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/lit/ - Literature

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7213054 No.7213054[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I read books by women


>> No.7213060

kill yourself

>> No.7213079
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>I don't


>vapid whores, all of them.

>> No.7213113

>I read books by people

*eats healthily*

>> No.7213865

What is the favorite thing you've read that was written by a women?

>> No.7213891
File: 619 KB, 1744x2897, t0RRBZJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even thinking about reading a woman author

*vapes and let's out a big cloud *


>> No.7213937

>I choose books based on the quality of the book

>> No.7213960

He looks so cute, I just want to hug him

>> No.7213995

just curious, what would your father say if he finds that picture in your pc?

>> No.7214023

What would your mom say if she knew you were on a Tahitian watercolor forum?

>> No.7215483

>Not liking Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein, Little Women, The Secret Garden, Pride and Prejudice, Gone With the Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird
I know they're all high school level, but if you don't like at least ONE of these books, it's likely that you may just be actively trying to not like stuff.

>> No.7215493


Maybe make a list of good books and come back

>> No.7215499

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.7215501

come back when you stop being a pleb

>> No.7215524


I'm not posting it in this abortion of a thread

>> No.7215570

Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights are the only great books listed here

>> No.7215573

Still waiting on at least one answer. /lit/ stumped, further proof women can't be writers

>> No.7215587


The Waves
To The Lighthouse
Bastard out of Carolina
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Wise Blood
The Violent Bear it Away

>> No.7215588

Pride and Prejudice is better than both of them, so I guess three of them are great.

>> No.7216140

I dislike all of those shitty books and I have probably read more women writers than you have.

>> No.7216158

Garbage list
Good List

>> No.7216164

>written by a woman
lmao surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre

>> No.7216193

To the Lighthouse
Good Morning, Midnight
The Black Prince
The Making of Americans
Nights at the Circus
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
Poems of Emily Dickinson
Poems of Anna Akhmatova
Stories of Lorrie Moore
Stories of Alice Munro
Stories of Lydia Davis

>> No.7216195

>I vape
*Taps monocle*

>> No.7216197

Lupis Queen FTW

>> No.7216483

Why is not actively discriminating against women authors deemed to be a meme?

You're missing out on an awful lot of great literature.

>> No.7216492

>lmao surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre

>> No.7216496


It's calling to attention the fact that you're not actively discriminating.

Figure out for yourself why that's retarded.

>> No.7216497

shh, /lit/ doesn't like literature, they like memes and 10 philosophers

>> No.7216524

People are retarded memesters. Granted, there are far few great female authors, but they ARE out there.

>> No.7216856

fucking edgelord kill yourself