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/lit/ - Literature

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7196915 No.7196915 [Reply] [Original]

Sooo, this is basically Genre fiction. I mean, it is. Sure its got its little theme and whatever but it's mostly just Cowboys and Indians.

>> No.7196922
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>superficial similarities to well-known shitty books means a book is on the same level

Literary fiction makes a case for seeing the world a certain way. Genre fiction seeks not to challenge the reader's worldview so as to allow full immersion and self-insertion as easily as possible. Which one of those sounds like Blood Meridian?

>> No.7196935

It belongs in the broad genre western, yeah, but that's like saying One Hundred Years of Solitude belongs in the broad genre fantasy.

>> No.7196948
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Sooo, this is basically Genre fiction. I mean, it is. Sure its got its little theme and whatever but it's mostly just YA.

>> No.7196950

a bit of both

>> No.7196994

The difference being Blood Meridian focuses less on its themes and more on its genre aspects. TCinR's contents all pertained to its overall theme, Blood Meridian made it a point of trying to be as "western" as possible where that aspect didn't at all times relate to a theme. Like part theme, part genre, making it quasi literature.

>> No.7197001

> Reductionism

>> No.7197014
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Genre fiction is the most retarded literary term.

>Write a novel
>hey, I have a good idea about scary part
>write scary part
>ooh, this horror novel is so scary! great genre fiction work!
>it's not a horror novel nor a genre fiction work

nothing worse

>> No.7197016
File: 252 KB, 900x1223, judge_holden__blood_meridian_by_dirtybowbe-d3j32cq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BM focuses on genre
>entire book is out in timeless wild, away from all genre set pieces; trying to make the point that the current epoch does not matter and that war has always, and will always be the nature of man.

wew lad, not sure how you came to that conclusion.

Sounds like you didn't even read it TBH. Or if you did, I'd wager your reading comprehension level to be close to retarded.

>> No.7197019

>entire book is a discussion with herman melville and john milton while retelling an autobiographical piece
>trying to be as western as possible

full retard

>> No.7197022

>implying genre is a bad thing inherently
>using genre fiction as an adjective

>> No.7197030

Genre fiction is proto tvtropes. People touting it are like retards who shout "cliche!" while making a breakfast.

>> No.7197031

Its primary genre is ponderous serious tomb

>> No.7197035

You clearly don't know what genre fiction is.

Frankenstein and Dracula are not "genre fiction". But writing about vampires with all the cliches, and Frankenstein monsters who UUURRRGGGHH and the whole thing is a cliche story with different flavored set pieces is.

All genre fiction means is that the elements in the story are used as stylistic set pieces and not as actual meaningful parts.

Think of something like a cyberpunk novel where the "style" is so distinct and think that most end up going all style and no substance. It's one of the reasons the genre died almost instantly despite hundreds of books written and still written with the angle.

having fantasy/scary/scifi/whatever elements to your work does not make it genre fiction. Just like Elizabethan dramas are usually genre fiction.

>> No.7197067

cyberpunk just proves my point how much of a hamfisted term genre fiction is because it's noir in it's original form coated in technothriller stemming from haughty tales of crime that wanted a new moniker.

and i'm being facetious and contrarian because this whole retarded thing of calling blood meridian a western.

>> No.7197078

Yeah the Gnostic Archon/alternate-God as a polyglot pedophillic albino really fits into the western genre structure.

>> No.7197087

Oh heavens, there's a lawless man in the lawless west! Somebody call the sheriff!


>> No.7197091

and this concludes my point about genre fiction fags

>> No.7197100

Yeah the systemic collection and destruction of man and artifact is a typical structure in a western.

>> No.7197112

>Le transgressive violence meme

Literally no different from Chuck Palahnuik. You got tricked, my friend.

>> No.7197140

Hey! Chuck at least has lovely prose! This guy is a Hemingway imitator.

>> No.7197145
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>not Melville

>> No.7197203

stop parroting the gnostic angle. gnosticism is such a minor point to the work as a whole.

>> No.7197216
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>n-no gnosticism is just nonsense and heresy too!
>Jesus is all you need!

>> No.7197222

What does genre fiction even mean to you lot? Books that /lit/ tells you not to like? Books with settings? Books with tropes? Fiction with a genre?

>> No.7197245

I usually refer to it as a book where the literal plot is the focus, as opposed to themes and ideas

>> No.7197246

Something with no discernible merit, or any little merit it might have is overshadowed by discernibly little 'art'. (Art being the act of creation and not just parroting of what has already being created; you can not create without vision. So thus finally we can say that genre fiction is something that as created without any vision whatsoever.)(This post has been brought to you by the No Vision; No Life foundation for Better Living in an increasingly Pessimistic Situation.)

>> No.7197251

Anything that isn't literary fiction and adheres to the conventions of a genre.

>> No.7197269

So you wouldn't call speculative fiction, genre? A lot of 'golden-age' sci-fis are heavily idea and theme oriented

>> No.7197292

Science Fiction is 99% pure genre.

>> No.7197294

lol i know riiiiiiiite

>> No.7197532


>> No.7197795

Both wrong. Most Dick's style is too conversational to compare to Blood Meridian, and McCarthy borders on excess in his imagery in comparison Hemingway.
Obviously there are themes of Moby Dick in Blood Meridian though.

>> No.7198043

You can say the same thing about Romeo and Juliette.

I mean, it's just a genre romance story.

Plot barely distinguishable from schlock like Pyramus and Thisbe

>> No.7198619

Romeo and Juliet is one of the worse Shakespeare plays though

>> No.7199622

Cool, so Book of the New Sun isn't genre fiction!

>> No.7199692
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what is...?
>three stigmata
>left hand of darkness
>shikasta (written by a nobel prize winner)
>handmaid's tale
>2001: a space odyssey
>a canticle for leibowitz
>motherfucking SIRIUS (or any olaf stapeldon)