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/lit/ - Literature

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7196663 No.7196663 [Reply] [Original]

So the Nobel Prize for Literature will be announced on the 8th of October, three days from now. Who is your money on?

For clues you might want to check the odds on Ladbrokes and look at the past winners of the Neustadt, Franz Kafka, Goethe, Cervantes, Camões, Austria State Prize, etc.

>> No.7196671

What's the nominee list?

>> No.7196679 [DELETED] 

>Who is your money on?
A white heterosexual male.

>> No.7196683

They don't officially release them until 50 years the fact, but often there are information leaks and the Ladbrokes odds are influenced by that, especially this close to the award (they must have at least narrowed it down to five people by now).

>> No.7196686

Ngugi wa Thiong’o will win because the
Nobel is not a serious prize. It's time another Kenyan takes it home.

>> No.7196689

Ngugi Wa Thiong'o or Kadare

>> No.7196699

You forgot 'property-owning'

>> No.7196704

It was a white guy last year so it might not be a real year this year.

>> No.7196708

I'm betting that it's either Fosse, Nadas, Kadare or one of the Spanish authors.

>> No.7196709

Modiano is a Jew though.

>> No.7196711 [DELETED] 


>> No.7196712 [DELETED] 

It's gonna come down to Niggeeshi N'cucka or Zaweele'h Com'jaiste. I doubt they'll give it to Moneysha Kash due to her unwillingness to pander to trannies.

My personal choice would be Beeyanka Ugh due to her beautiful and brave portrayal of a transgendered black mentally handicapped atheist pangendered trisexual gender fluid blind deaf wheelchair bound PTSD bipolar feminist refugee in 'How Times Change'

>> No.7196713


>> No.7196715

nice memes my friend

>> No.7196719


>> No.7196737

That's funny and all but I don't think it's a fair assessment of Thiong'o's merits. His books have been widely read and studied for several decades at this point and I believe that his contributions to theatre were somehow ground-breaking also. Most of his major novels have been Penguin Classics for a while now. This year is in fact the 50th anniversary of the publication of The River Between. He has a funny name and stuff but by all accounts he has just as much pedigree as any of the European candidates.

>> No.7196741

great stuff friend, its hilarious because of how much I agree

>> No.7196743

I liked it when he said nigger and cuck.

>> No.7196746

no, sadly, many people here post the same thing as each other

>> No.7196749

I don't get why you put my post >>7196689
among those cancerous ones, amigo

>> No.7196752 [DELETED] 

Because if you think they should win then you're not redpilled. and the redpill is truth

>> No.7196759

the question was 'Who is your money on?'. learn to read, m8

>> No.7196761

oh so you are redpilled. that's good. we have to combat this degeneracy

>> No.7196766
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>George R R Martin 50/1

>> No.7196767

Adunis you cunts

>> No.7196780

My guess is that the shortlist consists of Adonis, Fosse, Thiong'o, Ko Un and Oz. I'm not convinced by Alexievich or Nooteboom. It may be worth noting that Banville has jumped up the Ladbrokes list in the last few days - insider information?

>> No.7196849 [DELETED] 
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>Roth, Pynchon and Delillo will NEVER win the Nobel Prize because Euros are so salty about American innovation
I wish I didn't care, but I certainly resent how the Europussies are holding the most prestigious prize hostage.

>> No.7196862 [DELETED] 

Go back to /r9k/, frog-posting faggot

>> No.7196899 [DELETED] 
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Indian detected.

>> No.7196901


>> No.7196903

I'm Danish.

Fuck off back to your containment board

>> No.7196904 [DELETED] 

You know complaining about the attention-grabber picture attached to an on-topic post is off-topic, right?

Would you like to comment on the Nobel Prize in literature or something else at least vaguely related to this board's purpose?

>> No.7196910

poo in loo faggot

>> No.7196911

All of us don't like to chill inside man-holes.

>> No.7196912 [SPOILER] 
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Figures. How's that tip of the Swedish cock feel, boss?

>> No.7196913

Banville seems interesting. I have some of his stuff sitting on my bookshelf and I'll try to get around to them in the near future, but from what I understand he could be a nice pick.

>> No.7197465

Interesting, did anyone else move? the limit on these is small: 50 for the long shots.

>> No.7197476

Jews are whiter than white when it comes to those bougie things.

>> No.7197507

Why don't any Anglos have a shot?

>> No.7197528

Because it's about literature, not litter and Steve.

>> No.7198290

Hope Nicanor Parra comes out of left field and finally wins.

>> No.7198326

If Murakami wins it I'm not reading another work by him. He's the most fucking overrated hack. I'm not even joking and I'm not memeing. His books are like "hurr durr handjobs and cats."

If Pinecone doesn't win it, well, it doesn't matter because he's an icon already. Next, I'm pulling for Roth, but he's an ego-maniac irl and then Kundera.

>> No.7198347

I'll win it, obviously.

>> No.7198422 [DELETED] 

>I literally can't see the word African in an author bio without going completely apeshit

>> No.7198461

Patrick Chamoiseau
John Ashbery
music nobel: Leonard Cohen / Bob Dylan

>> No.7198500

Roth writes kitschy crap. He doesn't deserve the prize.

>> No.7198504

I don't th ink you know what the word "kitschy" means

>> No.7198676

>Japanese John Green is one of the favourites

>> No.7198684

More like the Japanese Bret Easton Ellis tbh. Still terrible ofc

>> No.7198689

>GRRM down as a cheeky 50/1
>Tao Lin not listed so I can't even meme hard


I imagine Murakami to be what white teenage girls read when they go to/graduate University between the ages of 19-26, when they're past the John Green stage of development

>> No.7198713 [DELETED] 

Used to have a Japanese girlfriend. She read The Fault in Our Stars twice and owned practically all of Murakami's corpus.

>> No.7198725

I visited my girlfriend's house in the summer break from University and she had turned her copy of "Looking for Alaska" around so the spine didn't face out, along with her copy of Twilight and Hunger Games.

>> No.7198749 [DELETED] 
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Is that because you gave her shit for owning them or because she genuinely isn't proud of them? My ex didn't care for Twilight or the Hunger Games, fortunately, so I guess it could have been worse, but she also like Allain deBotton, which might be the worst fate possible.

I wish I could use her pleb status to get over her but unfortunately I've become enough of a misogynist not to care and she's really fuckin' hot.

>> No.7198761

I think she thought I would give her shit for it, and she knew my opinions on such books. She claimed to have not liked them and they looked really out of place on her bookshelf, which was otherwise a fairly impressive, if entry level, collection.

>> No.7198776

Lol I wonder what kind of things total patricians like you guys read

>> No.7198781

I read a lot of erotic fanfiction written by teenage girls

>> No.7198790
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>it won't be John Banville

fucking should be though

>> No.7198795

>seriously discussing an author's fans like this is the Perez Hilton comment section

>> No.7198819 [DELETED] 
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I'm a freelance writer and I get a huge kick out of Melville, Chaucer, Roth, Pynchon, Jonathan Strong, Ishmael Reed, Joan Didion and DFW. I also read poetry obsessively and subscribe to the Paris Review, N+1, the Black Warrior Review and the Michigan Quarterly Review. Thanks for asking, fam.

>not engaging in lit-chat
It's only a sideshow in literary criticism but if you're an active writer then there's a lot to be said for understanding the market.

>> No.7198840

>some of the most famous shit ever + /lit/core, as well as a token black and female
I'm totes impressed, Anon. Pls let me suck ur dick

>> No.7198879 [DELETED] 

A. Jonathan Strong is not /lit/core. I've never once seen him discussed here.

B. It's more fun to read things other people you respect have read so you can discuss with them. If I'd whipped out any more obscure authors you'd just say I was being a hipster.

>> No.7198895

Hipsters don't actually read obscure shit, they read the stuff you just listed. Who are the obscure authors you read? Are they all anglophones too?

>> No.7198905 [DELETED] 

I mean, I'd have to flip through my magazine collection to get the names of most of them. Yes, they're all anglophones, because English is my first language and I write in English.

>> No.7198915

where/what do you write?

>> No.7198922

Such as

>> No.7198945

how do i into Banville fam?

>> No.7198950 [DELETED] 

I write short stories, articles and am polishing up a novel.

Whatever gets published in the magazines I subscribe to, and whatever's in the books I have left from college. I enjoy poetry but I don't keep track of it and mostly read it to supplement my prose style.

>> No.7198958

Revolutions Trilogy m8. Doctor Copernicus, Kepler, and The Newton Letter.

>> No.7198968

Paris Review typically publishes respected authors, but I'm looking through recent issues of Black Warrior Review and Michigan Quarterly Review and all I'm finding is a bunch of literally whos. The problem isn't "hipsterism", but rather that no one of any renown considers those magazines important enough to submit their work to them, and you only find dozens of nobodies fresh out of MFA programs. I'll bet 95% of the stuff they publish is extremely mediocre.

>> No.7198972 [DELETED] 

I mostly find it a convenient way to see who my peers are, but there's some decent fiction mixed in there.

Regardless of how good you and I may think the material is, the truth is that they're respected enough to get an agent or editor's attention if you mention them in a query.

>> No.7198999

Are there any good, easily pirate level literary reviews left.

>> No.7199000

In any case, you should probably diversify your reading a bit if you want to feel superior to your ex who is a total pleb for reading John Green and/or pop philosophy

>> No.7199013 [DELETED] 
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Lel sorry for being tongue-in-cheek when discussing someone I obviously feel strongly for but also kinda resent. I'll make a note of that next time I apply to unlock my chastity belt.

>> No.7199728
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Forty actual fucking keks.

>> No.7199739


>> No.7199746
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>George RR Martin 50/1

>> No.7199768
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I hope Kadare wins.

>> No.7199913

Do people care Eco has not won yet?

>> No.7200001

Only slightly more likely than Murakami IMO. From what I gather, he mainly owes his popularity to writing entertaining novels with intellectual themes, and it seems unlikely for someone to win for work in semiotics or literary theory, no matter how substantial

>> No.7200026

I find it interesting that only one German-language author shows up on the Ladbrokes list, Peter Handke. Are there no others worthy of the Nobel Prize?

>> No.7200038

Krasznahorkai went from 50/1 to 25/1 and Ko Un went from 40/1 to 20/1.

>> No.7200372

Anglos win all the time, just not estadounidenses.

>> No.7200411

Damn, do you people really take the Nobel Prize seriously ?

>> No.7200586

It's just a bit of fun.

>> No.7200651
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Would Plato consider programming language to be the ideal language?

>> No.7200779

Siegfried Lenz should have got it but he died last year.

>> No.7200782

I have a feeling that Peter Nadas is more likely than LK but I hope it's not the case because Parallel Stories was one of those rare books that I couldn't bring myself to finish.

>> No.7200792

A Canadian won a couple of years ago. John Ashbery, Geoffrey Hill, Edward Albee, Tom Stoppard and Les Murray are all legit contenders.

>> No.7200806

It's a good way to find new writers to read. If they hadn't won the Nobel then I might not have gotten around to Patrick Modiano or Mo Yan when I did. Just following the speculation has convinced me to read Ko Un, Thiong'o and others. The various prizes are a good way to keep abreast of contemporary lit from around the world.

>> No.7200847

Way to subtly assert that you are in fact the real patrician in this discussion. I would now ask you to tell us what you read that makes you so superior to the other dude but then I guess I would become guilty myself.

>> No.7200871

Fun? Fun?! FUN?!?!?! On -my- /lit/??


>> No.7201417

>tfw no Pinecone nobel

>> No.7201498


some updates:

going up:

Svetlana Aleksijevitj 5/1 to 3/1
Joyce Carol Oates 12/1 to 10/1
Jon Fosse 14/1 to 10/1
Ko Un 20/1 to 14/1
Peter Handke 20/1 to 14/1
Peter Nadas 25/1 to 16/1
Nawal El Saadawi 33/1 to 16/1
Don DeLillo 50/1 to 20/1
Anne Carson 50/1 to 20/1
Nuruddin Farah 50/1 to 20/1


John Banville 14/1 to 16/1
Adonis 16/1 to 20/1
Ismail Kadare 16/1 to 20/1
Amos Oz 25/1 to 33/1
César Aira 25/1 to 33/1
Marilynne Robinson 25/1 to 33/1
Ursula Le Guin 25/1 to 33/1

>> No.7201598

>Anne Carson

I wish she had got it instead of Munro.

>> No.7201681

was plato a autist?

>> No.7202598

I was just chiding those guys for their inflated egos, not pretending to be superior (at least intellectually, maybe morally)

>> No.7202601

hack poet.

>> No.7202603

Ngugi Wa Thiong'o

>> No.7202610

Keep on hoping, Tommy

>> No.7202619

Well anyway, I'd recommend reading stuff released by publishing houses that import foreign literature, e.g. Dalkey Archive, Archipelago, New Directions, and looking at winners of foreign literary prizes, e.g. the Goncourt, Georg Büchner, Cervantes and Strega prizes, etc. You will find the most highly regarded writers in other languages and diversify your reading habits.

>> No.7202622

Better than hack short story writer

>> No.7202636

she's the only good short story writer. take her out and you're left with post-carver garbage.

>> No.7202688

If Pynchon wins will we get a sticky?

>> No.7202690

lmao no

>> No.7202717

Somebody ethnic or gay.

>> No.7202727

Tbh the one I most want to win is gay...

>> No.7202730


>> No.7202733


>> No.7202737

what kind of weirdo doesn't like anne carson

>> No.7202771

le womeme

>> No.7202774

That's nto a meme.

>> No.7202781

She writes pretty weird poetry, tbf

>> No.7202875


>> No.7202893

carson is for women and plebs tbh

>> No.7203115

Pynchon deserves it just for Dixon, and I say this as someone who usually hates pomo. One of the only contemporary works with any staying power imo
Not that the judges are literate enough in English to appreciate that fact.

>> No.7203120

>inb4 César Aira

>> No.7203135

>inb4 Pierre Michon

>> No.7203163

>Bob Dylan

I'm a huge Dylan fan, but the guy shouldn't win a Nobel Prize. H has a Polar Music Award, an Academy Award, is in the Hall of Fame and countless Grammy awards, and The Presidential Medal of Freedom ffs. It's not like he needs to be shoehorned into more recognition.

>> No.7203441

If Pynchon wins we WILL get sticky... if you know what I meme... :))

>> No.7203783

Are you implying that she isn't post-Cheever garbage herself?

>> No.7203786

He would be an excellent winner but I doubt we'll have another Frenchman for a few years.

>> No.7203790

The only thing I've read from him was "Vies minuscules" and it was absolutely god-tier

>> No.7203795
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Fucking hell lads. Where has the time gone? It feels like Modiano only got the prize last week.

>> No.7203803

I don't know. I've never read anything by him, but his Goodreads ratings are awfully low...

>> No.7203815

Well, the Game of Thrones books are all in the 4.0-4.5 range

>> No.7203816

>giving a shit about goodreads ratings
Please be trolling.

>> No.7203840

OK I'll look into them. I just started Mefisto and I read his Paris Review interview, seems like a cool dude.

>> No.7203854
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>his Goodreads ratings

>> No.7203861

he's kind of a douche tbh with the whole 'i'm the only person in the world making patrician highbrow novels', but I enjoy his honesty

>> No.7203865

Yeah, Suzanne Collins will probably win the Nobel this year. Can't argue with Goodreads ratings like that.

>> No.7203867

How come Banville is suddenly seen as a more viable winner than Trevor?

>> No.7203880

Doubtful, when you have guys like Brandon Sanderson around. His 'Words of Radiance' has a 4.76 rating, higher than any Collins' books.

>> No.7203899
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>mfw people finally talk about Banville
>but not the good one

>> No.7203932
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I hope it's Pynchon just for the shit storm. Especially if he showed up.

Not going to happen unfortunately though.

>> No.7204111

I think Banville might be a bit more famous.

>> No.7204195

fuck Svetlana Aleksijevitj

>> No.7204200

lol no thx

>> No.7204362

I don't care if they give it to a lady but are they really gonna give it to a journalist????

>> No.7204657

So does anyone know when they typically announce it? They said it'd be at 1:00 PM CET at the earliest, and it's already almost 8:00 over there.

>> No.7204688

There's still a full day to wait.

>> No.7204695


O, I was under the impression it was October 8th. kek

>> No.7206132

less than 11 bongs to go fam

>> No.7206240

we /pitchfork/ now

>> No.7206293

Karl ove knausgard tbh fam

>> No.7206313

If Lobo Antunes doesn't get this, then it's going to be the death of the nobel.

>> No.7206318

What does 'fam' mean? Is it 'family'? Is it 'for a moment'? what is it?

>> No.7206325

Whatever you want it to mean tbh fam, u got me smh@u

>> No.7206335

I can't get into his prose tbh. Maybe I read his weaker books, idk

yes. it's hip-hop/black twitter slang

>> No.7206365

They were considering giving it to Ryszard Kapuscinski before he died

>> No.7206369

I only read Arquipelago da Insonia and a few cronicas.

He is a genius. Reread him. Don't look at it as an advice coming from me, but rather as one coming from George Steiner, who loves Antunes so much that he invited Antunes into his own house (there's a one hour Youtube video of the meeting, and Steiner looked very pleased). Harold Bloom also thinks highly of him.

Saramago hated him, but he also hates Saramago. It is a case of mutual envy, for they represent two very different approaches to literature - Antunes is the craftsman, Saramago is the story-teller.

>> No.7206395

that's never gonna happen. half of his works are utterly worthless.

>> No.7206437

>i'm the only person in the world making patrician highbrow novels
lel. his novels are the definition of middlebrow. he's the franzen of the uk except franzen can at least traverse outside the ivory tower.

>> No.7206472

awarding a journalist is a waste of the prize.

Among the longlisters, I'd vote for Ko Un or Oates.

>> No.7206495

The Ladbrokes list is not a longlist

>> No.7206511

you are utterly worthless

>> No.7206530

At least it would be fitting. The "Nobel Prize for Literature" is a waste of a prize. Leave the accolades to the sciences.

>> No.7206535

What's the brownest most banal thing that has been nominated

Can I nominate lacquered wood to win the Nobel? I can carve a vagina into it if you want

>> No.7206546

The right to submit proposals for the award of a Nobel Prize in Literature shall, by statute, be enjoyed by:
1. Members of the Swedish Academy and of other academies, institutions and societies which are similar to it in construction and purpose;
2. Professors of literature and of linguistics at universities and university colleges;
3. Previous Nobel Laureates in Literature;
4. Presidents of those societies of authors that are representative of the literary production in their respective countries.

>> No.7206561

So, cucks?

>> No.7206616

I would say mainly in anglophone countries but the cancer seems to be spreading

>> No.7206658

if murakami wins, I hereby pledge to decline the award when i win it

>> No.7206686

No I know, but it likely resembles the longlist. Most of them are at least nominated

>> No.7206690

love this meme, post it again!

>> No.7206760

>Antunes is the craftsman, Saramago is the story-teller.
Dunno. I agree that Saramago is the better storyteller, but I can't really call Antunes the better craftsman. He feels contrived to me.

>> No.7207044

Has anyone actually read Fosse? Is it any good?

>> No.7207633

3 hours til announcement

>> No.7207680


>> No.7207718

Don't ask me to tell you how I know this, but I'm getting word about who the winner is. It's a man. He's not American. He lives in a very small country, and his life has been very hard. He doesn't like totalitarianism at all. His novels have not been translated into English, but I've been able to ascertain that they are all about peasants who bemoan their miserable lives for 300 pages before hanging themselves. Anglo-American critics have called his work "very important." He is around fifty years old, but he looks much older because his life has been very tough.

>> No.7207724 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 554x513, madman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, who could it be?!

>> No.7207881

Only an hour left!

>> No.7207891

It's Murakami
You heard it here first
For reals though, my guess it'll be Adunis

>> No.7207895

Announcement here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmyoboDkWjI

>> No.7207909

i hope it's an unknown Nordic writer who fall from a chair once

>> No.7207912

they select the winner in the morning of the day or they know few days before?

>> No.7207918

I don't know but it's like 2 PM in Sweden

>> No.7207931

come on Ko Un!

>> No.7207948

Harold Bloom ..in yo face niggaz

>> No.7207954

Roth, Pynchon or McCarthy?

>> No.7207956

It won't be an American.

>> No.7207957

None of them, they hate americans

>> No.7207962

Jon Fosse

>> No.7207972

Delillo has more chances than those three tbh

>> No.7207984

Still a half hour til announcement I guess

>> No.7208002

There have been 10 Americans who won - only France has more with 15.

>> No.7208004


>> No.7208006

I assume the winner knows by this hour, he could make a little extra on ladbrokes. Bukowski would have done that.

>> No.7208040

Only a few minutes left!!! Race to be the first one to say "literally who?"?

>> No.7208042

Last time was Toni Morrison in 1993 tho

>> No.7208046

USA looking like Liverpool FC rn

captcha: burguer

>> No.7208047

calling it as joyce carol oates

>> No.7208052
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pls no

>> No.7208053

lol if she ever wins it

>> No.7208065


>> No.7208070


>> No.7208072

svetlana got it :(

>> No.7208082

Phil Roth on suicide watch tbh

>> No.7208086

and /lit/ was literally speechless

>> No.7208092

it's not anybody's read anything of her, right?

>> No.7208094

How do I into Svetlana, fams?

>> No.7208095

wonder why it didn't happen last year lol

yeah it's so damn surprising that the person everyone expected to win, won

>> No.7208098

She's not been translated to my language. Next year I'll tell you what I think of her, fam

>> No.7208099

What do you expect when they give it to a literally who with no discernible talent.

>> No.7208100

Wow, nice prediction, can't believe you were correct

>> No.7208109

fuck nobel for choosing a journalist, waited a year for this huuuuuuoooooooooooooo

>> No.7208112

So now that we've gotten the political choice out of the way, who do y'all think's gonna win next year?

>> No.7208125

I fucking hate the nobel comitee and there will never again be a non-political winner
Intersectionality is the name of the game in my hellhole of a country

>> No.7208129

>all non-american winners are political choices

>> No.7208133

I doubt that's true, the five winners before this weren't political at all IMO

>Female journalist who writes about war
Definitely political

>> No.7208139

saracul Cartarescu, mai sta un an pe fasole

>> No.7208140

The next winner is going to be a female again so it can be the first time two females win in a row.

>> No.7208150

Cartarescu poor, one year longer sit on beans

>> No.7208155

She's a fucking journalist. She makes FILMS. You had may as well fucking give it to Glenn Greenwald. It's not our industry, you Swedecuck hacks.

>> No.7208168

hey retard, they gave the Peace Prize to Obama and Kissinger, it's a joke at this point, just like Sweden

>> No.7208170


Because I, for one, haven't.

>> No.7208174

Voices from Chernobyl is honestly a great book. More interviews than literature, a new thing for the Nobel but predictable choice.

>> No.7208177



>> No.7208179

lmao, change man to woman and novels to journalism and this was spot on. what a joke.

>> No.7208196
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>> No.7208211

Svetlana Alexivitch?

>> No.7208257


>> No.7208301

What do you think about Mo Yan?

>> No.7208307

>“I don’t ask people about socialism, I ask about love, jealousy, childhood, old age,” Alexievich writes in the introduction to the forthcoming Second-hand Time. “Music, dances, hairstyles. The myriad sundry details of a vanished way of life. This is the only way to chase the catastrophe into the framework of the mundane and attempt to tell a story.

Yeah sounds totes political to me lmao women amirite xD

>> No.7208332

What a joke to give a nobel lit prize to a journalist, what's next a blog writer?

This is so wrong, if she was from Trinidad and wrote about banana shortage wouldn't have won shit.

Bring back the times when Le Clezio was winning.

>> No.7208334

That absolutely sounds political lol

>> No.7208917


>> No.7208927

>hurr, im that troll that goes to history threads and trashes non-fiction.

>> No.7208932

Sandalwood Death is one of my top 5 novels, red sorghum was good but not great. Life and Death are wearing me out is on my too read list.

>> No.7208940

/lit/ has definitely talked about voices from chernobyl.

i just ordered it

>I am not well read enough to know her
>therefore she is irrelevant

the hubris of /lit/ continues to shock me

>> No.7208956

Tbh this has all got me interested in reading some Adunis.

>> No.7210543

Talent or no talent, giving this award --one that's historically been for fiction writers-- to a journalist makes the award even more fraudulent.

>> No.7210797

The second ever Nobel Prize in Literature was given to a historian you absolute retard.

>> No.7210989

The peace prize isn't a serious prize, hasn't been for a long time. My great-uncle won it in the 50s for advances in nutrition that were credited with saving a hundred million lives a year.

>> No.7211003


>> No.7211015

I mean Pynchon pretty much won it once already but he was busy with his banana

>> No.7211019

Pynchon won it already though... I mean he didn't win win but he still won

>> No.7211073

That just means it's been a joke from nearly the beginning.

>> No.7211074

neither roth nor delillo are innovative in any way shape or form.

>> No.7211082


Sure thing bro.

>> No.7211083

Bertrand Russel.

>> No.7211101

They should have at least split it into a nonfiction prize and a fiction prize then.

>> No.7211103

who is

>> No.7211112

No, it's a literature prize, hence the name.

>> No.7211716

lol, reddit babbies butthurt because they don't know that nobel explicitly demanded that the prize was given to political authors. stay mad, plebs.

>> No.7213160

>good literature
>21th century
Nobel prizes are literally memes now.

All good and creative literature stopped coming around the 80s; now all you see and hear is hipster crap that forms itself by copying aspects of previous authors.

>> No.7213174


>> No.7213252

I hope you folks realize the Nobel for literature has never been legitimate. It's been a joke since Joyce died without having won it.