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721099 No.721099 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to get into Theravada Buddhism, but I know just the bare basics. Do you guys have any recommendations on books or readings that might go into more detail on stuff like the Eightfold Path, what's acceptable behavior in modern Theravada Buddhism, meditation techniques, or really anything along the lines of that? It would help if it's fairly easy to get ahold of (specifically in a .pdf or .txt file), but that's not required.

Tanks, anons. :)

>> No.721106

link here


>> No.721113

Don't know about theravada.
I like zen because its so stripped down the basics.
aaand thats it.

>> No.721118

* to the

>> No.721119

Done that already, and I found this through google:


There are a couple good books in there, specifically Essentials of Buddhism. But does anyone have any other recommendations?

>> No.721123

Thanks anyway. :) Anyone else have input?

>> No.721136
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>> No.721137

Honestly, religious material of any type is a waste of time. You don't need a cosmic security blanket. Live. Be alive. Worry about what comes after when you're dead.

>> No.721145

lrn2buddhism. It has nothing to do with cosmic security, it's a way of living life to the fullest, imo.

>> No.721158

lrn/2/ It is still a baby wetnap assuring you something beyond proof...hence, useless.

>> No.721159

Hmm...instruction manuals for "how to live life to the fullest". So much for individuality.

>> No.721168


>> No.721171


>I'm starting to get into Theravada Buddhism

Take a look at Christianity.
Everything Buddhism does, Christianity does better.

>> No.721177

obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.721175

So like raping children and having the pope cover it up?

>> No.721182

I didn't realize Christianity involved any sort of meditation.

>> No.721187


A nice intro to Zen, not entirely Theravada but very interesting.

>> No.721193


>I didn't realize Christianity involved any sort of meditation.

It's slightly different in the Christian context, but meditative practice is there.

Look into the "Prayer of the Heart".

>> No.721197


Meditation is just focusing the mind on a single thing.
Pretty much every religion has something like that.

>> No.721209


>obvious troll is obvious.
I was really into Buddhism back in the day.
I realized that everything I liked about it could be found in Christianity.

>> No.721210

Pretty much any grown up does this at work

>> No.721212

I was the same way. But then I realized everything I liked about any religion is absolutely childish.

>> No.721215

Huh. Never once heard of that, though wiki says it's common in Orthodox traditions. I suppose that is similar.

The idea of meditation just seems so far removed from my experience with Christianity.

>> No.721226


>Pretty much any grown up does this at work
Yep. When you lose track of time, you are meditating without realizing it. Religion is the place to go if you want to train the ability though.

>> No.721238

No it isn't. Its the place to go when you want to get all dressed up and sing songs with complete strangers.

>> No.721237


>The idea of meditation just seems so far removed from my experience with Christianity.

It's pretty much ignored these days unfortunately.

If you think about it though, is doing the rosary really all that different from mantra based meditations?

Also, kneeling for long periods of time is an ascetic practice just like the Eastern lotus position.

>> No.721242


>> No.721246

I wasn't raised Catholic. Isn't the rosary just a string of beads?

And kneeling isn't even uncomfortable. They have padded rests for your knees.

>> No.721252


>Its the place to go when you want to get all dressed up and sing songs with complete strangers.
It is that as well.
This doesn't mean it can't also train you to focus your mind.

>> No.721259


>They have padded rests for your knees.
That's not how it was in the old days.

>Isn't the rosary just a string of beads?
You go through the beads one at a time saying different prayers.

>> No.721266

People in this thread who are objecting to Buddhism because it's a 'stupid religion' are complaining about Mahayana and Tibetan Buddhism. OP is talking about Theravada Buddhism. Theravada and Zen aren't dogmatic like most other religions.

>> No.721267

Focus your posts somewhere else. Nobody believes you. If there's one thing Christians CANNOT do, it is use their minds.

>> No.721279

Um... So no more book recommendations?

>> No.721280


>Theravada and Zen aren't dogmatic like most other religions.

Zen is technically Mahayana.

Theravada is quite severe when it comes to certain interpretive issues regarding the pali cannon. It's not a free-for-all. They require that you believe certain doctrines.

>> No.721282
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For those that don't know, this is the Jesus freak mass posting in the thread.

>> No.721283

Nope. And good job starting a religion thread in the most God-Soldier board on 4chan. Troll us again sometime.

>> No.721287


"Mindfulness in plain English" is a very good first book on meditation.

Consider getting these at some point down the road

>> No.721291

Thank you.

Where do you suggest I take this to, then, /x/? I don't see a religion board.

>> No.721301

Scholars have classified Zen under the Mahayana umbrella, but it doesn't fit all that well (in my opinion).

As for Theravada doctrines, I think that in general, the stuff that you need to believe in order to claim to be a Theravada Buddhist is no more objectionable than "live and let live" or "dilige et quod vis fac" or most other ethical maxims that pretty much any atheist would be willing to adopt.

>> No.721305

Which is why I'm interested in Theravada Buddhism in the first place. It's a system of morals, not beliefs.

>> No.721308
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<---This man would disagree

>> No.721311


>It's a system of morals, not beliefs.
Aren't morals beliefs?

>> No.721320

Yes, they are, and Buddhism is full of morals.

>> No.721326

Zen buddhist here.

yes, morals are beliefs, but both are beyond existence and lack thereof

>> No.721333

Oyah OP, there´s this theravada tradition asutralian monk on Youtube.

just search ¨Buddhist society WA¨

>> No.721360
File: 42 KB, 399x599, 399px-Isabelle_Huppert_66ème_Festival_de_Venise_(Mostra)_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I strongly suggest that you read Stephen Asma's Stumbling Toward Enlightenment in the Land of the Tattered Buddha. It's about Theravada.

>> No.721391

You mean Ajahn Brahm?

>> No.721396

yea ajahm brahm

>> No.721417


what buddhism tries to do is show you that you dont need buddhism or anything else