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/lit/ - Literature

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7216218 No.7216218 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the best thing to come out of /lit/?

>> No.7216225


Did he come out of /lit/?

I think the hyperspace shitfest is better, tbh.

>> No.7216241

corn's better than that slant

>> No.7216284

He has those that look just past you. Does he have it, /lit/? Does he have P T S D ?

>> No.7216294

/lit/ came out of Tao Lin tbh

>> No.7216360


Nope. Just incredibly wasted on drugs.

>> No.7216392


>> No.7216528

men can't be raped

>> No.7216611


try telling me that after you go to prison and beaten unconscious and sodomized

>> No.7216617

that's not rape

t. feminist

>> No.7216670

Technically I'd call that sexual assault, which is awful, but not rape. Rape is molestation plus power, and as such it's mostly confined to men against women.

>> No.7216674

tao lin did nothing wrong
would vote for acquittal tbh

>> No.7216687


Well, he posted this thread...

>> No.7216694

This is now a shitfest thread.

>> No.7216713

he's not even a pro drug user, he's done less drugs than i have and acts like a complete retard because he's never had a real job or anything.
guy's a fucking idiot

>> No.7216811

So a three hundred pound street nigger named Tyrone doesn't have any power over you when he tosses a snickers bar on the ground and tells you to pick it up?

>> No.7216820

No, he doesn't. Have you even read de Beauvoir?

>> No.7216827

Actually, you would be raping him in this case, since he is black and you are white. This is not my opinion, this is a Fact.

>> No.7216832

Have you ever had a prolapsed asshole? Because if you ever go to prison you just might. And it would be considered rape by everyone who isn't retarded. Just because the definition of a word triggers you doesn't mean you can change it.

"unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim."

Notice how the word 'privilege' is conspicuously absent?

>> No.7216835



Bonus points for capitalising fact.

>> No.7216840


Ease off the autism lad, you've been..
