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7213048 No.7213048 [Reply] [Original]

Is Christianity going to become a counterculture, the new counterculture, eventually? Seems like one of the last things that can shock and offend people.

>> No.7213055
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/counterculture/ general i guess

how do you feel about the sheen on this one?

>> No.7213059


10/10, would snort cocaine from

>> No.7213063
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Granite, my man.

>> No.7213093


Authentic christianity has always been countercultural, in the form of gnosticism, panentheism, and others.

>> No.7213102
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>the ethical foundation for Western society
>'edgy' or 'shocking'

>> No.7213119
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>> No.7213126

this tbh fam

>not living the ascetic lifestyle

>> No.7213139

>hating on gay marriage, blowing up abortion clinics, and saying that most people alive will suffer eternally because they lost a giant celestial coin toss long before they were born
Pretty edgy tbh

>> No.7213166

Most of that is Old Testament stuff, Christianity established our love of 'fairness', 'love', and 'equality' that would eventually lead to what /pol/ refers to as 'degenerate'.

>> No.7213169
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if you do not contemplate, you are not a christian

>> No.7213171

Well I'd say the existential Christians like Kierk will always go against society

>> No.7213182

>Authentic Christianity = Gnosticism, Panentheism, and others.

lol wat?

>> No.7213218

You're all just a bunch of a slaves

>> No.7213220

Pretty much this
But only Christians actually look at Christianity as a whole and say "wow, what a well-founded religion, striving for love and the fair treatment of others", even though that's more-or-less exactly what it is.
Quite frankly I'm disturbed at how polar the religion is today. For most people it's love it or hate it.
I think the only reason I'm still open-minded about it is because my 7th grade teacher taught a really good lesson that made me admire Islam even though I had previously thought it to be blasphemy, and to this day I treat every religion respectfully because of it.
Back on point: yeah Christianity is basically on its way to being counterculture, but not because of the religion itself. Much in the same way the meanings of words can change over time, the idea of being a Christian has changed to a point where it's incredibly polarized and will soon be frowned upon as edgy.

>> No.7213245

Christianity is way too infused with the same irony as everything else to become a counter-culture.

Counter-culture implies that there is some power in being part of a group that touts itself as standing outside the mainstream, and Christianity clearly isn't that.

>> No.7213258

All that's stuff modern Christians do, though. Not many abortion clinic bombings in the OT.

>> No.7213314

Yes? Does your reply have a point, or a purpose?

>> No.7213344

No, because the only way for that to happen is for Christians to act like Jesus Christ did. Will never happen.

>> No.7213430

Not him but, yeah, it does. The point is to point out the ridiculousness of your posts. It might seem like these hidden and ignored beliefs hide the "truth" but really theyre just heavily flawed reiterations of previous theological views, while modern christianities CORE theological beliefs are way more interesting, believable, and just overall greater.
For example, shitty gnostic views of bad god vs good god, demiurge creating this shitty world and our goal to leave it. This struggle of good and evil, of two equal powers in strength fighting for two different goals one good one bad, is just imo a lot more inferior to the accepted christian view. That accepted christian view is the one told in the The Devil chapter in the Brothers K, where the devil shows ivan his futility, the way he is just like a prideful child who wont give in to his father and rebels due to his giant ego. The devil isnt some force fighting god with the potential to win, but rather mischievous cunt. God is the act of existence itself. Also throwing out the old testament is just pure autism. The equal mix of both human and divine in christ, showing the noncontradicting nature between earthly and holy, and salvation through the cleansing of the sin we inherited, rather than some stupid view of salvation from some guru chakra self discovery bullshit.
Basically accepted christianity is just hella more well developed and less simplistic and gay fam tbh.

>> No.7213455

calvinists pls go

>> No.7213460

contemplating her vag right now tbh

>> No.7213465

What I can infer from your reply is that 1) you don't know what gnosticism actually is, and 2) you don't know what authentic christianity is.

Why talk about something you're absolutely ignorant about?

>> No.7213511

10/10 post.
>actually being a determinist
>But only Christians actually look at Christianity as a whole and say "wow, what a well-founded religion, striving for love and the fair treatment of others", even though that's more-or-less exactly what it is.
Since my conversion, ive noticed that most of the athiests/new agers ive spoken to dont even have a strong grasp of what christiantity actually teaches and who Christ actually is. Also, many of them i've realized dont understand at all the differences between the denominations. Even ex-christians ived talked to seem like they never really had a grip on the teachings either. Obviously this is just my experience.

I do think living according to Chistian values is somewhat counter cultural, particularly these days with the rising secularism and acceptance of homosexuality, divorce, abortion etc.

>> No.7213525
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What am i wrong on? I admit i couldve been wrong on one or two things but most of it is right, though possibly convoluted af.
>god is the creator and the creating force (act of creation itself)
>obviously no demiurge from this
>it seems like they have a view of bad as coming from an actual person (diety, spirit, whatever) who is quite up there with the good god in power (this i could be wrong about, but it is true of many gnostic-like religions, at least).
>contrasts with satan and demons being rebellious sporits with really no threat to God and the universe directly but only to humanity.
>many of them didnt like old testamant
>gnosticism stresses the evils of this world and the good of the spiritual realm (i know this doesnt necessarily mean they view nature as bad but what i mean is the stress for a sort of asceticism and rejection of at least some of the creations), while accepted christianity doesnt, saying that the devine is found in us and the rest of God's creation (which includes the earthly pleasures and earth itself).
>salvation coming through christ's word and teaching, the testamants and connection with God, not a revelation that is sought after through a necessary personal spiritual journey (such as in many eastern religions). Of course this doesnt mean christians dont go through a spiritual journey and learn but the idea is that there isnt any crucial hidden knowledge.
Again sorry if this one is also messy but at least its set up by points and shit.

>> No.7213526

As the world's most-identified belief it will never be counter-cultural. Even in a hypothetical world where Christianity becomes a minority religion, say even 10% or less world-wide I dont think it could be a "counter-culture". That implies Christianity wasn't a prevalent facet of cultural formation around the world for thousands of years.

>> No.7213527


Christianity is supposed to be counterculture.
It is at its best when it's in a countercultural context and at its worst when it assumes a dominant position.

>> No.7213535

Daily reminder that Christfags are the cancer killing /lit/

>> No.7213565

K, just going to ask in this thread.

Has anyone read the Gospel of Judas as transliterated by the National Geographic Society? Is it interesting? Worthy to add to the library?

>> No.7213566

>defending gay marriage and abortation
>misinterpreting the concept of God

pretty edgy tbh

>> No.7213576
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>I am a Christposter on anonymous anime website that has boards dedicated to penisgirls

>> No.7213579
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>> No.7213586

>boards dedicated to penisgirls
W-where pls edgy fedoraposter?

>> No.7213592
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>> No.7213593


>> No.7213595


>> No.7213598

>he thinks abortion should be acceptable and gays are scum that should be slaughtered

>> No.7213607
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>gays are scum that should be slaughtered

>> No.7213615

Gorram, I almost choked laughing.

>> No.7213622

>vile and disgusting
>against the law of nature
>directly against the will of God
Nice picture, I'm sure he would love to talk to you about his extensive fedora collection and how God isn't real when not shitposting.

>> No.7213624

Oh my God, so much. Religion board now!

>> No.7213634


>>against the law of nature

Homosexuality is actually quite common in nature

>> No.7213636

The New Testament is built on fulfillment of the Old Testament. The word for "testament" and "covenant" is the same, by the way.

>> No.7213642

>being on a literature board but lacking the reading comprehension to understand a five word statement

>> No.7213645

>The New Testament is written as fulfillment of the Old Testament.


>> No.7213648


If it's against the law of nature (whatever the fuck that means), then why does it exist in the first place?

>> No.7213661

Because of Satan.

>> No.7213663


Why doesn't God stop him then?

>> No.7213664

>The New Testament is a retcon

>> No.7213674

Because God is playing a very long game.
Also, bear in mind: the sooner everything goes to shit, the sooner he can burn the planet and create paradise for the select few. He's just waiting it out at this point.

>> No.7213682

Kek I had sex with an 18 year old Christian virgin this week. I defiled her with my Nietzschean übermensch cock. You Christian virgins upset?

It's her first time living out of home, in college, she didn't even know how to stroke a dick.

>> No.7213684

I hope so. That's the way Christianity started and the way it was meant to be. Things got fucked up when Christianity became part of authority and the dominant culture.

>> No.7213689

Your sin is a thousand times worse than hers. You're just destroying yourself m8.

>> No.7213696

This is my self.

>> No.7213711

>your sin is worse than hers

>> No.7213721

You won't have much self left if you keep shooting it all out your dick.

>> No.7213726

Yeah I mean she gave me full consent, at first she was like "no sex" and I was like "yeah sure" and we were just cuddling when she got hot and pretty soon was trying to get me to go down on her, asked her if it's time to put on a condom and she agreed.

Hope she marries some virgin Christian dude later who eats my cock smell out of her pussy SMH

>> No.7213731

Kek what

>> No.7213735

True Christianity is always counterculture, in the sense of a culture being a term of appreciation. It's basically /r9k/ as a religion.

>> No.7213739

The ressentiment is palpable yum yum yum

>> No.7213744

Because he doesn't interfere with those who have free will, are you fucking daft?

>> No.7213750


>law of nature

Explain this idiocy at once.

>> No.7213755

Maybe so maybe not but don't feed OP, he's trying to synthesize being "good" with being "edgy", all Christians are faggots and really don't deserve much respect when they come out in the open

Christians should worship me, I treat them as they say I should, I trample over them and mock them. I'm only nice to Christians who don't speak their beliefs publically and thus manipulate them into secularism.

>> No.7213756


If god knows that you're about to shitpost, do you have the choice to refrain from it?

>> No.7213757

You sound like such a loser.

>> No.7213760

You are going to drain out all your essence and just be left an empty husk if you keep fornicating so much.

>> No.7213767

You're complete lack of understanding is showing.

Seriously, you sound like such a loser.

>> No.7213768

That's too bad

I am though lol no argument here

>> No.7213770

God supports shitposting these days, apparently.

>> No.7213775

The Koran retecons the OT. The NT doesn't.

>> No.7213776

>Seriously, you sound like such a loser.

Post nietzschefedora.jpg please I'm enjoying my own Ecce homo

>> No.7213786


Excellent counterarguments. I concede.

You fucking idiot. Aren't christians supposed to be charitable?

>> No.7213793

You see, God is really into rules, and he makes lots of them. For instance: the law of nature says that dogs should chase cats.
Now: when you see a dog and cat who are friends, that is an aberration, and God abhors it.
Satan really gets off on that sort of thing, though.

>> No.7213808

Christians: Human, All Too Human

I just shitposted in this thread about my sexual life because I knew it would ruse some Christians. It worked. I just like reminding myself that Christians are humans are basic bitch animals who get pissed off about predictable things. Works every time

>> No.7213813


>> No.7213819

Giving in to lust is human. Taking joy in explicitly "defiling" a virgin is demonic. Therefore, his sin is worse.

>> No.7213823

You'll be sorry when you've cummed your last cum, and you go shooting around the room like a balloon.

>> No.7213824

I have no need for a counter argument as you presented no initial argument and apart from that lack even the basic understanding to have such an argument es evidenced by the question you put forth.

>> No.7213828

Let's see some chapter and verse, m80.

>> No.7213834
File: 51 KB, 328x499, William G. McLoughlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about other countries, but Christianity in the United States chronologically is revitalized by Great Awakenings. When you interpret the data from pew polls, it is very unlikely that Christianity in the U.S. will ever be marginalized to a point where it will be deemed "counterculture". The numbers just don't support this assumption, not now, or later.

A good books that shows how these Great Awakenings are periodized and form the backbone for American revitalization is William G. McLoughlin's book, Revivals, Awakenings, and Reform.

McLoughlin accurately argues that, "A religious revival or a great awakening begins when accumulated pressures for change produce such acute personal and social stress that the whole culture must break the crust of custom, crush through the blocks in the maze-ways, and find new socially structured avenues along with the members of the society may pursue their course in mutual harmony with one another (p 15)."

Awakenings periods are described as follows: 1) the Puritan Awakening, 1610-40; the First Great Awakening (in America), 1730-60; the Second Great Awakening, 1800-1830; the Third Great Awakening, 1890-1920; and the Fourth Great Awakening 1960-90.

Puritan = constitutional monarchy in England

First Great Awakening = the creation of the American republic

Second Great Awakening = the solidification of the Union and the rise of Jacksonian participatory democracy, as well as, the thrust for the abolitionist movement

Third Great Awakening = rejection of unregulated capitalistic exploitation and the beginning of the welfare state.

Fourth Great Awakening = is rejection of unregulated exploitation of human kind and of nature and toward a series of regional and international consortiums for the conservation of optimal use of the world's resources.

When you examine the periods of each Awakening, it's not hard to spot how the follow during an economic downturn, and often lead afterwards to a greater unity, which leads to some kind of external war.

This is the pattern. American Christianity will never be counterculture. Christianity is intertwined politically, socially, and economically with the American Culture. I am not being bias here, I live in the United States and recognize this historic fact.

TLDR; No - Christianity will never be counter-culture in the USA.

>> No.7213836

>implying my phone autocorrecting your into you're provides an actual argument to the person I was replying to

>> No.7213860


Your complete lack of understanding is showing :^)

>> No.7213871

You're fucking funny anon, let's grab a beer

>> No.7213878


Your complete lack of understanding is showing.

>> No.7213880

I'm not the one appointing human limitations of perception onto God.

>> No.7213883

You're human, all too human mate. Your resentment is palpable. She was a willing participant

>> No.7213888


You're complete lack of understanding is showing

>> No.7213894

Are you in the Bay Area?

>> No.7213904

No I'm in SoCal. Another time then

>> No.7213907

I'm SoCal (Long Beach). I'll grab a beer with ya.

>> No.7213915

As a post-modernist, I find this post funny as hell.

>> No.7213935
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>> No.7213936

As a postpostmodernist, I find this post funny as hell.

>> No.7213955


>> No.7213988

Isn't Jesus all about love and compassion and shit.

How does that fit into the edgy poltard framework?

>> No.7214009

Jesus is sort of like the good cop to his Dad's bad cop.

>> No.7214033

Jesus is a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Same can be said about the Buddha, Mohammad, Zoroaster, Shiva, ext, ext.

>> No.7214068

OT God: Bad Cop
NT God: Good Cop

>> No.7214092

If that interpretation works for you, then okay. However, I should point out that most theologians would easily disagree with this generalization. It is very easy to quote biblical scripture demonstrating how this is inaccurate.

Indeed, it's all centered around interpretation, which has been going on across all holy books, for thousands of years. This is why schisms, sects, and denominations occur; interpretation.

>> No.7214520

Eh m8 i wouldnt say its dedicated to penis girls, its quite varied u kno?

>> No.7214533

So awesome dude brofist

>> No.7214604

>He thinks modern American protestantism is the foundation of Western society

>> No.7214614

It's my church
