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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 578 KB, 1157x2442, 1443575585692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7205104 No.7205104 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, the time has come. It's polling time.
We are going to vote for top 100 book's of all time according to /lit/


Remove the () and add a .

Pic related is some data on the 2014 poll

Yours truly: The polling anon

>> No.7205111

i could swear i just voted in one of these like two days ago

>> No.7205118
File: 2.46 MB, 1820x4348, Lit's Top 100 Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those wondering about the original thread that was made. The original plan was to use the replies from that thread to make a multiple choice poll (I know, it's fucking stupid) but then I realized that this was a much simpler solution.

If there are any questions regarding the poll post them here.

Pic related is the 2014 version of the list.

Yours truly: The Polling anon

Yeah I'm sorry about that.

>> No.7205149

Forgot to add that short story collections and poetry is also accepted

>> No.7205197

Has voted.

stupid question : is there a link between Pynchon's V, and V for Vendetta?

>> No.7205209
File: 68 KB, 600x536, tumblr_npg6oeUAx51ss7imxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205210

I don't think so why?

>> No.7205213


V reads V. in V for Vendetta. That's it.

>> No.7205219

7 votes have been cast and no one is in the lead

>> No.7205218


>> No.7205246

13 votes and the Trial by Franz Kafka has the lead with 2 votes

>> No.7205257

Oh shit it's now tied between the Trial & Mason & Dixon

>> No.7205287

>have to use my google account to vote
fuck off faggot

>> No.7205307

It's the only way to prevent you from voting multiple times. I can't see the name of any accounts or anything

>> No.7205382

20 votes and it's a threeway tie between The Trial, Mason & Dixon and White Buildings by Hart Crane

>> No.7205479

27 votes have been cast

>> No.7205502

What's so awesome about The Trial?

>> No.7205520

Have you read it? It's pretty good

>> No.7205522

Why don't you read it and find out?

>> No.7205529

I don't think so. From what I've heard, the name V. was derived from the nature of the plot.

>> No.7205552

I'm now going to start finding covers for the books that have already gotten votes. So if you would like specific covers for any books post'em here and I might just use them

>> No.7205561

why not just tally the votes from the last thread?

>> No.7205574

Everyone here can post multiple times which means the can alter the results of the poll dramatically. This is a safer method

>> No.7205631

Everyone thought that thread was strictly for nominations though, so it seems doubtful anyone voted multiple times.

>> No.7205643

That might be, but I'm still going to use this method. You can go to the archive and count the votes there if you want to.

>> No.7205651

The Iliad that I voted for is Chapman's, forgot to put that in there

>> No.7205652

41 votes have been cast

>> No.7205662

Voted but I would much rather have 3 votes per person as long as you can't vote for the same book 3 times.

>> No.7205664

Yeah it was hard to pick one favorite book

>> No.7205668

What if i don't have a google account?

>> No.7205670

So everyone just picks one book? This list is going to be the meme trilogy with 20 votes each, a handful of 5-10s, and the rest with one vote.

>> No.7205677

This. But go through with this and maybe later do it again with more choices and then cross-pollinate or something.

>> No.7205682

It's too late to change things now. Maybe next time
None of the meme trilogy books have gotten that many votes so far

You have to have an account, it's the only way I can prevent everyone from voting multiple times

>> No.7205685

>tfw to stupid to work out how to remove () and add a.
do i add 'a' or '.'
do i add it in the () bit or at the end
am i retarded?
ive read alot at least

>> No.7205690

Just the "."

>> No.7205705

It would've taken you less time to try all these things than type them out
If this is bait it's like, low quality man smh

>> No.7205711

How did you even find this website??

>> No.7205715
File: 70 KB, 480x720, LYwRj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may be the best bait I've ever seen. Thank you for that.

>> No.7205735

why cant they just post the actual link for the technologically backward.
ill just go christpost for a bit and come back

>> No.7205744

It's considered spam. Just try it

>> No.7205788

Ok, voted but I get only 1 vote?

>> No.7205795


>> No.7205808

What's the current result?

>> No.7205812

Should I spill the beans?

>> No.7205820


>> No.7205824

Not spilling the beans is like withholding a fart
Let it go

>> No.7205839

Infinite Jest is in the lead with 4 votes.
Moby Dick in second place wiht 3 votes.
Bunch of books tied in third place with 2 votes

>> No.7205840

I'd like to see how my favorite fairs. Last time he was in the top 50.

>> No.7205851

Of course... meme books.

>> No.7205855

How is Moby Dick a meme book?

>> No.7205861
File: 23 KB, 368x300, Ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you expect? toni morrison?

>> No.7205863
File: 2.18 MB, 1820x4348, 1430401894480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about pic related?

>> No.7205868

I tried to tally up the votes from the other thread with a text analyzer but got annoyed and stopped. it was:

Moby Dick
Meme Trilogy
Blood Meridian
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7205872

It isn't. It's infinite jest that fucks everything up.

>> No.7205875

I voted for the plague, so at least 1 there

>> No.7205880

This is the 2014 version. We need a new one

>> No.7205889

58 votes have been cast, although one vote is blank.

>> No.7205890

Because people totes will vote for books that were published during the past year
For sure

>> No.7205892

I've read it and I liked it but I was surprised to see people talk about it as much as they do on here. feels like I'm missing something

>> No.7205894

Jest on!

Meme Trilllogee II:

>> No.7205896

I'm well aware that the top 20 books are not likely to change but for the other 80 books, anything can happen

>> No.7205898

I want to go through that list but I don't want to read books like "Lolita".

What else should I avoid?

>> No.7205908

What does "books like Lolita" mean to you?

>> No.7205910

It's my favourite work by Kafka

>> No.7205911

Clevah gel

>> No.7205913

Also, if we're going to do general books (which according to the old pic that had Leaves of Grass, we are) and not novels, can you guys quit removing the Bible as no. 1? I don't even think I put it in my top 3, I can't remember, but to fuck with answers just to keep a book that makes Penn Gillettians buttmad off the list is stupid. And no, Infinite Jest is not better.

>> No.7205919
File: 96 KB, 450x665, CatsCradle(1963).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not gonna make it on the list

>> No.7205926

I'm not going to alter the results in any way

>> No.7205928

Hopen not because It's trash

>> No.7205943

Sexuality as first tier subject.
Sexual violence.

>> No.7205945

If you're gonna insult something, try to make sure you have proper spelling. Otherwise you just make yourself look like a dummy.

>> No.7205951


Read it again, except read it slower.

>> No.7205957

At least I don't like Vonnegut.

>> No.7205981
File: 355 KB, 1208x1600, starsmydestination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likely not going to make the list either, but here is the best cover.


>> No.7205988

>War and Peace
>Not number one

>> No.7205996

Lolita is a brilliant book and the amount of "sexual violence" is all pretty ambigious (by Humbert's account, there's basically none, but that's hard to take on face value). But there are very very few if any other books on there (Gravity's Rainbow, briefly? The Sound and the Fury, kinda?) that deal with anything even remotely similar.

Actually now that I think about it there's basically no way this isn't a troll, never mind.

>> No.7206000

I will use it if it get's on the list. What's it about? The cover look interesting

>> No.7206008

Looks like shitty sci-fi

>> No.7206010

i always wanted to read this but i can only find the ugly gollancz edition

>> No.7206011

70 votes have been cast. 3 votes are blank. Don't know why though

>> No.7206018
File: 344 KB, 1267x907, Magic Forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually now that I think about it there's basically no way this isn't a troll, never mind.

It's not, thanks pal.

>> No.7206021

One of the blanks was me, because I thought I could vote out of a list.

>> No.7206038

So you decided to cast a blank vote? Or was it a mistake?

>> No.7206041
File: 33 KB, 316x451, City_of_Dreaming_Books_Walter_Moers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7206081
File: 698 KB, 1920x1200, Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hoped to see the results by casting a vote.

I didn't vote for a specific book because I don't want to sophisticate the poll.
English is not my native language, thus /lit/ is probably the worst board for me and I shouldn't contribute and most books I read are pleb tier fantasy.

>> No.7206093

Well I'm going to sleep now. It's midnight where I am. currently 74 votes have been cast so we are halfway done compared to the 2014 version which had 137 voters. Hopefully we can get more this time. If the thread dies in the next 8 hours, then it would be appreciated if anyone could make another one with the link to the poll.

Yours truly: The Pollin Anon

>> No.7206101

Results? How many novels have been voted?
Also why don't we make a writer list instead of having 4 Dostoevsky, Pynchon and Kafka?

>> No.7206109

I'm sorry on your behalf
I'm thinking of making a top writers poll late. But we'll see how this will turn out first

Good night

>> No.7206116

That one's the cover of the graphic novel adaptation... most covers for the novel are not so great.

>> No.7206138
File: 27 KB, 548x307, video-inspired[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's midnight where I am.

Do you live in Iceland?

>> No.7206172

the trial is in his head.
All these corridors, all this waiting, all this absurdity. He understands that he did nothing wrong. If you go to justice, they will find fault, alway. Once he starts avoiding them, they give up.
ofc the ending is not happy. But K sucked at endings.

>> No.7206173
File: 1.32 MB, 1545x2692, 1435602317064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, guys, the results are in!

Some surprises bumped the meme trilogy out of the top slots, but overall pretty predictable winners this year.

See you all in 2017!

>> No.7206174

>3 hemingway books on previous list
Good, hemingway is a god

>> No.7206176

congrats to all, loving the new chart

>> No.7206235

This list was rigged.
Never saw anyone talking about the first threes here on /lit/

>> No.7206236

no hemmingway is shit

>> No.7206249

I don't even...

This represents /lit/??

>> No.7206267

troll list you dolts

>> No.7206273

It represents /lit/'s lazy indolence and indifference which permits one enterprising anon to market their own personal taste as the collective taste of the whole board.

>> No.7206283

literature marketing to neckbeards: A poll like this and placing on top the book you want.

Works everytime.

>> No.7206334

I googled all the books at the top, how long till I'm v&?

>> No.7206343

This list is fake.

I am Brazilian, and this 'anjos proibidos' is in Portuguese. I had never heard of the book previously to this very moment, and I just google searched and discovered it to be a book by a Brazilian photographer who took photos of models.

It is fake.

>> No.7206469

you're fake

>> No.7206482

I wish we could redo the poll altogether, just the new part where we all vote on 1 novel, and vote on 3.

>> No.7206499


Yeah, I think it's a much better idea to allow people to put in their top 3 or 5 instead of just 1: it gives a fuller picture of what sort of books /lit/ likes. For example, my all-time fav is Finnegans Wake, so that's what I put down, but it feels somewhat dishonest to leave out Ulysses and The Sound and the Fury, say, entirely.

>> No.7206528

>tai pei above all quiet on the western front
haha, you nearly had me going there anon

>> No.7207860

Hey /lit/ I'm back. Just here to check the thread before go to work
So far 115 votes have been cast.
Yes I do live in Iceland
Ignore him. It's a fake list.
I realize now that it's a better method but that will have to wait for a better time.

>> No.7207910

>Yes I do live in Iceland
Nothing much to do there, but reading, eh?

>> No.7207914

Actually there's plenty to do here other than read, asshole

>> No.7207917

Pretty much. There aren't even that many proper bookstores in Iceland. The only one I go to is an hour drive from my town. All the bookstores are slowly being turned into tourist shops which sucks

Hvað er hægt að gera hérna?

>> No.7207921

Well i'm off to work. See you in 9 hours. If the thread dies then please revive it

>> No.7207923

>Actually there's plenty to do here other than read
Fight the hostile nature in order to survive another day

>> No.7207925

>requires a google account
Best be joking nigger

>> No.7208731


>> No.7208755

is DFW a meme here?

>> No.7208807

does the pope shit in the woods

>> No.7208854
File: 100 KB, 375x375, dfg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not immediately recognizing the joke
Christ, I thought you people were intelligent.

>> No.7209391

I'm back from work. Currently 137 votes have been cast. I'm going to count how many books have gotten votes. Probably less then a 100 books...
It's the only way to prevent everyone from voting multiple times

>> No.7209453

Post to other boards

>> No.7209467

But it's /lit/'s top 100 books, not 4chan's top 100 books

>> No.7209494

how about no

>> No.7209505

whats in the lead now?

>> No.7209562

152 votes have been cast for 88 different books. Which means as of now, all the books that have gotten votes now will make it onto the list.

Which in my opinion is troubling. It was a mistake on my behalf to let all you only vote for 1 book instead of 3 which some of you pointed out when I had already made the poll. I really want to make another poll where everyone would vote for 3 books, but I'm afraid that all of you have gotten pretty tired of this polling thing for now. So i'm thinking of going through with this poll and then make another poll on /lit/'s favourite authors later this month where everyone can vote for 3 authors. So hopefully that will work out.

I'm sorry for my mistakes, this whole ordeal saddens me greatly

Infinite Jest...

>> No.7209567

if it's any consolation, i am enjoying your deepening distress at how much of a pointless disaster this is becoming more than i would any shitty infographic

>> No.7209571

lol same

>> No.7209577

All of these numbers I have been looking at for the last two days have now become pointless.

>> No.7209581

Which novels are on the list?

>> No.7209588



Alice In Wonderland
Anna Karenina
Absalom, Absalom
Ask the Dust

Book of Disquiet
Brothers Karamazov
Blood Meridian
Book of the New Sun
Berlin Alexanderplatz
Bridge of Birds

Crime & Punishment
Catcher in the Rye
Cat‘s Cradle
The Count of Monte Cristo
Children of Dune
Conferderacy of Dunces

The Denial of Death
Don Quixote
The Divine Comedy
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

East of Eden
Elven Star
The Eternal Husband

Finnegan‘s Wake
Foucalt‘s Pendulum

Gravity‘s Rainbow
Gerusalemme Liberata

Heart of Darkness
House of Leaves

The Iliad
Infinite Jest
Invisible Cities
Interview with the Vampire

Janye Eyre

>> No.7209592



people will still vote if you explain the situation in the opening post

>> No.7209596

Les Misrables
Lord of the Flies

Maltese Falcon
Moby Dick
Mason & Dixon
The Man who was Thursday
The Magin Mountain

Neverending Story
Notes from the Underground

The Once and Future King

The Plague
Pale Star
Place of Dead Roads
Paradise Lost
Portraot of the Artist as a Young Man


The Republic
The Recognitions

A Scanner Darkly
Sirens of Titan
The Stars, My Destination
Sons of Lovers
The Sun Also Rises
The Summer Book
The Stranger
Spring Snow
The Stand
The Sound and the Fury
The Seven Madmen
Summa Theologica

The Trial
A Tale of Two Cities
To the Lighthouse
Tropic of Cancer
The Three Kingdoms
Tai Pei



War and War
White Buildings
War and Peace
Watership Down
White Noise




>> No.7209599


>this is what happens when a board ostracizes STEMfags and cannot even into simple statistical analysis and study design

>> No.7209601

Just make another poll. /lit/ loves nothing more than spouting simplistic opinions about books, and a poll is the ultimate expression of that.

>> No.7209602

this is a pretty good list of books tbh

>> No.7209603

Should I? I could make it a double combo poll. Favourite books and favourite writers

>> No.7209604

Kek ok m8

>> No.7209608

I'm going to do it.

Yeah but it only has 88 books not 100...

>> No.7209611


This post gave me deja vu. I suddenly feel as if I've read this exact topic and post in the past.

Has anyone else here ever gotten deja vu from a 4chan post?

I'm not being sarcastic, by the way. I really just experienced deja vu.

>> No.7209612

You might as well make this into a list, it's p gud, or at least as good as you are going to get.

>> No.7209616

just so you know, i'm now burned out on taking polls, so my crucial opinion won't be included on your next one and it will be forever incomplete

>> No.7209639

Then make it a top 88 list, 11 rows 8 columns

>> No.7209684


The thread is here

>> No.7209695

>ctrl+f tolstoy
>no results

fuck this board.

>> No.7209733

War and Peace and Anna Karenina are both on this list you idiot:

>> No.7209744

didn't mean to post that here