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/lit/ - Literature

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7221978 No.7221978 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, what's your weekly haul look like?

I got this lot for $3 a piece.

>> No.7221983

I give you 2 years of reading and you'll finally leave this shitty board.

The same 50 books posted and discussed, nothing added to the conversation...

God, Lit is disgusting.

>> No.7222028

no one gives a shit you consumerist whore. you don't even have taste.
read a book and make a thread about it or fuck off.

>> No.7222085

I assume you just picked up some Marx recently. How is it?

>> No.7222099

I think those old covers for BotNS are cool, and that hardcover Borges looks great, and Blindness is a brilliant book that I wish was talked about more on here.

Sorry everyone else is so mad

>> No.7222115

borges is shit but at least you have the book of the new sun

>> No.7222129

I picked it up after reading Saramago's interview with the paris review. Is this a good place to start with Saramago, or did I stumble here?

>> No.7222137

It was my first Saramago as well, so I think you should be good.

>> No.7222140

>Two Nobel winning authors, The most lauded SF series in history, and Borges.
>"you don't even have taste"

You fuckin' with us, right?

>> No.7222147
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>> No.7222159

>buying pre-approved /lit/core middlebrow crap is taste

>> No.7222160

What is the general consensus Knausgard? I keep seeing hi books posted but the reception seems all over the place.

>> No.7222166

Enlighten us then. What's on your bookshelf?

>> No.7222214

Ignore this aspie OP
Those are some naughty looking editions; be sure to read some Chesterton if you like Wolfe

>> No.7222215


Stoner-John Williams
Journey by Moonlight-Szerb
The New York Trilogy-Paul Auster

>> No.7222292

I haven't read the My Struggle series yet, but this book is pretty great at least. So far, I think the favourable reception he gets as an author is deserved. His style sort of reminds me of German-language interwar and post-war authors

>> No.7222306

Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton
Contemplations by St John of the Cross
Catholicism: Journey to the heart of the faith

This should be interesting.

>> No.7222318


Ironically, it was the favourable reception from abroad that made me consider Knausgård in the first place. There was such a huge media circus in Norway surrounding the first few volumes of My Struggle, that I just kind of grew sick of him.

>> No.7222319

The Recognitions

I've never had to read this slowly before.

>> No.7222341

> The most lauded SF series in history
What no

>> No.7222352

Which author of sff has earned greater respect from his peers than Gene Wolfe? Tolkien maybe? Le Guin? Herbert? Lem?

>> No.7222369
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>I like to contemplate suicide after reading my high school girl entry level-tier books

>> No.7222385
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>> No.7222389

Stay away from Blindness. It's very very boring.

>> No.7222393

Vonnegut was a trash version of Dick and Pynchon

>> No.7222421

Dick was a trash version of Ballard

>> No.7222429

It's the other way around friend

>> No.7222576
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Picked up a couple classics (I know dune messiah is hardly a classic but I enjoyed the first one) that I've been meaning to read for a while, £5 for the lot.

>> No.7222581

>reading for plot
>reading for enjoyment

>> No.7222587

Fuck knows why it's upside down

>> No.7222591
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Who /mindfuck/ here?

>> No.7222598
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>> No.7222610
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Top left is a '30s copy of Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence.

4chan removes exif data by default now.

>> No.7222687

All of the above and then some?

>> No.7222716

is that cambridge edition of schopenhauer supposed to be better than the dover?

>> No.7222745

It's a new (2010s) translation by actual scholars and students of philosophy (Payne was not one) from one of the most prestigious universities whose translations of other works of philosophy are recommended universally.

>> No.7222780

well then

>> No.7222786

I haven't read the Dover edition sorry. I have, however, had no issues with this one so far.

>> No.7222801


>> No.7222814

Is Sunday /lit/'s weekly trolling day or is this all just one very bored person too scared to try and troll a big boy board?

>> No.7222835

I want to get The Summer Book. Hopefully it is as comfy as the Moomin comics.

>> No.7222954
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>> No.7223076

I don't care for the Wolfe fantasy novels. Ficciones is apparently Borges' best and I've heard good things of Hesse. Have fun.

>> No.7223930

Thanks you too

>> No.7225557

>buying physical books
In this day and age, why?

>> No.7225667

Because I make myself read them.
Because it is more pleasant to read physical than audiobooks or ebooks.
Because having them on your shelf looks nice.
Because you get reminded of what they represent when you see them.
Because you can borrow them to your friends and family so they can share in your joy.
Because Hegel is a pussy magnet.

>> No.7225689

never gets old
never was fresh

>> No.7225692

>order books from bookdepository
>books haven't arrived 19 days later
I fucking hate this. Time to e-mail them again..

>> No.7225694

Something about the grit of the texture, your fingers roughly combing the edges as you scatter to turn the page :3

>> No.7225699 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7225718
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£1.5–2 each

>> No.7225792

I see, makes sense.

End your life.

>> No.7225797

They're slow as fuck, that's true, but I've never had an issue with my books getting lost that I ordered from them. They're also true to their word about the condition of their books from my own experience.

Hope you get your books soon, man.

>> No.7225825

I've had one book get lost once, and now it's an order of three books. It must've gone wrong, because I ordered another book the day after, and I received that one last monday. Last time I didn't receive my book, I e-mailed them, and they sent me a new one, though. So it's alright, I just had my reading schedule planned out, and that kind of got thrown out the window.

>> No.7225874

Pynchon is a trash version of Dick and Vonnegut tbh.

>> No.7225888

I highly dislike Pynchon and had no enjoyment in reading him or can say that I found beauty or interesting thoughts, but Vonnegut is so bland in everything I can't even hate him.
He is a generic moe anime of postmodernism.

>> No.7227869


Diaspora was fun, although I lost him about 2/3rds of the way in with all that trans-dimensional shit. Who's My Clippings by?

>> No.7228069
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everybody's a critic. why not let people enjoy or figure it out for themselves? instead you come here and shit on a book someone bought with their money and didnt buy Banana man and WOA DRUGS, MAN. I guess it comes with the territory. never change, /lit/

>> No.7228074

that multatuli book is intriguering me

>> No.7228154

This is very wrong. Pynchon is better than both in every way possible.

>> No.7228163

>Using a still of kooky Nietzsche for your cover
A bit rude tbh

>> No.7228170

It's probably the best Saramago intro work. It's brilliant, enjoy.

>> No.7228177

The old Penguin and old Oxford World's Classics cover templates are better than the new ones.

>> No.7228193

Que es My Clippings?
I can't find it anywhere

>> No.7228199
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>> No.7228201

>muh materialism