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File: 30 KB, 229x350, CormacMcCarthy_BloodMeridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7220342 No.7220342 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books women will never understand

>> No.7220352
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>> No.7220361

all of them, even the ones written by women

>> No.7220393

ITT: >>>/r9k/

>> No.7220400

Lol your retarded OP Blood Meridian isn't necessarily a masculin book; most chicks are offput by the violence, but its themes are still graspable.

Id say Stoner would be a good example.

>> No.7220414

My retarded?

>> No.7220423

Honestly, OP, there really aren't any.

You just need to find brighter females is all.

(And yes, they do exist, dumbass)

>> No.7220431

Trying to bait out a woman into a sexsueally charged conversation?

Grow up.

>> No.7220443

>Id say Stoner would be a good example.

Stoner has more female readers than male. I wonder if they like it because they relate to the crazy bitch.

>> No.7220459

great thread

>> No.7220469

literally lol

>> No.7220506

I am definitely not /r9k/, I am friends with lots of very intelligent and well read women.

That said, it is hard to find common ground when discussing books, as most women do not read non-fiction, and tend towards sentimental works that rotate around race, sexuality, and gender struggle. War, human suffering, existential crises, after college I can find very few women that are interested in this stuff.

I tried to get my mother and my wife (both 50+ books a year types, my mother especially being a huge consumer of contemporary fiction) to read blood meridian and both put it down almost immediately.

>> No.7220524

Ask a woman what she thinks of war. Might as well ask her what she thinks of stone.

>> No.7220550


>most women...

stopped reading

>> No.7220562


What do You think of war?

I expect an impressive answer

>> No.7220565

He mean most of his woman friends who are intelligent and well read.

>> No.7220574

>“It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way."

>> No.7220583


I doubt it

I highly doubt this thread is a typo that should have read 'books the intelligent, well-read women I personally know will never understand'

>> No.7220585

But the post your referring to isn't the op.

>> No.7220586


I'd prefer a lecture on stone to a McCarthy quote

Thanks for demonstrating my implication flawlessly

Fuck off

>> No.7220590



>> No.7220593

Your post makes no sense. The post your originally replied to was a parody of the McCarthy quote replacing men with women.

>> No.7220596

>(And yes, they do exist, dumbass)
found the virgin

>> No.7220603

McCarthy's a hack though so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to read his garbage.

>> No.7220605

>The majority of my well-read woman friends couldn't hold an interest in blood meridian
>this has something to due with a troll thread by an anon who isn't me started.
whatever you say

>> No.7220616

>implying most marketing theory isn't predicated upon generalized taste within a demographic

>> No.7220617

>is asked what he thinks of war
>responds with a Blood Meridian quote

So deep, isn't it time for you to send off your "college applications"?

>> No.7220624

whats up, samefag?

>> No.7220632


I'm not going to post a screenshot but that dude isn't me (the first dude)

>> No.7220636

See >>7220593 and pay attention to the last sentence and take ethe r out of your.

>> No.7220638

My diary tbh

>> No.7220641

Don't worry m8, it's just upset cunts that can't handle the fact that you said something that isn't exceptionally positive about women.

Surprised they haven't called you a virgin on 4chan of all the places.

>> No.7220645

>women arent perfect
wow what a mysoginist pig

>> No.7220654

>women are only into race and gender and 'sentimental'(!) stuff

please, captain masculinity

>> No.7220658

>women are capable of evaluating and appreciating art
relax colonel estrogen

>> No.7220662

I know females who like that book, OP.

>> No.7220669
File: 23 KB, 250x393, notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7220675


thread begins to display its authentic color after a few little pulls

>> No.7220676

And I know people who have cured cancer with a raw foo diet.

>> No.7220680

Nietzsche. Nietzsche's work was destroyed by his sister.

>> No.7220681

>blood meridian
>notes from underground

even as a dude, this is media-hyped trash

grow up

>> No.7220682

>Has a wicked sense of humor
The Judge is literally me.

>> No.7220685
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>> No.7220686

>even as a dude
Sure thing. :^)

>> No.7220690

Umm, this thread is kinda sexist tbh.

>> No.7220702


Want to see my cock?

>> No.7220703

>arguably the first real existential novel and possibly influenced Nietzsche, Kafka, Camus, Sartre, Becket and many others
>media-hyped trash

Go play videogames or something you fucking pleb.

>> No.7220712

I'm not into that.

>> No.7220720


>listing authors of collateral media hype for the book
>roaring the praises of existential theism in 2015

I'm sure you discovered the book in a media-less vaccuum

>> No.7220726

>I'm not into that.
Sure thing. :^)

>> No.7220728
File: 13 KB, 200x300, nicomachean-ethics-aristotle-paperback-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women will literally never understand virtue ethics


>> No.7220731

Is penis aesthetic?

>> No.7220737

ITT: femboys saying: "Don't bully me, OP! Don't say anything against my ideology or my sister will kick your ass in the playground (she's stronger than me, therefore she's stronger than you)!!!

>> No.7220741


This is probably the most difficult question to answer in the history of philosophy, theology, psychoanalysis, literary criticism, critical theory, sociology, and basic conversation

>> No.7220745


You read like a pulsullating coward hiding from discussion

>> No.7220755

>anonymous user on an anime imageboard thinks he's somehow above all those authors


>> No.7220758

I can't think of any. I even dated a girl who read Houellebecq.

>> No.7220759

I meant to say as opposed to pussy. What is more aesthetic, vagina or penis?

>> No.7220761

you should print this post out and read it to your therapist

>> No.7220770


Did I begin to imply that?

Is that all you've got?

>> No.7220780


I don't know, the sight of genitals is exciting

I'm not sure a further elaboration is necessary

>> No.7220857
File: 59 KB, 321x500, 51MDUZyHcrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women can never understand Joe and Pip's father-son relationship, companionship, and so on.
It's normal though. Women, from what I've experienced, lack the tacit understanding of love that men have between each other. It would be unnatural to expect them to. They express their feelings differently.

Not accepting that and trying to hold them to standards that are unnatural to them is not going to lead to anything.

This is why TT should not turn into women-bashing and women-defending 2 fighting opinions.
We just tend to perceive things differently.

Would you expect a women to "understand" a book about erectile dysfunction or a man to "understand" a book about giving birth.

>> No.7220861




Dickens sux by the way

>> No.7220879

>I can only read things that are directly related to my lived experience
I'm not saying stupid people can't post here, but don't pass of your shortcomings as commonplace

>> No.7220886

Most girls hate Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.7220927
File: 150 KB, 640x480, 1406753072713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dickens sux by the way
Kind of true tbh. This was just the book that came to mind which I've discussed with women and can confirm about.

He was revolutionary for his time though. He changed lit as a whole/ basically created the pop-lit genre.

Feeling sympathy towards a concept/phenomenon you are not able to experience and knowing about it does not mean understanding it.
I'm sure you understand how a girl feels on her first period as much as a girl would understand having an erection for the first time.
>I can only read things that are directly related to my lived experience
>Having a romanticised notion of experience

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, anon, or you wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy ?
You can't know what it is to be them.

>> No.7220934


>us vs them

read more

>> No.7220936

post a book you consider to be good, and not media overhyped trash.

I'm willing to bet you didn't read notes from the underground in the original Russian, you bottom-tier fuccboy

>> No.7220954

more like us and them

>> No.7220964


Crime and Punishment

>> No.7221010

>my mother and my wife

are those the only two women you know

>intelligent and well read
theres you answer as to why they didnt like mccarthy

>> No.7221013

is this supposed to be good?

>> No.7221015

I don't know what it's like to be anything but myself, including other people of my sex, race and class.

>> No.7221045

Crime and punishment is one of the most known books in the popular stream.
I'm sure you discovered that book in a media-less vacuum.

Whether the media hypes something or not is irrelevant to the content of the novel itself. It seems to me that you're (ironically) allowing the media to influence your opinions, but instead of praising the media hype, you take a contrarian turn and stay away from media-praised books.

Can you present an argument that doesn't involve the media as to why a novel influencing some of the most important authors of the next 100 years is shit?

>> No.7221506

Are women really this plebeian?
The only person I know that doesn't like the Confederacy is a /pol/ caricature of a libtard which only reinforces my conviction that it is patrician.

>> No.7221536

how about Black women ?

>> No.7221643
File: 5 KB, 216x146, 56721e57139a1ff0fbe00230d57793d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are so repelled by undesirable men that reading about Ignatius to them is like you watching a very clear, clinical video of a man being castrated slowly with a razorblade. Makes sense when you consider what the stakes are if other people associate them with pathetic men or heaven forbid they get pregnant by such a man, but it does seem very limiting.

>> No.7221673


>argue qualitatively in favor of my taste over yours

waste of time, breath et al for both of us

>> No.7221718


>Endorsed by Oprah

Are you trying yet?

>> No.7221723

good post