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7214280 No.7214280 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw just got job at bookstore

good way to fund my upcoming literary lifestyle

I just wish I didn't fuck up high school so hard. I had basically no credits.

Post whats going on in your life /lit/

>> No.7214287


Currently a NEET, but I'm going to college in Spring. Deciding between mathematics and physics right now (recently started practicing math and found it to be quite enjoyable).

Studying math and trying to get myself to finally commit to reading Infinite Jest which is sitting on my desk in the meantime.

>> No.7214293


Independent Bookstore I hope.

>> No.7214295
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should be getting a job on a ship soon as either a roomcleaner on a cruise ship or a deckhand on a freighter so I will be doing just as melville did and taking to the sea at 20

pretty excited

>> No.7214305
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>Independent Bookstore
of course my friend. It is quite a large independent bookstore however, and a real jewel of the community. The entire city stands behind it and everyone would flip their shit if a chain came in.

>> No.7214312

I've been putting off getting a job for 2 years and now I'm at yhe point where I have to and such a broken nothing of a human being that the possibility of having to talk to others let alone have a job fills me with dread

Not going to make it la

>> No.7214315

Join military fam.

>> No.7214335

>Post whats going on in your life /lit/

Literally only my metabolism, why even live?

>> No.7214342

flunked out of university. told my parents that i didn't go back this year because the film program is full but really i was disqualified from enrollment.

i know that if i can manage to sell a screenplay, i won't ever have to go back to school. but that's pure delusion. i'm going to end up homeless once i tell my parents the truth, and then i'll probably kill myself. or get a job at ups or something.

>> No.7214348

Shut the fuck up

>> No.7214354

wow rude

>> No.7214365
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That is why you are unemployed and lack any grasp of proper grammar.

You should start your journey out of your current crisis by being a bit more kind tbh.

>> No.7214369

my gf of 6 years broke up with me so I've just kind of been lost and floating around for a week

>> No.7214376
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Full time job after college. Living in a large, old house I'm renting on the east coast. It's literally a minute from my office. Just got out of a six year relationship. Coincidentally, my available time to relax and read has probably tripled.

>> No.7214377

Maybe you should go fuck yourself.

>> No.7214398

no u

>> No.7214408

Last thing I'm gonna do tbh

>> No.7214410


Substitute teacher, third gap year before uni, about to go travelling.

Valedictorian in high school.

>> No.7214427

How does one get this kind of job?

>> No.7214459

I am currently in the third year of my BA in philosophy. Started with my minor in literature this semester, and im really enjoing it so far. If anyone is interested, these are the books we are reading this semester:

1. Homer: The Illiad and the Oddyssey
2. Sofocles: Oedipus Rex
3. Aristofanes: Lysistrata
4. Vergil: The Aenied
5. The Bible: The Book of Luke
6. Njåls Soga
7. Dante: Divina Commedua
8. Cervantes: Don Quijote
9.Shakespeare: Hamlet

Is this a good introduction to the western canon?

>> No.7214469

you can just apply for cruise ship jobs on their sites but my father knows someone at Norwegian Cruiselines and has gotten my sister a job there before to become a deckhand I believe there are some courses you can take to improve your chances if you want to be adeckhand on a yacht or some private vehicle or something but also:http://www.motherearthnews.com/nature-and-environment/work-at-sea-zmaz71mjzgoe.aspx

>> No.7214487

i graduated from college a year ago and now i am a neet who sell used books and shitpost here

>> No.7214525

I'd add
>an additional greek tragedy or two, to see how it developed
>more stuff from the Bible
>Ovid - Metamorphoses
>more Shakespeare
But otherwise it's fine, I think.

>> No.7214543

read the sticky

>> No.7214591

>Njåls Soga
You got 1/3 of the vowels right.

>> No.7214596

Not much. Just got done writing my doctoral thesis and curing cancer.

>> No.7214718

Are you me?

>> No.7214763

Shit I hate the Aenied. It sort of has to be read if you're doing ancient Greek/Roman writing, but it's so heavy on the propaganda that it bugged me to read it.

What course is this exactly, just foundation of western literature? It's a big mixture of texts, just curious.

The Divine Comedy only goes downhill, ah the irony, after Hell.

>> No.7214778

>Quit teaching high school to pursue my writing/art careers
>My old college had openings for English instructors, tried and got hired
>Drowning in shitty 101 essays most of the time, but get to enjoy teaching British lit for a course
>Most students can't be bothered to read fucking Paradise Lost when it's assigned...I was enjoying my denial, but I teach non-English majors and should face the reality that most won't read the material
>I can't do smalltalk at all, so I'm sort of just hiding in my office all the time while other new instructors are flourishing in the department. I feel so worthless sometimes.
>Oh and, haven't touched my writing since the semester started, hoping to manage something this weekend.

>> No.7214791

w-where do you live


>> No.7214811


Read a book m8.


The cource is calles "Western literature from antiquity to the 18th century" or something.

>> No.7214815

Nope, Ms.

Apparently not your instructor.

>> No.7214819

Working toward a Math/CS degree at a small state university. I'm nearly thirty though, dropped out the first time forever ago. Haven't really made any friends since moving here in August. My ex and I want to get back together but she lives across the country. Work at a grocery store on weekends, could be worse.

Just got back into writing short stories. Have finished a few but no one to read or critique them.

>> No.7214851
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Sounds exactly like him.

not a single kid bothered to read Paradise Lost when he assigned it.

well, except me :^)

>tfw hot literary English teacher will never blow you after class and then assign William Blake to read

>> No.7214859

if you get internet keep us updated

>> No.7214862


Whoa now's your chance to get back together

>> No.7214864

Heh yeah, I assigned a pop reading quiz. Seemed like maybe a third read it. It was that majestic Book 2 as well.

I'd assign Yeats instead, unless we're talking Blake's batshit insane long alt. Bible writing.

>> No.7214870

>but it's so heavy on the propaganda that it bugged me to read it.

indeed that's what sort of turned me off from it, even though I enjoyed the story and prose.

>> No.7214876


Ex-drug addict 25 year old NEET.

Was in a relationship for 6 years or so, frequently praying I die from something quick, and painless. If not, maybe just some sort of illness that'll attract attention from people who wouldn't give a fuck about me other-wise. That way I could at least experience (some form) of sincerity.

I'm gonna go to college for creative writing or something, but I want to work a job relative to writing to bring in consistent money. The only time I get lost and feel happy is when I'm writing.

Made a few VN short stories, and got really positive feedback. I'm planning to take one of them, reconstruct it, and make a novel out of it. Planning to put my heart and soul into it.

If it fails, I'll probably end up trying to kill my self, considering it's most likely going to fail, I'll come up with something painless.

>> No.7214877

Assign something easier.

I know they're college students, but college is the new high school.

>> No.7214881


out of curiosity, how does a film program work? Like, I imagine you do make films but do these have to come with essays or APA-style reports?

And I teach English in Korea at a private school. Currently living in a glorified closet with a washing machine that sings and drinking way more than I should

>> No.7214887

The bookstore is going to fold in ten years and your job skills aren't going to transfer well. At best, you'll snag a low level management position in some dismal retail chain.

The culture in the military will erode the soul of any thinking person. The people who sign up are the lowest of the low.

Read Of Human Bondage

Good list. Needs Ovid, Milton, and Tolstoy.


Use excerpts. You need to teach basic poetry reading before you try to get people to tackle the whole epic because highschool is a daycare.

>> No.7214896
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>Blake's batshit insane long alt.

Vala, or The Four Zoas was literally one of the spookiest and eccentric works that I have ever read that had any literary merit. Although keeping track of the millions of different characters and their linked divinity representatives and mythological meaning was confusing as fuck.

>> No.7214904
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>tfw fallen in love with someone who doesn't even know you exist
>tfw all these emotions are just as excruciating as they are sublime
at least it will be good lit material

>> No.7214905

Graduating from uni this year and have an office job lined up for next.

Mostly hoping there's a strict separation between work and home, so I don't have any homework to stress over in my own environments.

Also planning to get some projects underway, but anxious that work will just make me too tired and wretched to do other things most of the time.

>> No.7214915


I just broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years, so i feel very lost. I spend the whole day reading books to escape.

>> No.7214931

oh come on fags can get a new boyfriend in a matter of hours, they're basically disposable, unless you're fucking fat or something

>> No.7214938
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also you can really see his fall into absolute madness.
>you will never fuck a older literary woman who is turned on by your fake french accent, red wine in your fridge, and your copy of Prime and Prejudice.


I attended this class were I sat next to this foreign blonde qt who I new was at least interested in me. She wouldn't leave my mind for a moment and I could not stop thinking about her. Then I switched classes and never saw her again.

The way her eyes looked into mine when I would tell a joke or make her laugh.

I fucked up.

>> No.7214947

Fucking some girl on the rebound. She dated the guy for like five or six years apparently.

>> No.7214954


>> No.7214963
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Just got a real job and am successfully balancing reading and working. Working on second attempt at a first novel and it's going pretty well, just in a dry spell right now. I fell out of the habit of writing every day but I'm working to start it up again. I'm learning a lot.

>> No.7214974

>"my father knows someone"

Ah, why it always be like it is but it do.
Getting offshore (I live in Aberdeen, Scotland) is a killer right now, people getting laid off left, right and centre.

>> No.7214987

The sad thing is that I wrote a 20 page paper on Vala, or The Four Zoas and already have forgotten that was the title.

My advising professor was pissed because I made the focus on Blake's occult influences and the alchemical imagery throughout the poem.

>> No.7214990

forgot to add,
someone in my class: 'oh I got a placement with Shell/BP/multinational company X"
"How'd you manage that?"
>muh dad
more often than not-- I don't blame them for taking the opportunity, but why it be like it is

>> No.7215004

I graduated from law school earlier this year and now I'm working for a Federal agency.

It's boring work, but fairly easy and the pay is decent.

>> No.7215062

>Vala, or The Four Zoas
This seems really interesting, anywhere I can read it? Do I need to start somewhere else with Blake?

>> No.7215080

It's published, maybe a university library... harder to find stuff.

So I just realized I actually did my paper on Jerusalem. Ah whatever, same sort of writing. Yeats was working for a few years on a publication of these works by Blake and said he started to lose it in the process. No one will ever fully understand the symbols in these works, Blake just did whatever the shit he wanted to.

>> No.7215096

>Moved to Chicago from Pheonix this week
>Living with Dad in a 2 bedroom apartment
>Don't know what to do jobwise, currently selling shoes online making meh money (35k)
>Bored and jealous of the Depaul kids, and wishing I was still in college