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/lit/ - Literature

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7193785 No.7193785 [Reply] [Original]

Do you keep a journal /lit/? If so has it been worthwhile?

>> No.7193812

my diary tbh

>> No.7193814
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>today I shitposted (shatpost?) on /lit/ for 16 hours and made my mummy take me to the tendies store twice because the bitch insists on serving a "balance breakfast." I made poopy for the first time in four days, and I could see something break behind mummy's eyes when she came in to clean me up. My wee-wee was hard and mummy wouldn't look me in the eyes. I will have to punish her for her rudeness.

It's going to be a best seller in a few years.

>> No.7193873

I do. I typically use it more as an agenda/daily log but sometimes I put my thoughts in. I track books I've read, I keep lists and goals. I have a separate workout journal as well. I find it very useful.

>> No.7193897
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Yes I do, and its repetitive as all hell. How many different ways can I write "today I shitposted on an anime forum in between bouts of reading and crying."

>> No.7194052

I just started. It feels very refreshing. I have also started journaling my dreams

>> No.7195621
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>> No.7195643
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I do and i love it. I just keep a big word doc but i also a hand notebook. Ill take notes through the about whatever. When i sit down to write on word I usually start it off by writing what i that day and and reflecting on it by memory before looking to the hand book. Ill write any ideas i have for stories or poems in it as well.
About once a month a go back and read through all my entries and look for any ideas or anything worthwhile i'd forgotten about or whatever.
I really cant understate the value of keeping a journal. I try to write in it in the morning and at night before bed.

>> No.7195659

I don't. I don't want to remember the 70 hour weeks

>> No.7195672

I had his problem too. When i actually started reflecting on my days, i realized how fucking dull my actually was. It motivated me to push myself into interesting expierences that i normally wouldnt just so i wouldnt have to write a boring journal entry that night. Its been really cool tbh