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7216509 No.7216509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are some other people like him?

>has honest debates
>won't resort to yelling over his opponents

I just really like hearing him talk, the way he articulates thought process, although I might not agree with everything he says.

>> No.7216514

Hume's like the 18th century version of him. There's so many parallels between their genius.

>> No.7216526

sam pls go

>> No.7216553

Shame YouTube wasn't around back then

What alternative do you suggest?

>> No.7216651
File: 424 KB, 920x2492, sam harris 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7216660

>/lit/ - Literature
keep shitting up this board sam, you fucking monkey.

>> No.7216663

sam, your ironic self-effacement is endearing but it needs to stop

>> No.7216668

Bertrand Russell, the other new Atheists.

Read analytical philosophy, that's the most atheist reddit tier philosophy.

>> No.7216672


>> No.7216865

Noam Chomsky - start reading him, Sam Harris will seem a joke.

>> No.7216935


>> No.7216940

It's true.

>> No.7217063

comics are always a good way to prove things wrong haha

>> No.7217084

>implying they aren't just two sides of the same coin

>> No.7217092

Sam Harris is genuinely incredible, just listening to him gives you this feel of complete peace, he truly is a fantastic person.
I started meditating because of him.

This is incredibly stupid, this reeks of butthurt Christfaggotry, notice how there are no arguments presented except for -literal- ad homina.
Harris has a degree in philosophy, he knows what he's doing.

At worst you can accuse him of being careless.

They are nothing alike, what are you talking about?
Also Chomsky is an asshole, unlike Harris.

>the other new Atheists
No, Hitchens and Dawkins are total dickheads, OP was specifically talking about this feeling of kindness that Harris emits.

>> No.7217282

>I started meditating because of him.
this has got to be bait but it's too good for me not to give you this reply.

>> No.7217285

>They are nothing alike, what are you talking about?
>Also Chomsky is an asshole, unlike Harris.

What makes you think he's an asshole?

>> No.7217310

>comic is about how David Hume's work is superior to that of Harris
>"reeks of Christfagotry"

>> No.7217320

>Chomsky is an asshole
>Hitchens and Dawkins are total dickheads
>feeling of kindness that Harris emits
Are you a child? Do you really think how nice someone is has anything to do with their thought?

>> No.7217324

>Man who promotes torture is 'kind'.
... ???

>> No.7217337

Being hostile in any way towards others is only going to cause them to be defensive, whether they're right or not. It's not productive behavior.

>> No.7217339


>science tells us that Muslims are objectively less human than Western rationalists

Whatta great guy, can't wait for the scientist revolution in ethics.

>> No.7217341

He also thinks David Hume was a Christian, so he may just be retarded tbh.

>> No.7217348


Lots of people have degrees in philosophy. Most of then are fucking idiots. Harris isn't an exception.

>> No.7217362

tell me when he hits that Philosophy PhD fam

>> No.7217403

John locke, david hume, bertrand russell, john stuart mill, etc

>> No.7217429

Do you really think he couldnt get a philosophy phd if he wanted? Secondly, why in the world would he try? What would the point be?

>> No.7217433

To gain credibility among basement dwellers who attack science despite being unable to even get a bachelor's in biology tbh

>> No.7217491

>Do you really think he couldnt get a philosophy phd if he wanted?
considering he constantly justifies his own unliteracy of moral theory, no i think not

>> No.7217499

Hes not in school anymore.

>> No.7217502

>2good4skool bro
lol, nice one Sam

>> No.7217503

I mean theres a difference between being outside of academia and being "2 dumb to get a phd." Far dumber people than harris have gotten philosophy phds. They give out quite a lot of them.

>> No.7217629

except he hasnt contributed to academia whatsoever and has only published political tracts with less worthwhile content than the Chick tracts

>> No.7217645

Yes, that's because he's not: an academic.

What is so confusing about this?

>> No.7217666

the fact that youre taking him seriously is confusing

>> No.7217689

My only point is hes smart enough to get a philosophy phd if he ever decided he wanted one for some reason.

>> No.7217699

that doesnt make him competent though

>> No.7217758

competent at what? contributing to academic philosophy is not his job, he's competent at what he does.

>> No.7217770

>competent at what?
being reasonable

>> No.7217785

Have you actually read one of his pieces on torture or just slanderous cherry-picked quotes from them?

>> No.7217804

i think he's pretty reasonable.

>> No.7217855

Milo Yiannopoulos is positively delightful, have you ever heard of him? He is a genius and one of the most enlightened individuals of our time.

>> No.7217860

>makes books about religion
>doesnt address the arguments for it
yeah, no

>> No.7217905
File: 42 KB, 421x600, Wolfgang_Pauli_ETH-Bib_Portr_01042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sam harris 2.jpg
>Sam Harris: Powerful Philosopher III

>> No.7217915

Chomsky always resorts to ad homs and tu quoque fallacies.

>> No.7218473

Chomsky has some knowledge of history/philosophy/literature, contributed substantially to important academic fields, and is an outspoken critic of western violence.

Sam Harris is a clod who's obsessed with answering the question, "but wut if a-rabs ran the whole world???" and he's not contributed anything meaningful to anything (apart from stoking popular support for brutal US invasion/intervention in the Middle East).

>> No.7218480

lol. Someone ate up one of Harris' five "last thoughts on Chomsky" articles/talks/sound bytes/etc.