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File: 48 KB, 670x499, 1275023921218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
721309 No.721309 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.721316
File: 33 KB, 942x619, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.721318

I agree actually

>> No.721322

Holy shit, I know that guy.

He's in my department.

>> No.721325

Good point OP.

brb, making a sex tape.

>> No.721327


Tell him I like his comic.

>> No.721328

Yeah that's definitely a "funny because it's true" joke right there.

>> No.721331

did you just make this graph?
so the more graphs made...the more sexual encounters.....?

>> No.721336

He has a comic? How did I not know this?

>> No.721337


You gotta be kidding me...

>> No.721338


>> No.721339



>> No.721340

oh...you didnt put the arrows on it.

>> No.721343

I could read ops easily but not his...idk
what are graphs here for anyways.

>> No.721356

Read Gravity's Rainbow. Graphs abound.

>> No.721366

I'm not good with graphs so i would punish myself by reading a book full of them?

>> No.721388

It's full of a lot more than graphs. People in English classes freaked out when they walked into a classroom where the Pynchon seminar had just ended - the whiteboard was covered in math and diagrams. They thought they were in the wrong building.

>> No.721432


Why would sexual encounters be on the x-axis? That implies that it defines graph-making instead of the other way around.

I guess if you're getting laid all the time you won't have time to make graphs, but that's not the joke.

>> No.721434


Like with The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters?

>> No.721437


That is not so much a novel as it is a design document lol

>> No.721439


They both define each other. y doesn't have to be explicitly a function of x, 1 = xy will give the same graph.

>> No.721450

fuck i used to read this all the time. what's it called again? it's somethingorother about surviving...

>> No.721930


A graph has a dependent and an independent variable. Graphs Made is a free variable and sexual encounters would be an output of that, so Graphs Made should be on the x-axis. Jesus, did you faggots fail middle school algebra?

>> No.721932


k t y u b oeg zu k x hk irs g bmu yimCtHRnIoSTOPfHhER POOLEd (AjKA MOOT, AzKfA THlEe AiDMIN OFl 4CHAN) IS Ah DANGEROUS,s MgENTcALLY ILLd THIEF. REhAD ALLb ABOUsTm IT HqERE: HTTP:l//88r.80.21.1n2m/ OyRj HTTPc://vWWaW.ANhOfNTsALK.SE/ OtR HTTP:z//AcT.KIMrMkOA.SE/b yaazbw yyfa tedapgvx b dzb i orkub

>> No.721942

>do the same experiment one hundred and fifty times only varying the concentration of one slightly solution each time
>sure is skill and intelligence

>> No.721944


>implying I was taught algebra in middle school

>> No.721946


Oh, sorry I overestimated you.

>high school algebra.

>> No.721962

>implying this is what scientists do and not their interns / degree-less gophers