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721640 No.721640 [Reply] [Original]

What if Cormac McCarthy wrote On the Road
and Jack Kerouac wrote The Road?

>> No.721645

They would still both suck!

>> No.721649

if you have a 50% employee discount at Half Price Books
wouldn't the book be for free?

>> No.721654

no i think it'd be 20% or so

>> No.721655

The two authors have pretty much nothing whatsoever in common. I literally cannot imagine what those books would look like if the authors were switched.

>> No.721660

thats the point

>> No.721707

What if William Burroughs had written the Tarzan stories
and Edgar Rice Burroughs had written Naked Lunch and the rest?

>> No.721708
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>What if William Burroughs had written the Tarzan stories

>> No.721729

What if Orwell wrote A brave new world and Huxley wrote 1984

Personally I'd think a brave new world would be a lot more pleasurable to read and the message would be wider spread.

>> No.721730

the suggestions are based on similar titles: on the road/the road
or names: burroughs

>> No.721897

What if I wrote Foundation
and Isaac Asimov wrote the short story I wrote for lit class last year that I got a perfect grade on?

>> No.721903

What if Albert Camus wrote The Outsider
and Richard Wright wrote The Outsider?

>> No.721908

what if Albert Camus wrote The Outsiders
and S.E. Hinton wrote The Outsider?

>> No.721913

what if Homer wrote Ulysses
and Joyce wrote the Odyssey

>> No.721933

Suttree isn't that different from On the Road actually

>> No.721940

What if Aeschylus wrote Prometheus Unbound
and Shelley wrote Prometheus Bound?

>> No.721941



>> No.721943

What if your Aunty had baws? She'd be your Uncle.

Also, On The Road sucks. Selfish, petulant, self-indulgent. Only in America could it be considered any kind of classic.

Also wik, The Road is a pretty good read, read it yesterday. Not as good as the reviews suggest, though. I saw one review alone that suggested he should get the Nobel Prize for it. Ridiculous. An entertaining adventure, but rather contrived and rather a dull palette.

>> No.721953

On the Road is pretty self indulgent but it's also beautiful, at least this man judges it to be

>> No.721954

the point is the similar titles and the funny suggestion of very different writers swapping authorship

>> No.721956

What if Gene Wolfe wrote Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
and Tom Wolfe wrote Book of the New Sun

>> No.721959

What if HG Wells wrote Invisible Man
and Ralph Ellison wrote The Invisible Man?

>> No.721970

What if J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter
and Stephanie Meyer wrote Twilight?

>> No.721971
File: 90 KB, 432x432, philosoraptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Dostoevsky wrote War and Peace
and Tolstoy wrote Crime and Punishment?

>> No.721978

you're not even trying
look at the original and this: >>721707 and this: >>721959 for inspiration

>> No.721985
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what if the Prophet Muhammad wrote the Bible?
and Jeebus et al wrote the Qur'an?

>> No.722000
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>> No.721998

What if Schiller wrote Faust and Goethe wrote Die Räuber?

>> No.722006

What if Hitler wrote The Communist Manifesto
and Marx wrote Mein Kampf?

>> No.722024

What if Fredric Nietzsche wrote Twilight
and Stephanie Meyer wrote Twilight of the Idols?

>> No.722025

What if Nietzsche wrote the Bible
And Jesus wrote The Antichrist?

>> No.722026
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>> No.722028

what if virginia woolf wrote beowulf

>> No.722030

i'm confused, if you swapped all these books all you'd have is some out of place items in all the author's works.
or are we assuming they rewrite them with their personal beliefs and bias?

>> No.722032

they would write them, what dont you understand?
can you even attempt to imagine the madness of William Burroughs writing Tarzan?

>> No.722033

What if

Lenin wrote In his own write
Lennon wrote The state and the revolution

>> No.722034

What if tripfag wrote >>722032
and Anonymous wrote >>722021 ?

>> No.722038

What if Darwin wrote The God Delusion
and Dawkins wrote On the Origin of Species?

>> No.722047

these are doing it right.

everyone else is doing it wrong. very wrong.

what if jd salinger wrote catch 22
and joseph heller wrote the catcher in the rye?

>> No.722050

What if Sade had written The 120 Days of Sodom


Marquis de Sade had written Your love is King (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjqRPNiBQaY))

Imagine that for a second.

>> No.722053

What if Ernest Hemingway wrote Moby Dick
and Herman Melville wrote The Old Man and the Sea?

>> No.722077

What if Henry Miller wrote The Crucible
and Arthur Miller wrote Tropic of Cancer?

>> No.722083

>What if Sade had written The 120 Days of Sodom


>> No.722085

What if Lewis Carrol wrote Narnia
and C.S. Lewis wrote Alice in Wonderland?

>> No.722087

in a song

>> No.722110


Trying to hard.

What if Marquis de Sade had written Sodom et Gomorrah
and Marcel Proust had written 120 Days of Sodom?

>> No.722142

just about to head to my supervision, any shakespeare questions people want answering?

inb4 'was he gay' 'why does he suck' 'he's just a plagarist'

>> No.722151

he sucks because in highschool people are forced to read it like its a novel
watch a good performance, different result

>> No.722192


It's already been done -- by Philip José Farmer: "The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod" is Tarzan as if written by William S. Burroughs.