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/lit/ - Literature

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7219060 No.7219060 [Reply] [Original]

ITT write the most obfuscated/post-structrualist/postmodern/anti-capitalist stuff you can.
"Becoming is the most painful thing"

>> No.7219065

"go back to /pol/"

>> No.7219100


Good times.

>> No.7219152

"When my dick is hard, my pussy is dry
When my dick is flaccid, my pussy is wet"

>> No.7219156
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actually have been having twitter discussions with an artist from the Caribbean about this...if you're interested in these types of obscure word experiments, check him out, @turnt_urn

"they do take their computer when they need it"

"this is to negate everything we think we mean"

>> No.7219175

Attempting to escape capitalism is pointless.

>> No.7220371

all escapes of capitalism implode onto themselves, as the malleability of capitalism merely seduces a great escape into yet another reproduction of labour, that is to say when when capitalist culture is total, there is no space for conflict theory, as no dialectic has breathing room to survive.

>> No.7220375

hey shitlords. that picture is fucking sexist. take a closer look at which GENDER gets to be in front, and who is at the back. This shit is not okay. please remove it NOW.

>> No.7220387


"I haven't got a clue to what I'm criticizing, but I will do it anyway"

>> No.7220595
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"It" just works.

>> No.7220782

gapril tis thy croulelest von monts.

>> No.7220822
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alienated abstracted labor theory of power structure knowledge oppression status quo mongering political imperialism greedy post-industrial obstruction essence dialectic material consumer nation worker value state le evil corporations

>> No.7220860

For the first time in the history of the world,
A young girl climbed into a tree one day
She climbed down from the tree next day
God bless her.

>> No.7220885

>alienated abstracted labor theory of power structure knowledge of oppression's status quo mongering political imperialism's greedy post-industrial obstruction essence in dialectic material consumer nation worker value state: le evil corporations

>> No.7220925
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>> No.7220949

Just read Derrida

>> No.7220953

the old marxist classics (marx, engels, and lenin) aren't very hard to read

i blame the hegelian shift in the 60s and 70s for why contemporary Marxism is so shit

>> No.7220981

Perhaps the constructions of basic values entails a certain specificality regarding the deconstruction of complexities. For it is in the basic that the complex can structure itself as a becoming entity.


The iconic finds, by means of recursive intellection, solace in the well-fundamented, self-contained nature of the integral mosaic. Without this quest for holism, the iconic would fall quickly into the fragmented visuality of literate space, instead of the integrated holism of modernity—and contemporaneity.


Capitalism, as an attempt to preserve individuality in an age of multiplicity and shared existence and awareness, falls within its context. Its invention would, if appropriately timed at the 18th century, give rise to considerably higher and more profitably convenient—culturally and socially—patterns of human association. But in our age of interdependency, and speeded-up communication, the individual cannot persist. For it is that each must be everyone: Walt Whitman announces that "Whatever I assume, you shall assume/For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you." This is not to say that we are connected; this is to say that the linguistic conception and notion of "I", as a self-identificative infocognitive bit, is shared collectively, and not egotistically, or individualistically, towards a population. Whatever Whitman writes as "I" is not intended to reflect his nature, but the nature of Humanity. This is, of course, to take the -dual in individual.


Understanding is an empathic modal variant of agreement.

>> No.7220992

>i blame the hegelian shift in the 60s and 70s for why contemporary Marxism is so shit
This tbh
>third-worldism is basically right

>> No.7220999


>Capitalism, as an attempt to preserve individuality in an age of multiplicity and shared existence and awareness, falls within its context. Its invention would, if appropriately timed at the 18th century, give rise to considerably higher and more profitably convenient—culturally and socially—patterns of human association.

try harder, you dip

>> No.7222110
File: 24 KB, 333x333, tips fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Until everyone can produce everything they need for themselves, capitalism is the best system for distributing resources.

>> No.7222136

>tipping fedora at anti-capitalism
Fedorians are libertarians

>> No.7222152


Fedoras are usually socialists who support forced wealth re-distribution. Just look at occupy.

>> No.7222164

at least we can all agree that whichever one is more likely to wear an ugly hat is wrong

>> No.7222165

You're confusing fedoras with tumblr feminists.

>> No.7222172

It had a lot of value but saying there's no first world proletariat is retarded

Yeah what were they thinking it's obviously a very simple answer to this massively complicated dilemma of poverty and alienation

>> No.7222179


>> No.7222187
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Bad fashion sense is associated with poor social awareness and being out of touch. Not all idiots are fedora wearers, but all fedora wearers below the age of 50 are idiots.


The only difference is one is MRA and one is Feminist. They're both still anti-capitalist.


It is a simple answer. I mean, its just so obvious. Every country that isn't shit has open markets. Not one is "Socialist". Capitalism is the only way for the masses to escape poverty.

>> No.7222200
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>Not libertarian

You're either an excellent troll or a massive retard. Either way I'm disappointed in myself for taking the bait.

>> No.7222211
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They aren't Libertarian. Rational objectors to feminism are Libertarian, MRAs usually like Feminism but try to make themselves and equal movement. Also, most of them are NEETs. Libertarians just tell feminists to fuck off and point out that male privilage doesn't exist.

>> No.7222216

You, you are the fedora.

>> No.7222218

What an annoying image

>> No.7222232


I don't own a fedora. I'm also not an MRA. So there.

>> No.7222289
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>Capitalism is the only way for the masses to escape poverty.

10/10 I'm triggered

>> No.7222325


Truth can be triggering. The fact is, people didn't escape and have not escaped poverty until Capitalism began after the abolishment of the navigation laws.

>> No.7222354
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>he hasn't taken the redpill

>> No.7222358

>Milton Friedman

Holy fucking shit what happened to /lit/

I was mostly joking I don't care much about your politics but Friedman is one of the most shit tier thinkers you could have pulled out, only Ayn Rand would be worse

>> No.7222371

His ideas about currency and the Fed are not so great now, but overall he had it right.

>> No.7222379

we're all Gods, in a way.

>> No.7222397

>poverty and alienation

Alienation is just a word used to pretend that one's problem with today's youth is a real and systemic crisis.

>> No.7222409

Naw. He probably has no idea what alienation even means in Hegelian terms.

>> No.7222410

wait are you one of those people who think he was a socialist for admitting the Fed kept money too tight in the great depression

is Milton Friedman actually too left wing for you. please tell me I'm misreading this

>> No.7222427

No. That's silly. I'm talking about his policy recommendations mostly.

>> No.7222443

...what policy recommendations? monetary policy as primary over fiscal policy? because yeah he was wrong about that but that's also like what he's most famous for so I don't get how you could like him if you dislike that?

>> No.7222603

He's famous for his advocacy of other policies you know.

>> No.7222629

That's what I was asking you, friendo. Which policies were you talking about?

>> No.7222643

-abolishing the minimum wage
-free trade

>> No.7222646

agreed, those are all bad! so...what do you mean by "overall he had it right"?

>> No.7222650


People experiencing discomfort and distress at having no control of their labor and by extension no real control over their lives. I haven't read Hegel, I admit, but this is what I understand alienation to be from reading Marx.

>> No.7222656
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>> No.7222671

Stop writing this way, it hurts.

>> No.7223417

i laughed at this for a solid 5 minutes

>> No.7223668

Depends on the translation. The Das Kapital I picked up was all over the place.

>> No.7223706

It's true though. People who are poor in 2015, are less poor than people who where poor in 1815.

Even if it's hardly a consolation, it's still a fact.

>> No.7223736

>implying gommunizm is any better
Enjoy waiting in line for bread after your back breaking 12 hour work day.

>> No.7223740

Capitalism is a huge improvement over feudalism and mercantilism, but that doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be improved on. Liberal democracy band aids issues but doesn't fix them, we don't have unlimited resources on this planet and we're wasting most of what we do have. Even putting morality aside, we need some better way to manage resources. A socialist economy still seems to be the best way to do that, we just need to find a way to make it work that doesn't involve enslaving the population a la USSR.

>> No.7223778


Leftists confirmed victors.

>> No.7223820

Hey I'm an ancap and I'm just taking a vacation over here . I know this is r supposed to be pol but it looks like the mods don't give a fuck . I'm not retarded like most of the lolbergtarians in this thread so i can debate well if anyone wants to .
People who say shit like this seriously have no idea how the market works .
Better way to manage resources ? Price is the ultimate way to manage resources . If something costs a lot , there is less demand for it . If you are business , and you are in the job of making a profit , it actually matters what the costs of the lumber and steel and all the resources you buy to make shit costs . If you can use lumber better than steel, and steel costs more , you aren't going to buy more of steel. Business care about this because they need to make a profit.

This can never work fundamentally with any kind of redistribution system (namely) government because government doesn't make a profit like business , it just prints money or it just takes it from people with guns . How can a government agent , in the absence of price , know what is the best possible combo of resources to buy without a price and make everything efficient ? He can't , and that's why the USSR failed , and that's why governments continue to wrack up a huge fucking debt .

>> No.7223839

What is your proposed solution to impending resource crises and environmental disaster?

>> No.7223869

The market will find a way.
They used to use whale oil for most machines during the start of the industrial revolution. Hell, if we still used whale oil today, all the whales would probably be exinct on this planet .

But , because of the dire situation and a desire for money a young man named John D. Rockefeller found a use for oil and look where we are today.

Technology and a desire for wealth and efficiency will save us from resource amounts . We are able to get more out of why the fuck oil aufocorrect to pol today because of advances in technology .

As for the environment ... Nothing projects land better than private property . Do you want to see your lawn get trashed ? Neither do rich people or companies .

>> No.7223880


>> No.7223883


>> No.7223891

Not an argument fam :^)

>> No.7223894
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>claims people who disagree just don't understand markets
>states Economics 101 in a roundabout way and hopes that acting like it's a strong point will make it one

Yep, checks out, you're an Ayn-cap. Supply and demand is not a revelation.

>"How can a government agent , in the absence of price , know what is the best possible combo of resources to buy without a price and make everything efficient ?"

Maybe resource distribution can be managed by a central committee that takes the needs and requests of delegates representing their semi-autonomous territories of a federation? And a separate entity elected from and by said territories can regulate the central committee to make sure they aren't playing favorites, amassing wealth for themselves, or being dishonest about what resources are available?

I'm not saying this is a good solution, I just threw it together on the spot to say it's definitely possible to imagine an alternative method of resource distribution.

Also, markets and socialism are not mutually exclusive. See: mutualism, market socialism.

>The market will find a way.

Wow. Also,

>rich people and companies don't allow their property to be trashed

What? Then why do they cut down forests and pollute waterways? They don't want chemicals in their water but they don't give a fuck if it gets into the town's.

/lit/ is also de-facto philosophy, and there's not such a clear line between politics, philosophy, and literature. There is a ton of overlap and there's no reason to police every thread that isn't specifically talking about a book or a poem. If every other thread was political, that would be something the mods should address.

>> No.7223901

I'm sure gov'ts had nothing to do with it at all with banning whale hunting.

>> No.7223918

I dare you to try and get through 10 pages of this

>> No.7223923

It can't work because there is no incentive for the people deciding how and what gets made for them to be efficient at all. With prices , people are motivated because they don't want to blow their load on money. And again, if you take money from people like government then you don't have incentive to be efficient because it's not your money that you are potentially wasting .
>muh chemicals
Yeah, I don't think they should pour it into the well in the village , but they can't do it forever . Some businesses have been destroyed by reputation , and I don't think protesting and boycotting is helpless against this.
They've also got a ban on drugs in the United States . That surely has stopped the amount of people taking them.

>> No.7223929

>Maybe resource distribution can be managed by a central committee that takes the needs and requests of delegates representing their semi-autonomous territories of a federation?
hand waving at its worst

>> No.7224027


>> No.7224734

why are you a cheerleader for the people who charge you the highest possible price for the lowest quality product they can legally get away with? are you a masochist?

>> No.7225356

you're saying the economic calculation problem could easily be solved by some nebulous 'central committee'
it's been tried and it doesn't work

>> No.7225566

>they can poison is, but if we protest, it might be fixed after we've all ingested the poison

It's in these situations that libertards start sounding like morons. Especially since we've had basically-unhindered capitalism before, and it typically results in anger and demands for social welfare. Like the Chartists or Jacobins.

>> No.7225584

>something something capitalism is the best possible system because flawed models

>> No.7225618

As the reader is brought to enact his own frustration, the author reproves him with hearty bathos, and reveals the emptiness of any metaphysical liminality, for the before and after are necessarily imminent and even present. The student of Zeno knows that the paradoxes contain the assumption of their own trickery—one who lingers thoughtfully in the threshold knows what he does only because he is more deeply aware that, any given day, he crosses the threshold with ease.

>> No.7225661

Take a closer look, peel the onion, unwrap the layers of deceit and unlock your true gender

>> No.7225676

>we just need to find a way to make it work that doesn't involve enslaving the population a la USSR.

Oh is that ALL we need to do?
Wel why didn't you say so? That's spoo simple! the problem is basically solved already.

yeah all we need to do is convince people to give away their resources , standards of living, stnadrads of education, food availability, fruits of their labour, etc. willingly in order to redistribute wealth
then after that all we need to do is convince people to willingly comply with all our polite requests to use resources the way the government wants them to and not form any business ventures that are too successful that they become rich again
and once we've done those two things WITHOUT an authoritarian, centrally planned government that limits freedoms dramatically and maintains political power by killing and banishing dissidents,

THEN obviously we'll have something better than capitalism.
Oh and we need to allocate resources centrally better than markets and capitalist governments already do, but I'm sure that's easy and won't result in mis-management and colossal crashes or widespread famines that kill millions.

Oh and any slowdown in technological innovation and scientific advancement probably won't be a big deal either.

>> No.7225678

This is good.

>> No.7225698

Both of you retards are fedoras, anyone who is highly opiniated and argumentive about pleb shit like politics is a fedora, now both of you get the fuck off of /lit/

>> No.7225713

Yes, the left is shit, why do you think that the right wing is called the RIGHT wing?

>> No.7225722

Leftists lost before it even begun.

>> No.7225737

>all or nothing mentality
>either you have completely free market capitalism or no capitalism at all, and obviously my idealogy of choice (socialism) is the only other choice

>> No.7225739

"At the end of smoke, is sky."
"The mass of truth: nil."
"I write a magazine about my balls."
"Intersect your ego with my chakra penis."

>> No.7226524

only a few people in this thread have actually tried to do what OP said

what the heck ppl

>> No.7226646


>> No.7227189

this won the second prize in the annual Bad Writing Contest promoted by the scholarly journal 'Philosophy and Literature' from Homi Bhabha's "the location of culture' (1994)

>If, for a while, the ruse of desire is calculable for the uses of discipline, soon the repetition of guilt, justification, psuedo-scientific theories superstition, spurious authorities and classification can be seen as the desperate effort to "normalize" normally the disturbance of a discourse of splitting that violates the rational enlightened claims of its enunciatory modality.

>> No.7227452


>the market will find a way
>blind faith

environmental crises are being and have been caused by the market

do you even externalities?

>> No.7227508

When considering the hermeneutics of popular culture, it is tempting to attribute the narrow distribution of ideologies as a result of intentional hegemony in the capitalistic media. Insofar as capitalism encourages hegemony vis a vis the compounding accumulation of monetary and therefore cultural capital, the current system promotes the moneyed few above the many in influencing the global zeitgeist.

>> No.7227725

>Homi Bhabha

I had to read an essay of his for a class once.

I didn't care for it.

That quote is pretty similar in style to the bit that I read.