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File: 176 KB, 800x1066, le crazy lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7193105 No.7193105 [Reply] [Original]

lol spoiled fucking rich girl. Went to private schools and had a wealthy family. Would she even believe there's (many) white males in America in 2015 that have just shitty public education and definitely no college.

She's just a bitter ugly girl. Every ugly girl I've ever met was a bitter, impossible-to-be-around cunt. All her feminist musings boil down to "Why didn't the boys like me! Why didn't the other girls like me! Abloo abloo!" like it always fucking does.

>> No.7193128
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lol spoiled fucking rich dude. Went to private academies and had a wealthy family. Would he even believe there's (many) white males in America in 2015 that have just shitty public education and definitely no college.

He's just a bitter ugly guy. Every ugly guy I've ever met was a bitter, impossible-to-be-around fucker. All his logical musings boil down to "Why didn't the politicians like me! Why didn't the other philosophers like me! Abloo abloo!" like it always fucking does.

>> No.7193146
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lmao fukken blind ass nigga cant see shit talking bout MUH SATAN MUH GOD get a load of dis nigga

>> No.7193154


Sexually frustrated female detected

>> No.7193179

You heard it here first, misogyny doesn't exist

>> No.7193185

oh sure it does to some degree. but the idea that all women are Shakespeares-in-waiting being held down by the white man, what a fucking joke.

>> No.7193204

>Men may hate women, but some women are stupid!

okay champ

>> No.7193206

hmm sounds like you need to improve your reading skills before you criticize. Don't worry though, it just takes practice

>> No.7193219

Women only know how to talk about the patriarchy. The few niggers who can write all write about slavery and white racism. Minorities in general are stupid, narrow minded and self absorbed. Don't expect any serious philosophical thought from a non-white, non-male person.

>> No.7193229
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lol spoiled fucking rich girl. Went to private schools and had a wealthy family. Would she even believe there's (many) white males in America in 2015 that have just shitty public education and definitely no college.

She's just a bitter ugly girl. Every ugly girl I've ever met was a bitter, impossible-to-be-around cunt. All her cynic musings boil down to "Why didn't the boys like me! Why didn't the other girls like me! Abloo abloo!" like it always fucking does.

>> No.7193232

thanks for posting, at first I didn't think retarded people should be institutionalized, but now I do

>> No.7193236

socrates was a black trans womyn.

>> No.7193242

You realize that women and nonwhites are not minorities right

>> No.7193245


>> No.7193253

>All her feminist musings boil down to "Why didn't the boys like me! Why didn't the other girls like me! Abloo abloo!"

I get the impression that all your musings boil down to this as well OP.

>> No.7193260

It obviously does exist, but it is in no way prevalent or even an issue in today's western society
It's ridiculous to imply that women face sexism and misogyny on a daily basis. It's simply not true and it isn't an issue

>> No.7193271


>Minorities in general are stupid, narrow minded and self absorbed

Maxim #1: The elegance of hypocrisy is primarily determined by the amount of words in which it finds it expression; the fewer the words, the greater the elegance.

>> No.7193276


>Simone de Beauvoir
>Hannah Arendt
>Judith Butler

>> No.7193278

kill yourself

>> No.7193282


>> No.7193285

She was a virulent anti-semite despite being married to a Jew.

Her books contain offensive Jewish stereotypes and her diaries are Mein Kampf-tier.

>> No.7193290

How do you know? Are you a woman?

>> No.7193295

I know because I'm a male who's discriminated against and held down and oppressed by the feminist-Jewish matriarchy.
Take the redpill

>> No.7193297

Was the crying of lot 49 a red herring?
I feel like it is

>> No.7193302

all of them did just that.

>> No.7193304

Can you point out one single aspect of western society that is inherently sexist

>> No.7193310


>> No.7193311

socrates identified as a black lesbian

>> No.7193312


Simone de Beauvoir was justified in doing it. You obviously know nothing of Hannah Arendt. Butler talks about ontology, not patriarchy.

>> No.7193316

american detected

>> No.7193317



>> No.7193319

does anyone ITT ever interact with women IRL

>> No.7193323

who /lit/ here

>> No.7193324


>> No.7193330

Beauvoir was justified? She lived off Sartre (financially and literally - as in all her ideas come from him), raped her female students and then wrote about how marriage is inherently oppressive for women. She once turned down a marriage proposal to some guy she loved because she felt she "owed it" to Sartre not to marry anyone else.

Worst case of an author not taking their own ideas seriously.

>> No.7193341

Women can't serve in the military. Most can't work for equal pay. People use the pejorative "like a girl" ffs.

>> No.7193342

Yeah everyday
Women are tremendous I love 'em

>> No.7193344
File: 74 KB, 300x416, sport-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I'm a card-carrying dogmatic Lacanian who understands why women do this

Feels good understanding the contradictory nature of Feminism, why women are bad drivers, why they are obsessed with selfies and social media, why they pretend to not notice you on the sidewalk etc

>> No.7193346

Misogynists interact with women all the time, that's why they're so bitter

>> No.7193350

You don't even understand Lacan, you dense cunt.

>> No.7193359
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>> No.7193376

>stealing "card-carrying dogmatic Lacanian"-phrase from Zizek youtube video

Yeah, I'm sure you've studied Lacan intently.

>> No.7193379

what did lacan stand for

>> No.7193381

my goodness

>> No.7193388
File: 28 KB, 347x500, 1439245896726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad.

> On the other hand, there are subjects for whom access to jouissance is much more closely linked to the domain of the Other’s discourse, to how they not so much talk as are talked about: erotic pleasure hinges, for example, on the seductive talk of the lover, on the satisfaction provided by speech itself, not just on the act in its stupidity. Does this contrast not explain the long-observed difference in how the two sexes relate to cybersex? Men are much more prone to use cyber- space as a masturbatory device for their lone playing, immersed in stupid, repetitive pleasure, while women are more prone to participate in chat rooms, using cyberspace for seductive exchanges of speech. - Slavoj Zizek

>> No.7193406
File: 26 KB, 599x398, 1438809074374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hasn't read Milton's Paradise Lost
> doesn't get the part where Eve runs away from Adam when she first sees him and goes back to staring at her reflection in the water

Read a fucking book.

>> No.7193409

>Women can't serve in the military
Not true. We even have women in the US Army Rangers
>Most can't work for equal pay
The wage gap has been refuted countless times now
>People use the pejorative "like a girl" ffs
How is that sexist or misogynistic exactly?
This might surprise you but women are in fact different than men

>> No.7193418

don't fucking diss virginia woolf dude, that's fighting talk

>> No.7193419

we /pol/ now

>> No.7193421

you're posting this ironically but the thing is that you're right

>> No.7193425
File: 455 KB, 904x1169, 1416225975520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try reading Lacan himself.

Here some more Zizek Lacan-inspired inspiration for you.

>> No.7193427

ITT: a bunch of dumbass cuck libtards getting butthurt at OP

>> No.7193429

We have women with Ranger patches. We sure as shit don't have women fighting alongside male rangers (as it should be imo tbh).

Wage gap is bullshit

People say you do something "like a girl" to mean you're bad at it. Don't pretend they say it to prompt discussion about sexual dimorphism.

>> No.7193431
File: 30 KB, 873x364, jobim-62-canc3a7c3a3o-do-mar-copacabana-palace-37-1b-c1-sh10f61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What irks the feminists so much about Lacan is that he pretty much claims that women want to be objectified and that lesbianism is a reaction to not feeling objectified by men but also that they CANNOT articulate that they are really, truly, only in love with themselves.

The whole french feminism movement is an attempt to try to articulate what women want. Beauvoir tried to disprove a Freudian/Lacanian explication of Lesbianism using Sartrean voodoo.

IMO the best feminist response to Lacan is Irigaray.

>> No.7193443

No one could get butthurt by such inept posting. They are annoyed perhaps that stupid shit like this was posted here. Readers of any political persuasion should be embarrassed by this.

>> No.7193452

>People say you do something "like a girl" to mean you're bad at it
Women, on average are not as physically strong as men on average. This is factual and therefore not sexist to point out.
When you say to a man "You throw like a girl" what you are doing is calling him weak. When you say this it's not to degrade women, it's to degrade the man that you're saying it to

>> No.7193456
File: 162 KB, 600x775, 50-7ed76022ae-600x775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is exactly what I'm saying.

Women love that which makes them, in their heads, feel more valuable.

They don't love men as men but as men who love women. Men love women as women.

This is why, Freud/Lacan claims, women have to learn heterosexuality. When they can't learn it they become lesbian.

>> No.7193463

>When you say to a man "You throw like a girl" what you are doing is calling him weak.
Purely anecdotal but this isn't why me and my friends said it when I was a kid. We'd say someone threw like a girl because of his form regardless of how hard he threw.

>> No.7193464


The wage gap comes from the fact that men work longer hours, more overtime, and are generally more dedicated and focused on their careers. When a woman takes 2-3 years off work to raise a child she looses out in career advancement, where men generally work all the way through the early years of a child's life. Because of all this men get more substantial raises then women and their wages are slightly better ( 8% or so). Anything other than that can be chalked up to different choices in careers and the full vs part time work distinction.

If feminists want "equal work for equal pay" women will have to work equally to men first. Which they don't want to do because having a social life and spending all of your husbands disposable income because he is too busy working to is a much comfier lifestyle than working 60 hours a week.

>> No.7193475

In my defense girls do throw pretty weird tbh

>> No.7193476

You clearly haven't read Lacan. Man's love is entirely narcissistic.

>> No.7193479

I'm not saying they don't. They do tbh

>> No.7193483

I know and that does not disagree with my points.

>> No.7193484

I'm glad we reached an agreement fam

>> No.7193494

>man loves women as women

'no'. Men loves women as an object that can help constitute his own-idealized self-image

>> No.7193502

Yes, and loving women as an object is loving women as women.

It's not really about her behaviour. She's hot or she's not.

For women it really is about man's behaviour. He's not an object but a mirror that reflects back to her.

>> No.7193517

It's the same for men. Man feels himself desirable when he sees himself being desired in the eyes of the woman who fascinates his gaze.

>> No.7193532

It's not at all "the same" but it is equal. Both genders are pathetic but in different ways for Lacan.

The discourse of the Other is essential for women's orgasms and not for men's.


>> No.7193544

Read this. I'm sure we agree.

>> No.7193559

Female jouissance is the Kantian sublime.

Women can't speak/know it.

>> No.7193577


>> No.7193587

>lesbianism is a reaction to not feeling objectified by men but also that they CANNOT articulate that they are really, truly, only in love with themselves.
80% of the lesbians I know conform so much to this it's not even funny.

>> No.7193766

this fam tbh smh

>> No.7193799

honestly the weakest argument I've ever seen against Woolf. 90% of the authors discussed on /lit/ were staunch anti-semitics

>> No.7193888

The fuck you say? Marine recon (their branch of special operations) is and has been open to women. There is no difference in the training and testing they receive in the program. Were a woman to pass, she would be a recon member just like any other, the only problem is: not one woman has passed. 0. Zilch. Fuckin nobody. Attempts made to integrate women into combat units had proved almost universally disastrous. Exceptions are mostly in informal guerrilla forces. Even that is shaky at best. Most women just aren't warriors.

>> No.7193898

This Lacan discussion is interesting, where do I start with him? I've heard he's difficult to understand.

>> No.7193915

He's a hack

>> No.7193992


Please go on, I'm honestly listening

>> No.7193994
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>> No.7194086

well when you're privileged and some rich upper class fuck like Descartes who doesn't live in fear of losing your body or home, you can say stupid shit like "NO ONE BUT ME EXISTS U CANT PROVE IT"

>> No.7194103

>Most can't work for equal pay
when you hear this you know you're talking to a retard

>> No.7194873

>people got mad at this when the entirety of history serves as evidence for it
lol. continue believing your fairy tales i guess

>> No.7195227

Ok, so she has SOME redeeming qualities.

>> No.7196405

So it makes it okay?

>> No.7196408

Kinda? Like how believing pre-Galen that the veins carried air is kinda okay?

>> No.7196432

my girlfriend is a feminist

>> No.7196438

I have sex with my gf and only call people gay in front of feminists.

>> No.7196440

>Tbh tho 2016
>Not being a feminist
Really, lads? Quite really? Nick Land is shaking his head at you all tbqh.

>> No.7196449

why is her head so narrow?

>> No.7196452

It's grand. She has grand features.

>> No.7196457



>> No.7196486

lmao no joke actually tho