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7200101 No.7200101 [Reply] [Original]

What does the word "ideology" mean when he says it? I've never read any Zizek, but just from /lit/ memes it seems like it refers to an unexamined belief?

>> No.7200115
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I've always taken it to mean a fantasy of how the world works or should work

>> No.7200118

also this fantasy is held to be true by the espouser

>> No.7200127

A subconcious way of functioning that works below your 'rational' deliberate beliefs, or that underlies certain media and art.

For example Beethoven's "Ode to joy" carries the subtext of a reunited world which can be applicable to both fascists and communists and moderates.

At least that's what I got from watching "a pervert's guide to ideology".

>> No.7200132

hope you're not being serious.

he means ideology.

>> No.7200143

But he doesn't.

>> No.7200151

Jesus Christ you guys are ignorant.

When a Marxist talks of ideology, they're talking about the prevailing belief system that exists to perpetuate the dominant mode of production

>> No.7200158

Ideology is thinking shared by two or more people.

We're always "in" an ideology because we're always shaped by thoughts shared/made by other people. We don't exist in vacuums.

"Pure ideology" is simply when that shared thinking does all the thinking for us and we're not critical of it. We can be critical of ideology despite not ever stepping fully outside it.

Pure ideology is something like "Who cares? Just shut up![maintain the status quo]"

>> No.7200178

look at the confusion in this thread

to me, this is a clear example of the lack of substance in zizeks 'thought'.

can anyone actually name a position zizek holds, or argues for? can anyone set out in concrete terms an argument he has made?

he's a fucking hack. he says nothing of substance or value. he's a fucking meme philosopher.

>> No.7200205

but that's because people are dumb. when zizek says ideology he means ideology.

>> No.7200263

What you believe is ideology.

What we believe is rational, critical, scientific and true.

t. every Marxist ever

>> No.7200270

it's because he assumes an almost insignificant amount of prior knowledge which you and i guess most of this board don't even have

>> No.7200364

Ideology df= the set of a priori and/or a posteriori propositions structuring our psychopolitical worldview.

>> No.7200369

>Implying that kind of thinking is unique to Marxists
You just described anyone involved in US politics tbh

>> No.7200409

You see, whenever we view and conceptualize something, we abstract from the something through paying attention to certain features and ignoring others. An 'abstraction' or 'abstract thought' is when someone abstracts narrowly, ignoring broader details integral to way the thing abstracted upon works. When abstract thought is political, it is called 'ideology'. From this basic concept (taken from Hegel and Marx) arose the, typically Marxist, 'Critique of Ideology' tradition that Zizek is part of about how political phenomena can be distorted in interpretation. Though I don't really know, I think it was Althusser that put together Freudian unconsciousness and the classical critique of ideology. Zizek himself borrows heavily from psychoanalysis and Hegelian dialectics.

This anon is an idiot.

While I agree that Zizek is a hack and a meme philosopher, the problem with most people and Zizek is that people here haven't read him. Go make a thread on Stirner and spooks, and you'll get the same nothingness. This is 4chan afterall.

>> No.7202125
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This guy has it right.

>> No.7202137

Not really. Zizek's "problem" is that he writes on an enormously broad amount of topics, ranging from political science to analytic philosophy to theology.

Zizek is generally a semi-authoritarian Marxist who thinks the average person is too stupid for democracy to be effective, and that capitalists take advantage of human stupidity for their own goals.

>> No.7202142

>can anyone actually name a position zizek hold
That is a ridiculous idea (ideological, actually), that thinkers "hold" positions, that arguments are there to fight for a given belief. This goes absolutely against the kind of critical thinking and analysis that Zizek does.

>> No.7202165

>When abstract thought is political, it is called 'ideology'.

This is wrong, though, at least for Zizek and Marx.

Ideology is any system of belief about the world that obscures in some way the 'reality' of socio-economic relations.

>> No.7202168

Is vaporwave IDEOLOGY ?


>> No.7202169

It's easier to talk about what ideology is not. It is not any opinion or any belief, but something that is fundamental for a given person or society or any organization to function and that because it is so fundamental, it remains untouched. It's not like something we can enter in a debate and say "here, I have this belief, your belief is that, etc.". Ideology is like things you take absolutely for granted. It's like two US president candidates were to discuss their positions and someone asked if they intend to preserve capitalism. It's a ridiculous question because everyone involved knows the answer very well. Ideology is so certain that it ceases to be an opinion or a thought and becomes an action, an attitude. So that they way you consume things and live your job, your school, your religion, your tv, your life tells us about what your world is like, not what "matters" to you, but what things "are" to you. When a school makes the students sit in lines instead of in a circle, that tells us something about the relationship between those involved. In a fancy restaurant you get the bill after you eat, but in a fast food you pay first and receive later, what does that say about their differences in the way their food is made and consumed? And so on and so on.

>> No.7202173

is he autist?

>> No.7202174
File: 297 KB, 1663x1080, 齊澤克乃IDEOLOGY//後現代.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my sick aesthetics pic.

>> No.7202194

........are there other kinds of propositions?