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/lit/ - Literature

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7199128 No.7199128 [Reply] [Original]

>haven't done any serious reading in weeks
>haven't written a story in months
>haven't even had a good idea in forever

well, at least I always have CS...

>> No.7199131


>> No.7199136

Computer Science

>> No.7199156

for what it's worth, I know that feel. I havne't written anything worth reading in quite some time.

I've been shuffling around ideas for weeks and had a few interesting ones. One of them I actually got two pages into before dropping. At the moment I'm project-less though and not even pushing around a substantial idea

>> No.7199175

Keep a diary for when you dont have ideas for stories to keep your skills sharpened.

>> No.7199189

thanks op you just motivated me to go write some more ^^

>> No.7199195

code me a program that calculates kepler's three laws for different variables
I want to be able to plug in orbital radius and orbital velocity and get out the mass of an object
also control for significant figures

>> No.7199231

Right there with you on CS.
I read as much as I can, but work takes too much time

>> No.7199241

what CS stuff do you do?

>> No.7199243

Such programs already exist as webapps (some even with visualizations) why do you need this?

>> No.7199413

I like writing fantasy short stories and I think that's one of the reasons I'm falling behind in my reading and writing.

The more fantasy I read and write, the more I realize that the thing that makes a story great isn't the otherworldly magic that designates a story as a fantasy, but the more mundane mystique of people and culture. A lot of my writing style is built on spectacle and fantasy concepts rather than characters and their lives, so I'm discovering that the kind of fantasy I'm good at writing isn't the fantasy I want to write about

>> No.7199428
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