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7201639 No.7201639 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend me a book that glosses over all of history?

>> No.7201649
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>> No.7201683

>unitedstatesland history is all history

>> No.7201709
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>> No.7201725

your diary from before you got laid

>> No.7201729

A highschool world history textbook

>> No.7201744

A Short History of the World by H.G. Wells

He goes from the very start talking about the formation of the Earth, then life, dinosaurs and so on, then pre-historic men, agriculture and early civilizations, then all subsequent civilizations, middle ages, renaissance, enlightnement etc all the way till the first world war.

Keep in mind that the book was written in 1922 and a lot of it is not considered anymore and was rewritten since then. He also has limited knowledge, naturally. But that's what you ask: a glance over history, and that's what the book provides, with a flowing prose as well.

>> No.7201750

a short history of nearly everything

>> No.7201755
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got your back OP

>> No.7201762

There are no really good ones

You will either get really really cursory skims that reduce everything to brief thematic statements, or gigantic old books covering traditional Western history, with a few covering world history but usually not well

If you like large-scale synthetic survey history there are some better things to look out for, like Hodgson's Venture of Islam, but usually they are still long, and of course still outdated, but sometimes less so

This I like a lot as well, also consider going to his longer Outline of History (3vol I think) afterward if you want to broaden things up

>> No.7201773

Also should recommend old nationalist-y books, like Churchill's History of England for example, for decent narrative history sometimes

Historians always seem to recommend thematic social histories and shit but I think most history students these days barely know their kings / periodisation

>> No.7201789


if you learn all the glosses from finwake.com you'll end up learning a lot about history. you might think that you're learning about finnegans wake at first but then you realize the book acts, especially with all the glory of google today, as a sort of guide throughout all of history, conserving all the myths and confusions and meshings and blendings of cultures

>> No.7201862

wikipedia, faggot

>> No.7201893


>> No.7202059

simple wikipedia* more like it

>> No.7202075


Especially the Ancient history is good.

>> No.7202096

At the last airport I was at, I picked up a copy of Sapiens by Yuval Harari.

It's sensationalist, he jumps to conclusions too much and his evidence to support his assumptions are vague at best. I know it's an overview and the guy is a professor but it's not what I was needing.

However, it did get me really interested in early civilisation.

Can someone recommend me a book that gives a run-down of humanity, without the author having an incessant need to inject his own opinion?

>> No.7202128

Considering the jarring and vague request from OP, and the equally jarring suggestions in this thread I'm gonna be bold as well:

Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of History.

>> No.7202233

I miss the days where I'd spend hours on end engrossed in my history textbooks in school

>> No.7202251

So my current diary?

>> No.7202294

Cartoon History of the Universe v1-3
Cartoon History of the Modern World v1-


glosses aren't history mate

>> No.7202318

Not a history comrade, and only deals with categories to politically explain the laws of motion of capital.