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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 113 KB, 270x401, Orgy of the Will.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7203701 No.7203701 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ honestly think of "Orgy of the Will?" Does it possess any literary merit whatsoever? Or is it just the product of an extremely resentful, petty narcissist?

I have to admit, it seems difficult to disprove a lot of his claims. That said, I'm guessing the majority of them are simply plagiarized from intellects greater than his own. If nothing else, it's absolutely hilarious, and should be read mainly with that kept in mind. The question is whether or not he's being sincere, and actually believes the more outrageous statements made in the text.

For those who haven't read it;


And don't forget, approach it as a comedy.

>> No.7203728

>Approach and try to fuck a couple hundred girls and you will see the rationality in arranged marriages and taking sexual choice away from women. Even if they like you they'll sabotage the proceedings time and again and fuck it all up, simply because they are stupid, and if you have even the slightest amount of choice you'll be discarding decent prospects left and right simply because of lack of patience to deal with their stupid bullshit.
>From the fact that everyone is at least nine months older than they think they are you can deduce how little everyone understands of what life is; of what it really means to be alive and to live
>Nigeria has 170 million people and all they ever make is spam. What do all these people do all day? Their populations are so worthless they can't even be used for so much as even soap. The sweatshops we put them in are a gift from heaven for them, the slavery we give them is a gift
>talking about PUA and 'betas', 'alphas', 'omegas', etc.

What an intellectual powerhouse.

>> No.7203736

Literally just picking the latest one:

>679. A thing that "makes sense" is a useful thing; something that we can use (therefore, the stronger one is, physically and mentally, the more things he can use, and the more that "makes sense" to him... For neurotics and the hysterical — like for example Sartre, Camus and other weaklings — everything is nonsensical; "absurd"). So the sentence "I love ice cream" makes sense, because it can be used to understand me, while the sentence "Cream my love for ice" is nonsense, because no one can figure out what to do with it. — Now take it to the level of the universe. For the universe to "make sense" to at least someone, it would have to mean that that someone could put the universe to use. But who could use the universe, if the universe is everything? It would have to be someone situated "outside" the universe, which is by definition nonsense. Ergo the universe doesn't make sense, and I didn't even have to leave my room or even put on underwear to determine this, my dear hard-working and hard-studying scientists, who will doubtless continue being perplexed by this idea because, despite the heaps of random stuff they read all day long, they don't like to read philosophy. (It makes them feel uneasy to see a genius lording it over their heads, without even wearing any underwear, so they prefer to look away and try their best to ignore him.)

Utter. Fucking. Garbage.

And I actually like icycalm's video game criticism. He was and still is one of the only people to have a substantive methodology to approaching the medium, that is a greater and more lucid analysis of a game's formal aspects and a proper philosophic-aesthetical theory of what makes a game, how the game affects us, how games do and ought to work, etc.

But this Nietzsche ripoff shit is just embarrassing.

>> No.7203757

P eyeroll tier, even as comedy.

Sometimes people post funny cringe exerts, but its not worth going through on your own time.

>> No.7203762

>He was and still is one of the only people to have a substantive methodology to approaching the medium, that is a greater and more lucid analysis of a game's formal aspects and a proper philosophic-aesthetical theory of what makes a game, how the game affects us, how games do and ought to work, etc.

Probably because those capable of providing a more rigorous analysis sees vidya for what it is; the bottom of the barrel in terms of entertainment, and a joke compared to true art.
That said, as embarrassing as the "Orgy" is, it's undoubtedly the edgiest work ever produced.

>300. He who fights monsters should see to it that he become a bigger monster.

>> No.7203799

>Probably because those capable of providing a more rigorous analysis sees vidya for what it is; the bottom of the barrel in terms of entertainment, and a joke compared to true art.

Maybe, but I'm a proponent of well-developed, high-quality theory and criticism for any aspect of culture, even if the specific medium is shit. It's the best way to creating standards and initiating improvement, and why not strive for excellence in anything we can no matter how limited and/or toxic a thing may be?

>> No.7203808
File: 20 KB, 244x346, bfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George Orwell?

>> No.7203822
File: 63 KB, 800x648, 2342-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped there

> And what about the upper class? The upper class poses no threat to the civic order (quite simply because it owns it, lol); it just wants to be left alone to sort out its inner rivalries and keep working on its plans. It's only a threat to OTHER societies, to other nations and other cultures, not to its own; while internal threats all stem from ressentiment, and are therefore the exclusive province of the lower class; of any individual who falls below the average in the society as a whole. Think of the upper class as the engines driving the airplane of society forward and the wings that keep it aloft, with the lower class representing aerodynamic drag (the rest of the universe's reaction to the engines' and the wings' action), while the fuselage of the middle class holds the entire thing together and carries out the bulk of the day-to-day uninspired and uninspiring work, and you won't be too far off an understanding of how a human society works, irrespective of culture concerned or the type of structure used to govern it.

not interested about a rich boy's joy to have been born in money.
the working class is the useful class. The rest just gives commands or hires models, or draws funny pictures to sell what the working class does.

Ayn Rand was far below Nietzsche. This is just... cringy.

>Everything that is useful makes sense.
Introduces that as his biggest discovery... In philo 101 he'll get to discover Utilitarianism, it will make him feal he's in league with fellow Übermeschen.

>> No.7203825

interested *in

>> No.7203838

>it seems difficult to disprove a lot of his claims.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself

>> No.7203841

After you

>> No.7203891

Nice job, OP. Failed to get in published?

>> No.7203905

Nice try, samefag.

>> No.7203913
File: 25 KB, 512x263, diff fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try, fag.

>> No.7203925

>being so fucking desperate that you resort to editing text
I know it's you, cuckold.
You may fool others browsing this thread, but you won't fool me.

>> No.7203951

icycalm can't fail to get published because his parents own a publishing house or something

>> No.7203955

I'm pretty sure he can't publish because he's stuck in his parents' basement, having run away from US authorities since he committed wire-fraud in the dumbest way possible

>> No.7203958

May I suggest a title?

>Daddy's boy : A philosophy against /ressentiment/.

>> No.7203963

Ressentiment is a good word but please stop overusing it before it gets tiresome.

>> No.7203966

i get your point but it seems doubtful tbh

>> No.7203969

What exactly's doubtful?


>> No.7203977

that he lives at home

guy lived in japan for at least a year or two and that's on the public record

he's more "narcissistic psychopath" than neckbeard

>> No.7203979

I don't think Japan gives you a (tourist) visa if you've committed or are wanted for a crime in another country. He's a Greek citizen so they can't deny him and won't check his "wanted" status on entry.

This page says he's in Greece yet his domain is registered on a Spanish appartment: https://icycalmisacriminal.wordpress.com/

>> No.7204008

He says he live in Tenerife, which is where the domain is registered
I'm sure there are pictures of him in japan and he has written extremely well-received and thus probably correct articles on Japanese arcade culture

his parents are apparently wealthy so it's not that great of a stretch to assume that he got a fake ID or something, greece doesn't seem like it would be a hard country for such a thing

>> No.7204051

Yes, there's a picture of him in what looks a lot like Japan in the wordpress blog

Idk, I've been to Japan, and it's got quite strict immigration unlike Europe where you just wave your EU passport at the guy behind the counter and he quickly checks whether it's fake. I'd be surprised if you could get through with a fake European ID, especially considering that you have to give two fingerprints on entry to Japan and Japan does deny entry to people with a US criminal history. Even if he could enter the country somehow as an illegal foreigner you can't really hide because white people make up like 0.001% of the population, we stand out like flamboyantly gay pandas

>> No.7204083

Honestly I don't really know more than the average person about passports, but if his parents had some form of black business dealings with the greek government I don't see how they couldn't just get him a "real" fake passport.

And it's not like he's bin laden or something, I really doubt he'd be at risk of getting caught anywhere else other than the US itself or border checks

>> No.7204106

It's a painfully immature attempt toimic an overrated pseudophilosopher.

>> No.7204118

>realized that nobody will ever take you seriously so might as well be acknowledged as a kind of parody/comedy at least.


The same situation as with tommy wiseau, and m night shyamalan.

>> No.7204120

He's a pleb who doesn't understand Art, IMO.

>> No.7204187

I like his work, and his genealogy of art games is so spot on it hurts.

For all of those litizens claiming to be patrician, if you dont have the mindset towards art mirroring the minset he represents in orgy of the will towards everything, you are not patrician, you are poisoned by pleb morals...

>> No.7204531

>didn't read the link in OP

>> No.7205569


Whatever, faggot.

>> No.7206085
File: 107 KB, 317x259, 1428776537189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until he starts shooting up places?

>> No.7206370

Amusing. Makes me wonder how people find Nietzsche optimistic.

>> No.7206390

He might end up killing someone for personal reasons (in fact maybe he has already) but I doubt he'd shoot up a place