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/lit/ - Literature

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7196843 No.7196843 [Reply] [Original]

>he went to public school
>he didn't go to an elite anglosphere university

Why do you even bother reading if you went to a public school? Your mind has been irrevocably poisoned by stupid teachers, politically motivated curriculum and classmates who are right this very moment bringing pizza to their social betters so those worthies can work on the next work of literary genius. At best they're working on new ways to polish iphone glass in Chinese factories. Just enjoy your prolefeed, convince yourself that either hardline positivism or religion can explain the world and let the big boys handle literature.

>> No.7196861

please read this you anglocuck


>> No.7196871

Well... someone is being insecure

What happened? Did you lose a debate with someone who went to a public education

>> No.7196890

I worked on a training program for public school teachers and the retardation on display every day seriously depressed my mood for some time. Growing up I got used to the idea that teachers were at least competent in their fields but these people are just the bottom of the barrel from state schools and they're "teaching" the next generation.

>> No.7196951

>unironically living in an anglo country
top cuck

>> No.7196967

Dominus Illuminatio Mea, anon.

'public school' means fee-paying in the UK, and that's the only country that counts, so you're a pleb

>> No.7196979

I went to a less than average public school in a small Midwestern American town

>> No.7196988
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>counting for anything anymore

the colonies will take up the mantle

>> No.7197047

Well seeing as there's a John Green course on at Oxford right now, I'm not sure if they're the 'elite'

>> No.7197065


>> No.7197073

>not studying a public figure who's sold millions of books that people actually believe to be meaningful and who's managed to get his videos into the curriculums and many public schools
Uncritical public school alum detected.

>> No.7197076


So basically your problem is "things ain't what they used to be," and "back in the the good ol' days..."

>> No.7197113

I'm 23. These teachers were teaching when I was in middle school at a private school where the teachers would have tarred and feathered the public school schmucks I'm talking about.

>> No.7197170

Have fun reading shit-tier novels from men whose only interesting life experience was getting fucked up the ass by his upperclassmen at Eton.

>> No.7197179


Can confirm. My stepmom works for an inner city public school district and she's fucking retarded. They let her 'teach' children. I'm private schooling the shit out of my kids, even if I have to live in a cardboard box to do so simply because I know how little public schools actually care about the teachers they pick.

>> No.7197191
File: 41 KB, 350x350, chavs-350x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, pick up something exciting to read for once, posh cunts. Me and me bruvs had a straight time sneaking into the theatre to watch The Martian.

Seriously, unless there's an awesome magnet or gifted program like Stuyvesant or Thomas Jefferson in my town I'm private or home schooling.

>> No.7197195
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Lyon ou Ulm ?

>> No.7197218

Well I'm a poor Slav so I ain't got no money for private schools, but I do agree with the horrendous state of the public schools. Education should have never been taken over by the state anyways. Most of the things I learned were either on my own or by my parents, public schools here were nothing more than slightly more advanced daycare and everywhere in the world private schools are always better than public ones. Anything the state does is usually done badly.

>> No.7197265

don't know why you be posting preppy wanna-be-controversial shit instead of writing the next great american novel

>> No.7197270

good, enjoy your future takin coffees to scholars and waitin for your sure triumph

>> No.7197797

Don't be a cunt OP, it reflects badly on you.

>> No.7198493

>Why do you even bother reading?

To reverse the effects of the stupid teachers, political curriculum, and vapid student body.

>> No.7198510

bump for excellence

>> No.7198512

K-12 was stupid, but I had some damned good professors in college. With a good teacher, and the attitude of going to class to learn rather than to get a good grade, you'll come out one learned motherfucker.

>> No.7198515

homeschool master race checking in. self-taught via internet and passably knowledgeable across fields, but also irreparably damaged and socially inept due to early onset internet addiction.

>> No.7198730
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Homeschool bro from elementary through 7th grade checking in. I seriously blame it for the difficulty I've had with social gatherings despite having a ton of other things going for me in life. Homeschool is only acceptable if the only other options you can afford are complete and utter shit. My parents could afford to send me to any private school and should have done so sooner than they did.

>> No.7198741

I went to a public school but they had a nice 'gifted' program called "Hi-Cap," short for highly capable.
Now I go to a top tier university.
Get at me, OP

>> No.7198744
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>mfw going to an elite anglosphere university which is also a public institution

>> No.7198909

So you're all set then.

So long as you go to a top tier university it's all good.

>> No.7198990

The student makes the education, not the university.

>> No.7199031

There's a ceiling when your classmates are way dumber than your professors. At a good university people basically all operate on the same high level and don't consistently make their professors wish for death when they ask questions.

>> No.7199180

what is it standing on?

>> No.7199255


>an elite anglosphere university

>not having politically motivated curriculum...

Have you read a single scholarly article published in the last 15 years? Who do you think it was that politicized social science all the way out of the realm of science and into that of opinion? (not to mention how bad Charles Taylor and his buddies fucked up philosophy... 'principle of reason'? no no, just set that over there)

>Mfw when Harvard Med lets you in (and presumably pushes you through) for being a nignog.

In fact, I can't imagine any one going through an 'elite anglophone university' and contributing anything of substance to literature based on that fact... unless neurosis and hypocrisy is substance.

>> No.7199263


The French do not fuck around.

>> No.7199271

>politically motivated curriculum
>religion can explain the world
that sounds more like private school than public school, mate

>> No.7199307

Are you retarded? Public school was invented so that the state could control the information taught and how it was taught.

>> No.7199313

It's probably not worth explaining to him. You see, to the prole, what they know is automatically the status quo. The ones who fancy themselves intelligent idolize the past, but to look to the future is the province of the poison-free mind.

>> No.7199383

I went to both public school and a private school and found both to be quite awful, though public school was much more so.

Although most of the private school children were in no way intelligent or complex, going to public school strongly reinforces the fact that stereotypes do exist for a reason. I know I am painting with broad strokes, but I would be lying if I didn't feel that public school children were complete caricatures of teenagers. The devout christian, the militant atheist, the pseudo-intellectual, the nignog, the prep, etc. I don't mean to be demeaning, but it felt as if most public school kids learned everything from TV sitcom and reality shows, including their personalities. Things were better in AP and IB classes, but even then students were just white kids looking for grades to put on their application rather than serious passion in AP private school classes for the subject. You could extend this to any AP student, but in public school no attempt at masking or alleviating apathy was made.

This is largely due to the fact that higher-level classes are almost compulsory for even B/C-average students to take; Honors/Accelerated is just more homework with a regular curriculum, and the regular curriculum is pure garbage.

This is a few years back, so maybe things have changed, but the teachers were no better; the IB Literature teacher implied she didn't read Ulysses because it was "too difficult," while kids at the old private school were reading Ulysses for the heck of it.

>> No.7199402

I went to a very mediocre private Christian school in the south, but had a lot of friends from sports teams and boy scouts who went to public school and this is basically my perception of it too. I also got a hold of the overall IQ scores from middle school students at my school and the local pubic school district and the private school kids averaged 17 points higher despite being in no sense prestigious. This blew my mind since I had a pretty dim classmates at the time.

>> No.7199443
