableness—and consequently just the most attractive, ensnaring, and exquisite element in those iridescences and allurements to life, in the aftersheen of which the sky of our European culture, its evening sky, now glows—perhaps glows out. For this, we artists among the spectators and philosophers, are—grateful to the Jews.

251. It must be taken into the bargain, if various clouds and disturbances—in short, slight attacks of stupidity—pass over the spirit of a people that suffers and WANTS to suffer from national nervous fever and political ambition: for instance, among present-day Germans there is alternately the anti-French folly, the anti-Semitic folly, the anti-Polish folly, the Christian-romantic folly, the Wagnerian folly, the Teutonic folly, the Prussian folly (just look at those poor historians, the Sybels and Treitschkes, and their closely bandaged heads), and whatever else these little obscurations of the German spirit and conscience may be called. May it be forgiven me that I, too, when on a short daring sojourn on very infected ground, did not remain wholly exempt from the disease, but like every one else, began to entertain thoughts about matters which did not concern me—the first symptom of political infection. (cont.)

>> No.7234640

That Germany has amply SUFFICIENT Jews, that the German stomach, the German blood, has difficulty (and will long have difficulty) in disposing only of this quantity of "Jew"—as the Italian, the Frenchman, and the Englishman have done by means of a stronger digestion:—that is the unmistakable declaration and language of a general instinct, to which one must listen and according to which one must act. "Let no more Jews come in! And shut the doors, especially towards the East (also towards Austria)!"—thus commands the instinct of a people whose nature is still feeble and uncertain, so that it could be easily wiped out, easily extinguished, by a stronger race. The Jews, however, are beyond all doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race at present living in Europe, they know how to succeed even under the worst conditions (in fact better than under favourable ones), by means of virtues of some sort, which one would like nowadays to label as vices—owing above all to a resolute faith which does not need to be ashamed before "modern ideas", they alter only, WHEN they do alter, in the same way that the Russian Empire makes its conquest—as an empire that has plenty of time and is not of yesterday—namely, according to the principle, "as slowly as possible"! A thinker who has the future of Europe at heart, will, in all his perspectives concerning the future, calculate upon the Jews, as he will calculate upon the Russians, as above all the surest and likeliest factors in the great play and battle of forces. That which is at present called a "nation" in Europe, and is really rather a RES FACTA than NATA (indeed, sometimes confusingly similar to a RES FICTA ET PICTA), is in every case something evolving, young, easily displaced, and not yet a race, much less such a race AERE PERENNUS, as the Jews are such "nations" should most carefully avoid all hot-headed rivalry and hostility! It is certain that the Jews, if they desired—or if they were driven to it, as the anti-Semites seem to wish—COULD now have the ascendancy, nay, literally the supremacy, over Europe, that they are NOT working and planning for that end is equally certain. Meanwhile, they rather wish and desire, even somewhat importunely, to be insorbed and absorbed by Europe, they long to be finally settled, authorized, and respected somewhere, and wish to put an end to the nomadic life, to the "wandering Jew",—and one should certainly take account of this impulse and tendency, and MAKE ADVANCES to it (it possibly betokens a mitigation of the Jewish instincts) for which purpose it would perhaps be useful and fair to banish the anti-Semitic bawlers out of the country. (cont.)

>> No.7234646

One should make advances with all prudence, and with selection, pretty much as the English nobility do It stands to reason that the more powerful and strongly marked types of new Germanism could enter into relation with the Jews with the least hesitation, for instance, the nobleman officer from the Prussian border it would be interesting in many ways to see whether the genius for money and patience (and especially some intellect and intellectuality—sadly lacking in the place referred to) could not in addition be annexed and trained to the hereditary art of commanding and obeying—for both of which the country in question has now a classic reputation But here it is expedient to break off my festal discourse and my sprightly Teutonomania for I have already reached my SERIOUS TOPIC, the "European problem," as I understand it, the rearing of a new ruling caste for Europe.

...aaaaand that's it from BGE.

>> No.7234734
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Who exactly are you addressing?

>> No.7234750

Do I need to read any of Jünger's other work before reading Eumeswil and the Forrest Passage?

>> No.7234773

yep, also

>> No.7234778

Has /lit/ spooked you or something? He is a writer, not a philosopher. Also there is not much translated in English either way.

>> No.7234999

I should probably have clarified that I'm primarily interested in his political philosophy.