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7195953 No.7195953 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7195958

its good. i dont even love hemingway and i think its good

>> No.7195960

the sun also sets

>> No.7195961

Probably the only Hemingway book I enjoyed.

>> No.7195967

Meh, I think Papa's short stories and the old man and the sea are better

>> No.7196011

I thought it was shit tier.

>muh bull

>> No.7196014

Great book. Extremely well written, very easy to read and digest. Gives the social perspective of his clique very well; the humorous sensibility, ironic pretentiousness; and a man's sexual suffering that he has to bear because he really doesn't have any choice. The Jewish character, what's his name, the boxer, I think comes across as very real ... gets attached to this girl and makes things awkward for everybody else. It's a very social story.

I much prefer fantasy and science fiction and stuff that deals with more esoteric or different concepts, but if you want pure, traditional modern fiction, it seems to me like TSAR probably checks most of the boxes.

One thing that struck me when reading is how he is really into describing the locomotion and transportation of moving around Paris and down to Spain, for the fishing trip or whatever. I guess this is a sense of realism; something I was also reminded of when recently reading Knausgaard's first book. I think I didn't necessarily appreciate or understand this kind of method when I was younger. It can seem kind of like stock filler, or unnecessary writing. But with my current perspective, I suspect that these sorts of details are actually one of the most beneficially sanitizing elements of reading, the way that they kind of bring you into a more orderly and well constructed conception of reality. In contrast to random memes, cat pictures, etc., the total modern internet experience, for example.

>> No.7196036

Awful. The writing was excruciating.

>> No.7196069

What is one of your favorite books, so we can get an idea of the kind of person you are who is criticizing.

>> No.7196368

Really beautiful book. The parts in Pamplona were comfy af. No other author writes so perspicuously on masculinity. Writing style is brilliant. Relationship between Jake and Brett is tragic af

>> No.7196439

good but i don't like animal cruelty tbh

stupid macho bullshit smh

>> No.7196444

hemingway is a fag and this book sucks dicks

>> No.7196678

Fucking great book. It's Hemingway's only good novel-length fiction.

>> No.7196777

nice to see a quality post

>> No.7196914

Nice to see quality trips

>> No.7197138

Good answer

>> No.7197267

What SF/F do you like? Just interested in your opinions because you seem right about this and able to express yourself well.

>> No.7198059

Couldn't get past page 60.

60 pages of absolutely nothing.

>> No.7198397

You didn't see the whole iceberg bruh

>> No.7198740

Enjoyed it once they got to Spain. Paris was kinda gay tbh. Though I did like the drunk guy who was always a stuffed animal enthusiast.