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7210495 No.7210495 [Reply] [Original]

I have no ideology but extreme contrarianism. When a capitalist is in the room, I smirk at him with the fervor of a card-carrying communist. When a communist is in the room, I stroke my chin and laugh to myself as I think of how rational and efficient is, silently quoting Adam Smith. I have no strong convictions other than a desire to feel superior to others in the most passive-aggressive manner attainable.

Some books that have influenced me:
>The Ego and Its Own
>Collected Essays of H.L. Mencken
>The Closing of the American Mind
>The Republic
>Aristotle's 'Politics'
>Infinite Jest
>The Western Canon

>> No.7210499


>> No.7210508

Get some Sade into the mix for that libertine rhetoric. I suggest Philosophy in the Bedroom.

Also must read top tier contrarian: Renzo Novatore.

>> No.7210511
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Quite a smug post you've got there, friend.

>> No.7210606

icycalm for ultimate smugness. The others don't even come close.

>> No.7210655
File: 29 KB, 285x287, Nassim Taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antifragile. Look at this smug son of a bitch.

>> No.7210667

Finally a philosophy I can adhere to. Smuggery, it's almost as good as buggery. I see now.

>> No.7210847

Diogenes, Nietzsche and Rorty were all smug as fuck. Rousseau, Hume, Epicurus, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and Descartes are p smug and helpful to maintaining a smug philosophy.

Also definitely read Aristophanes. Smuggest playwrite of all time imo. The Clouds is just him outsmugging Socrates. Shakespeare is also pretty smug, in his comedies especially.

>> No.7210854

The Bell Curve

>> No.7210862

Socrates was literally so smug and annoying the citizens of Athens put him to death.

>> No.7210866

Enoch Powell, Roger Scruton, and Brian Sewell.

Favorite living poet of the smug: Geoffrey Hill (he's really the best, though).

>> No.7210870
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This. The father of Western smug.

>> No.7210875

John Keel. Read his REAL stuff, The Eigth Tower. Him Vallee and Forte are great for trolling materialist fedoras. Get some Kirkregard in there for extra fedora trolling.

Read "A Peoples History of the United States" for some god-tier Ameri-burger trolling.

Read Russel Targ and some of the other scientists who have studied PSI.

Read Evola.

Read Terrence McKenna.

Read the Unabomber.

>> No.7210877

tbh I'm the same. I shit on commies on 4chan because it's flat out retarded but I'm part of a commie group irl and shit on liberal feminism, democracy and pretty much everything good.

rushdie beats him. king of smug

>> No.7210880

>defining yourself from what you're NOT

Ultimate narcissism, kill yourself.

>> No.7210886

This might quite simply be the best thread ever made on /lit/.

Keep it alive, for I'm going to sleep and when I wake up I want to find it just the way I left it (but with more posts of course).

Thanks, OP.

>> No.7210940

all of nietzsche

>> No.7210960

Would you share some examples of Rorty smugness? I haven't read him but I'm curious.

>> No.7210977

Yes, I also addhere to this school of philosophy from now on

Nietzsche is not smug imho, he hated too much on socrates rather than praising the smug

>> No.7211119

In Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle puts the smug as important property of the magnanimous man

>> No.7211129
File: 287 KB, 800x533, Gaurman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrarianism is old news. I'm new-mainstream. I'm voting for Trump, have 2.5 kids and go to mass everyday, but I only do it out of spite.

>> No.7211260

It's all about context with Rorty. Think of Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity in terms of academic trends at the time (radical Marxist postmodernism) and you see how he destroys them at their own game by refusing to commit to a plan of action. The invention of the metaphysician/ironist dichotomy nullifies a huge amount of discourse among liberal academics.

>> No.7211274

Au contraire, Nietzsche was true smug and not so complacent as to accept Socrates.
"Au contraire" for smuggist motto?

>> No.7211286
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>having a motto

>> No.7211292

You, sir, are intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor, much like my esteemed self.

>> No.7211300

A people's history won't troll anyone except history majors and /pol/faggots
The book itself is already low tier unoriginal trolling.
Evola and the unibomber are also shit tier. I think your post is trolling tbh

>> No.7211303

This, Nietzsche was so contrarian as a philosopher that he went as far as to say Socrates was a mistake.

He also ate three kilos of fruit a day against everyone's advice and spent his time vomiting.

>> No.7211321

He is by far the smuggest motherfucker who ever lived

>> No.7211499

Not gonna lie OP, that was pretty fucking funny.

>> No.7211510

kek I've never thought about it that way

>> No.7212134

Bumping this excellent thread.

>> No.7212180
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Only answer tbh

>> No.7212303

Only good post ITT

>> No.7212339

Gravity's Rainbow. You already have two thirds of the meme trilogy on the list. Why not complete the set?

>> No.7212378


>> No.7212383

You sound mad

>> No.7212977
File: 43 KB, 300x400, smug pypy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Pynchon is a smug contrarian

>> No.7213315

this is just modern contrarianism idiot

>> No.7213328

No it's not. It's probably too highbrow for you to understand

>> No.7213331


holy lol, antifragile was a bloated guide to life. I hope to write my own one that shits on the greeks. Sadly I have been influenced by Taleb in to constantly falling in to the naturalistic fallacy, among other things

>> No.7213383

This is actually the way I live my life.

Smug life is the best life.

>> No.7213394
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Is that really the best smugface you can do?

>> No.7213414

"Liber Null" by Peter J Carroll sounds like itd be up your alley OP. Its a Chaos Magick text, but it you ignore all the mystic mumbo jumbo, t actually has some interting theories and mental exercises. One of them, one of my favorites actually, is to always agrue against the other persons side, especially if you actually agree with them. Practice formulating arguements for postions you are actually opposed to just for a greater understanding. It has been greatly useful to me. Also in this vien would be Prometheus Rising by RAW.

>> No.7213454

Aristophanes is smugger than Socrates, playwrites/ people attempting to be "artists" who are overburdened by reason and philosophy are the smuggiest shitstains in the Canon. See: Gulliver's Travels by Swift (only people who like this are scientism STEM-atheists), anything by Voltaire (yawn), Aldous Huxley's Island (gross), and Aristophanes' The Clouds or Birds. If you read these and build a worldview in accordance with it, you will be a smug, faux-wise shit-for-brains