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/lit/ - Literature

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7210627 No.7210627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where should make a board for people to talk about politics on and stop shitting up this board. And yes I'm aware we already have /stormfront/

>> No.7210643

A lot of people never grow up. Like myself for instance. I just think anarchism is untenable not on ethical grounds but rather because it cannot actually exist, except for as an ephemeral stage in transition from one system of control to another,

>> No.7210672

Well, it lasted three years both in catalonia and in ukraine and only fell to external forces.

>> No.7210680

Any attempt to improve the board by eliminating non-literature posting will just make it more attractive to offtopic posters. Political and other offtopic posting happens here to accrue some of the respect literature holds in society.

>> No.7210692

Almost like some Monopoly Men don't want self-reliant societies. What the idiots at /pol/ will never understand is that the true kikes of the world are any and all corrupt officials, politicians, and corporate bureaucracts. And there's no shortage of the last one.

>> No.7210694

Yes, maybe on the record but you could imagine some sort of implicit hegemony was established in that time. And three years is quite ephemeral taken with the entirety of history and the typical lifespan of a given social structure.

>> No.7210726

Basing your opinions on what you imagine isn't very smart, anon.

>> No.7210736

/pol/ is fine. Just stop being a pussy. In my own experience, even lefties will be welcomed in discussion IF they are calm and collected in their thoughts, and back things up with facts or intelligent opinion. Obviously it wont be the hugbox you sound like you desire, but you can get by, especially if you start your own thread if you want to talk about something in particular.

>> No.7210804

Thoreau wasn't an anarchist. He specifically states in "Civil Disobedience" he isn't an anarchist.

>> No.7210816

I am just saying we will probably never know about some ruthless warlord of anarchist Ukraine. However because of our natural tendency to organize ourselves into hierarchies, and to both seek people to govern us or else be inclined to do the governing, it seems quite likely that he existed.

>> No.7210819

>intelligent opinions


>> No.7210831

He's probably the type of fuck who thinks liberals never use logic or cite statistics. Funnily that type of person is just as annoying as the liberal who thinks only liberals cite statistics and use logic.

>> No.7210835

It's only "untenable" for the stock of people in the world today. It is in the realm of possibility that society can transition. Every-freakin-body has to be on board with it, but this isn't as impossible as you may think.
Certainly current conditions have to change. Once we had royalty and paupers and their unshakable faith in a god of some sort. Now it's all about capital, consumerism and an unshakable faith in "growth" and "trickle down" or whatever.

>> No.7210842

lefitst are about muh feels.
right-wingers have infographics and jpgs to back any claim up.

>> No.7210857

We (/pol/) have taken over this board, you need to deal with the zietgeist.

There's a reason we're winning.

>> No.7210879

because only /pol/sters enjoy wallowing in shit?

>> No.7210891
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>> No.7210902

We're taking over, deal with it, cuck.

Notice how you can't have a thread about authors that are women, non-whites, faggots, or marxist without it being taken over by us, and literally having all leftists being BTFO. You're slowly disappearing back to reddit and tumblr.

This is the age of the white man, and we will reassert our rightful dominance.

>> No.7210913

>being this self important about shitposting

Get laid dude. Seriously.

>> No.7210914
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I want post-2010 fags to leave

>> No.7210918

>Le makhno is le warlord memee xDDD
when will this shitty meme die, makhno's army was democratic and non-hierarchial

>> No.7210923
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>> No.7210935

This is the age of white men smearing their shit over everything to assert their dominance. Hey I don't deny /pol/ is taking over /lit/ is an almost unbearable shithole now, congratulations on your lebensraum. You've done well in convincing intelligent people of the folly of posting here, perhaps they'll get more done.

>> No.7210936

You joke, but seriously, liberals IN GENERAL dont give a single fuck about facts.

If liberals cited a statistics and logic, then how come they hardly ever site statistics and logic?

>> No.7210939

rightists are logical about social issues (gender, race, immigration), illogical about economics; and leftists are the other way around.

>> No.7210944

a few samefaggers shitposting on /lit/because you have literally nothing else to live for isn't a zeitgeist

>> No.7210945

>This is the age of white men smearing their shit over everything to assert their dominance

No, that was the colonial era. Then there was a huge backlash until the point we are in now, where white men are evil demons.

Now it just starting to level out again, and white men are having to ask people (much like blacks did) to actually listen to what they say, rather than dismiss them for not being victimy enough.

>> No.7210951

>logical about economics
>free money for everyone

lel, just lel.

>> No.7210957

Wait what, why would you, are you stupid

>> No.7210958

You're wrong.

/pol/ has proven the following, with scientific evidence:

>whites are the most advanced race
>men are better than women
>immigration destroys countries
>a free market is the only thing that works without suffering (inb4 'muh third world exploitation - fuck them, might makes right).

If you disagree with these scientific facts, you're mentally ill

>> No.7210970

Oh I see youre just shitposting in cohesion.

>> No.7210976

Purposefully misrepresenting opposing arguments into simplified nonsense to avoid disturbances in your echo chamber is a good example of irrationality.

>> No.7210980

>any military organization
Are you retarded?

>> No.7210985

First of all, you don't "cite logic" you uneducated fuck. You don't use cold reasoning and neither do liberals. Politics isn't some rigid mathematical proof. Liberals and conservatives don't think their opponents use logic because the claims involved are more complicated than some ps and qs assigned arbitrary truth values. Second of all liberals do cite statistics. You're probably the type of moron who brags about how "statistics classes are hell for liberals" even though you've never taken one yourself. Logic and statistics are non-partisan. Period. Part of the reason the hard sciences look down on sociology, is that you can support any political opinion with data from sociological studies.

You do realize that liberals make the exact same claims about people like you as you do about them? It's all a vain attempt to turn your opponent into something less than you are as if your feeling of superiority is more important than the truth of your claims.

>> No.7210988

But anon, that is literally the thought behind any inherently 'liberal' view of economics. Im sorry if it makes your argument seem stupid, comrade, but maybe your argument is just that, stupid?

>> No.7210990

sure is "teleports behind u" in here

>> No.7210998

Lets move the conversation to worldview then. Rightists tend to be utilitiarian or deontologists, and will use mathematics to measure how well these methods of producing a 'better' world are working. Liberal world views are based on everything and anything, which doesnt really matter. They key point is they tend to measure how well we are doing with what their emotions say and what FEELS right or wrong.

People joke about liberals and muh feels, but it really is true. They, in general, do see emotional responses as the best way of measuring the value of an idea.

>> No.7211000

The thing that /pol/fags don't understand is that no one on this site is actually offended by their opinions, but rather finds them unfunny and annoying.

>> No.7211001
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>militias can't be non-hierarchial
literally read the wikipedia page for the black army

>> No.7211004

Maybe you can't distinguish the caricature of concepts from the actual concepts. The echo chamber has substituted the real world.
But please, explain to me specifically what economic schools you are talking about and what their analyses are.

>> No.7211009
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>literally read the wikipedia page for the black army

>> No.7211013

None of this is remotely true. You're a dumbass American making up garbage based on your retard television politics. Stop.

>> No.7211014
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Funny how the biggest simpletons with the most pedestrians perspectives are the ones that think they're smart and intellectually enlightened.

Just another byproduct of a narcissist generation that aren't even arsed to tackle a topic from multiple angles in order to come to an educated conclusion, and instead spout the same memetic themes from what they perceive as your group. Don't shitpost in here like that, go back to /v/ or your containment board to mingle with your autisitc, sour ilk.

>> No.7211018
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>The structure of the RIAU was not that of a traditional army. Instead, the RIAU was a democratic militia based on soldier committees and general assemblies. Officers in the ordinary sense were abolished; instead, all commanders were elected and recallable. In theory, the RIAU relied on voluntary enlistment instead of conscription, however in practice conscription was used. Regular mass assemblies were held to discuss policy. The army was based on self-discipline, and all of the army’s disciplinary rules were approved by soldier assemblies.

>> No.7211027

'liberal' views of economics tend towards equality of wealth. That is the end game, whether one markets their view as actually aiming to achieve that goal or not. At the end of the day, they all wish to redistribute wealth in a way that brings everyone closer together.

Rightists (well, most of them) want this to, but the difference is that they value freedom over forced equality. The modern liberal doesn't care about freedom anywhere near as much, so they are much more willing (in general) to be accepting of ideas that tend further towards socialism.

>> No.7211028

take the fucking redpill, you brainwashed leftist moron

Or, alternatively, refute any of my points with evidence. You already know you can't, cuck.

>> No.7211032

>this is wrong because it is
>ad hom
>now i shall silence you

A textbook liberal 'argument', perfectly executed

>> No.7211033

>People will keep replying to this apprentice baiter

>> No.7211037
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>The right doesn't ever use an appeal to emotion!

You are a silly faggot son. See commie "Left Wing" USSR and "Right wing" Nazi Germany

>> No.7211038
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>keeps conflating liberalism with leftism

>> No.7211039
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Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

>> No.7211042

Please don't associate him with us

>> No.7211044

>Believes people opt out of debates with him because of his argumentative skill and not because his irrationality is evidence of an inability to argue at all
Textbook /pol/nigger behavior

>> No.7211045

here's your redpill, autist:

I'd rather see myself degrade to a weaboo than one of you delusional sociopaths. You're the equivalent of the familiar tumblr wicca SJW.

>> No.7211046

>conveniently refusing to engage with facts

leftist logic, everyone

>> No.7211047

Obviously the right uses some appeal to emotion and the left uses some mathematics. Wow.

Im talking about in general, bigger picture.

The right TENDS TO use more mathematics in decision making and the left TENDS TO use more emotion.

Keep in mind, anon, I think the dichotomy between right and left is retarded anyway, both in concept and in practice.

>> No.7211049

Well what fucking century are we living in? In 2015 they are the same fucking thing.

>> No.7211051

>go on leftypol
>front page has a more relevant book thread than any on /lit/

See ya

>> No.7211052

>here's your redpill

No, thats a may may. An epic one at that.

>> No.7211059

>Keep in mind, anon, I think the dichotomy between right and left is retarded anyway, both in concept and in practice

Then why do you push this "tends to" bullshit. If you truly believe its retarded then you should see that a generalization like the one you're purporting is silly when relating to the bigger picture. In fact if I put on my tin foil hat I'd go so far as to say that left v. right is really just a circus shit show designed to distract us from actual practical problem solving.

>> No.7211061

You didn't mention any schools nor any relevant theory, so i'll assume you know absolutely nothing about what you are talking about.
Of the economic schools usually associated with leftism (classical marxism, neomarxism, keynesianism, postkeynesianism, development economics, neoricardianism, regulation school, etc.) none has a prescription anywhere close to "free money for everyone".
Your post has not merit whatsoever in an economics discussion and you should be ashamed of your ignorance. Differences in policy prescriptions come from differences in analysis. Could you show me where does the ponderation of equality in relation to freedom affect the economic models of the different school?

Go read a book.

>> No.7211063

>white men are evil demons
Look you stupid snownigger, the only way you could believe something so patently ridiculous is if your only exposure to the opposite sex was tumblr.

>> No.7211064

can you just fuck off to /b/, /v/, and /pol/?

those were literally made for underage retards like you

>> No.7211068

Because the vast majority of people are caught up in this bullshit, so you kind of have to talk about it. Enough people believe that being a rightist means you have to be a certain list of things and being a leftist means you have to be a certain list of things, so through the actions of these people a tangible left and right is created, even if they are both founded on bullshit.

>> No.7211071

Giving people "free money" in a demand-deficient economy would *ACTUALLY* be good policy. Rightists are totally ignorant on the very basics of economics. They are often more right than contemporary leftists on race, gender and immigration issues though.

>> No.7211079

I dont have to because what im saying is so fucking basic, and you know exactly what im talking about. You just want me to jump through hoops for your own amusment. If you really wanted you could engage in this conversation, without either of us having to bring all the books and thought behind it all into the discussion. Im not looking to have a marathon debate here, so sorry to disappoint.

>> No.7211080
File: 79 KB, 710x720, Makhno and the state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to Teper, muder and torture became a special kind of sport for the Makhnovist Kontrravedka [Counterintelligence]. The kontrrazvedniks made this activities "a profitable part of their business plan." He claimed that in the field of the Kontrrazvedka's punitive politics, the Left SR Popov led the way, researching various methods of torture and murder. Popov had supposedly sworn to slay 300 Communists, but when Teper met him he had only up to 190. Teper also wrote about Tatar Alim who was Makhno's personal executioner. The former White Guard Gerasimenko also wrote about the Batko's personal executioner, identifying him as a certain Kiyko, a metalworker, who tortured officers.

makhno was a gud boy. he dindoo nuffin wrong

>> No.7211084


Just stop reading a post whenever you see these words, and never reply to it. Your time on 4chan will be much better spent.

Watch now as some idiot thinks this means I'm afraid of "debating" him.

>> No.7211088

I dont go on tumblr, at least not anymore. Doesnt stop me from seeing this bullshit. Its in every english paper I have taken so far, and countless students spill their guts about it in class and online. Its all over facebook, and I dont know why you say gender, because its boys just as much as girls. Maybe it isnt in every facet of society, but in the places I inhabit (university, facebook, etc) it is definitely fucking everywhere.

>> No.7211090

SJW is a useful term.

>> No.7211091

Ironically, printing money was once the right wing approach, while keynesians argued it led to a liquidity trap.

If by basic you mean superficial and ignorant, i agree. Seriously, go read a book.

>> No.7211096

Thats when this becomes an issue not about the efficiency of an economy, but what kind of life we want to live, and how much freedom this life involves.

You see this as rightists begin ignorant to basic economics, but it is really more a case of rightists disagreeing on how a life should be lived.

>> No.7211098

ploblematic tbh

>> No.7211099

SJW has lost its meaning. Everyone left of center is a liberal, and everyone to the right is a conservative. Everyone involved in identity politics is an SJW, and everyone who isn't is a racist.

>> No.7211104

incessant repition of 'go read a book' doesnt make you smarter. It doesnt even make you look smarter. It makes you look like an annoying faggot.

>> No.7211108
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>> No.7211110

identity politics shouldnt exist. it is a purely manufactured issue.

>> No.7211111

SJWs hate being called SJWs

Brocialists hate being called brocialists

suprise suprise the Left is filled with fuckwits

>> No.7211116

>looking smart on /lit/
The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.7211125

I'm not trying to sound smart, you are just spouting nonsense because you don't know what you are talking about and the solution is learning about the subject.

>> No.7211134


Oh but anon, you have it the wrong way around. The more someone knows about what they are talking about, they less closely they must be in dialogue with their learning materials.

>> No.7211149
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>The right TENDS TO use more mathematics in decision making

Most right-wing people I've ever met are high school dropouts that think the world is 10,000 years old.

>> No.7211150

its a tool of the bourgeoisie to oppress the white working class

>> No.7211151

Sure, and i'm an expert in astrophysics, which is why you'll never see me talk or read about it. All those scientists in academia must know less than me.

>> No.7211154

wow this is the first time im hearing of "broscialist"

i'll accept the title

>> No.7211156

Obviously we're talking about right wingers in academia and literature. Otherwise we could reduce liberal opinions to the gibsmedats that shooot up and brun their own neighbourhoods and cant even spell the world 'school'

>> No.7211160

>What the idiots at /pol/ will never understand is that the true kikes of the world are any and all corrupt officials, politicians, and corporate bureaucracts.
lol kill yourself lad

>> No.7211170

>Obviously we're talking about right wingers in academia and literature.

Such as?

>> No.7211175

First I thought you were talking about Elliot Rodger types (God rest his soul), then football hooligans and then I finally realized you meant niggers. Work on your descriptive writing m8

>> No.7211203

>I am ignorant fuckwit who loves my progressive bubble
It's not my job to educate you on why you're an idiot, it is simply my purpose to call you one

>> No.7211216

So in other words, you have nothing other than insults

>> No.7211231

Rightists do make appeals to emotion, but in different ways. Nationalism for example is an appeal to emotion.

>> No.7211238

ok ok, i have a point for you, are you ready for this? ahem...
>citation needed

>> No.7211270

>with 12 inch cocks
almost got me
but I agree with the image

>> No.7211304
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This thread sucks.