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/lit/ - Literature

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7210260 No.7210260 [Reply] [Original]

How's that novel of yours going, anon?

>> No.7210301

im still thinking of how im gonna get it going. its all planning for me. writing is the easy part, i just need to get in the flow of things with alcohol and drugs. the hard part for me is just writing out every little detail that needs to happen.

>> No.7210330

Oh, you'll know soon enough, my friend. My novel is shaping up to be so monumental that I can safely guarantee it'll cast a shadow over at least four writerly generations. I personally see it as the only worthy successor to the great encyclopedic novels of the last century (Ulysses, The Recognitions, Gravity's Rainbow), and I expect critics will see it the same way.

>> No.7210348

Wrote like two paragraphs then deleted them and cried.

>> No.7210351

10 pages in and I can't think of a long term goal for any of the things I've written.

I can't just start writing and see where it goes- that shit's for the birds.

>> No.7210354
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I am writing a short story, not a novel.

>> No.7210565

More like the heading 4me

>> No.7211362

have the thing planned out perfectly just as I'd want it to be done...start putting it to paper...get depressed and not leave my bed for three days. I'll never get it done.

>> No.7211568
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Finished it in August. Right now I'm editing it and eventually I'll either try the usual agent-publisher game or I'll just go fuck it and put it on the Kindle store or something. I've posted on /lit/ about it before - an exploitation film-y story about an expat stripper who wanders around a nightmarish version of the Tokyo underworld trying to get revenge on her father-slash-ex-lover. It's the first thing I've finished in four years, so I'm pretty excited about it.