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/lit/ - Literature

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7211835 No.7211835 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to know /lit/, why are some of you still fedoras? If you just took a bit of your time to read Aquinas and Anselm, you'd realise how wrong you are about God. He is real and it's a beautiful thing. Here's one proof that I've yet to see refuted.

1) The most perfect thing imaginable is God.
2) For something to be perfect it must exist.
3) God exists as he is perfect.

>> No.7211837

Why are there so many Catholic shills on this board?

>> No.7211838

>For something to be perfect it must exist.
I actually lol'd, good job.

>> No.7211839

Combination of 4chan contrarianism and this peculiar phenomenon that makes people who study philosophy either become Christian or Agnostic after a set period of time.

Kierkergaard and Augustine are based guys though. Christian thought is pretty admirable and developed in a lot of ways.

>> No.7211840

Is it odd that some people are Christian? Sorry but this isn't a fedora only site I'm afraid. Hopefully us Catholics will be the majority soon.

>> No.7211892

You hold on to religion so hard that you have made a meme into your chief reason not to be atheist. I hate to have to tell you this, but atheists that are like the meme are like 2% of the total population of atheists.

Also, those people are just downright stupid. they have made it a religion to not believe in a god... as that is all the word means. Don't judge me and my abilities based on one belief or judgement i happen to have.

>> No.7211907

Everything is a meme here. We made almost every masterpiece of literature, philosophy and all other sacred things into memes. Why that would here negatively impact Catholicism I do not understand.
That's one really bad argument. And I'm a pious Catholic.

>> No.7211911


The most perfect thing imaginable is my dick inside Emma Watson.

Doesn't make it real.

>> No.7211915

Tell me, what is piety?

>> No.7211921

In my personal life or a definition? I can only give you the first, it involves prayer, good deeds, doing my duty to my family and God, attending mass, reading Christian literature to deepen my relationship with God.

>> No.7211923
File: 399 KB, 421x432, M'JOHJI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd like to know /lit/, why are some of you still fedoras?

I spilled superglue on it and now it won't come off.

>> No.7211946

It is a christian's duty to try and convert the heathen, they will get more XP points and will level up to the final boss battle begging entry from St Peter. 4chan is perfect for a certain kind of lazy christian: it is obviously in great need of religion but they can happily sit on their butts and feel like a missionary, doing good works online rather than getting their hands dirty.

>> No.7211948
File: 2.14 MB, 4784x2712, Behold the converts of pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read any of Anslems works?

Also pic related

>> No.7211955

I see what you are saying and you are partially right, we do fall into, or can anyway, an illusion that we are evangelizing here. But that by itself would be bad only if we weren't living and preaching our faith outside of the chan.
But if we are living and preaching in our lives posting here is nothing bad, especially since I often need to share the joy of reading Christian literature with people who would appreciate it. That's why, amongst other things I come here. Converting people isn't really the goal, but opening people's minds to the Catholic mindset through literature is a worthy cause in my opinion.
I wonder how if in any way has christposzing affected anyone. I feel like it has, to different degree with different people

>> No.7211959

Atheism is a form of spiritual retardation. They're literally missing an organ of being, or it's so deformed or atrophied as to be dead. The result is akin to severe brain damage, except of the soul. These people honestly should be kept in secure wards where they can be properly ministered to.

>> No.7211994
File: 50 KB, 500x329, Vietnam-war-casualties-Statistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a serious twat. Take your imaginary friend elsewhere

>> No.7211996

Like a lot of aggressive proselytization it's main effect is to annoy and distance people. A belief system that many people might be indifferent to, only slightly aware of or curious about being shoved at them at inappropriate and unwelcome times is likely to make them merely hostile to it. If the preaching was done through good deeds alone they might well be regarded more favorably.

>> No.7212012
File: 362 KB, 500x376, God.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hopefully us Catholics will be the majority soon.

if you keep impregnating your wives at that rate, you just might. "Vagina.. it's not a CLOWN CAR."

>you'd realise how wrong you are about God. He is real and it's a beautiful thing.

you've never had colorectal cancer, have you? i hope you do, and soon. it will help you understand god's beauty.

>> No.7212025

>everyone who disagrees with me is a big stupid hat! take that!
>p-p-proof?? take that shit someone else you fucking FEDORA
>wow these hoops are so hard to jump through but I'm really trying!
This is you. Please leave

>> No.7212029

*dick argument mode activated*

>> No.7212040
File: 212 KB, 1711x1127, 1442543541592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1) The most perfect thing imaginable is God.
>2) For something to be perfect it must exist.
>3) God exists as he is perfect.

>> No.7212057

1. I can imagine a perfect weenis dragon
2. For something to be perfect it must exist
3. A weenis dragon exists as it is perfect
*********flawless victory********££££

>> No.7212061

I want Realism to leave.

>> No.7212063

Right now the main reason people are drawn to Christianity is its stickiness and historically Christianity spread exactly because it was preached very aggressively. Paul is the perfect example.

>> No.7212372

No, right now the main reason people are drawn to christianity is because they are born into it. That obviously involves pretty aggressive preaching though.

>> No.7212435


>> No.7212452

That isn't the case in the west as most people aren't born into it beyond anything superficial.

>> No.7212463
File: 50 KB, 422x422, aubrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christfaggotry is too dead to become an alternative for edgy people.

Reactionary modernism is where it's at.

>> No.7212491


Ironically she looks like Richard Dawkins.

>> No.7212503

next level fedora OP

>> No.7212513

by what reasoning do you think an aspect of perfection is existence? to me God's non-existence makes Him that much more perfect

>> No.7212521

The church will still gleefully count those superficial numbers though as theirs.

>> No.7212528
File: 57 KB, 484x404, fedora of thorns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7212567

Literally a pleb

>> No.7212571

I'm a Catholic that actually goes to church and I bet that 95% of the people saying that they are Christian here are just meming.

It's just the next step in edgy 4chan contrarianism as this poster pointed out >>7211839.

>> No.7212594

They officially are members, but that doesn't matter much now does it?

>> No.7212598

I've read them and others and didn't find them compelling. Kierkegaard made the most sense to me. But the only thing sacred to me is Reason. I'm sure, were it not for Reason, I would be religious. When you look at any religion from a historical and anthropological point of view it becomes impossible to believe in any of it. I couldn't be a Christian if I wanted to. For years, in fact, I did want to be a Christian. That's why I read Aquinas and others in the first place. I know specious arguments when I see them.

>> No.7212606

Was reason not sacred to Descartes and Leibniz? I understand that you aren't Christian because of those reasons, but I don't think it is fair to dismiss it for the same reason actual rationalist confirmed with it.

>> No.7212611

Honestly thinking of converting to Islam, lads.

>> No.7212618

Reason is an abstract concept that doesn't seem to me to have any bearing at all on whether or not you have religious faith. They're two different things.

This post is so silly sounding that I think you might be trolling/"fedoraposting" (I hate that shit, you can be an atheist without being ugly and poorly dressed) but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.7212623


Augustine is hilarious for the sheer insanity and anti-life message that he represents in Christianity.

This is the same man that defined all evil,sin and withdrawal from God as "sexual desire". The very fact that Augustines speculative theology and pure bullshit ethics are still worshiped by some Catholics, speaks a ton about the value of Catholicism today.

>> No.7212625

What interests you about Islam?

>> No.7212648


Atheism doesn't need reason to rebuke Christianity, if anything a forerunner of reason and the enlightenment is Protestantism. Furthermore secular Christian morality survives today.

Read Nietzsche.